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Illustration for 'what does it look like'?

What does (it) look like?

Selchímomex means ‘What does it look like?’ in Halq’eméylem. You can also use selchímomex to ask ‘What colour is it? ‘…


  • Selchímomex sounds like sull-CHEEM-ohm-ekw, except that instead of a k at the end you say the Halq’eméylem soft-x sound.
  • To make the soft-x, gently create friction with your tongue against the roof of your mouth
  • The second vowel (í) has extra emphasis.


Audio: Elizabeth Herrling, Elizabeth Phillips


Here are some ways you can use selchímomex:

  • Hold up an object, and ask a child Selchímomex te’i?What colour is this?
  • Point to an object, and ask Selchímomex tetha?What color is that?
  • Hold up a book, and say Iti tel pékw. Selchímomex?This is my book. What colour is it?
  • Ask your friend who saw a new baby Selchímomex te sqáqele?What does the baby look like?

Note:  selchímomex is a good way to ask about colours—but you can also use it to ask about any aspect of how things look, such as if something is ugly or good looking, etc.

Related words:

Selchímomex is related to these words:

  • selchímhow? how is it that…?
  • selchímeleqelwhat does it sound like? (the –eleqel ending appears on words for sounds)
  • selchímáléqepwhat does it smell like? (the –áléqep ending appears on words for smells)



About the -ómex ending

The –omex ending that you see in selchímomex also appears in many other words related to appearance. For example:

  • iyómexgood-looking (from ey good + –omex)
  • qeló:mexugly (from qelbad + -omex)



Note: the dictionary also lists a clearly related form,  selchímemex ,to mean ‘what colour is it?‘.  This may be the same word with a slightly different pronunuciation.

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