Halq'eméylem - English Dictionary


'éts' 'ets' to stutter


a'áchewlh until, unless

a'axwíyelhp a small tree

ahíw be upriver

a'iy cute (little ones)

akwéléxt to fire (a gun)

al'álex siblings

alalílelhp salmonberry plants

alalxwí:tsel several things being in the middle, between

Alámex Smámelt Agassiz Mountain

aláshxw seals

alepel maggots

alétse where (is it)?

aléx̲ey snakes

Alhqá:yem village on Strawberry Island

alhteláwtxw restaurant

alíliyem laughter

alíy good (eg. many things, people)

alíyó:mex good looking (of several people)

alqáls to buy, to shop (intr.)

alts'elít to separate things or objects

alxélés in front (of many)

alxwí:tsel be in the middle, between

Aseláw Stótelō Siwash creek

atl'qelómet (manage to) go outside, to get out, to escape

atl'qíl bringing outside, getting outside

atl'qílt to bring s-o, s-th outside, to bring s-o, s-th outside, to kick s-o, s-th outside, to reveal s-th

awkw'áwtxw clothing store

axelés to be in front

axelésmel in front of, front of a house

axwí:l small, little, a little bit

ayí:l going away, leaving (maybe of several people)


chácha be tender (emotions)

cháchelh having arthritis pain, aching of arthritis

ch'ách'exwel getting silent, becoming quiet

chachí:q'el mink

ch'ach'íxwt drying a bunch of things

chachí:yelhtel hanging lots of fish to dry

cháchket little jacket

cháchu beach, shore

cháket jacket

ch'álechem find a seat, have a seat, sit down (on a chair)

cháleket jackets

ch'áletstel chair, bench, seat, something to sit on

chaléwt turn s-th/s-o over, flip it over, turn it inside out

chálewt turning something inside out, flipping it over, turning it inside out

cháléx hand

chálexw wife (slang)

chálh have arthritis pain

chá:lhtel smoking salmon (hanging fish up to smoke)

chalís cherries

chá:lmel chinese person

chá:lmelelhs álhtel chinese food

chá:lmels s'álhtel chinese food

chám jam

ch'ámet put s-th between the teeth, put it in one's mouth, bite on s-th (not into it)

chámet carrying s-th/s-o on one's back, packing it on one's back'

cháxtwem getting swelled up

chá:xw wife (slang, not respectful, 'the old lady')

ch'áxwel get silent, become quiet

ch'ech'áletstel chairs

chechelhqí:l roof of your mouth

ch'ech'émels a biter (animal, fish, etc.), a thing that is (always) biting

chechemo:st meeting someone

chékel chicken

chékelélets chicken-dung

chelá:l what a lot ! It's sure a lot

chelá:lqwlha it's sure a lot

cheláqelh yesterday

cheláqelhelh yesterday

chelcháléx hands

chelchálmel chinese people

chelchélq falling

chél:exw to catch up with someone

chélhmel top of house

chélhqel have a high voice

chelhqí:l roof of your mouth

chélhta to borrow

chélhtat lend it to s-o, let s-o borrow it

chelóqtel walk single file

chelúkwqel chinook jargon

ch'emá:ls a thing that bites, always biting

chemchémlexw running away with someone, eloping with someone

chémet pack it on your back

chémlexw to run away with someone , to elope with someone

chemóstel meet each other

chémq stop blowing (of wind)

chémq~tsémq stop blowing (of wind)

chewchewōlhp black cottonwood trees

chewélhem a fish going to spawn

chewōlhp black cottonwood tree

chewóthel sit on riverbank

chexw you

chí' something scary, monster

chíchelh high

chíchelhmel very top of house

chíchelhqel haveing a high voice

Chíchelh Siyá:m God

chíchelh téméxw heaven

chichelóqtel walking single file

chichewóthel sit on riverbank

chíchex̲em bitter, rancid

chichex̲émthet getting bitter, getting rancid

ch'ich'eyáq fish-traps

ch'ich'ít thanking him/her

ch'ich'íxwt to dry a bunch of things

chíkmel iron, silver

chí:letmexw great horned owls, several owls

chílheqw bushy hair

chílukwqel chinook jargon

ch'íthómetsel I thank you

chítmexw great horned owl

ch'iyáq use a fish-trap

ch'íyáqtel Tzeachten

chiyólh to gather firewood

Chí:yó:m cheam

chiyóyelh to gather firewood

chmá:m packing something

chmaméleqw have a pack strap on head

chmá:t carrying s-th/s-o on one's back, packing it on one's back

chmítl' be dirty

chó:chem going away from water

chóchexw going down to the river

chochkwó:les goatsbeard plant

chó:kw far

chokwélelqem traking an animal

chókwelhta borrowing

chókwelhtat borrowing something

chokwelstexw where did __ put it?

chokwí:lt to follow behind someone, trail someone, track someone

chokwú:lt following him/her, trailing someone

chokwú:ltem tracking an animal

chó:leqw in the forest

chóleqwmel side of house away from river

chólex̲wem to bleed

chó:lqem follow

chó:lt follow him/her

chólx̲wem bleeding

chó:m to go away from water

chó:mtel elope, run away with each other

chowéthel Katz Reserve

chō:wqwela Canada lynx

chóxw go down to water

chó:ythet stop (of wind)

chucháchu beaches, shores

chuchuwáx̲el front side of a house

chuchuwó:ythel out in the middle of river

chxélcha to catch it (fish, animal)

chx̲í:mthet get bitter, rancid

chxwélmel want a wife

chxwétem be swollen up, swelled up


ch'ách'exwel getting silent, becoming quiet

ch'ach'íxwt drying a bunch of things

ch'álechem find a seat, have a seat, sit down (on a chair)

ch'áletstel chair, bench, seat, something to sit on

ch'ámet put s-th between the teeth, put it in one's mouth, bite on s-th (not into it)

ch'áxwel get silent, become quiet

ch'ech'áletstel chairs

ch'ech'émels a biter (animal, fish, etc.), a thing that is (always) biting

ch'emá:ls a thing that bites, always biting

ch'ich'eyáq fish-traps

ch'ich'ít thanking him/her

ch'ich'íxwt to dry a bunch of things

ch'íthómetsel I thank you

ch'iyáq use a fish-trap

ch'íyáqtel Tzeachten


e'éwe no

eháléqep sound starts again far away

ehó wrapped up

ehó:t wrap someone up, wrap something up

ehó:yt cheat s-o

ekwékwiyeqw great-great grandparent

ekw'elexw to lose it

ekw'í:kw'elexw losing something

ekw'ólem to lose

elelíle salmonberries

el'élíyá dreaming, having visions

el'éliyemet dreaming about (it)

elílá:lhp salmonberry plant

elíle salmonberry

elíyemet to dream about something, someone

eló:lh be aboard, be on, in a ride

elólmetsel waiting around

el'ólthet groaning

el stl'etl'í I love

el stl'í I want/I need...

emémeles little round thing

e:méstexw bringing it

eméstexw to bring it

emét to sit down

emetáwtxw bathroom

emíkw'elo come here

emílst to get near him/her/it

emímel a little bit, small bit, a few

em'ímet stepping on it

em'ímeth grandchildren

emí:stexw bring, take (it)

emó:th'iya youngest sister of Lhílheqey

epále ten (counting people)

epále qas te lólets'e eleven (counting people)

epálōws ten leaves

epó:les ten (counting dollars)

epó:les qas te léts'es eleven (counting dollars)

epólestem cost ten dollars

epólestexw charge ten dollars

eq'éq'esem turkey vulture

eqéylem crawl underneath

eqéylemet crawl under it

e'qw'chestel napkin

eqwéqwelets back, backside

e'qw'ilep to mop

eqw'í:ls wipe the dishes

esáp' it's ended, ending a story

esép' te sx̲wōx̲wiyám end the story

eth'íwsem put on a dress

etítetáwtxw bedrooms

et'ó:t' slingshot (stretched kind)

ew again

ewá:lh was he ever?

ewesthóx Say no to me

ewéta nothing

ewéta shxwelistexw don't care about it.

ewéta shxwlixstexw don't care about it

ewetewát no-one

ewétó shxwlís it doesn't matter

ewéwestexw making him/her say 'no'

ewéwthet hurrying

ewkw'ellhelh out of breath

ewólem to play

e'wólemílep playground

ewólem kw'e lekyó:lta to play cards

ex̲eymet borrow it from him/her

ex̲éymet borrow it from him/her

ex̲ímels putting on credit

ex̲imstexw to lend him/her money

ex̲ímstexw to lend him/her money

ex̲ó:ythílem to shave oneself

exwá:ls scratch around(like animals)

eyá:meth' good figure, to have a good figure

eyá:mets' good figure, have a good figure

eyáqt to change it

eyát to chase him/her

eyém strong

eyém~iyém strong

eyémstexw make him strong

eyeqel have a clear voice

eyésthet to have fun

eyéy good

eyeyólwethet do it by yourself

eyéyqwlha How beautiful!(really)

eyéystexw liking something

eyi:lem clear up (as in the weather)

eyilem clear up (as in the weather)

ey latelh good morning

eyó:lemstexw to obey him/her

eyólés have good eyes

eyos leq'aleqel holidays

eyó:sthet a whole bunch having fun, having lots of fun, having a good time

eyóth sharp

eyotháléqep a sharp sound

ey slat good night

ey swayel good day

ey xwelált good evening


haháwt hunting something

haheláwt several (little) rats

háhey making a canoe

hahíkwthet getting big, rising (of floodwater)

hahomó:y shrimps

hákw'eles to remember (it)

hákw'stexw pekw notebook

hálem be going, be on one's way

hálemestexw bring it to him

hálkwepsem break your neck

halkwet breaking something (stick, stick like objects)

hálm'á:ls kicking

hálmat to kick him/her

hálpets get a ride

halpetst ride with him/her

hálp'ex eating something (short of a social meal)

hálqem diving

Halq'eméylem Upriver Halq'eméylem, the Halq'eméylem language

Halq'eméylemqel Halkomelem language

halqílem crawl underneath

halts'elít separate (them)

halts'elíthet a group separating themselves from another group'

hálts'elíthet gotten separated from a group, be separated (from others

hálts'et to fill (it)

hálxet put (it) on it's side

hálx̲et give him/her light

hálx̲ewe to torch-light

hamámt giving something away

hámekwelh to get hurt

hámelet put it in the water

hamílyel set a net

hámláloyel where you go to check a net

hámq' sinking

hámq'em to jump (of a fish)

hámq'et/méq'méq'et to swallow it

haqílem crawling underneath

hásem to sneeze

há:we go hunting

há:wt rat

háwt hunt something

há:y to make/adze a canoe

háyeqw burning, getting burned

há:yet vomiting

hehóyt cheat him/her

hékw'ekw'elh hiccuping

hékw'elh to hiccup

héleméstem gone in the head

hélemestexw bring it to him

hélémestexw take it to

hélkw't it broke

helme'als pol soccer

helmetem pol football

helqw it broke (of stick, bone)

hélqwet break it in half (stick, etc)

helwelh surprised, astonished

hélwex putting it in, putting something into a hollow place

hélx̲wet cover him/her with a blanket

hélx̲wethet cover yourself with a blanket

hemá to come off (e.g. button)

hémax taking something off

hemhemó: pigeon

hemó Pigeon

hemó: pigeon

hemqáxel rain and snow mixed

Hémq'eles a whirlpool

hémqw'et smash it

heqwhéyeqw fires, several fires

heshásem sneezing

hewháwe going hunting

hewháwt several rats

hewhíwth'át to tease (him/her/it)

hewth'át to tease (him/her/it)

hewth'áthet playing around, fooling around

hewth'eláq teasing

hewts'á get to top of mountain

heyat vomit (the thing)

heyatélmel Nauseated

heyatélmél nauseated

héyeq'et file it

héyeqw a fire

heyéqwelchep building a fire

héyeqwt burning something

heyhéylexw finish (it)

heyóthet walk backwards

héyqw'est sharpen (it)

héyqwest crumbling of the bark or softening of the bark

héythest telling (him/her)

heywí:leqw burning song

hiháwt little rat

híhókwex wear it (small person)

hihó:y finished, ready

hihó:yt to finish (it)

híkw big

hikwhí:kwstexw to think a lot of it

hikw shxwe'elolh kyo bus

híkwstexw to think a lot of it

híkwthet get big, rise (of floodwater)

hílaw pass on by, after

hilékw get ready

hí:lekw get ready

hílém fall and roll

hílew pass, go by (tr.)

hílex to pass by it

hilexw finish (it)

hilhiyóthlemethet take care of oneself

himqáxel rain and snow mixed

híqelem crawl underneath

híq'et file it

híqewsem putting on one's pants

hí:qwt invite him/her

híqwt to coax somone onto a trip

hí:tel weapon

hí:th a long time

híth for a long time

híx̲chem ask for a present

híx̲chemet ask for it

híyeqwels person who does burnings

híyex̲wet dismantle it

híyot beware of it

hiyóthlemethet take care of oneself

hiyqwels having a burning

híythestexw tell it to him/her/it

híyx̲chat give him/her a gift

hó:kwex using, wearing

hókwex to use, to wear

hokwex te shxwsósetl'als to vacuum

hóleqwem warming up

hóliya humback salmon

hōliya humpback salmon, pink salmon

hómkw'et/mekw'mekw'et take it all, pick it all up

hómó:y shrimp

hōqw' to drift

hōqw'elem to go downstream

hóqwels to sniff around

hóqwem to smell bad, to stink

hó:qwet sniffing, smelling sth, smelling it

hóqwet to sniff (it), smell (it)

hōqw'et drop it into water

hōqw'éylem drifting downstream

hó:qwlexw accidentally smell it

hó:qwléxw accidentally smell it

hóqwt to coax somone onto a trip

hóxwethílém to sigh

hó:y finished, ready

hóyeqwt invite him/her

hóyethel to finish eating

hóyówélh goodbye

hóystem get fired, get finished

hóystexw to fire, to finish (tr.)

hó:yt to finish (it)

hó:ythel to finish eating

hó:ythél finish eating

húheliya little humpback salmon

húlhú:liya humpback salmons, pink salmons (many)


i'á:yx̲ crab

i'éyel get better

i:ey syoyes hobbies

ilá:q stern of a boat

iláq stern of a boat

ileqá:ls buying (tr.)

ilhtelóthel snack on

iliyéthels edge of

ilólets'e alone, one person

ilólts'e alone, single

i:mex̲ walking

imexósem walk around, go for a walk

imexyósem to go for a walk

i'oyóm to walk slow

iqw'wí:ls drying dishes, wiping the dishes

i:salámeth' two ropes, poles, sticks

isalámeth' two ropes, poles, sticks

isá:le two

isá:le lá:ts'ewets two hundred

isálemó:t two kinds of piles

isá:leqel two (counting containers)

isá:les two o'clock

isálews two leaves

isá:lhp two trees

isalíqw two fish

isályiws two pairs of pants

isá:wes two paddles

iselíws two birds

isélwet two items of clothing

islá:wtxw two houses

islá:xw two times, twice

isláxw two times, twice

islōwelh two canoes

isó:les two dollars

isólestem cost two dollars

isólestexw charge two dollars for

isóls two fruit in a group (as they grow on a plant)

istéytiyel group of canoes going upriver

itetlómet fall asleep

iwá:ltses cat's cradle

i:wesá:ls a guide, showing people

iwólem playing

iyaléqep to smell good

iyáléqepthet starting to smell good

iyalewes Brave

iyálewes brave

iyálewet do it yourself

iyálewethet try to do it no matter what

iyá:q change, transform (intr.)

iyáqelhtset to change it for him/her

iyaqélwetem change one's clothes

iyáqt change it

Iyáqt ‘transform (it)’ or ‘change (it)’

iyáqthet change yourself

iyés female friend

iyéseq sir

iyílem clear up (of weather)

iyíyólem okay, alright

iyólem okay, alright

iyó:lemstexw to obey him/her

iyólewéthet do it by yourself

iyó:lwethet try to do it

iyólwethet try to do it

iyómex good-looking, beautiful, pretty, handsome, looks good

iyóqest change money

iyóqthet change oneself

iyóthet to start

iyóthlexw get it sharp

iyótht sharpen it


k'ák'elha pill-bug

kakó car

kalepú coat

kálti candy

kápech cabbage

kapú coat

kaselí:l gasoline

kaslíláwt gas station

kát wait

kéchel kitchen

kekwá:y jays, blue-jays

kelchóch anglican religion

kelchochéleqw part your hair on right side

kelétchel kitchens

kelíps grapes

kí:kexathet sewolem hockey

kíks cakes

klésmes Christmas


kópi coffee

kukemels cucumbers

kwá anyway

kw'ákw'es get scalded

kwá:l to hide yourself

kwáléws to murder

kwáléwst to murder him/her

kw'álht spilling something

kwalómet to get away

kwá:lx to hide it

kwamó:ythel round mouth

kw'ás get scalded

kw'áset scald it

kw'así:ws singe the hairs off

kwá:t let something go, drop something, let something lose

kw'át'el mouse

kw'átem trickle (of water)

kwátsem to scream

kw'átset to look at it

kw'átset te kwáyxem pekche'áls watch TV

kw'atset te sxelhám see a movie

kw'áxem counting

kw'áxt count it

kw'á:y get hungry

kwá:y jay, blue-jay

kwáyx̲em pékche'á:ls Television

kwá:yx̲t moving it

kw'e the, a, some [use for remote objects and non-specific items]

kwe'át to stop bothering him/her

kw'echú:yel check a net or trap

kw'e'í:qel lying on your back

kw'eí:qel to lie on your back

kw'e'íyeqel lie on your back

kw'e'íyqel lie on your back

kwekwát letting it go, dropping it, letting it lose

Kw'ekw'e'í:qw Kilguard Village

kw'ekw'élh be flowing

kw'ekw'ém to grow up

kwekweshú'ó:llh piglet

kw'ekw'éstel sturgeon anchor

kwekwiqel hiking

kw'ekw'íxwxel rubber boot

kw'ekw'iy to climb up

kw'ekw'iyeqel climbing a hill, mountain

kw'ekw'ós to hail (weather)

kwekwó:tel separate (in marrige)

kwekwótel be separated (in marriage), to break up (from each other)

kwekwótelstexw to separate [another couple] (tr.)

kw'ekw'qwá:lth'átel rug-beater

kwekwtsem to scream

kwekwú:ls hang onto (him/her)

kwekwx̲wó:mels blueberries, mountain huckleberries (Alaskan blueberry)

kw'él:a belly, stomach

kw'elálh how many times?

kwelálhtset to owe him

kwelát get, have, hold

kwél:em get, fetch

kwélest to catch an animal

kwelétses to shake hands

kwéletses shaking hands

kwelétsest shaking his/her hand, shake hands with someone

kwéletsest shake his/her hand, to shake hands with someone

kwéléx shoot off a gun, shot an arrow

kweléxt sting him/her

kwéléxt to shoot something

kwélexw to get, to have, to catch, to find

kw'élh tip over, spill (of liquid or solid), spilled, spill accidentally'

kw'elhí:thelh a long time ago

kwelkwáléws to murder

kwelkwáléwst to murder him/her

kw'élkw'el:á bellies, stomach (plural)

kwelkwelát get, have

kw'elkw'elōw skin

kwelkwelqéylem cave

kw'elkw'elyáx̲el bats

kwelkwímelésem to blush

kwelkwól corn

kwelkwólexw dog salmon (chum)

kw'elókw'exwóles shaped like a box

kw'elókw'tel mice

kw'eló:met pull oneself through, raise oneself

kwelósel to drive, to steer

kwelóst to catch an animal

kw'elōw skin

kw'elōwépsem skin of back of neck

kw'elōweqw scalp

kw'elōwíles skin of chest

kwelqéylem cave

kw'elqwálh hitting many times

kw'elqweláx̲el gettin hit on one's arms

kwelsám hot (feeling hot oneself)

Kwelshámexw Mt. Baker

Kwelshánexw Mt. Baker

kweltó:l to wrestle

kwéltsestel pot-holder

kweltssá:ls shaking hands

kwelúkwatwxw kitchen

kwelukwawtxw kitchen

kwelúkwelhtset to cook it for (him/her/it)

kw'elwáx̲el skin of arm

kw'élwelht step over it

kw'elwíts skin of back

kw'elwó:ythel skin of mouth, jaw

kw'élxel little dust-tornado

kw'ém to grow up

kwém to thud

kw'em:et to bring up a child

kw'emét to bring up a child

kwémkwémlexw roots

kwémlexw root

Kw'eqwálíth'a Coqualeetza

kw'eqweláx̲el get hit on one's arm

kw'eqwelá:x̲ellexw hit him/her on the arm

kw'eqwíwét to spank him/her

kw'éqwxel get hit on the leg

kw'eqwxellexw hit him/her on the leg

kw'esá:m overheat

kw'esélets get burned on bum

kweshú pig

kweshu'ósem smell like a pig

kweshú sméyeth bacon

kw'ésqel burned in the throat

kw'ésqel:exw burn him in the throat

kw'éstel sturgeon anchor

kwesúyex̲el valley

kwetáxwstexw keep it inside

kwetáxwt to let/bring him/her in

kwétexwílem go inside

kwétexwt to let/bring him/her in

kw'eth'í:lt turn it right way up

kw'éthx̲em tippy(of canoe)

kwetl'éthet struggle to get free

kw'éts see

kw'éts'eles Have a part in your hair

kw'etskw'etstel butchering knife

kw'étslexw to see him/her/it

Kw'étslexw to see (it)

kw'etslóme see you

kw'éts'tel butchering knife

kwétstexw show it to him/her

kwetxwí:lem go inside

kwétxwílemet to break into (tr.)

kw'ewátes somebody, anybody

kwexáls naming

kw'exát count it

kw'éx̲w make a bang

kw'exwkw'óxwemel hoof

kwikw'eát to stop bothering him/her

kw'íkw'echú:yel check a net or trap

kwíkweltó:l to wrestle

kwíkwemel turn red

kwíkweshu little pig

kwíkwetl'em Coquitlam

Kwíkwetl'em Coquitlam

kw'íkw'etsest stare at his/her face

kw'íkw'etset butchering it, cutting it up

kwíkwex wild

kwíkwexet naming him/her

kw'íkw'exw pitch, sap, gum

kw'íkw'íthet train oneself (as spirit dancer)

kwikwiyó:s uncle or aunt (respectful term)

kw'íkw'xōs hail in sleets

kw'í:l how many?

kw'ílá:lhp how many trees?

kw'ílás how many people?

kw'í:les how many dollars?

kw'íles how much?

kw'í:letsel grizzly bears

kw'ílwelh how many canoes?

kw'ílwes how many paddles?

kwímelésem to blush

kwimeléstem to blush

kw'íqel sprout up

kw'íthet train oneself (as spirit dancer)

kw'í:tsel grizzly bear

kw'ítset butcher it, cut it up

kwíxet to read something, to name him/her

kw'íxw pitch, sap, gum

Kw'íxw Sap

kw'íxwel rubber boot

kw'íxwelhp pitchwood

kw'íxwxel rubber boot

kw'íy to climb up

kw'iyálhchetem he's forbidden

kw'íyá:m stingy

kw'íyat to refuse someone something, deny someone something

kw'íyatem forbidden

kw'íyeqel to climb a hill, mountain, rock climbing

kwíykwethesem shake your head

kwiyó:s uncle or aunt (respectful term)

kw'íystexw raise it up

kw'íyt to climb (it)

kwíythesem shake your head

kwíyx̲emel to move around

kwíyx̲t to move it

kwíyx̲thet to move oneself

kw'lhát to spill (it)

kw'ókw'as get scalded

Kw'okw'echíwel Wahleach Bluff ??

kwókwel to hide yourself

kw'ókw'eleqw to be curious

kwókwelx to hide it

kw'ókw'eqw getting hit

kw'ókw'eqwest club it

kw'ókw'eqwet hitting (him/her/it)

kw'ókw'es hot

kw'ókw'eset scald it

kw'ókw'es kwémlexw s'élhtel Ginger (food)

kwókwestexw show it to him/her

kw'ókw'etsest look at him in face

kw'ókw'etset looking at it

kw'ókw'etslexw seeing him/her/it

kwókwexwels knocking, rapping

kwókwexwet knocking on something

kw'ókw'iy be hungry

kw'okw'qwéletst hit him/her on their behind

kw'ókw'qwōwsá:ls a whipper

kwó:l to be born

kwól corn

kwól:em get, fetch

kwólesel stars

kw'o:lexw dog fish

kw'ó:lexw dog salmon (chum)

kw'ólexwe box, chest

kwólxw drop s-th (accidentally), let s-o go

kwómexw salmon finished spawning

kw'ómkw'em strong (of people and things)

kwómkwem to thud

kw'óqw to get hit

kw'óqwest club it

kw'óqwestel a club

kw'óqwet to hit (him/her/it), beat (tr.) [with stick]

kw'óqwiwet to spank him/her

kw'oqwiyo:ls lacrosse

kw'óqwletstel axe

kw'óqwtel a whip

kwósel star

kw'ósthet it gets warm, getting warm (of weather)

kwótawi eel

kwótawis eel

kwó:tel separate (in marrige)

kwótel be separated (in marriage)

kw'ótest look at him in face

kwótewi eel

kw'ótl'kwa ocean, salt water, sea

kwótl'thet struggle to get free

kw'ótseslómet see your face (accidentally)

kw'ótsest stare at his/her face

kwótx̲wem rumbling, thunder

kwóxálh railroad

kw'óxwe box, chest

kw'óxwemel hoof

kwóxwet to knock on something

Kwōxweth Coho Salmon

kwōx̲weth coho salmon

kwṓx̲weth Coho Salmon

kw'ōxwethtel coho net

kw'oyekw fish hook (small one for trout)

kw'ōyeqw gaff hook

kw'ó:ykw'eyx̲wem groaning (stomach)

kwó:yx̲thet moving (by yourself)

kw'ó:yx̲wem to groan (stomach)

kw'qwá:lí:ya get hit on ear

kw'qwáliyálexw hit him/her on ear (accidental)

kw'qwá:líyat hit him/her on ear

kw'qwéleqw get hit on the top of the head

kw'qwéletst hit him/her on their behind

kw'qwém little axe, little hatchet

kw'qweméthet double yourself up

kw'qwewíts get hit on your back

kw'qwí:les get hit on the chest

kw'qwó:les get hit in the eye

kw'qwó:ythel get hit on the mouth

kw'síts cutthroat trout

kw'sí:ws singe the hairs off

kw'sí:ws sq'óq'ey measles

kwtáxwt to let someone inside

kwthát to pile it up

kw'tómés water running down face

kwtxwéltsep bring in fire wood

kwúkewels High Bush Cranberry

kwúkw Cook (it)

kwukwáwtxw kitchen

kwúkwelhtset to cook it for (him/her/it)

kwúkwemels cucumber

kwúkwt cook (it)

kw'ú:la stink-eggs

kw'ú:la'álá stink-egg basket

kwúlhehet to get for someone (tr.)

kwú:ls hang onto (him/her)

kwú:t taking (it)

kwút take (it), to get (tr.)

kwútexwt letting someone in

kw'xám to count

kw'xát count (tr.)

kwxwá:ls to knock (once), rap (once)

kwx̲wó:mels blueberry (Alaskan blueberry)

kwx̲wómels huckleberry (shiny black mountain)

kw'xwós to hail (weather), it's hailing

kyépexel in-grown toenail

Kyó Car

kyóxálh railroad


k'ák'elha pill-bug


kwá anyway

kw'ákw'es get scalded

kwá:l to hide yourself

kwáléws to murder

kwáléwst to murder him/her

kw'álht spilling something

kwalómet to get away

kwá:lx to hide it

kwamó:ythel round mouth

kw'ás get scalded

kw'áset scald it

kw'así:ws singe the hairs off

kwá:t let something go, drop something, let something lose

kw'át'el mouse

kw'átem trickle (of water)

kwátsem to scream

kw'átset to look at it

kw'átset te kwáyxem pekche'áls watch TV

kw'atset te sxelhám see a movie

kw'áxem counting

kw'áxt count it

kw'á:y get hungry

kwá:y jay, blue-jay

kwáyx̲em pékche'á:ls Television

kwá:yx̲t moving it

kw'e the, a, some [use for remote objects and non-specific items]

kwe'át to stop bothering him/her

kw'echú:yel check a net or trap

kw'e'í:qel lying on your back

kw'eí:qel to lie on your back

kw'e'íyeqel lie on your back

kw'e'íyqel lie on your back

kwekwát letting it go, dropping it, letting it lose

Kw'ekw'e'í:qw Kilguard Village

kw'ekw'élh be flowing

kw'ekw'ém to grow up

kwekweshú'ó:llh piglet

kw'ekw'éstel sturgeon anchor

kwekwiqel hiking

kw'ekw'íxwxel rubber boot

kw'ekw'iy to climb up

kw'ekw'iyeqel climbing a hill, mountain

kw'ekw'ós to hail (weather)

kwekwó:tel separate (in marrige)

kwekwótel be separated (in marriage), to break up (from each other)

kwekwótelstexw to separate [another couple] (tr.)

kw'ekw'qwá:lth'átel rug-beater

kwekwtsem to scream

kwekwú:ls hang onto (him/her)

kwekwx̲wó:mels blueberries, mountain huckleberries (Alaskan blueberry)

kw'él:a belly, stomach

kw'elálh how many times?

kwelálhtset to owe him

kwelát get, have, hold

kwél:em get, fetch

kwélest to catch an animal

kwelétses to shake hands

kwéletses shaking hands

kwelétsest shaking his/her hand, shake hands with someone

kwéletsest shake his/her hand, to shake hands with someone

kwéléx shoot off a gun, shot an arrow

kweléxt sting him/her

kwéléxt to shoot something

kwélexw to get, to have, to catch, to find

kw'élh tip over, spill (of liquid or solid), spilled, spill accidentally'

kw'elhí:thelh a long time ago

kwelkwáléws to murder

kwelkwáléwst to murder him/her

kw'élkw'el:á bellies, stomach (plural)

kwelkwelát get, have

kw'elkw'elōw skin

kwelkwelqéylem cave

kw'elkw'elyáx̲el bats

kwelkwímelésem to blush

kwelkwól corn

kwelkwólexw dog salmon (chum)

kw'elókw'exwóles shaped like a box

kw'elókw'tel mice

kw'eló:met pull oneself through, raise oneself

kwelósel to drive, to steer

kwelóst to catch an animal

kw'elōw skin

kw'elōwépsem skin of back of neck

kw'elōweqw scalp

kw'elōwíles skin of chest

kwelqéylem cave

kw'elqwálh hitting many times

kw'elqweláx̲el gettin hit on one's arms

kwelsám hot (feeling hot oneself)

Kwelshámexw Mt. Baker

Kwelshánexw Mt. Baker

kweltó:l to wrestle

kwéltsestel pot-holder

kweltssá:ls shaking hands

kwelúkwatwxw kitchen

kwelukwawtxw kitchen

kwelúkwelhtset to cook it for (him/her/it)

kw'elwáx̲el skin of arm

kw'élwelht step over it

kw'elwíts skin of back

kw'elwó:ythel skin of mouth, jaw

kw'élxel little dust-tornado

kw'ém to grow up

kwém to thud

kw'em:et to bring up a child

kw'emét to bring up a child

kwémkwémlexw roots

kwémlexw root

Kw'eqwálíth'a Coqualeetza

kw'eqweláx̲el get hit on one's arm

kw'eqwelá:x̲ellexw hit him/her on the arm

kw'eqwíwét to spank him/her

kw'éqwxel get hit on the leg

kw'eqwxellexw hit him/her on the leg

kw'esá:m overheat

kw'esélets get burned on bum

kweshú pig

kweshu'ósem smell like a pig

kweshú sméyeth bacon

kw'ésqel burned in the throat

kw'ésqel:exw burn him in the throat

kw'éstel sturgeon anchor

kwesúyex̲el valley

kwetáxwstexw keep it inside

kwetáxwt to let/bring him/her in

kwétexwílem go inside

kwétexwt to let/bring him/her in

kw'eth'í:lt turn it right way up

kw'éthx̲em tippy(of canoe)

kwetl'éthet struggle to get free

kw'éts see

kw'éts'eles Have a part in your hair

kw'etskw'etstel butchering knife

kw'étslexw to see him/her/it

Kw'étslexw to see (it)

kw'etslóme see you

kw'éts'tel butchering knife

kwétstexw show it to him/her

kwetxwí:lem go inside

kwétxwílemet to break into (tr.)

kw'ewátes somebody, anybody

kwexáls naming

kw'exát count it

kw'éx̲w make a bang

kw'exwkw'óxwemel hoof

kwikw'eát to stop bothering him/her

kw'íkw'echú:yel check a net or trap

kwíkweltó:l to wrestle

kwíkwemel turn red

kwíkweshu little pig

kwíkwetl'em Coquitlam

Kwíkwetl'em Coquitlam

kw'íkw'etsest stare at his/her face

kw'íkw'etset butchering it, cutting it up

kwíkwex wild

kwíkwexet naming him/her

kw'íkw'exw pitch, sap, gum

kw'íkw'íthet train oneself (as spirit dancer)

kwikwiyó:s uncle or aunt (respectful term)

kw'íkw'xōs hail in sleets

kw'í:l how many?

kw'ílá:lhp how many trees?

kw'ílás how many people?

kw'í:les how many dollars?

kw'íles how much?

kw'í:letsel grizzly bears

kw'ílwelh how many canoes?

kw'ílwes how many paddles?

kwímelésem to blush

kwimeléstem to blush

kw'íqel sprout up

kw'íthet train oneself (as spirit dancer)

kw'í:tsel grizzly bear

kw'ítset butcher it, cut it up

kwíxet to read something, to name him/her

kw'íxw pitch, sap, gum

Kw'íxw Sap

kw'íxwel rubber boot

kw'íxwelhp pitchwood

kw'íxwxel rubber boot

kw'íy to climb up

kw'iyálhchetem he's forbidden

kw'íyá:m stingy

kw'íyat to refuse someone something, deny someone something

kw'íyatem forbidden

kw'íyeqel to climb a hill, mountain, rock climbing

kwíykwethesem shake your head

kwiyó:s uncle or aunt (respectful term)

kw'íystexw raise it up

kw'íyt to climb (it)

kwíythesem shake your head

kwíyx̲emel to move around

kwíyx̲t to move it

kwíyx̲thet to move oneself

kw'lhát to spill (it)

kw'ókw'as get scalded

Kw'okw'echíwel Wahleach Bluff ??

kwókwel to hide yourself

kw'ókw'eleqw to be curious

kwókwelx to hide it

kw'ókw'eqw getting hit

kw'ókw'eqwest club it

kw'ókw'eqwet hitting (him/her/it)

kw'ókw'es hot

kw'ókw'eset scald it

kw'ókw'es kwémlexw s'élhtel Ginger (food)

kwókwestexw show it to him/her

kw'ókw'etsest look at him in face

kw'ókw'etset looking at it

kw'ókw'etslexw seeing him/her/it

kwókwexwels knocking, rapping

kwókwexwet knocking on something

kw'ókw'iy be hungry

kw'okw'qwéletst hit him/her on their behind

kw'ókw'qwōwsá:ls a whipper

kwó:l to be born

kwól corn

kwól:em get, fetch

kwólesel stars

kw'o:lexw dog fish

kw'ó:lexw dog salmon (chum)

kw'ólexwe box, chest

kwólxw drop s-th (accidentally), let s-o go

kwómexw salmon finished spawning

kw'ómkw'em strong (of people and things)

kwómkwem to thud

kw'óqw to get hit

kw'óqwest club it

kw'óqwestel a club

kw'óqwet to hit (him/her/it), beat (tr.) [with stick]

kw'óqwiwet to spank him/her

kw'oqwiyo:ls lacrosse

kw'óqwletstel axe

kw'óqwtel a whip

kwósel star

kw'ósthet it gets warm, getting warm (of weather)

kwótawi eel

kwótawis eel

kwó:tel separate (in marrige)

kwótel be separated (in marriage)

kw'ótest look at him in face

kwótewi eel

kw'ótl'kwa ocean, salt water, sea

kwótl'thet struggle to get free

kw'ótseslómet see your face (accidentally)

kw'ótsest stare at his/her face

kwótx̲wem rumbling, thunder

kwóxálh railroad

kw'óxwe box, chest

kw'óxwemel hoof

kwóxwet to knock on something

Kwōxweth Coho Salmon

kwōx̲weth coho salmon

kwṓx̲weth Coho Salmon

kw'ōxwethtel coho net

kw'oyekw fish hook (small one for trout)

kw'ōyeqw gaff hook

kw'ó:ykw'eyx̲wem groaning (stomach)

kwó:yx̲thet moving (by yourself)

kw'ó:yx̲wem to groan (stomach)

kw'qwá:lí:ya get hit on ear

kw'qwáliyálexw hit him/her on ear (accidental)

kw'qwá:líyat hit him/her on ear

kw'qwéleqw get hit on the top of the head

kw'qwéletst hit him/her on their behind

kw'qwém little axe, little hatchet

kw'qweméthet double yourself up

kw'qwewíts get hit on your back

kw'qwí:les get hit on the chest

kw'qwó:les get hit in the eye

kw'qwó:ythel get hit on the mouth

kw'síts cutthroat trout

kw'sí:ws singe the hairs off

kw'sí:ws sq'óq'ey measles

kwtáxwt to let someone inside

kwthát to pile it up

kw'tómés water running down face

kwtxwéltsep bring in fire wood

kwúkewels High Bush Cranberry

kwúkw Cook (it)

kwukwáwtxw kitchen

kwúkwelhtset to cook it for (him/her/it)

kwúkwemels cucumber

kwúkwt cook (it)

kw'ú:la stink-eggs

kw'ú:la'álá stink-egg basket

kwúlhehet to get for someone (tr.)

kwú:ls hang onto (him/her)

kwú:t taking (it)

kwút take (it), to get (tr.)

kwútexwt letting someone in

kw'xám to count

kw'xát count (tr.)

kwxwá:ls to knock (once), rap (once)

kwx̲wó:mels blueberry (Alaskan blueberry)

kwx̲wómels huckleberry (shiny black mountain)

kw'xwós to hail (weather), it's hailing


kw'ákw'es get scalded

kw'álht spilling something

kw'ás get scalded

kw'áset scald it

kw'así:ws singe the hairs off

kw'át'el mouse

kw'átem trickle (of water)

kw'átset to look at it

kw'átset te kwáyxem pekche'áls watch TV

kw'atset te sxelhám see a movie

kw'áxem counting

kw'áxt count it

kw'á:y get hungry

kw'e the, a, some [use for remote objects and non-specific items]

kw'echú:yel check a net or trap

kw'e'í:qel lying on your back

kw'eí:qel to lie on your back

kw'e'íyeqel lie on your back

kw'e'íyqel lie on your back

Kw'ekw'e'í:qw Kilguard Village

kw'ekw'élh be flowing

kw'ekw'ém to grow up

kw'ekw'éstel sturgeon anchor

kw'ekw'íxwxel rubber boot

kw'ekw'iy to climb up

kw'ekw'iyeqel climbing a hill, mountain

kw'ekw'ós to hail (weather)

kw'ekw'qwá:lth'átel rug-beater

kw'él:a belly, stomach

kw'elálh how many times?

kw'élh tip over, spill (of liquid or solid), spilled, spill accidentally'

kw'elhí:thelh a long time ago

kw'élkw'el:á bellies, stomach (plural)

kw'elkw'elōw skin

kw'elkw'elyáx̲el bats

kw'elókw'exwóles shaped like a box

kw'elókw'tel mice

kw'eló:met pull oneself through, raise oneself

kw'elōw skin

kw'elōwépsem skin of back of neck

kw'elōweqw scalp

kw'elōwíles skin of chest

kw'elqwálh hitting many times

kw'elqweláx̲el gettin hit on one's arms

kw'elwáx̲el skin of arm

kw'élwelht step over it

kw'elwíts skin of back

kw'elwó:ythel skin of mouth, jaw

kw'élxel little dust-tornado

kw'ém to grow up

kw'em:et to bring up a child

kw'emét to bring up a child

Kw'eqwálíth'a Coqualeetza

kw'eqweláx̲el get hit on one's arm

kw'eqwelá:x̲ellexw hit him/her on the arm

kw'eqwíwét to spank him/her

kw'éqwxel get hit on the leg

kw'eqwxellexw hit him/her on the leg

kw'esá:m overheat

kw'esélets get burned on bum

kw'ésqel burned in the throat

kw'ésqel:exw burn him in the throat

kw'éstel sturgeon anchor

kw'eth'í:lt turn it right way up

kw'éthx̲em tippy(of canoe)

kw'éts see

kw'éts'eles Have a part in your hair

kw'etskw'etstel butchering knife

kw'étslexw to see him/her/it

Kw'étslexw to see (it)

kw'etslóme see you

kw'éts'tel butchering knife

kw'ewátes somebody, anybody

kw'exát count it

kw'éx̲w make a bang

kw'exwkw'óxwemel hoof

kw'íkw'echú:yel check a net or trap

kw'íkw'etsest stare at his/her face

kw'íkw'etset butchering it, cutting it up

kw'íkw'exw pitch, sap, gum

kw'íkw'íthet train oneself (as spirit dancer)

kw'íkw'xōs hail in sleets

kw'í:l how many?

kw'ílá:lhp how many trees?

kw'ílás how many people?

kw'í:les how many dollars?

kw'íles how much?

kw'í:letsel grizzly bears

kw'ílwelh how many canoes?

kw'ílwes how many paddles?

kw'íqel sprout up

kw'íthet train oneself (as spirit dancer)

kw'í:tsel grizzly bear

kw'ítset butcher it, cut it up

kw'íxw pitch, sap, gum

Kw'íxw Sap

kw'íxwel rubber boot

kw'íxwelhp pitchwood

kw'íxwxel rubber boot

kw'íy to climb up

kw'iyálhchetem he's forbidden

kw'íyá:m stingy

kw'íyat to refuse someone something, deny someone something

kw'íyatem forbidden

kw'íyeqel to climb a hill, mountain, rock climbing

kw'íystexw raise it up

kw'íyt to climb (it)

kw'lhát to spill (it)

kw'ókw'as get scalded

Kw'okw'echíwel Wahleach Bluff ??

kw'ókw'eleqw to be curious

kw'ókw'eqw getting hit

kw'ókw'eqwest club it

kw'ókw'eqwet hitting (him/her/it)

kw'ókw'es hot

kw'ókw'eset scald it

kw'ókw'es kwémlexw s'élhtel Ginger (food)

kw'ókw'etsest look at him in face

kw'ókw'etset looking at it

kw'ókw'etslexw seeing him/her/it

kw'ókw'iy be hungry

kw'okw'qwéletst hit him/her on their behind

kw'ókw'qwōwsá:ls a whipper

kw'o:lexw dog fish

kw'ó:lexw dog salmon (chum)

kw'ólexwe box, chest

kw'ómkw'em strong (of people and things)

kw'óqw to get hit

kw'óqwest club it

kw'óqwestel a club

kw'óqwet to hit (him/her/it), beat (tr.) [with stick]

kw'óqwiwet to spank him/her

kw'oqwiyo:ls lacrosse

kw'óqwletstel axe

kw'óqwtel a whip

kw'ósthet it gets warm, getting warm (of weather)

kw'ótest look at him in face

kw'ótl'kwa ocean, salt water, sea

kw'ótseslómet see your face (accidentally)

kw'ótsest stare at his/her face

kw'óxwe box, chest

kw'óxwemel hoof

kw'ōxwethtel coho net

kw'oyekw fish hook (small one for trout)

kw'ōyeqw gaff hook

kw'ó:ykw'eyx̲wem groaning (stomach)

kw'ó:yx̲wem to groan (stomach)

kw'qwá:lí:ya get hit on ear

kw'qwáliyálexw hit him/her on ear (accidental)

kw'qwá:líyat hit him/her on ear

kw'qwéleqw get hit on the top of the head

kw'qwéletst hit him/her on their behind

kw'qwém little axe, little hatchet

kw'qweméthet double yourself up

kw'qwewíts get hit on your back

kw'qwí:les get hit on the chest

kw'qwó:les get hit in the eye

kw'qwó:ythel get hit on the mouth

kw'síts cutthroat trout

kw'sí:ws singe the hairs off

kw'sí:ws sq'óq'ey measles

kw'tómés water running down face

kw'ú:la stink-eggs

kw'ú:la'álá stink-egg basket

kw'xám to count

kw'xát count (tr.)

kw'xwós to hail (weather), it's hailing


to go

lákw'em under-cooked

lakwwí:l a cross, gravestone

lálakwwí:l several crosses, gravestones

lalálém houses, many houses

laláts'extxw different rooms

laleklít locking it

lálekw'em under-cooked

lá:lem house

lálets'éwtxwem be visiting (with someone)

lale'úlem to reminisce

laléx̲wtel blanket

lálwes wooden floor, platform

lam to go

lám alcohol, liquor, rum

lamáíwet kick him/her on the bum

lamá'íwét kick him/her in the butt

lám átl'qel to go outside, get outside

lamáwtxw liquor-store

lamélwelh Canvas-back duck

lámówélh goodbye, so long

lámstexw take it, do it

lam te xíxlhamet ye q'alyelex go to a pow wow

lámtselh wave him/her away

lám ye sqwiyósthet go to a party

láqleqem goldeneye duck

lá:t to become night, get dark

látelh morning

la tó:l go down to the river

lá tó:l go down the river

láts' strange, different

lá:ts'ewets one hundred

láts'ewtxw a different room

lá:ts'éwtxwem to visit, visit (v.)

lats'ú:mexw stranger

law hello

láxel a fishing platform

láx̲et give him/her light

Lá:x̲eyey Lackaway Village

lá:yelhp Douglas fir

lá:yem laughing

le ámestexw take it to

le'ámestexw take it to

lehá:l to play slahal

lekelít lock it, lock (tr.v.)

leklí key

lékw it broke (of stick, bone)

lékw' it broke

lekwát break it

lekwátses break your hand

le kw'eíyeqel to lie on your back

lekwe'psem break your neck

lekwépsem break your neck

lekwíts break your back

lekwláx̲el break one's arm

lekwlá:xw break it accidentally

lékwlekwat all broken up

lekwlekwátses break your hand

lekwlekweláx̲el break one's arm

lekwlekwíts break your back

lekw'ót to break it

lekyó:lta cards, playing cards (noun

lelálwes wooden floor, platform

lelám alcohol (plural)

lelámawtxw liquor-store

leláxel fishing spots, fishing platforms

lelá:yelhp Douglas fir trees

lelehá:l to play slahal

léleklí keys

leleplít priest

leleplós board

lelepoltóst punish him/her

lelepót cups

leleq'álh to be in the way

lelesák bags

leletám tables

leléts' jaundice

lelopál shovel

leló:thel plates

leló:ys rice

lélts'ó:méx look strange, different

lelúste rooster

lema'á:ls kicking

lemá:t to kick him/her

lémet to fold it, fold (tr.v.)

lemlemá:t kick it around

lemlémet folding something

lemlemóthet jumping up and down (of indian doctor)

lemóthet jump up and down (of indian doctor)

le'ós facing towards

lep learn a lesson, give up, get whipped

lepál shovel

lepét to whip him

lépetest ride with him/her

lépets get a ride

lépetsel get a ride

lépetst send it, to sent (tr.), send for

lép'ex to eat (it)

lepílítost punish him/her

leplepút beating up s-o as a lesson till he learns or gives up, teaching s-o a lesson'/

leplít priest

leplós board (n.)

lepót cup

lepút beat him/her up

léq' flat, level

leq'álh to be in the way

leq'álhstexw stay on the right way/track

leq'á:lqel to travel(v.), go on a journey (v.), trip (n.), journey (n.)

leq'álqel trip, journey

Leq'á:mél Nicomen Island

leq'éltsest turn the tables on him/her

léqem to dive

leq'ét to set (tr.)

leq'éylep flat ground

leqómthet getting calm (water)

leqw'ímōws flexible

leqw'ímṓws Flexible

leqwót break it in half (stick, etc)

lesák a bag

lésleseqw greasy-head… ??

letám table

léth'ilets tall gray mountain blueberry

lets'álews one leaf

lets'ámeth' one rope, pole, stick

lets'á:wes one paddle

lets'áxw one time, once

lets'áyiws one pair of pants

léts'e one

lets'elíthet separate oneself from a group, separate oneself

lets'emó:t one kind, pile

léts'eqel one (counting containers)

léts'es one (counting dollars)

lets'estem cost one dollar

lets'estexw charge one dollar for

lets'ét to fill (it)

léts'et fill up (tr.)

lets'íws one bird

lets'letsaxw one time, once

lets'lets'áxw one time

lets'ló:ts'tel lots of different colours

lets'lō:ts'tel Lots of colours

lets'ó:lmexw stranger

létsols one fruit (as it grows singly on a plant), also counting round objects

lets'ōwelh one canoe, one boat

lets'ōweyelh half-brother, half sister

lets'ṓweyelh Half brother, half sister

lewálh surprised, astonished

lewálhlexw surprise him/her accidentally

lewálhmet surprised by him

léwe you sg. (predicative), it's you

léwex put in (tr. v.), put into

lew iyó:lem It's alright

lewklwket to break something into many pieces

lewkót to break it (stick or bone)

lewkwót to break it (stick or bone)

lewómet dancing costume

lexét put (it) on it's side

léx̲et widen it

lex̲éywa to torch-light

Lex̲éywa Torchlight

lexósem put head to one side

lexsyó:yes (someone who is) always working

léx̲wet cover him/her with a blanket

lex̲wethet to cover oneself up

léx̲wethet cover yourself with a blanket

lex̲wlex̲wō:m rapids, fast water

lexwmálqewelh passed out

lexwmó:mel beggar

lexwóls three fruit

lex̲wó:m rapids, fast water

lex̲wō:m rapids, fast water

lexwqélwelh dirty-minded, bad-minded

Lexwsá:q Nooksack

lexw-semoró:mel beggar

lexwsewólem playful

lexws'éy generous (always good)

lexws-há:we always hunting

lexws-heháiwe always hunting

lexwsí:si always scared

lexwslhám choke on water

lexwslhém choke (on water)

lexwslhemlhém choke (on water)

lexws'ó:les willing to do one's work

lexwsthetíwel serious (of a person)

lexwst'í:lem person that always sings

lexwst'ílem person who always sings

lexwst'ít'elem a person that is always singing

lexws'ú:met always lazy

lexwsyóys (someone) always working

léx̲wtel blanket

Lexwtl'íkw'elem village at Stulkawhits Creek

Lexwyó:qwem place on river

lhákw'els gaff-hooking

lhá:l to land a canoe

lhá:l pull ashore in a canoe, land a canoe

lhálatem sprinkling

lháleqel stick it into it

lháleq'em several things being put down

lháleq'et put them down

lháléqet stick out your tongue

lhálétem start to sprinkle

lhá:lets'tel knives

lhá:lets'telálá knife-handle

lhalhakw'em a breath

lhálhekw'sxel to stumble, to trip

lhálheqem to whisper

lhálheq'et put on, put down

lhálheqet whisper to him/her

lhálhew to run away

lhálhewels indian doctor working

lhálhewet cure him/her (Indian doctor)

lhálhex̲em to serve yourself food

lhá:lhil landing a canoe

lhálhil choke on water

lhalhí:lt landing something to shore, getting something to shore

lhálhq'etxel (have) wide feet

lhállhelomet get to shore

lhál:omet get to shore

lhálqel stick it into it

lhálqi soaking dried food

lhálqit soaking it (dried food)

lhálqt/lhélhelgest sprinkle it with water

lhá:lt to land s-th (from water)

lhá:ltelechá:ls spraying

lhá:ltem get splashed, get sprinkled, small sprinkle

lhálts' cheeky, rough acting

lhámth't pick at food

lháqelhcha napkin

lháqem to whisper

lháq'emex peace

lháq'et put on, put down

lháqet whisper to him/her

lháq' te letám set the table

lhá:sel impatient

lháth't to make fun of someone

lháts'tel knife

lhá:ts'tel'álá knife-handle

lhátx̲tem to tremble

lha:w get cured

lhá:w to run away

lhawalews vanilla

lhá:wet cure him/her (Indian doctor)

lhawét'em to twitch

lháwqem mussel

lháx̲em to serve yourself food

lháx te letám set the table.

lháx̲tsestel mat to hold hot pots

lháx̲xetel rug

lhchí:ws tired

lhchí:wsmet tired of it

lhe'á go by way of

lhekw'íwel dumbfounded

lhékw'lexw trip him/her

lhékw'sxel to stumble, to trip

lhékw'tel gaff-hook

lhékw'xet trip him/her

lhelelméxwtel lettuce

lheleméxwtel lettuce

lhélest 'splash s-o in the face, squirt s-o in the face

lhelex̲éyleptel floor

lhelháth' make fun

lhelháth't make fun of him/her

lhelháwel mat, matress

lhélheltel canoe bailers

lhelhémet pick it

lhélheqw' peeling off

lhelhós down river

lhelhq'etíwel bed-bugs

lhelhts'á:m weasels

lhellhálqel stick it into it

lhellhélp'es many wrinkles on face

lhellhéltest splashing s-o with water, spraying s-o with water

lhellhóleqwót moths

lhélp' (have a) wrinkle

lhélp'es wrinkled face

lhélq soaked, wet

lhélqesem wet the face

lhélq'et sprinkle it with water

lhélqi soak dried food

lhélqit to soak it (fish, beans, dried fruit, laundry)

lhélqt wet it

lhélqwelhem wet one's head

lheltáletsem go through a channel

lhéltel canoe bailer

lhéltest splash s-o with water, spray s-o with water

lhemét pick something (e.g. berries)

lhémexw raining, ([having a] rainshower with light wind

lhéméxw to rain, it's rainy

lhémkiya iron pot

lhémkiya iron pot

lhemlhém:exw be rainy (off and on

lhémlhemexw raning off and on

lhemlhémkiya iron pot

lhemlhí:m picking (lots of people)

lhemlhō:me clover

lhémt a rain-shower

lhémth't pick at food

lhéplexw to blink one's eyes

lhéplheplexw to blink one's eyes

lheplhéptel eyelash, eyelid

lheplhepteló:ythel lips

lhéptel eyelash, eyelid

lhepteló:ythel lips

lheq'át wide

lheq'á:tses five

lheqeléstel a button

lhéq'elh used to

lheq'elómet to know yourself

lhéq'etselsxá fifty

lhéq'etselsxále fifty (counting people)

lhéq'etselsxó:s fifty (counting dollars)

lheq'ewílh opposite of house (inside)

lheq'láts hip

lheqlháqelhcha napkins

lheq'lhéq'at wide

lheqlheqist to button it

lheq'lheq'láts hip

lheqlíst to button it

lheqlístel a button

lheq'ótsestem cost five dollars

lheq'ótsestexw charge five dollars for

lheqsqólqwel speaker, announcer at gathering

lheqsqwóqwel speaker, announcer at gathering

lheq'tíwel bed-bug

lheq'tíwél (have a) wide bum

lheq'tó:ls (have a) wide forehead

lhéqw wet

lhéqw' peel off

lheqwe'álá pocket

lhéqw'ewsá:ks Bark peeling tool

lhéqw'ewsá:ls a bark-peeling tool

lheqw'lheqw' dandruff

lheqw'lhéqw' dandruff

lheqwlhéqw wet

lheqw'ó:t peel it (bark, any kind)

lhéqw'tsesem clap your hands

lheq'xí:l have one shoe on

lhétqwt boiling water

lhets'á:m weasel

lhets'elá:x̲el cut one's arm

lhéts'emel left-over material, trimmings.

lhets'ímel comb

lhets'lhets'elá:x̲el cut one's arm

lhéts'mel saw-dust, wood shaving

lhéts'xel to cut your foot

lhétx̲tem to tremble

Lhewámel Vedder River

lhewíth'a naked

lhewlháwél sword fern

lhewqí:m velvet-leaf blueberry

lhex̲elwélhtel cross-pieces in a canoe

lhex̲eyléptel floor

lhex̲éyleptel floor

lhex̲é:ylex be standing

lhex̲éyléx to stand, be upright

lhex̲eyléxstexw stand (it) up

lhex̲lhex̲é:ylex several standing

lhéx̲lhex̲eyléxstexw stand (it) up

lhexwáyiws three pants

lhex̲wélhcha to spit

lhéxwelsxá thirty

lhéxwelsxále thirty (counting people)

lhexwelsxáleqel thirty (counting containers)

lhexwelsxó:s thirty (counting dollars)

lhex̲wlhéx̲w choke cherry

lhex̲wlhex̲wélhcha to spit

lhex̲wlhéx̲wlhex̲w choke cherry

lhex̲wó:t spit it out

lhíkw'et hook it

lhílhakwels crocheting

lhílháth' make fun

lhílháth't making fun of someone

lhílhekw'els gaff-hooking

lhílhekw'et hook it

Lhílheqey Mt. Cheam

lhílhet'els to give (potlatch)

lhílhet'est pass it round to him

lhílhet'et pass it around

lhílhets'els sawing, sawing wood, cutting repeatedly

lhílhéts'eqwem to get your hair cut

lhílhets'eqwemáwtxw barber-shops

lhilhéts'eqwt to cut his/her hair

lhílhets'et cutting (it)

lhilhí:m pick fruit

lhilhiyó:qwt be behind, be last

lhílhkw'eleqs Hamersly Hopyard Hill

Lhílhkw'eleqs Hamersly Hopyard Hill

lhílhkw'eqsel Hook-nose Mountain, Hopyard Mountain

lhílhló:ya dragonfly

lhí:lt to bail it (canoe)

lhí:lthet bailing it (canoe)

lhí:m pick fruit

lhímes pull canoe, wide or slow

lhít'els to give (potlatch)

lhít'est pass it round to him

lhít'et pass it around

lhíts'eqwem to get your hair cut

lhíts'eqwemáwtxw a barber-shop

lhíts'eqwt to cut his/her hair

lhíts'et to cut (it)

lhiwí:ws petticoat

lhíx̲esem paint one's face

lhí:xw three

lhí:xweqel three (counting containers)

lhíxweqw three fish

lhí:xwes three dollars

lhíxwestem to cost three dollars

lhíxwestexw charge three dolars for

lhí:xw lá:ts'ewets three hundred

lhí:xw lá:ts'ewets three hundred

lhiyó:qwt be behind, be last

lhkw'íwel excited

lhlímelh We, us (predicative)

lhókw' to fly

lholekw'íwel dumbfounded, shocked

lhóleqwet wet them (many times)

lholeqwót moth

lholhégest splash his/her face

lhólhekw' to fly

lholhekw'íwel dumbfounded

lhólhekw' stem:ōt airplane

lhólhekw' stítim:ōt airplanes

lhólheqw'els peel bark

lhólheqw'et slap him/her

lhólheqw't peeling it (bark, any kind)

lhólheqw'tsesem clap your hands

lhólhes to drift net

lholhetqsélem sniffling (with cold)

lholhexwélqsel have a runny nose

lhólqesem/lhélhelgesem wet the face

lhō:me clover

lhṓ:me clover

lhóp midnight, late at night

lhóqést splash his/her face

lhóq'ethet to lie down

lhóqwe'ls peel bark

lhoqw'esá:ls peel bark off a tree

lhóqw'et slap him/her

lhóqwet to wet something, make somthing wet

lhoqw'ews to peel bark

lhós to drift net

lhosemáyiws pants sliding down

lhótqsélem to sniff (with cold)

lhótqwem to boil water

lhótqwt boil it

lhóx̲welhcha to spit

lhóx̲wt spit it out

lhóyel getting dark

lhp'ótl'em to smoke cigerette/pipe

Lhq'á:lets Vancouver

lhq'á:t wide

lhq'átsále five (counting people)

lhq'átseqel five (counting containers)

lhq'atses'álh five times

lhq'atsesálhp five trees

lhq'atsesíqw five fish

lhq'atses'ó:llh ive little ones, five young (animal or human), five in a litter

lhq'atsesōwelh five canoes

lhq'atsí:ws five birds

lhq'átsóls five fruit

lhq'átssámets' five ropes, poles, sticks

lhqéletel anchor-line, mooring line

lhq'él:exw to know (it)

lhq'lhq'él:exw knowing (it)

lhqó:la thirsty

lhq'ó:tes (have a) wide face

lhq'ó:tses five (counting dollars)

lhqw'áy cedar bark skirt

lhqw'ews peeling off clothes

lhqw'íwst peel it off

lhséq' half

lhts'á:ls to cut

lhts'élqsel cut off tip of nose

lhts'ó:ythel to get a cut in your mouth

lhulhuwth'á:m undressing (oneself)

lhuth'á:m to get undressed

lhuwth'am to take your clothes off

lhuwth'á:m undressing (oneself)

lhuwth'á:mestexw undress him/her

lhwélep you (pl.) (predicative)

lhx̲étem stiff (of body)

lhx̲eylexlómet stand up by oneself

lhxwále three (counting people)

lhxwálews three leaves

lhxwá:lh three times

lhxwá:lhp three trees

lhxwámeth' three ropes, poles sticks

lhxwá:wes three paddles

lhxwáxw three times

lhx̲wélqsel have a runny nose

lhxwíws three birds

lhxwó:lh three canoes

lhx̲wót spit it out

yonder, over there, in, at, on, (other meanings also include: yes, answer to yes/no question, question word at beginning of sentence

Li chexw Are you…?‘.

Li chexw we eyo? How are you?

lilekó:ltel be playing cards, playing a card game

lílem little house, cabin

lí:leq it's easy, be easy, easy (to get)

líleqwel get calm (weather)

líleqwesem nodding ones head

líleqwet let rope go slack

lilílem little houses

lílísós angels

lílíyóm devil

líqwel get calm (weather), to calm down (of weather)

líqw'em soft

líqwem calm down (weather)

líqwesem to nod your head

líqwet let rope go slack

lísós angel

lístem to get left behind

lístexw leaving it there, leave it there

lístexwchxwó You leave it here!

líyém to laugh

líyliyem to laugh (group of people)

líyóm devil

lólem getting hit by a thrown object

lólemet to hit him/her (with a thrown object)

lolepál shovel

lólepx̲wemstexw make it noisy

lóleqwet to stake it

lólesthet to get fat

lólets'e one (counting people), one person, alone

ló:m to get hit by a thrown object

ló:met to hit him/her (with a thrown object)

lopál~shxwoweth'ílep shovel

lópex̲wem to make noise

loplós board

lópx̲emstexw to make noise

ló:px̲wem to make noise

lópx̲wemstexw make it noisy

lóqwet to stake it

lós fat

lós ~ ló:s fat

lósthet to get fat

ló:thel plate, platter dish

lówéx̲ rib

lōwéx̲ rib

lōwlets pay back a debt

lōwletst pay him/her back

lōwlōwéx̲ rib

lóy only, just, be only

ló:ys rice

lulh already

lulh hóy he/she already finished

lulh hóy he/she already finished

lúste rooster


lhákw'els gaff-hooking

lhá:l to land a canoe

lhá:l pull ashore in a canoe, land a canoe

lhálatem sprinkling

lháleqel stick it into it

lháleq'em several things being put down

lháleq'et put them down

lháléqet stick out your tongue

lhálétem start to sprinkle

lhá:lets'tel knives

lhá:lets'telálá knife-handle

lhalhakw'em a breath

lhálhekw'sxel to stumble, to trip

lhálheqem to whisper

lhálheq'et put on, put down

lhálheqet whisper to him/her

lhálhew to run away

lhálhewels indian doctor working

lhálhewet cure him/her (Indian doctor)

lhálhex̲em to serve yourself food

lhá:lhil landing a canoe

lhálhil choke on water

lhalhí:lt landing something to shore, getting something to shore

lhálhq'etxel (have) wide feet

lhállhelomet get to shore

lhál:omet get to shore

lhálqel stick it into it

lhálqi soaking dried food

lhálqit soaking it (dried food)

lhálqt/lhélhelgest sprinkle it with water

lhá:lt to land s-th (from water)

lhá:ltelechá:ls spraying

lhá:ltem get splashed, get sprinkled, small sprinkle

lhálts' cheeky, rough acting

lhámth't pick at food

lháqelhcha napkin

lháqem to whisper

lháq'emex peace

lháq'et put on, put down

lháqet whisper to him/her

lháq' te letám set the table

lhá:sel impatient

lháth't to make fun of someone

lháts'tel knife

lhá:ts'tel'álá knife-handle

lhátx̲tem to tremble

lha:w get cured

lhá:w to run away

lhawalews vanilla

lhá:wet cure him/her (Indian doctor)

lhawét'em to twitch

lháwqem mussel

lháx̲em to serve yourself food

lháx te letám set the table.

lháx̲tsestel mat to hold hot pots

lháx̲xetel rug

lhchí:ws tired

lhchí:wsmet tired of it

lhe'á go by way of

lhekw'íwel dumbfounded

lhékw'lexw trip him/her

lhékw'sxel to stumble, to trip

lhékw'tel gaff-hook

lhékw'xet trip him/her

lhelelméxwtel lettuce

lheleméxwtel lettuce

lhélest 'splash s-o in the face, squirt s-o in the face

lhelex̲éyleptel floor

lhelháth' make fun

lhelháth't make fun of him/her

lhelháwel mat, matress

lhélheltel canoe bailers

lhelhémet pick it

lhélheqw' peeling off

lhelhós down river

lhelhq'etíwel bed-bugs

lhelhts'á:m weasels

lhellhálqel stick it into it

lhellhélp'es many wrinkles on face

lhellhéltest splashing s-o with water, spraying s-o with water

lhellhóleqwót moths

lhélp' (have a) wrinkle

lhélp'es wrinkled face

lhélq soaked, wet

lhélqesem wet the face

lhélq'et sprinkle it with water

lhélqi soak dried food

lhélqit to soak it (fish, beans, dried fruit, laundry)

lhélqt wet it

lhélqwelhem wet one's head

lheltáletsem go through a channel

lhéltel canoe bailer

lhéltest splash s-o with water, spray s-o with water

lhemét pick something (e.g. berries)

lhémexw raining, ([having a] rainshower with light wind

lhéméxw to rain, it's rainy

lhémkiya iron pot

lhémkiya iron pot

lhemlhém:exw be rainy (off and on

lhémlhemexw raning off and on

lhemlhémkiya iron pot

lhemlhí:m picking (lots of people)

lhemlhō:me clover

lhémt a rain-shower

lhémth't pick at food

lhéplexw to blink one's eyes

lhéplheplexw to blink one's eyes

lheplhéptel eyelash, eyelid

lheplhepteló:ythel lips

lhéptel eyelash, eyelid

lhepteló:ythel lips

lheq'át wide

lheq'á:tses five

lheqeléstel a button

lhéq'elh used to

lheq'elómet to know yourself

lhéq'etselsxá fifty

lhéq'etselsxále fifty (counting people)

lhéq'etselsxó:s fifty (counting dollars)

lheq'ewílh opposite of house (inside)

lheq'láts hip

lheqlháqelhcha napkins

lheq'lhéq'at wide

lheqlheqist to button it

lheq'lheq'láts hip

lheqlíst to button it

lheqlístel a button

lheq'ótsestem cost five dollars

lheq'ótsestexw charge five dollars for

lheqsqólqwel speaker, announcer at gathering

lheqsqwóqwel speaker, announcer at gathering

lheq'tíwel bed-bug

lheq'tíwél (have a) wide bum

lheq'tó:ls (have a) wide forehead

lhéqw wet

lhéqw' peel off

lheqwe'álá pocket

lhéqw'ewsá:ks Bark peeling tool

lhéqw'ewsá:ls a bark-peeling tool

lheqw'lheqw' dandruff

lheqw'lhéqw' dandruff

lheqwlhéqw wet

lheqw'ó:t peel it (bark, any kind)

lhéqw'tsesem clap your hands

lheq'xí:l have one shoe on

lhétqwt boiling water

lhets'á:m weasel

lhets'elá:x̲el cut one's arm

lhéts'emel left-over material, trimmings.

lhets'ímel comb

lhets'lhets'elá:x̲el cut one's arm

lhéts'mel saw-dust, wood shaving

lhéts'xel to cut your foot

lhétx̲tem to tremble

Lhewámel Vedder River

lhewíth'a naked

lhewlháwél sword fern

lhewqí:m velvet-leaf blueberry

lhex̲elwélhtel cross-pieces in a canoe

lhex̲eyléptel floor

lhex̲éyleptel floor

lhex̲é:ylex be standing

lhex̲éyléx to stand, be upright

lhex̲eyléxstexw stand (it) up

lhex̲lhex̲é:ylex several standing

lhéx̲lhex̲eyléxstexw stand (it) up

lhexwáyiws three pants

lhex̲wélhcha to spit

lhéxwelsxá thirty

lhéxwelsxále thirty (counting people)

lhexwelsxáleqel thirty (counting containers)

lhexwelsxó:s thirty (counting dollars)

lhex̲wlhéx̲w choke cherry

lhex̲wlhex̲wélhcha to spit

lhex̲wlhéx̲wlhex̲w choke cherry

lhex̲wó:t spit it out

lhíkw'et hook it

lhílhakwels crocheting

lhílháth' make fun

lhílháth't making fun of someone

lhílhekw'els gaff-hooking

lhílhekw'et hook it

Lhílheqey Mt. Cheam

lhílhet'els to give (potlatch)

lhílhet'est pass it round to him

lhílhet'et pass it around

lhílhets'els sawing, sawing wood, cutting repeatedly

lhílhéts'eqwem to get your hair cut

lhílhets'eqwemáwtxw barber-shops

lhilhéts'eqwt to cut his/her hair

lhílhets'et cutting (it)

lhilhí:m pick fruit

lhilhiyó:qwt be behind, be last

lhílhkw'eleqs Hamersly Hopyard Hill

Lhílhkw'eleqs Hamersly Hopyard Hill

lhílhkw'eqsel Hook-nose Mountain, Hopyard Mountain

lhílhló:ya dragonfly

lhí:lt to bail it (canoe)

lhí:lthet bailing it (canoe)

lhí:m pick fruit

lhímes pull canoe, wide or slow

lhít'els to give (potlatch)

lhít'est pass it round to him

lhít'et pass it around

lhíts'eqwem to get your hair cut

lhíts'eqwemáwtxw a barber-shop

lhíts'eqwt to cut his/her hair

lhíts'et to cut (it)

lhiwí:ws petticoat

lhíx̲esem paint one's face

lhí:xw three

lhí:xweqel three (counting containers)

lhíxweqw three fish

lhí:xwes three dollars

lhíxwestem to cost three dollars

lhíxwestexw charge three dolars for

lhí:xw lá:ts'ewets three hundred

lhí:xw lá:ts'ewets three hundred

lhiyó:qwt be behind, be last

lhkw'íwel excited

lhlímelh We, us (predicative)

lhókw' to fly

lholekw'íwel dumbfounded, shocked

lhóleqwet wet them (many times)

lholeqwót moth

lholhégest splash his/her face

lhólhekw' to fly

lholhekw'íwel dumbfounded

lhólhekw' stem:ōt airplane

lhólhekw' stítim:ōt airplanes

lhólheqw'els peel bark

lhólheqw'et slap him/her

lhólheqw't peeling it (bark, any kind)

lhólheqw'tsesem clap your hands

lhólhes to drift net

lholhetqsélem sniffling (with cold)

lholhexwélqsel have a runny nose

lhólqesem/lhélhelgesem wet the face

lhō:me clover

lhṓ:me clover

lhóp midnight, late at night

lhóqést splash his/her face

lhóq'ethet to lie down

lhóqwe'ls peel bark

lhoqw'esá:ls peel bark off a tree

lhóqw'et slap him/her

lhóqwet to wet something, make somthing wet

lhoqw'ews to peel bark

lhós to drift net

lhosemáyiws pants sliding down

lhótqsélem to sniff (with cold)

lhótqwem to boil water

lhótqwt boil it

lhóx̲welhcha to spit

lhóx̲wt spit it out

lhóyel getting dark

lhp'ótl'em to smoke cigerette/pipe

Lhq'á:lets Vancouver

lhq'á:t wide

lhq'átsále five (counting people)

lhq'átseqel five (counting containers)

lhq'atses'álh five times

lhq'atsesálhp five trees

lhq'atsesíqw five fish

lhq'atses'ó:llh ive little ones, five young (animal or human), five in a litter

lhq'atsesōwelh five canoes

lhq'atsí:ws five birds

lhq'átsóls five fruit

lhq'átssámets' five ropes, poles, sticks

lhqéletel anchor-line, mooring line

lhq'él:exw to know (it)

lhq'lhq'él:exw knowing (it)

lhqó:la thirsty

lhq'ó:tes (have a) wide face

lhq'ó:tses five (counting dollars)

lhqw'áy cedar bark skirt

lhqw'ews peeling off clothes

lhqw'íwst peel it off

lhséq' half

lhts'á:ls to cut

lhts'élqsel cut off tip of nose

lhts'ó:ythel to get a cut in your mouth

lhulhuwth'á:m undressing (oneself)

lhuth'á:m to get undressed

lhuwth'am to take your clothes off

lhuwth'á:m undressing (oneself)

lhuwth'á:mestexw undress him/her

lhwélep you (pl.) (predicative)

lhx̲étem stiff (of body)

lhx̲eylexlómet stand up by oneself

lhxwále three (counting people)

lhxwálews three leaves

lhxwá:lh three times

lhxwá:lhp three trees

lhxwámeth' three ropes, poles sticks

lhxwá:wes three paddles

lhxwáxw three times

lhx̲wélqsel have a runny nose

lhxwíws three birds

lhxwó:lh three canoes

lhx̲wót spit it out


ma'ál:es pull it out (tooth)

ma'el:es pull it out (tooth)

ma'elétstem to get castrated

ma'ílésem have teeth pulled

má:kwlh to get hurt

mákwlh accident

mál father

má:la to set bait

má:lat to set bait

má:le bait

máleqa snow (on ground)

malesí:l/memeshíl machine

maletú sheep (several)

málqeles orgot s-th, have forgotten s-th, forgot s-o/s- th in one's mind'

málqelexw to forget it, forget (tr.)

malyí to get married

mályí marry (v.)

malyít to marry him/her

mama'elétstem to get castrated

mamalyít to marry him/her

mamel Dad, daddy

mámel dad, daddy

mámela to set bait

mámele children

mamelít dimes

mámelqeles to forget (it)

mámelqelexw to forget it

mamelqelómet forgetful person

mámelqlexw forgetting something, someone

mámelyí getting married

mamestíyexw person

mámeth'álem bluffing, pretending, being arrogant

mámeth'éléxw to doubt him/her

mámeth'elqéylem lying

mámetsel testicle

mamílyil several set nets, stationary nets

mamí:yt helping (him/her)

mámt give something away

máqa snow (on ground)

máqel hair

máqel lhíts'eqwemáwtxw hair salon

máq'em to jump (of a fish)

math'álem to bluff, to pretend you know, be arrogant, be stuck up

máth'elqéylém to lie

Máthxwi Matsqui

máts'el black haw berry

mátsel testicle

máx to take (it) off

máxelhtset to take it off him/her

máxlhts'et to take if off for him/her

má:yt to help him/her

máyt to help (him/her)

me á:ylexw to revive, come back to life

meá:ylexw to revive, come back to life

mechó:s literally / Probably

mé'iyat ride piggyback

mekw' all, every

mékw fat, big around

mékw' all

mékw'em use second-hand

mékw'emáwtxw second-hand store

mekw'et take it all, pick it all up

mékw'et pick it up

mekw'ewát everyone

mékwmekw bumble bee

mékwmekw' really fat, big around

mekw'mékw'et pick it up

mekwó:meltses Thumb

mekwó:méltses thumb

mekwó:mélxel big toe

mékw'stám everything

mekw'wat everyone

mekw wat te selhtel non traditional food

meláses te sisemóye honey

méle child

mélés raccoon

melets'léts' high tide

mélhx̲wel indian plum

mélhx̲welelhp indian plum (plant)

melímeqw small bird (diminutive of mó:qw)

melístiyexw soul

mélk milk

melmá:l fathers

melmá:le bait

mélmel make a mistake

melmele'ó:ylha doll

mélmélhp Hemlock tree

melmélk milk

melmélkw'es sqoyép badger

melmelkwó:mélxel big toe

melmelqelómet forgetful person

melmélqw uvula

mélmeqsel noses

melmílets' confused

mélqelexw to forget (it)

melqiwsem to faint or pass out

melqíwsem to faint, pass out

mélqw uvula

mélqweqel uvula

melúmesmes little cow

melxwíwsem grease your body

mélxwt oil it, grease it

memá to come off (e.g. button)

memáqel hair

mémeles little round thing

mémeles kápech brussel sprouts

mémeles qwqwa'áp crab apples (several, many)

mémeló:thel little dish

memelqéwsem to faint, pass out

mémelxwt oil it, grease it

memílha to dance (spirit dance)

memí:lt put it in the water

memí:lthet dip oneself in the water

memó:qw bird, large bird

me p'áq'em to bloom, to flower

méq' be full (from eating)

me qelqéyl te sqwálewel to lose heart

méq'et to swallow it

meq'ethále doggie-bag

meq'lómet to fill yourself up

méq'méq' full (from eating)

meqmeqselem clean your nose

meqó:s December

meq'óthem take left-overs

méqsel nose

meqsélem clean your nose

méqw' burst out, get smashed

méqw'et smash it

meqw'méqw' bunch of things burst

meqw'móqw'em swamp, bog

mes to get back to

meshíl machine

mesíl machine

mesíyeltel anchor

méstexw bring, take (it)

mestíyexw person

mét' easy to bend

meth'álem stuck up, arrogant

meth'éléxw to doubt him/her

méth'elh pus

méthelh spreading dogbane

méth'elhqíwél wood tick

meth'eméth'elh lots of pus

met'mét easy to bend

metú sheep

metúelqel sheep wool

mé'wiyat ride piggyback

mex̲álh caterpillar

mexméxts'el louse

méxts'el louse

méx̲weya belly-button

mexwíwsem grease your body

méx̲wméx̲weya belly-buttons

méylhtel a helper

mi come to

mílha to dance (spirit dance)

míliyel set a net

mí:lt put it in the water

mí:lthet dip oneself in the water

mílyil a set net, stationary net

mímele little child, baby

mimele'ó:ylha doll

mímeles qwe'óp crab apple

mímeq'et sink it

mí:meqw small bird

mímesem to choose, pick out, choose

mímeset to choose (it)

mímetu little lamb

mímexwel dirty water, unclear water

míq' to sink

míq'et sink it

mísem to choose, pick out

míset to choose (it), choose (tr.)

mí:stexw bringing sth, taking sth

mí:t dime

mí:t' blue grouse

mítl' come!

mítl'et squish it

míyethélwét buckskin coat

míytel a helper

mōkw'éthet pick themselves up

móleqwet mix something up

móleqwt to mix them

mó:lsem bog blueberry/tall swamp blueberry

mómeleqwet to mix them

mómet'es pointing

mómet'est to point at him/her

mómeyt to aim it

momíyelhtel a helper, helping one another

mó:miytel helpers

mopeló:les marble-eyes

mó:qw bird, large bird

mó:qwem labradour tea

móqwem swamp, bog

mót'es to point

mót'est to point at him/her

mót'estel a pointer

mótl' stumped (don't know)

mówech deer meat

mṓx̲weya bellybutton

móylhtel help out, go help, pitch in, help one another

mó:yt to aim it

móytel to help each other

mulusmes cow

múmesmes little cow

músmes cow


olex̲tel brooms

oló:xwelwet one of Lhilheqey's children

Oló:xwelwet oldest sister of Lhílheqey

opeláleqel ten (counting containers)

opelálh ten times

opelíws ten birds

opelóls ten fruit in a group (as they grow on a plant), (ten attached fruit)'

opelōwelh ten canoes

opóyethel medium or small-sized butterfly

o:theqw baking, roasting (in the stove, in sand)

owóweltí:l several races

oyem slow, late

oyémstexw to delay him/her

oyó:sthet have lots of fun

oyoyemstexw to delay him/her


p'ákw'et repair it, fix it up

pákw'et heat it up, smoke it

pálétst skim it off

p'álhetset to pass it to (him/her/it)

p'álq'em glitter, sparkle

p'álth'tel needle

p'alyí:ws bark of tree

pá:pa wooly, fluffy

p'áp'ekw'et repair it, fix it up

pápekw'et heat it up, smoke it

p'áp'eq'em to bloom

p'ap'eth' sewing

pápeth'em to stink, have animal smell (of bear, skunk, dog, etc.), (have) body odor'

papeth'émthet to stink

p'á'p'eth'et sewing something

pápethet spread it

p'áp'ewet to patch it

pá:píth'a soft, fluffy material

p'a'p'xwem Shy, quiet

p'áp'xwem shy, quiet

p'áq'em to bloom

pás pear

pástel American

p'áth' to sew, do sewing

p'áth'et sew it

páthet spread it

p'áth'tel needle

pathúyel bear-trap

payex̲ém témexw earthquake

pá:yts'em throwing off sparks

pehá:ls to blow (of the wind), it's windy

pehó:mō:lh Bullfrog

pékcha picture

pekchá:m take a picture

p'ékw to float, come up

pekw'em to burst (of seed)

p'ekw'thílem warm-up, leftover

pél get buried, planted

pelála banana

pelále banana

pél:ékw to appear, become visible

p'eléts'tem have an upset stomach

p'élh get sober, sober

pélh get crowded

p'elhát sober him/her up

p'elhéthet sober yourself up, sober up, smarten up

p'elhíws get up after fainting

pelípe papers

pelipehó:m frogs

pelipehó:mó:llh baby frogs

pelkwí:ws small-pox, chicken-pox, measles

Pelólhxw Pilalt

pelópqw'em puffball

peló:qel torch

peló:qes torch season

p'elp'álq'em glitters , sparkles

pelpélekw appearing becoming visible (possibly of several)

pelpeleqw sq'oq'ey chicken pox

pélpelqw't powdering (him/her/it)

p'elp'elyu:s barks of trees

pelpí:lt burying it, planting it

pelpólx̲wem lots of clouds

pélqw't to powder (him/her/it)

peltá:kwem bracken fern

pelúps cats, kittens

pelú:pt boat

p'ep'ákwem calm (of water)

pepástel Americans

Pepá:thxetel people from Sumas

pépe pepper

pepehá:ls to blow (of the wind)

pepékchá:m take a picture

p'ep'ékw to float, come up

p'ep'ewí flounder, halibut

p'ep'ílh get sober

p'ep'í:t bring it out (spirit song)

pepítxel lizard

pepíx̲eya have a nightmare

pepó:t blowing it

pepó:tem flute, instrument you blow into

p'ep'óth'es baby basket

p'eptsp'étst charcoal, black coal

pepx̲wíqsel gnat, black-fly

p'éq' white

p'eq'í:l get white

p'eq'ó:les have a cataract

P'eq'ó:ls White Rock, BC

p'eq'óméx look white

péqw it broke off (piece)

Peqwchō:lthel american bar

péqwchú:lthel American Bar (placename)

P'éqwchú:lthel American Bar

peqwó:t break it in half (fruit, bread, etc)

peqwót break it in half (fruit, bread, etc)

peqwpéqw broken off into pieces

peqwpéqwet break into lots of pieces

pésk'a hummingbird

pespésk'a hummingbirds

pespéskwt to insult him/her

pésqwt insult him/her (body-part names)

petám to ask

petámeles ask about him/her

petá:mes to ask for someone

petá:met to ask him/her/it

petámet to ask (him/her)

péte butter

pétemet asking someone

pethíwet take the loose eggs out of it

p'eth'tel Needle

pétlexw to recognize him/her

p'ets't charcoal, black coal

pewá:ls to freeze (intr.)

p'ewí flounder, halibut

p'ewíy do patching

péx̲px̲wíq no-see-um (biting midge)

pexwelhá:lém to breathe

pexwlhálém to breathe

pí:kwel barbecue stick

p'ílhat sober someone up

p'ílhet flatten something, flatten it

pí:lt to bury it

p'íltem to overflow

pípe paper

pípé paper

pipe'áwtxw post office

pípehó:m frog

pipehó:mó:llh baby frog

p'íp'elhet flattening something, flattening it

p'íp'eq' a little white

p'ip'eq'eyós white butterfly

pípeqwels purple

p'ip'eth'eláx̲el bat

p'íp'eth'em get squeezed

p'íp'eth'et to squeeze it

pípetlexw to recognize him/her

pípewet freeze (it)

pípexw fall off (petals, seeds.)

p'íp'ex̲w leaking (as a canoe)

pípexwem fall off (petals, seeds.)

p'ip'íltem overflowing

pípiyet brace oneself in it

pípíyewsem crossing oneself

p'í:qwt pet it, stroke it

pís peas

p'í:t bring it out (spirit song)

pítet introduce (tr.)

pítethet introduce oneself, introducing oneself

p'íth'em get squeezed

p'íth'et to squeeze it, squeeze (tr.)

pítxel lizard (salamander)

píwet freeze (it), to freeze (tr.)

píx̲eya have a nightmare

píxw fall off (petals, seeds.)

p'íx̲w to leak (as a canoe)

píxwem fall off (petals, seeds.)

píyet brace oneself in it

píyewesem cross oneself

píyewsem cross oneself

plhá:t to be thick

plhátstexw make it thick

p'lhéqwxel sprain an ankle

plhó:ythel have thick lips

plhplhá:t to be thick

plíst to bless him/her/it

pókw' to smoke fish

pókw'em blows around (plant fuzz)

p'ókw'ethet make oneself useful

pól ball

poleqw'íth'et to 'ghost' (him/her)

poleqw'íth'etem get "ghosted"

pólex̲wem to start to steam, get steamed

póléx̲wet to steam something

pol sewolem baseball

pó:lx̲wem be steaming

pó:lxwt to steam it

pó:lx̲wt steaming something

pópekw' to smoke fish

p'óp'ekw'ethet make oneself useful

Popelehó:ys Yale Mountain

p'op'eqw'em beer

p'óp'eqw'em to foam

pópeqwtem mould

pópeqwthet get mouldy

p'óp'etl'em smoking

p'óp'etl'emet to smoke it

pópex̲wels blow spray

pópex̲wet blow on him (Indian medicine)

popíyt to bend it

Popkw'em Popkum Village

pópqw'em puffball

póqw'elh storage on a pole

p'óqw'em to foam

póqwt break it in half (fruit, bread, etc)

póqwthet get mouldy

poskwet to insult him/her

pósqwt insult him/her (body-part names)

póste pasta, noodles

pó:t to blow it

pótel a sail

pótelem several sails

pó:tem flute, instrument you blow into

p'ó:th'es baby basket

p'óth'es baby basket

p'ótl'em to smoke (intr.)

p'ótl'emet to smoke it

p'ōwíyt to patch it

pó:xweleqw Yellow Cedar

póx̲wels blow spray

póx̲wet blow on him (Indian medicine)

pó:yethel (have a) twisted mouth

pó:yt to bend it

p'q'elqel Mountain Goat

p'q'élqel mountain goat

pqwá:y rotten wood

pqwíles out of breath

ptá:kwem bracken fern

p'tl'ómt smudge (against mosquitos)

pú' to fart

pú:ches hoar frost on branch

Puchí:l Yale

pú'elets a show-off

pumí:l drumstick

pumkel pumpkin

púps kitten

púpsollh kitten, kitty

pupuá:ls to freeze

pús cat

pú:t boat

px̲íwét spread his/her legs

p'xwélhp oak tree

px̲wíqs no-see-um (biting midge)

px̲wíqsel gnat, black-fly


p'ákw'et repair it, fix it up

p'álhetset to pass it to (him/her/it)

p'álq'em glitter, sparkle

p'álth'tel needle

p'alyí:ws bark of tree

p'áp'ekw'et repair it, fix it up

p'áp'eq'em to bloom

p'ap'eth' sewing

p'á'p'eth'et sewing something

p'áp'ewet to patch it

p'a'p'xwem Shy, quiet

p'áp'xwem shy, quiet

p'áq'em to bloom

p'áth' to sew, do sewing

p'áth'et sew it

p'áth'tel needle

p'ékw to float, come up

p'ekw'thílem warm-up, leftover

p'eléts'tem have an upset stomach

p'élh get sober, sober

p'elhát sober him/her up

p'elhéthet sober yourself up, sober up, smarten up

p'elhíws get up after fainting

p'elp'álq'em glitters , sparkles

p'elp'elyu:s barks of trees

p'ep'ákwem calm (of water)

p'ep'ékw to float, come up

p'ep'ewí flounder, halibut

p'ep'ílh get sober

p'ep'í:t bring it out (spirit song)

p'ep'óth'es baby basket

p'eptsp'étst charcoal, black coal

p'éq' white

p'eq'í:l get white

p'eq'ó:les have a cataract

P'eq'ó:ls White Rock, BC

p'eq'óméx look white

P'éqwchú:lthel American Bar

p'eth'tel Needle

p'ets't charcoal, black coal

p'ewí flounder, halibut

p'ewíy do patching

p'ílhat sober someone up

p'ílhet flatten something, flatten it

p'íltem to overflow

p'íp'elhet flattening something, flattening it

p'íp'eq' a little white

p'ip'eq'eyós white butterfly

p'ip'eth'eláx̲el bat

p'íp'eth'em get squeezed

p'íp'eth'et to squeeze it

p'íp'ex̲w leaking (as a canoe)

p'ip'íltem overflowing

p'í:qwt pet it, stroke it

p'í:t bring it out (spirit song)

p'íth'em get squeezed

p'íth'et to squeeze it, squeeze (tr.)

p'íx̲w to leak (as a canoe)

p'lhéqwxel sprain an ankle

p'ókw'ethet make oneself useful

p'óp'ekw'ethet make oneself useful

p'op'eqw'em beer

p'óp'eqw'em to foam

p'óp'etl'em smoking

p'óp'etl'emet to smoke it

p'óqw'em to foam

p'ó:th'es baby basket

p'óth'es baby basket

p'ótl'em to smoke (intr.)

p'ótl'emet to smoke it

p'ōwíyt to patch it

p'q'elqel Mountain Goat

p'q'élqel mountain goat

p'tl'ómt smudge (against mosquitos)

p'xwélhp oak tree


q'a'í:lem be ancient

q'al go around an obstacle

q'á:l to believe

qá:l to steal

q'á:lets sharp turn of canoe

qálets' to spin wool

qá:lh reject a person

qá:lmílh reject as husband/wife for your child

q'álp to shrink up

q'álpt to shrink it

q'alp'tem to shrink

q'á:lptem cramped

qá:lq rose (plant), rose coloured

qálq rose (rose coloured)

qá:lqelhp rosebush

q'álq'elp'í:w inchworm

q'álq'éy guts, intestines

qálqomex looks like a rose

q'álq't tangle it

qálstexw dislike (him/her)

qá:lt to rob him/her, to steal something

qám quiet down, be calm (of water or wind)

qametólém get calm (of wind)

q'á:mi teenage girl

q'áp' contract a disease, catch a disease, get addi

q'ápels gather, collect

q'áp'et to tie it up

q'ápt gather it

q'aq'áwetsel dorsal fin

qáqel stealing

qáqelets' spinning wool

q'áq'elmet believing him/her

q'áq'elptem cramped

q'áq'elstexw to give (it) back, return (it)

qáqem quiet down (water)

q'áq'ep' catching a disease

q'áq'ep'et to tie it up

qáqep'et to close (it)

q'áq'et'em sweet

qáq'et'em Sweet

q'áq'etl' convulsions

q'áq'ewet paying him/her

qaqí:lt robbing him/her, stealing something

qaqíw to rest

q'áq'iw to howl

qaqíwthet to rest yourself

qas and

qáth't push it down, pack it down

qátx̲els to feel (with hands)

q'átx̲em make scrape, rattle sound

qátx̲t to feel (it) (with hands)

q'á:w to howl

qá:w to rest

q'áwet pay him/her

q'áwetsel dorsal fin

qáwlhelh rest your throat

qáwlómet rested

qá:wstexw cause to rest

q'á:wthet To rest yourself

qá:wthet to rest yourself

q'axí:l be a partner with him

q'axí:lt be a partner with him

qáys new, just started, just, recently, just now, lately, (at one recent moment), not long ago

qá:ytl'em squeek, creek

q'á:yx̲elhp cascara (a plant )

qe and, or, but

q'e'ílem be ancient

qél bad

q'eláq'a blackbird

qelát more, again

qelátstexw do it again

qelá:wthet camp and rest

qelelexw spoil it

qelelhóméx ugly

qelélwes afraid to try

q'élem camp, stay at a place

qélem eye

q'élém to make camp

qéléméx oh my goodness

qeléqep to smell bad

qelésemet turn one's face away

q'eléts' rainshelter

q'eléts'éqwtel umbrella

qéletses have dirty hands, bad habits

qél:éx̲ salmon eggs

q'eléx̲el a fence

q'eléx̲t to fence him in

qeléxw spoil it

q'elhál bow of a boat

qelí:lt spoil it

qelí:lthet to turn bad

qelímó:les rough-looking

Q'ellhólemétsel Killer Whale

q'élmel a camp

q'élmet to believe him/her

qelmí:lthel leftovers, scraps

q'elóleq friend, buddy

qeló:les tears

qelóméx look bad, look mean

qeló:qtel be sister and brother to each other

qelóth blunt, dull

q'élp to shrink up

q'elp'íw inchworm

q'élpt to shrink it

q'elptem have a cramp

q'élp'thet to shrink

qelqálém disgusted

qelqá:lq rose

qelqá:lqelhp rosebush

qelqásem smell like a rose

qelqelátstexw do it again

qelqélelhómex ugly

qelqelém Disgusted

q'elq'élém to make camp

qélqel:ém eyes

q'elq'élets'éqwtel umbrella

qelqél:éx̲ salmon eggs

q'elq'éléx̲el a fence

qelqélexw spoil it

qelqelí:lt spoil it

qelqé:li:lt To destroy (it)

qelqelí:lthet to turn bad

q'elq'élmel a camp

q'elq'élp' tangled on itself

q'elq'elptem have a cramp

q'elq'elq'et to answer (it)

q'elq'élq't tangle it

qélqe:lt to destroy (it)

qélqelwílhmet to hate him/her

qelqelwíst to hug him

q'élq'et to answer (it)

qelqéyl to get destroyed, to turn bad, to get dirty/spoiled

qelqé:ylt to destroy (it)

qelqílthet upset stomach

qélqíyl getting destroyed, turning bad, getting dirty/spoiled

q'élq'lexw tangle it

q'élq't tangle it

qélqwlha how beautiful!

q'élq'xetel rags wound around ankles

qelsílém partially blind

q'elsiyáqem have/get a snowdrift

q'elstá:xw to fool him/her

q'élstexw to give (it) back, return (it), give back (tr.)

qélstexw dislike (him/her)

q'eltóléstexw Mix them up

qélwelh stingy, bad-natured, cranky, bad-tempered

qelwílhmet to hate him/her

qelwílst to hug him

qelwí:st To hug him

qém:el come in (of tide)

q'emetst crumple it up

qemó: to suckle

q'emō:lhp broad-leaf maple tree

q'emós to dip net

q'emó:stel a dip-net

qemót to suckle on it

q'emq'emō:lhp maple trees

q'emq'emós to dip net

q'emq'emst crumple it up

q'emts'et Crumple it up

qe'óleq Friend, buddy

qe'ó:les tear drop

q'ép to gather together

qép'esem To bend over

qép'est turn it upside down

qépkwoya small owl

q'ép'lexw pass on a disease

q'ep'lómet catch a disease

qep'ós face down

qep'ósem to bend over

qep'óst turn it upside down

qep'ó:ythel cover your mouth

q'épq'ép be gathering, many gathering

q'epq'epem collecting, gathering

q'epq'ép'lexw passing on a disease

qep'yó:lha to lay on one's stomach

qéqelelhó:mex ulgy little ones

q'eq'elstá:xw to fool him/her

qeqémel rising [of water]

qéqemó: to suckle

qeqemót to suckle on it

qeqemótel Having the same parents

qeqemóthel having the same parents

q'éq'ewes surprised

q'éq'ewet to hang it on a nail or line

q'eq'ex̲elám to yell

q'eqexí:lt accompanying someone

q'eq'éy guts, intestines

qeqiq'awtxw jail

q'eq'íw to howl

q'eq'iyós barrel, tub, load (of laundry)

qeqó: water

q'eq'ótel to meet each other

q'eq'q'áq'etl' convulsions

q'eq'x̲ótel arguing back and forth

q'esí:ltel straps for berry basket

q'ésq'esetsel Spider

qésqesí:lem sobbing (after crying)

qesqesí:lqel tired out from crying

q'ésq'estetsel spider

qetás steam-cook in a pit

q'et'emá:yelhp balsam fir

qétes steam-cooking in a pit

Qétex̲em Village at mouth of American Creek

qeth'ét push it down, pack it down

qethiyálh uncle

q'eth'ōwítsem put hands behind back

q'et'mí:l fir tree

q'etóléstexw mix (them) together

q'et'q'et'mí:l Fir Trees (Balsam Fir)

qéttle waistband for skirt

q'etx̲áls shivaree

qetx̲á:ls to feel (with hands)

qétx̲als Feeling around

qétx̲t to feel (it) (with hands)

q'éwe a cane

qewét warm him up

q'ewétem drumming

qewéthet warm yourself up

q'ewílem go around a bend

Q'ewílem Go around a bend or turn

q'ewí:lestel suspenders

Qewítsel Cowichen

q'éwq'ewe a cane

q'ewq'ewét drums

qéx̲ much, many, a lot

q'exí:lt accompany (him/her)

q'ex̲mí:l hog fennel

qex̲óthet slide

q'éx̲q'ex̲él can

q'ex̲q'ex̲el sqe'óleqw pop/fizzy drink

q'ex̲q'x̲el a tin can

q'ey wound around, tight, knotted

q'eyáweth'eláx̲el To coss your arms

q'eyáweth'xelem to cross your legs

q'éyestel to make a net

q'eyéx̲ whirlpool

q'éyex̲em whirlpool

q'éykw'et to bite (him/her/it)

q'éykw'etem (he/she/it) was bitten

qéylemá:ls have a funeral

qéylemt put it away, to put away, to save (tr.)

qéyleqels villain, bad guy, bad person

q'éylexw to kill someone( accidentally)

q'éylóm it has been put away

qéymeqw' octopus

q'eyós barrel, tub

q'éyq'ekw'et to bite (him/her/it)

q'éyq'ekw'etem (he/she/it) was being bitten

qéyqel no good

qéyqelemt put it away

qeyqelímels have a funeral

q'eyq'elts'iyósem whirlwind

q'eyq'emó:stel dip-net

qéyqep'yó:lha laying on one's stomach

qeyqeq'et to catch (him/her) as prisoner

q'éyq'esel to repair a net

q'éyq'eset tie it up

q'éyq'esetsel mend a net

q'éyq'estsel to make a net

q'eyq'ethá:m short of memory

q'eyq'ewethtelmel to cross your legs

qeyqex̲elátsem little sled

qéyqex̲em to slip, to slide

qeyqex̲óthet slide

q'éyq'ey (have) sore muscles

q'eyq'éyex̲em whirlpool

q'eyq'eyós barrel

q'éyq'eytl'thet to heal up (of a wound)

qeyqeyx̲elósem ray of sun between clouds

q'eyq'x̲ótel arguing, quarreling

q'éyset tie it up

q'éysetsel To make a net

q'éyt'e to swing

qéytl't press it down

q'éytl'thet to heal up (of a wound)

q'éyt'o orange hunny suckle

q'é:ywet to hang it on a nail or line

q'eyx̲elám to yell

qéyx̲em to slip, to slide

qéyx̲es blind

q'eyx̲esílém partially blind

q'eyx̲ó:les pupil (of eye)

qíq' in jail, caught, imprisoned

qíq'áwtxw jail

Qiqá:yt reserve near New Westminster

qíqe soft

qíqel mischievous

qiqep'eyósem lying on your stomach

qíqeq'els policeman

qíqeq'éls police

qíq'et to catch (him/her) as prisoner

qíqew menstruating

q'íq'ewethet to lean over it

q'íq'ewílem go round a bend in the river

q'íq'ex̲el to turn black

qíqex̲elátsem slide on your bottom

qíqex̲em slippery

q'íq'exwet to tighten it

qíqeytl'em squeek, creek

q'íqiwelh have a miscarriage

qítes cedar headband

qí:w to menstruate

q'í:wélh have a miscarriage

q'í:wethet to lean over it

qí:wx̲ steelhead trout

q'íx̲el to turn black, become black

qíx̲elátsem slide on your bottom

q'íxwet to tighten it

qíytes Cedar headband

q'lhól bow of a boat

qó: water

qó:'im watermelon

qó:lem to scoop, to dip, dip water

qólem to scoop, to dip, to dip water

q'óleq friend, buddy

qó:lhcha water with stuff in it

qó:lt scoop it up

q'ólthet return

qó:m to cup water in your hands

qó:mthet be still (of water)

q'ópthet crowding together

qó:qe to drink

qóqelem ladeling, dipping (water, but also food)

qóqem to cup water in your hands

qó:qet to drink something (it)

q'óq'ey sick

q'óq'eylexw to kill (him/her/it)

q'oq'éylhtset to kill for (him/her/it)

qoqéylt scoop it up

q'óq'eystexw make him/her sick

q'óq'eyt to kill (him/her/it)

q'oqéythet kill yourself

q'óq'eytses (have) hurt hand

q'óq'eyxel lame

q'oq'ilmel to die

q'óq'iy sickness (also sperm)

q'óq'iyáwtxw hospital

Qoqoláx̲el Watery Eaves Longhouse

qoqó:lem a place name of Vedder Mountain (meaning drinking water)

qoqó:qe drinking

qoqó:qet drinking something (it)

q'oq'óthet join in

q'ótel to meet each other

q'ótelt put (them) together

q'ó:thet join in

q'ó:wel howl (as coyote)

q'ówem howl (dog), or crow (rooster)

q'owét to drum, a drum

q'ōwlets go around a bend in water

qowletsá:ls boiler pan

q'ōwletsem go round a bend

qōwletst go around it

q'óx̲el suckerfish

q'óx̲esem put your head back

q'óxiylt go with (tr.)

q'ó:y to die

q'oyátl'iye snail, slug

q'ó:yélhtset to kill for (him/her/it)

q'oyéx̲em whirlpool

q'oyí:ts elk

Q'oyí:ts moose

q'ó:yt to kill someone/something on purpose

q'óythet kill yourself

q'óyxilthóme go with you

qp'á:letstel a lid

q'pá:ls gather, collect

qp'á:qet to close (it)

qp'á:thet To close it

q'pels gathering, collecting

q'pém to collect, gather

q'pet to gather (them)

q'pét gather s-th, pick up s-th (stuff that's scattered about), collect s-th, gather it up, pick them up

q'péthet to crowd together

qsí:l tired out

q'thá:m short of money

q'uq'ewílem going around a bend

qwá get a hole

qwahéylém crawl through

qwa:l to speak

qwá:l mosquito

qwálats hole in a bucket

qwálhecháls to stir

qwá:ls to drill

qwálxtem stormy with snow

qwáqel sprout up

qwaqwá:ls drill

qwáqwats'et belching, burping

qwát make a hole in it

qwáts'et to belch, to burp

qw'át'ts'em sound of water slushing

qw'á:ychep sparks, red-hot ashes

qwáyel be yellow, got yellow (be greenish)

qwáylx̲letsetst stirring

qw'á:yt scorch it

qwáyúwél dandelion

qwayx̲élechem do a hula dance

qwá:yx̲t shake it

qwá:yx̲thet shade yourself

qw'e'áts little suckerfish with a big mouth

qwehá go through

qwe'íqwepsem (have a) scrawny neck

qwe'íqweqs (have) a thin nose

qwe'íqwqeqw scrawny

qw'el to get a rash

qw'él over-ripe, over-cooked

qw'elá:m change of voice (boy)

qweláts to gossip

qwélatses fir bough

qwelátst to squeal on him/her

qw'élém to barbecue

qw'eléqel cliff

qwél:és whale

qwelhíxálem put your shoes on

qwelhíxel shoe

qwelhlyúwelh big wooden dish

qwelhqwélhet push it into water

qwélhxélem put your shoes on

qw'elíteq sea-gull

qwellhí:xel shoes

qwélmet yell at somone

qwel'óp apples, crabapples (the fruit)

qwelópelhp apple trees, crabapple trees

qweló:ythetel record player, cd player, recorder, cassette player

qweloythílemstexw te ketó to play the guitar

qwelqwá:l small float for nets (made from singed cedar)

qw'élqw'el to get a rash

qw'élqw'él over-ripe, over-cooked

qwelqwél:es whales

qw'elqw'elíteq sea-gulls

qwelqwelíwel thinking about it

qwélqwelmet yelling at somone

qwelqweló:ythel somebody always talking, talkative

qwelqweló:ythetel record player, cd player

qwelqwélxel fine snow

qw'elqw'ō:l ears

qwelqwó:pelhp devil's club (several)

qwel'qwóyels oranges, many orange things (colour and fruit)

qwéls to boil, boil (intr.)

qwélst to can (it), boil (it), boil (tr.)

qwélstexw to say it

qw'éltel barbecue-stick

qwélxel fine snow

qwélxem snowstorm

qwelxóme real fine snow

qw'elx̲wéltses fingernails(also: claws)

qw'elx̲wélxel toenail

qwelx̲wometses thumb

qw'elyilexáwyxw dance hall

qw'ém come out (of hair)

qwémchest hug around the neck

qwemchíwét to hug him/her (around waist)

qwemchó:ls cranberry

qwémélép cottonwood bark

qw'emét pull out (hair)

qw'émet pull out (hair)

qw'eméwst pluck it (bird)

qw'emílep to weed

Qwemílíts Chilliwack Mountain

qw'emó:thel to fish with line

qw'émqw'ém come out (of hair)

qwemqwemchíwet to hug him/her (around waist)

qwemqwemchó:ls cranberry

qw'emqw'émet pull out (hair)

qw'emqw'eméwst pluck it (bird)

qwémqwémx̲w lump

qwemqwémx̲wtses wrist bone

qwémqwemx̲wxel ankle

Qwemth'í:les Mt. Ogilvie

qwémx̲w lump

qw'emx̲west roll it up in a ball

qwémx̲wtses wrist bone

qwémx̲wxel ankle

qwe'óp apple, crabapple (the fruit)

qwe'ó:pelhp apple tree, crabapple tree

qwe'op sqe'óleqw apple juice

qweqwá:l small float for nets (made from singed cedar

qweqwáqel sprout up

qw'eq'wa:ychep lots of sparks, many red-hot ashes

qw'eqw'él to get a rash

qw'éqw'élém to barbecue

Qweqwe'ópelhp kwakwapilt

qweqwés fall in water

qw'eqw'í:lt uncover it

qweqwís narrow

Qweqw'ópelhp Kwakwapilt First Nation

qwés fall in water

qwéset push him/it in water

Qw'esi:tselálá Island off Seabird Island

qwéth' yellow glow

qwétxem get foggy

qwexwomeltses thumb

qw'eyélex dancing

qw'eyílex to dance

qw'eyilexáwtxw dance hall

qw'eyí:ylex to dance

qw'eyíylex to dance

qwéyqwelatst to squeal on him/her

qw'íles sprouting up

qwíliyéthel beard (hair on face)

qw'í:lt uncover it

qw'í:m get out of canoe/ car

qw'íméls unloading a canoe

qw'ímét unload it (canoe,etc)

qwiqwayúwel dandelions

qw'iqw'elá:m change of voice (boy)

qwíqwelats to gossip, gossipy

qwíqwelátst to gossip

qwíqwelex̲echem do a hula dance

qwíqwelh mountain ash

qw'íqw'em get out of canoe/ car

qw'íqw'emet unloading it (canoe,etc)

qw'iqw'emóthel to fish with line

qwíqwex̲w miss (when shooting)

qwíqwex̲wet to miss it (a shot)

qwíqwíy copper

qwiqwóyels orange (colour and the fruit)

qwítx̲ flowering dogwood flower, pacific dogwood flower

qwítx̲elhp pacific dogwood, flowering dogwood tree

qw'íwelh rough (of river)

qwíx̲letsest stirring

qw'íx̲w brown

qwíx̲w miss (when shooting)

qw'íx̲wes black person

qwíx̲wet to miss it (a shot)

qwíyeltsel do a hula dance

qwiyx̲t shake it

qwíyx̲thet shake yourself

qwlhét push it into water

qwlhí:xel shoe

qwlímó:les rough, rough texture

qwōhóls sticking out

qw'ō:l ear

qw'ó:leqwet whip it many times

qwólex̲wes black person

qw'ólhlexw notice it / him

qwó:ls boiling, making boil

Qwó:ls Harrison Hot springs

qw'o:ls sq'eyle canning

qwólst canning (it), boiling (it)

Qw'ó:ltl'el Kwantlen

qwómchest hug around the neck

qw'ómx̲west roll it up in a ball

qwó:pelhp devil's club

qw'ópx̲wem hitting on something

qwoqwát making a hole in it

qw'óqw'el tame

qwóqwel speaking

qwóqwelem smelling damp, rank

qw'óqw'elhlexw notice it / him

qwoqwel qwloythel radio

qwóqwelstexw to say it

qw'óqwet whip it

qwoqwex̲wlómét get irritated

qwóqwiyel getting yellow, turning yellow, turning green

qw'ox̲wemáléqep (have an) underarm smell

qwox̲wlómét get irritated

qwóyel turn yellow or green

qwsá:yel to throw out a net

qwsét push him/it in water

qwsuyel set a net

qw'x̲weltses Finger nail or Claw

qw'x̲wéltses fingernail (also: claw)

qw'x̲wélxel toenail

qx̲álh lots of times

qx̲ó:s lots of money

q'x̲ótel to argue, have a quarrel


q'a'í:lem be ancient

q'al go around an obstacle

q'á:l to believe

q'á:lets sharp turn of canoe

q'álp to shrink up

q'álpt to shrink it

q'alp'tem to shrink

q'á:lptem cramped

q'álq'elp'í:w inchworm

q'álq'éy guts, intestines

q'álq't tangle it

q'á:mi teenage girl

q'áp' contract a disease, catch a disease, get addi

q'ápels gather, collect

q'áp'et to tie it up

q'ápt gather it

q'aq'áwetsel dorsal fin

q'áq'elmet believing him/her

q'áq'elptem cramped

q'áq'elstexw to give (it) back, return (it)

q'áq'ep' catching a disease

q'áq'ep'et to tie it up

q'áq'et'em sweet

q'áq'etl' convulsions

q'áq'ewet paying him/her

q'áq'iw to howl

q'átx̲em make scrape, rattle sound

q'á:w to howl

q'áwet pay him/her

q'áwetsel dorsal fin

q'á:wthet To rest yourself

q'axí:l be a partner with him

q'axí:lt be a partner with him

q'á:yx̲elhp cascara (a plant )

q'e'ílem be ancient

q'eláq'a blackbird

q'élem camp, stay at a place

q'élém to make camp

q'eléts' rainshelter

q'eléts'éqwtel umbrella

q'eléx̲el a fence

q'eléx̲t to fence him in

q'elhál bow of a boat

Q'ellhólemétsel Killer Whale

q'élmel a camp

q'élmet to believe him/her

q'elóleq friend, buddy

q'élp to shrink up

q'elp'íw inchworm

q'élpt to shrink it

q'elptem have a cramp

q'élp'thet to shrink

q'elq'élém to make camp

q'elq'élets'éqwtel umbrella

q'elq'éléx̲el a fence

q'elq'élmel a camp

q'elq'élp' tangled on itself

q'elq'elptem have a cramp

q'elq'elq'et to answer (it)

q'elq'élq't tangle it

q'élq'et to answer (it)

q'élq'lexw tangle it

q'élq't tangle it

q'élq'xetel rags wound around ankles

q'elsiyáqem have/get a snowdrift

q'elstá:xw to fool him/her

q'élstexw to give (it) back, return (it), give back (tr.)

q'eltóléstexw Mix them up

q'emetst crumple it up

q'emō:lhp broad-leaf maple tree

q'emós to dip net

q'emó:stel a dip-net

q'emq'emō:lhp maple trees

q'emq'emós to dip net

q'emq'emst crumple it up

q'emts'et Crumple it up

q'ép to gather together

q'ép'lexw pass on a disease

q'ep'lómet catch a disease

q'épq'ép be gathering, many gathering

q'epq'epem collecting, gathering

q'epq'ép'lexw passing on a disease

q'eq'elstá:xw to fool him/her

q'éq'ewes surprised

q'éq'ewet to hang it on a nail or line

q'eq'ex̲elám to yell

q'eqexí:lt accompanying someone

q'eq'éy guts, intestines

q'eq'íw to howl

q'eq'iyós barrel, tub, load (of laundry)

q'eq'ótel to meet each other

q'eq'q'áq'etl' convulsions

q'eq'x̲ótel arguing back and forth

q'esí:ltel straps for berry basket

q'ésq'esetsel Spider

q'ésq'estetsel spider

q'et'emá:yelhp balsam fir

q'eth'ōwítsem put hands behind back

q'et'mí:l fir tree

q'etóléstexw mix (them) together

q'et'q'et'mí:l Fir Trees (Balsam Fir)

q'etx̲áls shivaree

q'éwe a cane

q'ewétem drumming

q'ewílem go around a bend

Q'ewílem Go around a bend or turn

q'ewí:lestel suspenders

q'éwq'ewe a cane

q'ewq'ewét drums

q'exí:lt accompany (him/her)

q'ex̲mí:l hog fennel

q'éx̲q'ex̲él can

q'ex̲q'ex̲el sqe'óleqw pop/fizzy drink

q'ex̲q'x̲el a tin can

q'ey wound around, tight, knotted

q'eyáweth'eláx̲el To coss your arms

q'eyáweth'xelem to cross your legs

q'éyestel to make a net

q'eyéx̲ whirlpool

q'éyex̲em whirlpool

q'éykw'et to bite (him/her/it)

q'éykw'etem (he/she/it) was bitten

q'éylexw to kill someone( accidentally)

q'éylóm it has been put away

q'eyós barrel, tub

q'éyq'ekw'et to bite (him/her/it)

q'éyq'ekw'etem (he/she/it) was being bitten

q'eyq'elts'iyósem whirlwind

q'eyq'emó:stel dip-net

q'éyq'esel to repair a net

q'éyq'eset tie it up

q'éyq'esetsel mend a net

q'éyq'estsel to make a net

q'eyq'ethá:m short of memory

q'eyq'ewethtelmel to cross your legs

q'éyq'ey (have) sore muscles

q'eyq'éyex̲em whirlpool

q'eyq'eyós barrel

q'éyq'eytl'thet to heal up (of a wound)

q'eyq'x̲ótel arguing, quarreling

q'éyset tie it up

q'éysetsel To make a net

q'éyt'e to swing

q'éytl'thet to heal up (of a wound)

q'éyt'o orange hunny suckle

q'é:ywet to hang it on a nail or line

q'eyx̲elám to yell

q'eyx̲esílém partially blind

q'eyx̲ó:les pupil (of eye)

q'íq'ewethet to lean over it

q'íq'ewílem go round a bend in the river

q'íq'ex̲el to turn black

q'íq'exwet to tighten it

q'íqiwelh have a miscarriage

q'í:wélh have a miscarriage

q'í:wethet to lean over it

q'íx̲el to turn black, become black

q'íxwet to tighten it

q'lhól bow of a boat

q'óleq friend, buddy

q'ólthet return

q'ópthet crowding together

q'óq'ey sick

q'óq'eylexw to kill (him/her/it)

q'oq'éylhtset to kill for (him/her/it)

q'óq'eystexw make him/her sick

q'óq'eyt to kill (him/her/it)

q'oqéythet kill yourself

q'óq'eytses (have) hurt hand

q'óq'eyxel lame

q'oq'ilmel to die

q'óq'iy sickness (also sperm)

q'óq'iyáwtxw hospital

q'oq'óthet join in

q'ótel to meet each other

q'ótelt put (them) together

q'ó:thet join in

q'ó:wel howl (as coyote)

q'ówem howl (dog), or crow (rooster)

q'owét to drum, a drum

q'ōwlets go around a bend in water

q'ōwletsem go round a bend

q'óx̲el suckerfish

q'óx̲esem put your head back

q'óxiylt go with (tr.)

q'ó:y to die

q'oyátl'iye snail, slug

q'ó:yélhtset to kill for (him/her/it)

q'oyéx̲em whirlpool

q'oyí:ts elk

Q'oyí:ts moose

q'ó:yt to kill someone/something on purpose

q'óythet kill yourself

q'óyxilthóme go with you

q'pá:ls gather, collect

q'pels gathering, collecting

q'pém to collect, gather

q'pet to gather (them)

q'pét gather s-th, pick up s-th (stuff that's scattered about), collect s-th, gather it up, pick them up

q'péthet to crowd together

q'thá:m short of money

q'uq'ewílem going around a bend

q'x̲ótel to argue, have a quarrel


qwá get a hole

qwahéylém crawl through

qwa:l to speak

qwá:l mosquito

qwálats hole in a bucket

qwálhecháls to stir

qwá:ls to drill

qwálxtem stormy with snow

qwáqel sprout up

qwaqwá:ls drill

qwáqwats'et belching, burping

qwát make a hole in it

qwáts'et to belch, to burp

qw'át'ts'em sound of water slushing

qw'á:ychep sparks, red-hot ashes

qwáyel be yellow, got yellow (be greenish)

qwáylx̲letsetst stirring

qw'á:yt scorch it

qwáyúwél dandelion

qwayx̲élechem do a hula dance

qwá:yx̲t shake it

qwá:yx̲thet shade yourself

qw'e'áts little suckerfish with a big mouth

qwehá go through

qwe'íqwepsem (have a) scrawny neck

qwe'íqweqs (have) a thin nose

qwe'íqwqeqw scrawny

qw'el to get a rash

qw'él over-ripe, over-cooked

qw'elá:m change of voice (boy)

qweláts to gossip

qwélatses fir bough

qwelátst to squeal on him/her

qw'élém to barbecue

qw'eléqel cliff

qwél:és whale

qwelhíxálem put your shoes on

qwelhíxel shoe

qwelhlyúwelh big wooden dish

qwelhqwélhet push it into water

qwélhxélem put your shoes on

qw'elíteq sea-gull

qwellhí:xel shoes

qwélmet yell at somone

qwel'óp apples, crabapples (the fruit)

qwelópelhp apple trees, crabapple trees

qweló:ythetel record player, cd player, recorder, cassette player

qweloythílemstexw te ketó to play the guitar

qwelqwá:l small float for nets (made from singed cedar)

qw'élqw'el to get a rash

qw'élqw'él over-ripe, over-cooked

qwelqwél:es whales

qw'elqw'elíteq sea-gulls

qwelqwelíwel thinking about it

qwélqwelmet yelling at somone

qwelqweló:ythel somebody always talking, talkative

qwelqweló:ythetel record player, cd player

qwelqwélxel fine snow

qw'elqw'ō:l ears

qwelqwó:pelhp devil's club (several)

qwel'qwóyels oranges, many orange things (colour and fruit)

qwéls to boil, boil (intr.)

qwélst to can (it), boil (it), boil (tr.)

qwélstexw to say it

qw'éltel barbecue-stick

qwélxel fine snow

qwélxem snowstorm

qwelxóme real fine snow

qw'elx̲wéltses fingernails(also: claws)

qw'elx̲wélxel toenail

qwelx̲wometses thumb

qw'elyilexáwyxw dance hall

qw'ém come out (of hair)

qwémchest hug around the neck

qwemchíwét to hug him/her (around waist)

qwemchó:ls cranberry

qwémélép cottonwood bark

qw'emét pull out (hair)

qw'émet pull out (hair)

qw'eméwst pluck it (bird)

qw'emílep to weed

Qwemílíts Chilliwack Mountain

qw'emó:thel to fish with line

qw'émqw'ém come out (of hair)

qwemqwemchíwet to hug him/her (around waist)

qwemqwemchó:ls cranberry

qw'emqw'émet pull out (hair)

qw'emqw'eméwst pluck it (bird)

qwémqwémx̲w lump

qwemqwémx̲wtses wrist bone

qwémqwemx̲wxel ankle

Qwemth'í:les Mt. Ogilvie

qwémx̲w lump

qw'emx̲west roll it up in a ball

qwémx̲wtses wrist bone

qwémx̲wxel ankle

qwe'óp apple, crabapple (the fruit)

qwe'ó:pelhp apple tree, crabapple tree

qwe'op sqe'óleqw apple juice

qweqwá:l small float for nets (made from singed cedar

qweqwáqel sprout up

qw'eq'wa:ychep lots of sparks, many red-hot ashes

qw'eqw'él to get a rash

qw'éqw'élém to barbecue

Qweqwe'ópelhp kwakwapilt

qweqwés fall in water

qw'eqw'í:lt uncover it

qweqwís narrow

Qweqw'ópelhp Kwakwapilt First Nation

qwés fall in water

qwéset push him/it in water

Qw'esi:tselálá Island off Seabird Island

qwéth' yellow glow

qwétxem get foggy

qwexwomeltses thumb

qw'eyélex dancing

qw'eyílex to dance

qw'eyilexáwtxw dance hall

qw'eyí:ylex to dance

qw'eyíylex to dance

qwéyqwelatst to squeal on him/her

qw'íles sprouting up

qwíliyéthel beard (hair on face)

qw'í:lt uncover it

qw'í:m get out of canoe/ car

qw'íméls unloading a canoe

qw'ímét unload it (canoe,etc)

qwiqwayúwel dandelions

qw'iqw'elá:m change of voice (boy)

qwíqwelats to gossip, gossipy

qwíqwelátst to gossip

qwíqwelex̲echem do a hula dance

qwíqwelh mountain ash

qw'íqw'em get out of canoe/ car

qw'íqw'emet unloading it (canoe,etc)

qw'iqw'emóthel to fish with line

qwíqwex̲w miss (when shooting)

qwíqwex̲wet to miss it (a shot)

qwíqwíy copper

qwiqwóyels orange (colour and the fruit)

qwítx̲ flowering dogwood flower, pacific dogwood flower

qwítx̲elhp pacific dogwood, flowering dogwood tree

qw'íwelh rough (of river)

qwíx̲letsest stirring

qw'íx̲w brown

qwíx̲w miss (when shooting)

qw'íx̲wes black person

qwíx̲wet to miss it (a shot)

qwíyeltsel do a hula dance

qwiyx̲t shake it

qwíyx̲thet shake yourself

qwlhét push it into water

qwlhí:xel shoe

qwlímó:les rough, rough texture

qwōhóls sticking out

qw'ō:l ear

qw'ó:leqwet whip it many times

qwólex̲wes black person

qw'ólhlexw notice it / him

qwó:ls boiling, making boil

Qwó:ls Harrison Hot springs

qw'o:ls sq'eyle canning

qwólst canning (it), boiling (it)

Qw'ó:ltl'el Kwantlen

qwómchest hug around the neck

qw'ómx̲west roll it up in a ball

qwó:pelhp devil's club

qw'ópx̲wem hitting on something

qwoqwát making a hole in it

qw'óqw'el tame

qwóqwel speaking

qwóqwelem smelling damp, rank

qw'óqw'elhlexw notice it / him

qwoqwel qwloythel radio

qwóqwelstexw to say it

qw'óqwet whip it

qwoqwex̲wlómét get irritated

qwóqwiyel getting yellow, turning yellow, turning green

qw'ox̲wemáléqep (have an) underarm smell

qwox̲wlómét get irritated

qwóyel turn yellow or green

qwsá:yel to throw out a net

qwsét push him/it in water

qwsuyel set a net

qw'x̲weltses Finger nail or Claw

qw'x̲wéltses fingernail (also: claw)

qw'x̲wélxel toenail


qw'át'ts'em sound of water slushing

qw'á:ychep sparks, red-hot ashes

qw'á:yt scorch it

qw'e'áts little suckerfish with a big mouth

qw'el to get a rash

qw'él over-ripe, over-cooked

qw'elá:m change of voice (boy)

qw'élém to barbecue

qw'eléqel cliff

qw'elíteq sea-gull

qw'élqw'el to get a rash

qw'élqw'él over-ripe, over-cooked

qw'elqw'elíteq sea-gulls

qw'elqw'ō:l ears

qw'éltel barbecue-stick

qw'elx̲wéltses fingernails(also: claws)

qw'elx̲wélxel toenail

qw'elyilexáwyxw dance hall

qw'ém come out (of hair)

qw'emét pull out (hair)

qw'émet pull out (hair)

qw'eméwst pluck it (bird)

qw'emílep to weed

qw'emó:thel to fish with line

qw'émqw'ém come out (of hair)

qw'emqw'émet pull out (hair)

qw'emqw'eméwst pluck it (bird)

qw'emx̲west roll it up in a ball

qw'eq'wa:ychep lots of sparks, many red-hot ashes

qw'eqw'él to get a rash

qw'éqw'élém to barbecue

qw'eqw'í:lt uncover it

Qw'esi:tselálá Island off Seabird Island

qw'eyélex dancing

qw'eyílex to dance

qw'eyilexáwtxw dance hall

qw'eyí:ylex to dance

qw'eyíylex to dance

qw'íles sprouting up

qw'í:lt uncover it

qw'í:m get out of canoe/ car

qw'íméls unloading a canoe

qw'ímét unload it (canoe,etc)

qw'iqw'elá:m change of voice (boy)

qw'íqw'em get out of canoe/ car

qw'íqw'emet unloading it (canoe,etc)

qw'iqw'emóthel to fish with line

qw'íwelh rough (of river)

qw'íx̲w brown

qw'íx̲wes black person

qw'ō:l ear

qw'ó:leqwet whip it many times

qw'ólhlexw notice it / him

qw'o:ls sq'eyle canning

Qw'ó:ltl'el Kwantlen

qw'ómx̲west roll it up in a ball

qw'ópx̲wem hitting on something

qw'óqw'el tame

qw'óqw'elhlexw notice it / him

qw'óqwet whip it

qw'ox̲wemáléqep (have an) underarm smell

qw'x̲weltses Finger nail or Claw

qw'x̲wéltses fingernail (also: claw)

qw'x̲wélxel toenail


sá'íw have a hard time

sakweláx arrow, gun

sálekweláx arrow, gun

s'álem a pole

saleqíws pants (several pairs)

s'aléts trunk of tree

s'álhtel food

s'álhtelóthel snack (n.)

s'álqsel tip of one's nose

sá:ltel baskets

sa:lth'tem be dizzy

sá:lts'tem be dizzy

sá:q bracken fern root

sáq't split it (wood)

sásetet to pass (it) [as at a meal]

sásewel boxed lunch

sasex̲em bitter

sásq'ets Sasquatch

sátelhtset To pass it to (him/her/it)

sátelhtst to pass to [a person]

sátet to pass (it) [as at a meal], to hand [as in passing food at the table]

sá:tl'atl older-brothers, older sisters, older siblings (or cousins)

s'átl'q outside

s'átl'qmel outside part of a house

sáts'-ets' to stutter

sáwel boxed lunch

sawel'álá lunch pail

sawéts'em rustling sound

s'áwkw'emálá suitcase

sáx̲em bitter

sá:y wool, animal hair

sáyém to ache, sore

sá:yt'els tickling

sá:yt't tickle him/her

sá:yt'tem get tickled

sá:yx̲wem tickled

sá:yx̲wet tickle him/her

sch'a'áls shelf

schachexw married (for man)

sch'ách'exw be silent

scháchexwmet propose to (her)

sch'ákwx̲ seplíl fry bread

sch'áletstel chair

sch'ats'el get silent, become quiet

sch'á:yxwels dried meat

schech'a'áls shelf

schechewó:t smart ( of several), very smart

schechim backpack

schechí:ya strawberries

schechí:yá:lhp strawberry bush

scheláka a carp(fish)

schelá:w be inside out

schelcháletstel chairs

schelcheláka many carps (fish)

schelhá:liya top of ear

schelhó:ythel upper lip

sch'eqw'ōwelh basket weaving

schewchewtá:lh son-in-law or daughter-in-law

schewíts (have) back towards him/her

schewót smart

schéxwem South wind, warm wind, West wind

Schéxwem North wind

schéxwemet propose to (her)

schéxwmet Propose to (her)

schí:lh first born child

schim backpack

schí:m Backpack

schí:wetálh sons-in-law, daughters-in-law

schiwtá:lh son-in-law or daughter-in-law

schí:ya strawberry

schí:yá:lhp strawberry bush

schókwelhta skwí:x nickname

schókwelhta ts'éts spipe visa

sch'ó:lha leaf

scho'olelha leaf

s'ehó wrapped up

s'ehólets pocket, in a pocket

Seksekwóllh Lillouwet people, Douglas people

sékw'emíy birch tree

Sekwóllh Lillouwet people, Douglas people

sékw'sekw'emíy village at junction of Semiault Creek and Chilliwack River'

selá hidden away

selá:wa humble

selchím how, be how

selchí:meleqel what does it sound like?

selchí:mleqel What does it sound like?

selchímomex what does it look like? What colour is it?

selélets two diferent things

s'eleliya dream [the thing]

seleplíl breads (plural)

séles get drunk

s'elhtel Food

selí:kw broken

s'elí:les chests

Selísi Mount Slesse; village at mouth of Slesse Creek onto Chilliwack River

selístel little basket

selíx laying on it's side

s'élíyá dream [the thing]

seló:lh to move (to new house)

seló:ytheqw raspberry

selsálth'tem be dizzy

selsá:y wool, animal hair

sélsel spinning stick

sélseltel spindle, hand spinner

selsí:l cloth

selsílawtxw tent

selsí:le grandparents

séltl'o eldest child, oldest sibling

sélts' make a circle around, circle a fire

semalelá:lh high-class person

Semá:th Sumas

semáxel be barefoot

sémele already had a baby

semíkw' all of them (people)

semlóthel riverbank

S'em'oméla Thompson people

semóye bee, honeybee

semsemáxel being barefoot

semyó cheap

Semyó:me Semiahmoo (White Rock, BC)

seplí:l bread

sepsáp stubborn

seq' it split open

seq'á:lí:ya ear-splitting

seq'ét split it (wood)

seqíws pants

seqíwsem put on one's pants

seq'seq' it split open (of several)

seqsíqetsel roof

séqwemí:l cedar bark skirt

séqw'emí:ws cedar bark skirt

seqw'seqw'emí:l cedar bark skirt

sesásq'ets Sasquatches

sesex̲we'áléx̲eth' to wet the bed

sesiltl'e eldest child

sesíq' a crack

sesí:si always scared

sesí:silexw accidentally scare him/her

sesí:silómet to scare yourself

séti city

sétl'atel older-brother, older sister, older sibling

sét'xt tickle his/her foot

sewíp have a heavy load

s'ewiwtses right hand

s'ewolem toy

sewolem sports, games, plays

s'ewólemílep park, playground

sewsewíp have a heavy load

sex̲éylem move over

séx̲séx̲wátel bladder

sex̲séx̲we to pee (usually man)

séx̲w split roots from wrong end

séx̲wátel bladder

séx̲we to pee (usually man)

sex̲we'áléx̲eth' to wet the bed

sexwe'ay̱íwsem wet your pants

sex̲we'ayíwsem wet your pants

sey'álwes courage

s'eyí:ws to the right, right side

s'eyí:ws í:lwelh right side of body

s'eyíwtses right hand

seyíyex̲ newt

s-hásem a sneeze

s'há:y canoe-making

s-hí:lekw ready

shíyqetsel baked, put in the oven

s-hómkw hummid

s-hóqwem a smell

shúkw'álá sugar-bowl

shúkwa telómet artificial sweetener

shúkwe sugar

shúkwet sugar it

shúshekwet sugar it

Shushxwápqel Shushwap longhouse

shw'áp'ewí:ls dish towel

shxemxwemeqéyls can or bottle opener

shxóxw rabbit (larger type)

shxw'áléx brother/siter in law of the opposite sex (brother in law, sister in law)

shxw'áp'ewí:ls dish towel

shxw'áthetel cloud, cloudy

Shxwa:y Skway

shxw'á:ye be in the centre, be in the middle

shxwá:yetses middle finger

shxwch'á:yxwels fish-drying rack

shxwe'álexáwt bedroom

shxwe'álex̲eth bed

shxwe'álex̲etháwtxw bedroom

shxwe'áx̲eth bed

shxwe'áx̲etháwtxw bedroom

shxwehóthes veil

shxwe'íqw'els eraser

shxwelalathílé cupboard, shelf

shxw'el'álex siblings-in-law

shxwelalí places/areas where things are at, where it's fromplaces [noun: a place, etc.]

shxwelám echo

shxwel'áthetel clouds

shxwelathílé cupboard, shelf

shxwelelá:m shaman, Indian doctor

shxwélem where someone goes

shxwelexwxwó:s thunderbirds

shxwelí spirit, life spirit , soul, spirit of a living person

shxwelí:lá:má:lá shoulder

shxwelíláx̲el armpit

shxwelíles cheek

shxwelimá:le stores

shxwelís kw'es ítettset place that we sleep

shxwelméxwelh skwí:x indian name

shxwelókw' wrapped up

shxwelólewú turnips

shxwelómet sofa

shxwelóqw'ewí:ls dish towel

shxw'elóthestses palm of hand

shxweló:thesxel sole of foot

shxwelp'életstel toilet paper (several)

shxwelt'álh bridge

shxwelxwelí many life forces

shxwelxwlí places/areas where something is at, or from

shxwemá be open

shxwémaltsel wolverine

shxwemamaqel be open

shxwemáqel be open

shxwémeqéyls can or bottle opener

shxwemlá:lekw aunts or uncles (or parent's cousins)

shxwémlexw do him/her a favour

shxwemlí:kw aunt or uncle (or parent's cousin)

shxwemlóxchexw you did me a favour

shxwemqó:m water-basket

shxwe'ó:thesxel sole of foot

shxwe'ó:thesxel~shxwe'óthesxe sole of foot

shxwep'életstel toilet paper

shxweqw'élqstel a nose-ring

shxwetiyéqethel sassy, answering back

shxwetoleólestel eye glasses

shxwetxwítel urinal, bed pan

shxwewáli parents

shxwewá:y parent

shxwexwá hard-working

shxwexwó:s thunder, it's thundering

shxwexwó:s mo:kw' thunderbird, thunder

shxw'éy what it's good for

shxw'éyelh to be healthy

shxw'éyelth be in good health

shxweyó:yes tool

shxwi'atl'qels paint

shxwí:kw'els garbage

shxw'í:lá:má:lá shoulder

shxw'iláx̲el armpit

shxw'íláx̲el Armpit

shxw'íles cheek

shxwimála store

shxwimá:le a store

shxw'ímex where one walks

shxwíq'els a file (tool)

shxwíqw'estel face cloth

shxwítel urinal, bed pan

shxwíxweqwels an iron

shxwixwóxwth' a little crazy

shxwiyáxkel elk

shxwiyélhtel ashes, cinders

shxw'íyem health, strength

shxwiyémtel belt

shxwíyós early-bird

shxwíyxwiy be easy to wake up

shxwkokwí:l a hiding place

sh(xw)kw'ekw'í rafters

shxwlakelí lock (n.)

shxwlalamá:lá bottle

shxwlá:m shaman, Indian doctor

shxwlám where one is going

shxwlámá:lá bottle

shxwlathílé cupboard

shxwlemóthetále pit made by indian doctor

shxwlhíhets'els a saw

shxwlí where it's at, where it's from, a place

shxwlístexw to care about it

shxwmáth'elqel a liar

shxwmó:l to beg

shxwmó:mel to beg

shxwmót'estel direction marker

shxwokwe'ekw'els, or something numb

shxwókwel Loon

shxw'ólewú turnip

shxw'ó:met sofa

shxw'opestel towel

shxwō:qel Whistling White Swan

shxwoqw'ewí:ls dish towel

shxw'oqw'íls dish rag

shx̲wṓqw'tel canoe pole

shxw'óthestses palm of hand

shxwótkwewel to be hollow

shxwótqwelwetem washboard

shxwoweth'ílep shovel

shxw'ōwhámél Ohamil

Shxw'ōwhámél Ohamil

shxwóxw Rabbit (larg type).

shxwóxwel lifted up

shxwóxwth' crazy

Shx̲woyemelh New Westminster

shxwp'áp'eth' sewing machine

shxwpípewels a freezer

shxwqáqelets' wool-spinning machine

shxwqó:m water-basket

shxwqwáylhecháls long-handled stirring spoon

shxwqw'élqstel Nose-ring

shxwqweqwá:ls burer, auger

shxwqwó:ls pot (for boiling)

shxwqwó:lthels a wood carving

shxwsiyám boss

shxwtále'álá purse, wallet

Shxwtále'álá Purse/Wallet

shxwt'álh bridge

shxwt'ás what’s it like, what’s it doing?

shxwt'át'ekwel ferry

shxwt'at'ekwels boat

shxwt'át'ekwels stimót ferry boat

shxwtatí:m telephone

shxwt'elémels glue

shxwtélhtses a hammer

shxwtelí where you come from

shxwtélqel answer

shxwteltóle'ólestel eye-glasses

shxwtetatí:m telephones

shxwtéxelqeyls wool carder

shxwtéxelqéyls a wool carder

shxwth'á:lhtel cedar strips for baskets

shxwth'ámqels scissors

shxwth'ámqels~sth'ámqels scissors

shxwtháyelets rudder

shxwtháyelets~tháyeletstel rudder

shxwth'éx̲welwetem washing machine

shxwth'ox̲wewí:ls dish pan, dish water

shxwth'oxwi:les dishwasher

shxwtí'álá teapot

shxwtiti'álá teapot

shxwtitós safe place to cross river

shxwtíyeqel answer

shxwtl'ép deep

shxwtl'épstexw make it deep

shxwtl'etl'ep very deep, deeper

shxwtl'etl'ép deep

shxwtló:s loud

shxwtóle'ólestel eye-glasses

shxwt'ólestel window - shade

shxwt'ót'epels tool for wood

shxwts'ákwx̲els frying-pan

shxwts'á:yxwélwetem drier

shxwúwe cougar

shxwúxwe ambitious

shxwxóxekw'em bathtub

shxwyáx̲q'els pouch

shxwyóys employee

s'i'hó wrapped up

s'íkw' get lost, be lost

síkw' get skinned

s'íkw'els garbage

síkw'em skin pulls off

síkw'et skin it

s'í:l cloth

sí:l cloth

siláw more than…

sílawtxw tent

sí:lchept start it with a stick (fire)

sí:lcheptel stick to start fires

sí:le grandparent

s'í:les chest

silís (have) sharp teeth or fangs

silíxw slow, slow down

silíxwstexw make it slow

siló:lém year

sí:ltem twined, twisted up

s'í:ltexw thick planks for side of house

s'i:ltexwím Plank Building

s'iltexwím plank building

silyó:lh pieces of wood, pieces of firewood

silyó:llh young girl

simáléqep a bad smell

s'ímex how someone walks, gait

síq under

síq' hard earth, hard clay

siqetsel roof

síqetsel roof

síqw'em peel cedar bark

sísekw'em skin pulls off

sísekw'et skin it

sísele granny, grandpa

síseltl'e older

siselts'iyósem spining, whirling

sísem feel something creepy

sisemóye bee

sísemóye bee, honeybee, hornet, wasp

siseqíws little pants (underpants)

sísesem feel something creepy

sísex̲et move it over

sísex̲wem to wade

sí:si be scared, be afraid, be nervous

s'í:sí scared

sí:silexw accidentally scare him/her

s'í:silómet to scare yourself

sí:silómet to scare yourself

sí:simet to be scared of (him/her/it)

sí:sistexw to scare him/her/it

sisiyá:m chiefs, respected leaders

sisq'elísem to whistle through teeth

sistaxw scaring him/her/it

sí:stel little basket

sisx̲éylem move over

sí:tel basket

s'íth'em clothes, dress

s'ith'emáwtxw clothing store

síthikwi Jesus

S'íthikwi Jesus

s'í:wes a lesson

s'íwes teaching

s'iwesá:ylhem teachings for children

sí:wí:qe men, male (creatures or plants)

sixálh Sechelt

Sixálh Sechelt

síx̲et move it over

sixwáp Shushwap

Sí:xwap Shushwap people

síx̲wem to wade

siyachís right arm

siyaléqep to smell good

siyá:m chief, respected leader, leader, respected/wealthy person

Siyá:m Chief, Respected elder

sí:yá:m chiefs, respected leaders

siyá:ye Friend

siyáye friend

sí:yá:ye friends

siyelyólexwa elder

siyelyólexwe many elders

siyét'e Tseatch

siyéx̲cha coupon

Siyi:ts:em beige

siyolexwálh deceased elders

siyólexwe elder

Siyólexwe Elder

siyólh wood, firewood

siyómelh belongs to chief, in style of chief

siyó:yseqw be wearing a hat

síyt'eqem have to pee

síyt't tickle him/her

síyt'tem get tickled

síyx̲wet tickle him/her

sk'ámeth' Camas (plant)

skáslekem illegitimate child

sk'ek'áxwe dried saskatoon berries

sk'ek'iyáp coyote

skekwós ceiling

sk'emk'ámeth' Camas plants

sk'í:l pika (rock rabbit)

sklú a screw

skoti real crazy

skwalám storage basket

skw'alelhew spouse's parent

skwálepel something hidden away

skw'álhew spouse's parent

skwá:lhew parents in law, in-laws

Skwáli Skwali

skwálōws got murdered

skw'á:lx̲ immature bald eagle

skwá:m storage basket

Skw'átets Squatits

skw'áts eyesight

skwátsem a scream

skw'á:y can't, can't be, impossible

skw'áywelh cranky, ill-natured

skw'echósem mirror

skw'echostel window

skw'echóstel window

skw'echó:steló:les eye-glasses

skw'ekw'ílwes parent of child's husband/wife

skw'ékw'ith helpless person

skw'ekw'íytel ladder

skwekwó:tel separated (in marrige)

skw'ékw'qáq Robin

skw'ekw'xwós the hail

skwél waterfall

skwelálhchiyelh what he/she owes

skw'elchóstel mirrors, windows

skwélemel handle of a spoon

skw'elqwálx̲ immature bald eagle

skw'élwés parent of child's husband/wife

skw'elxám numbers

skw'elyáx̲el bat

skwetáxw inside (house, enclosure)

skwetaxwó:lwelh inner side, inner lining

skwetáxwstexw keep it inside

skwéth'kweth little grouse, wollow grouse

skwéth'kweth' Little Grouse, Wallow Grouse

skwethkwthá several piles

skwetóxwes mask [any kind, eg. Halloween]

skwetxwós ceiling

skwetxwós or skwós ceiling

skw'exá:m number

skw'exó:s month/moon

skw'exó:s sq'óq'ey menstrual period

skwíkwel small waterfall

skwíkwexel baby sockeye salmon

skw'íkw'iy stingy

Skw'ikw'iyá:la Coquahalla river

skw'íkwiylets lame

skw'íles what day is it?

skw'ílhew father-in-law, mother-in-law, spouse's parent, parent-in-law

skwímeth little roundmouth sucker fish

skw'ítlets lame

skw'íts'ólés cross-eyed

skwíx name

skwixō:mex name of place

skwixu:mexw Name of (a) place

skw'iyéth slave

skw'íykw'iy real stingy

Skw'iykw'íylets Village

skw'íylets to have a limp

skw'iytel stairs

skw'íytel ladder

skwíyx̲t to do to someone

skwíyx̲thet something that you do

skw'kw'iyéth slave

skwókwep hill

skw'ókw'es the heat

skwokwetóythel (have the) mouth round and open with rounded lips

skwokwílála hiding places

skwokwílálá a hiding place

skw'ólewes buckets, pails, kettles

skw'ōlmexw blackberry

skw'ṓlmexw Blackberry

skw'ōlmexwelhp blackberry bush

skwól swáyel birthday

skw'ótsesem a mirror for seeing your face

skwó:wech sturgeon

skwówéls raven

Skwówéls Raven

skw'ówes a bucket, pail, kettle

skwó:yex̲thet something that you’re doing

skwó:yx̲thet a doing, what someone did

skwthá a pile, piled up

skwúkw cooking, meal (n.)

skwúkwel going to school

skwúkwelstéleq teacher

skwukwtisláts stink-bag (skunk)

skwúláwtxw a school

slálem alhqéy tortoise

slálem álhqey turtle

slálex̲et torch, flashlight

slá:m spirit power of an indian doctor

slát night

sláx̲et torch, flashlight

slá:y bark from Douglas fir

slehá:l slahal game

slekólte'áwtxw casino

slelát night

slelá:y bark from Douglas fir

slelexwíws body

slelós fat, lard

sle'óles facing away

sle'ólwelh on the other side of, other side

sle'ó:thel on other side (of river etc.)

slépets something that gets sent, something sent

sleqleqwe'ala pocket

sleq'ó:lwelh side of body

sléqwe'ala pocket

sleslésxel bone-marrow

slésxel bone-marrow

slets'éleq brother in law's wife

sléts'elhp one tree

sléts'es one o'clock

slets'lets'ōweyelh half-brother or half-sister

slets'ōweyelh half-brother or half-sister

slets'ṓweyelh half brother or half sister

slewi:ws skirt to the ankle

slewíy inner bark of red cedar

slewlewíy many pieces of inner bark of red cedar

slexiws pants

sléx̲léx̲tses fingers

slexléxwelh many canoes

slexlexwíws body

sléx̲léx̲xel toes

sléx̲tses finger

sléxwelh canoe

slexwelhi:m canoeing

sléxwelhmet raid in a canoe

slexwíws body

slexwlháwtxw canoe shed

sléx̲xel toe

slhákw'em a breath

slhálheq lying on the ground

slhálheq' be lying down

slhálhli little woman

slhá:lí woman

slhálqi soaked

slhálts' mean

slháwel mat, matress

slháwél sword fern

slhá:wels te pípehó:m frog-leaf

slhelél:ets bum

slhelemexwtel lettuce

slhél:ets bum

slhélets rump

slhelháx̲ be stiff (arm, foot)

slhelhlá:li little women

slheliyó:lh young girl

slhellhá:lí women (several)

slhellhíleqw flesh

slhelq'á:tses Fridays

slhém:exw rain

slhémexw the rain, rain (n.)

slhémoqel havving tooth/teeth missing

slheq'á:tses five o'clock

slhéq'lhéq'ōwelh lower back

slhéq'ōwelh lower back

slhílets'es wind-dried salmon

slhílhélets little bum

slhíqw flesh

slhíqwetsel fish strips for drying

slhíts'es wind-dried salmon

slhí:xws Wednesday

slholhekw'íwel speechless

slholhex̲wéleqsel have snot hanging from nose

slholhex̲wélqsel wild turkey

slhóp' soup

slhq'á:tses Friday, 5 o'clock

slhq'él:exw knowledge, knowing (it)

slhqw'á:y cedar-bark mat

slí:leqw loose slack

slílexwelh calm

slilk'yáp (little) coyote

slílōwya seagull

slíluye seagull

slí:m sandhill crane

slímiyeqwxel pigeon-toed

slíts' full, filled up

slíw in [used for inside box, object, etc.], inside (a hollow object)

slókwech white trout

sló:ltes to look sad

slós fat, lard, oil, grease

smált rock, also mountain

smált poyp chimney

smámalyí to be married, married

smámelet mountain

smámth'el a little bit proud

smámth'eqel smart-alec

smátexwtel husband's brother, wife's sister

smath'el proud, stuck up, arrogant

smá:yeleq waves

smékw'em a second-hand thing

smelá:lh high-class person

smelám adopted child

smélátel womb, uterus

smelmált lots of rocks

smelmelám adopted child

smelmeltáléqel kidney

smelmómeleqw mixed up (of many things)

smeltáléqel kidney

Smémeqw'o Herrling Island

smeméyeth meat

sméq'ólh leftovers [food taken home]

sméq'ólhálá doggy bag

smeq'óth leftovers

sméq'óth leftovers(to take home)

smeq'othálá doggy-bag

sméqsel have a big nose

Sméqw'meqw'o Herrling Island

smestíyexw soul

sméteqsel snot

smeth'méth'qel brains

smeth'qel brains

smetméteqsel snot

sméts' rouge

smex̲álh caterpiller

sméya a bay

sméyeth meat

sméyethálá tray for meat

smílha winter spirit dance

smílha'áwtxw smoke house

smímelha winter spirit dance

smímeq sunk

smímex̲alh caterpiller

smímex̲álh caterpiller

smímeyáth butterfly

smómeleqw mixed

smómeq'oth leftovers

smōqw'e great blue heron

smōqw'mōqw'e great blue herons

smóst'iyethel (have) pursed lips

smótheqw fish oil

smótx̲w tattle-tale

s'ókw'ches take an arm, hand

sókw'em outer cedar-bark

s'ókw'stexw to carry on one's arm, in purse

sólekw'em outer cedar-bark

s'ō:leqw' suffering pain

só:les drunk

sóles get drunk

s'ólethes face

s'ólex̲we clam

sólex̲wel grass

s'ólh our (emphasizing), respect, respected

s'ó:lhqw' ragged

s'ó:lmexw mermaid

s'ó:m an order, order (n.)

S'omél:a Thompson people

s'ó:pels ten o'clock

s'ópels ten o'clock

s'ópels qas te isá:les twelve o'clock

s'ópels qas te sléts'es eleven o'clock

s'ó:qw afterbirth

s'óqw' something you hook onto

sōqw't search for it

Só:tets South wind, North wind, East wind, cold wind

s'ótheqw baked

s'othes face

s'óthes face

s'oth'ó:mes shawl (big)

s'oth'ó:mōsem put on a shall

s'oth'ó:mṓsem Put on a shall

s'óx̲we clam, fresh-water mussel

só:x̲wel grass

sóyéx̲el a sunset

s'ó:ytheqw raspberry

s'ó:ytheqwelhp raspberry plant

sp'áleq'em flowers

spá:lxw blue camas ( a root)

sp'áp'eth' sewn

spapí:l (be) buried, planted

sp'ap'ílh be sober

spáplhx̲el meadow

spapx̲íwel have your legs spread

sp'á:q'em flower

spatálép thigh

sp'a:th' skunk currant

sp'á:th' wild currants

spá:th bear

spáthélets bear dung

sp'á:th'elhp wild currant bush

spathó:llh baby bear (black)

spehá:ls wind

spekw'ém a spore, a blossom

speláwél mole

spél:exw chicken-pox

spélhx̲el prarie

spelmála root cellar

speló:l crows (large)

spelpélemálá root cellar

spelpél:exw chicken-pox

sp'élp'elxwem lungs

spelpoleqwíth'a ghost, corpse

spelpóleqwíth'a ghost, corpse

spelpúl spoons

spelwálh last year

sp'élxwem lungs

spepáth bears

spepí:ls planted, buried

spepípewels freezer

speplól crow (small)

speqá:s white Fraser River spring salmon

sp'eqéy patched up

sp'eq'p'íq' white spots on skin

spetá:lép upper leg

sp'ewéy Patched up

spex̲elís tight (of clothes)

spéxw tripe, animal stomach

spexwpéxwqel many seeds

spéxwqel (fine airborne) seed

spí:l (the thing) buried, planted

spí:ls planted, buried

spil s'alhtel vegetables

sp'íp'ehá:th' speckled trout

sp'íp'elh flat

sp'íp'elheqw have a flat head

sp'íp'eqw'el turning purple

spípew frozen

spípewels freezer

spípewels-kw'óxwe freezer

spípew-kw'óxwe freezer

spipiyólwelh put a hand on hip

sp'íq' white spots on skin

sp'íqw'el turn purple

spí:w ice

spíxw te seplí:l bread-crumb

Spíyem Spuzzum

spíyólwelh put a hand on hip

sp'lhíq' beside

sploeqwíth'a ghost, corpse

spó:l crow (large)

sp'óleq'es bald eagles

spoleqwíth'a ghost, corpse

spoléx̲wem steamed

spólqw seplil flour

spó:ltsep cut-throat trout

spólx̲wem steam (noun)

spopeleqwíth'a pygmy owl

spópeqw mould

sp'óp'etl'em cigarette, smoke

spópex̲welsá:ls spray gun

spópiy bent, crooked

sp'óq'es bald eagle

spotelálá mast

sp'ótl'em cigarette, smoke (n.)

spótl'em Cigarette

sp'ótl'emálá pipe

spú' a fart

spú'amal stink-bag (skunk)

spúl spoon

sqá:l stolen

sqalaq younger brothers or sisters, younger siblings

sqá:lex̲ digging stick

sq'á:lq' really tangled

sqám quieter water

sqá:q younger brother or sister, yonger sibling

sqáqele baby

sqáqeltel house - post

sqáqex̲iya mink

sq'á:tl' otter

sqaw:th potatoe

sqá:wth potato

sqáwth potato

sqáyéx̲ mink

sqe'éleqw juice

sqe'íyeqel don't know how to do it

sqelálh diaper

sqeláqele baby

sq'elá:w coiled

sqelá:w beaver

sqel:ép garbage

sqél:ep dust

sqél:epálá garbage can

sqel:éxw glutton, someone who eats all the time

sq'élhq'elh muskrat

sq'elí:m camp, be camped

sqeló:líth'a west (south-west) wind

sq'elóts'eqw be under an umbrella

sq'élp cramp

sqelqá:wth potatos

sqélqel a thief

sqelqelálh diaper

sq'elq'elá:w coiled

sqelqél:ep dust

sqelqélep garbage

sqélqel:epálá garbage can

sqelqélexw glutton, someone who eats all the time

sq'elq'élp'eqw curly hair

sq'elq'elp'es curly hair

sq'elq'elp'óy:lthetel knee

sq'elq'elptem cramp

sqelqelwílh to hate

sqelqelxwá:lá throat

sq'elq'éq' tangled up

sq'elq'éyle dried fish or meat (lots of it)

sqéls part not used

sqelwílh to hate, hold a grudge

sqelwílhmet to hate him/her

sq'elx̲áp stump

sqélxel moccasin

sqelxwá:lá throat

sqelyíqem snow-drift

sqemálá bra

sqém:el the tide

sq'émél paddle

sqémél pit-house

sqemí:l be inside a pit-house

sqemó: milk

sqemó'álá Baby bottle

sqemós te músmes cow milk

sqemqem'álá baby bottles, breasts

sqemqémél pit-house

sq'émq'émél paddles

sqemqemó: milk

sq'emq'emwl canoe paddle

sq'ép a meeting, gathering

sqépó:thél flying squirrel

sq'ep'óy:lthetel knee

sqeqewáth rabbit (large)

sq'eq'éyp a gathering

sq'eq'íp be gathered, be gathering, a group, a team, a gathering

sqeqiq' imprisoned

sq'eq'ó being together with, along with, included

sq'eq'ómet together with, along with

sq'eq'ómetel going with each other

sq'eq'ósthóxes accompanied

sqetás steam-cooked food

sq'eth'ewits have your hands behind your back

sqetqítes cedar headband

sqewá:meth' sunny side of tree

sqewáth rabbit (large)

sqéweqs raven

sq'ewílem go round a bend in the river

Sq'ewlets Scowlitz

Sq'éwqel Seabird Island

sqewqéweqs raven

Sq'ewqí:l Skowkale

sq'éykw' a bite

sq'éyle dried fish or meat

sqéylemá:ls a funeral

sq'éylo smoked salmon, smoked meat

sq'éylóm scraps

sq'eyq'ekw' a little bite

sq'eyq'eyx̲ó:les pupils (of eye)

sq'éytl' a scar

sq'eyx̲éleqw peak of a house-roof

Sq'íp'ex̲w a real rough spot on the Fraser

sqíqemel little pit-house

sqíqewáth rabbit (small)

sqiqewótheló:ythel harelip

sq'ó together with, along with, companion

sq'óleq a best friend

sq'ómet together with, along with, to go with someone

sqó:qe drink (n.)

sqóqem bent round

sq'oq'óxel partners

sqó:s tear (crying)

sqotemí:lep a steep hill

sq'oxel partner, co-worker

sq'óxel partner

sq'óyes fine feathers

sqoyéx̲iya Mink (name in stories)

sqwá small creek goes into river

sqwahíwel a hole in roof

sqwa'i:wel to be hollow

sqwá:l speech, word

sqwálats a hole in a bucket

sqw'echém a boil

Sqwehá Skwah Village

sqwehá:liya pierced ear

sqw'elchém a boil

sqwélellhelh neck (from front)

sqw'él:ém barbecued salmon

sqw'élém barbecued

sqweleqwá holes

sqweleqwá seplí:l donut

sqwelíwel half a cup

sqwéllhelh neck (from front)

sqwélqsel hair in the nose

sqwélqwel story, news

sqw'él:qw'él:ém barbecued salmon

sqwelqwélqsel hair in the nose

sqwélqwelqwel story, news (plural)

sqwelqwéltel language

sqwelqwíliyéthel beard (hair on face)

sqw'éls something cooked

sqwéls cooked stuff

sqwéltel language

sqwélxel mist, fog

sqwélxem fine snow comes into house

sqw'elyílex dances

sqwemá:y dog

sqwemá:yalqel dog wool

sqw'éméls forehead

sqweméytses pussy willow

sqwemóx̲w doubled up

sqwemqwemá:y dog

sqw'émqw'eméls forehead

sqwemqweméytses pussy willow

sqweqwá a hole

sqweqwá seplí:l donut

sqweqwemeytá:ye pussy-willow

sqw'eqw'óteleqw crown of head

sqwéth'elh squirrel

sqweth'sqweth' pheasant

sqwetqwétxem get foggy

Sqwetxem fog

sqwétxem a fog

sqw'eyílex a dance

sqw'íqw'el uncovered

sqw'íqw'é'leqw brown hair

sqwíqwemáy little dog, puppy

sqw'íqw'ex̲welo:les brown eyes

sqwíqweyóthel jack rabbit

sqwló seal blubber

sqwóls boiled

sqw'omxes doorknob

sqw'omx sxíxep tool for making canoe

sqwómx̲w lump

sqw'omxwes Doorknob

sqw'ómx̲wes rolled up in a ball

sqwoqwel speeches, words

sqwó:qwetl'í:wél tapeworm

sqwoqwetó:ythel mouth open and round

sqwóqwiyel yellow, (also: tanned, yellowish)

sqw'óteleqw crown of head

sqwó:yxw late fall sockeye

sqwx̲wó:mex Squamish

Sqwx̲wó:mex Squamish

sq'x̲áp stump

stá live, stay, be in a place

sta'á to be like

st'a'áleqep a taste

sta'á:wel to think

sta'awelmet think about him/her/it

sta'áwelmet think about (him/her/it)

st'ál fish cut thin for wind-drying

st'álepiy dead tree (dead and broken -of a plant)

st'áleqel bruise

stáléqep a distant sound

st'álh cross-beam in roof of house

st'á:lq spotted (shapes)

st'ált'exw a shelter

stá:m a yell, a holler

stám what

stámel what's it for

stámés whatever, something, what it is, whatever it is

st'a'ó:mex to look like him/her

st'ápiy dead tree dead plant (dead and broken)

staqí:l sound like (voice)

st'áqsel stick out, protrude

st'á:t'el the shade (of a tree, etc.)

státew lit up, be lit up, illuminated

státewel lit up

statí:wel nephews nieces

st'at'ó:mex to resemble, to look like

st'át'ó:mex look like

st'áwelóméx look purple

stá:xwelh children

stá:y a canoe race

st'á:yx̲w sad, worried

st'e'áwel making a guess, wondering

st'ekwíwel stuck in the bum

st'elákw' a circle

st'eláx̲el corner

steliqíw horse

st'élmexw medicine

stelókel sock, stocking

stelqóya wolves

stelta'á:wel to think

st'élt'el person who always sings

st'elt'elákw' circles

st'elt'elq spotted (shapes)

steltó:les wives

st'elt'ólkwlh non-spirit dancers (several of them)

steltó:lō rivers

stélwél cedar rope

stemtámés whatever

st'emt'ém Cautious

st'emt'émtel cautious

st'e'ó:mex looks like him/her

st'e'ómex look like

steq'áp dam

steqá:tses eight o'clock

steqó:ye wolf

steqtéq a log - jam

stesó:s to be poor

stetá live, stay, be in a place (of several people)

stetelámes little things

stételes little wives

steteliqiwó:llh baby horse

st'et'íkw get stuck (in mud)

stetís near, close to

st'et'it'eqó:les black eye

stetú:p stove

stewéqel deceased person

st'ewíqw'es have powder on face

st'ewōkw' powder

st'ewṓkw' Powder

stewtéweqel deceased person

st'éx̲ a fork in the road

sth'áqel cat-tail

sth'áth'ámqels scissors (pl)

sth'áth'aqel cat-tail

sth'áth'elh cool, calm [of weather]

stháthiyel blood

stháwtxw bighouse, longhouse

stháyem prepared, home-made

sth'áyeqw crushed, finely chopped

sth'ekw' insect

sth'ékw' bug, worm

sth'ekw'th'íkw' many sores, a rash

sthelx̲á:lem sword fern

sthemélts Tuesday

Sth'eméxwelets west, downriver end of Seabird Island

sth'emí:wel pit, nut, seed

sth'émlets (have a) skinny but

sth'emth'emellhp berry plant

sth'emth'ímálá berry-basket

sth'emth'ómwíts back-bone

sth'épeq skunk (striped)

stheqelxél:em rainbow

sthéqi sockeye salmon

stheqthéqí sockeye salmon

sthethá:kw' pulled tight ( eg. Rope.)

sthetháthiyel blood

sth'eth'ékw' bugs

sth'eth'eló:m small bones

sth'eth'emí:wel pits, nuts, seeds

sth'eth'ép'oyeqw great-great-great grandparent

sthethí alright

sth'eth'íkw' a sore, sores

sthethímiya small coho

sth'ewth'íweq' red elderberries

sth'ex̲wélesem tooth brushes

sth'éx̲welwétem laundry

sth'íkwe the left, to the left

sth'íkwe í:lwelh left side of body

sth'íkwe' í:lwelh The left side of the body

sth'íkwetses be left handed/ left hand

sth'í:m berry, berries, fruit in general

sth'ímálá berry-basket

sthímiya small coho

sthí:qel loud (of voice)

sthí:tem fixed, ready, prepared

sth'íth'ayeqw spí:w crushed ice

sthithíwelh have a big voice

sth'íth'kw little bug

sth'íth'peq little skunk

sthíwelh have a big voice

sth'íweq' red elderberry

sth'ixwá:m dried berries

sthiyáp be wearing a loincloth

sthíyem prepared, home-made

sthí:ystexw do it well

Sth'kwóllh Lillouwet people, Douglas people

sth'ó:kws seven o'clock

sth'ólem bone

sth'ó:lemeqw skull

sth'óleqwes cooked fish heads

sth'óleqwi fish (plural)

sth'olólh (spring) salmon

sth'ó:m bone

sth'ó:meqw skull

Sth'ó:mes Victoria BC, Victoria

sth'ómwích backbone

sth'ómwíts back-bone

sth'óqwes cooked fish head

sth'óqwi fish

sth'óth'eqwi small salmon (any kind)

sth'óth'qwi little salmon

sth'óyqw' ground up

sth'oyqw' sméyeth ground meat

sthqálem place where you dip-net

sth'qwá:y trout

sthx̲á:lem sword fern

stilimut Steamboats

stím fast, hard [of snow, rain, etc.]

stimút Steamboat

stiqíw horse

st'ít'eq bruise

st'ít'eqel bruise

st'it'eqó:les black eye

stíth skinny

stitiqwiwó:llh baby horse

Stitó:s Promontory Mountain

stít-sós poor person

stítsó:s Poor Person

st'it'x̲óyaq fork in tree or roots

stí:wel nephew, niece

st'íwiyelh a prayer (hymn)

stíxem pond slime, algae

stl'áleqem monster, supernatural creature

Stl'áleqem Qótsa Slollicum Lake

stl'ápx̲ scattered all over

stl'atl'itel Sweetheart

stl'atl'ítel sweetheart

stl'atl'íts'et want (it)

stl'e'áleq pot-latch

stl'e'áxel a feast

stl'éleqw' chocolate lily

stl'elpá:leq underskirt

stl'elp'élets tails

stl'elq'á:l wing

stl'elqwótel awl, piercer

stl'eltl'áleqem monsters, supernatural creatures

stl'éltl'eleqw' chocolate lilies

stl'epá:leq underskirt

stl'ep'élets tail

stl'épíqel bank

stl'epláts deep bottom

stl'epólwelh under, underneath

stl'epó:ythel lower lip

stl'eq'á:l wing

stl'eqtí:m length

stl'eqtl'éq spotted (shapes)

stl'éqxel deer-skin moccasin

stl'etl'áxel a feast

stl'etl'íq' too tight (clothes, etc.)

stl'éx Ravine

stl'éxs ravine

stl'í a want, need

stl'ítl'ches little island

stl'ítl'el love, like

stl'ítl'eqelh child, (under 12), young

stl'ítl'eqélh young, young person

stl'ítl'esel kwe'lów dark complexion

stl'ítl'ets embroidery

stl'íts'et want (it)

stl'ítset we need/want it

stl'p'álqel long feather

stl'p'áqel Long feather

stl'pí:wel shirt

stl'qéwtel awl, piercer

stl'xwá:ytlh to sit on eggs(chicken)

stókel sock, stocking

st'ole'ólestel eye-glasses

stó:les wife

st'ólkwelh non spirit dancer

st'ólkwlh a non-spirit dancer

stó:lō river

stolōálá river-bed

stó:méx warrior

stó:qw'em a cough

stótelō creek, small river

st'ówekw'e light skinned, fair complexion

stqá:qel loose one's voice

Sts'a'í:les Chehalis

sts'ákwx̲ fried

sts'á:ltexw roof planks

sts'álts' scale (of fish)

sts'á:s ashes (white)

sts'áts'elstexw be careful with it

sts'áts'exw Be silent

sts'á:xt branch

sts'áykw' ground up

sts'eláxwem Have a vision (spirit dancer), an experienced spirit dancer

stsél:em liver

sts'elexw landing

sts'élexw slough

stselqwáx̲el back end of house

sts'elts'eláxwem experienced spirit dancers

stséltsél:em liver

sts'elts'elts' many scales (of fish)

sts'elts'elxwíwel insides

Sts'elxwíqw Chilliwack River

Sts'elxwíqw' stó:lō Chilliwack River

sts'elxwíwel insides, internal organs

sts'epts'epxwel wart

sts'épxwel wart

sts'éqw' fine cedar weaving

sts'ets'á on, on top of

sts'ets'ó:qw'els fork

sts'extá:la knothole

sts'éxtses limb (of tree or bush)

sts'exts'extá:la knothole

sts'éxts'éxtses limbs (of trees or bushes)

sts'ímálá Berry basket

sts'iyóye twins

sts'ó: a relative (any kind)

sts'ó:kw'elxel shoe on wrong foot

sts'ókw'elxel shoe on wrong foot

sts'ó:kw'xel shoe on wrong foot

sts'ó:lemeqw great grandparent, great grandchild

sts'ó:meqw great grandparent, great grandchild

sts'ó:qw'els fork

stú:p stove

st'uselóye Licorice Fern

st'uslóye Licorice fern

stuta'áwelmet think about (him/her/it)

stú:xws nine o'clock

st'x̲éms six o'clock

s'ú:met lazy

súp soap

sú:ps te yél:es tooth-paste

suwq't searching for something

súyéx̲el on other side of the world

swa one's own

swá one's own

swálém orphan

swáleqeth husbands

swá:ls a scramble-give

swáqeth husband

swástexw make it for him

swatíya porcupine

swáts'et torch

swáyel day, sky, weather

swe'ellem baking fish

swék' smart-alec

swelám an echo

swelmélma:ylh child of deceased brother or sister

swelméylh child of deceased brother or sister

swéltel net

sweltí:l a race (a footrace)

swelwá:yel days

swélwelám an echo

swep'áth' place where sun comes out

swéta sweater

swéte sweater

swétexel rainbow

swetíya Porcupine

swets'a'á summit of mountain

swewatíya porcupine

swewiyeqe'ó:llh young boy

swílcha Cultus lake

Swílhcha Cultus Lake

Swílhcha Smá:lt Cultas Lake Mountain

swíp overloaded

swí:qe man, male (creature or plant)

swí:we eulachon ~ oolachon

swíwe eulachon

swiwel sunny, it's sunny

swíweles boy, adolescent boy

swíwíqe little man

Swiyeqe Man

swiyeqe'ó:llh young boy

swókwel loon

swólekwel loon

swōqw'elh mountain goats-wool blanket

swṓqw'elh mountian goats-wool blanket

swóq-weqeth married (for woman)

swoqw'wōqw'elh mountain goats-wool blanket

swóweqeth married (for woman)

swówles boys, lots of adolescent boys

sx̲álts' turned around, turned wrong way

sx̲á:lts'emeth' grown twisted (of a tree)

sx̲álts'ewel twisted

sx̲ameléxwthhelh tiger lily

sx̲'áts pípe record (N.)

sx̲'átstexw put in order, put it where you can find it

sx̲áx̲as be determined

sx̲áx̲elhát Sunday

sxáxem shallow water

sx̲e'áth' a mark, a measure

sx̲elá:ls writings

sx̲eláth' marks, measures

Sx̲elá:wtxw Schelowat Village

sx̲él:e leg, foot

sx̲éles design on a basket

sx̲élh a wound

sxelham pecha television

sxelham pékcha TV

sx̲elpéla side burn

sx̲élqs stripe on nose

sxélts' feather

sx̲elx̲éle many legs/feet (e.g non-human)

sx̲elx̲éles design on a basket

sx̲elx̲éles te syó:qwem rays of sunlight

sx̲élx̲elqs stripe on nose

sxélxelts' feather

sx̲élx̲élye legs (more than two, for ex. non-human)

sx̲elx̲éyltel many footprints, tracks

sxemá:l enemy

sxemxemá:l enemies

sx̲e'ó:thels four o'clock

sx̲e'óthels Thursday

sx̲épxel fish tail

sx̲éwe dried fish backbone

sx̲éwx̲éwe dried fish backbone

sx̲ex̲ákw' canyon

sx̲éx̲elh wounds, sores

sx̲éx̲ewes scowling

sx̲éx̲éyle both legs, both feet

sx̲ex̲é:ylesáls computer

sx̲ex̲é:yls something you write with

sx̲exéyltstexw written

sx̲ex̲í:ls letám desk

sxexó:ya co-wife

sx̲éy:es head

sx̲éyléx̲ a war

sx̲éyltel footprint, tracks (writing)

sx̲éylthet registration

sx̲éyp' s stripe

sx̲éytel track, footprint

sx̲éytl' winter

sx̲éyx̲ep' a stripe

sx̲eyx̲eth'ó:ythel ulgy grin

sx̲eyx̲éyes heads

sxíeles pushy, pressing ahead

sxixálh Sechelt

sxíxeles stubborn, contrary

sxíxep a planer (tool)

sxíxets' forest

sxiyí:ws small-pox

sxólcha a catch (fish, animal)

sxóxep squatting

sxóxweyem selling things

sxoxwí:ls borer, auger

sxó:ya co-wife

sx̲óyeseqw put feathers in hair

Sx̲oyímelh New Westminster

sx̲óytl'thet mean, cranky

sxwelmexw selhtel taditional food

sx̲wéqw'lhelh scarf, neckerchief

sx̲wétl'qel pillow

sx̲wetl'qelálá pillow-case

sx̲wet'x̲wetl'qel pillows

sx̲wetx̲wí:t torn up

sx̲wík' winter robin

sx̲wítl' catbird

sx̲wíx̲weqw' tangled on a net

sx̲wíythi picture, carved pole

sx̲wōleqw'tel canoe poles

sx̲wolex̲wiyám ancient people

sx̲wōqw'tel canoe pole

sx̲wōsem soapberry

sx̲wṓsem Soapberry

sx̲wōsem sqe'óleqw sopaberry drink

sx̲wōsx̲wōsem soapberries

sx̲wōx̲wiyám legend, story from Transformer period, myth, fable, kids's story

Sx̲wóx̲wiymelh a place upriver from Katz

Sxwoyé:há:lá Squiala

sx̲wóyéleqws new spirit-dancers head dress

sx̲wóyx̲wey ceremony with masked dance

syá:t vomit (the thing)

syá:tel widow, widower

syayalís icicle

syayalísem icicle

syáyeq' log

syemsémyó cheap

syémyem pregnant

syemyó cheap

syeqwá:ls stuff for burning

syéqwlhálá fireplace, firepit

syeqwlhá:ltel tinder

syesyewálelh 'ancestors past, (all one's ancestors)

syétl'q't paint job

syewá:l ancestors

syewá:lelh ancestor (passed away)

syéx̲cha gift

syéx̲w unravelled, broken down

syeyá:tel widow, widower

syéyelh a slahal stick (little stick)

syíq snow (noun), a snowfall

syíts'em fine sand

syí:ts'emílep sand-bar

syiwí:l spirit power

syó:letsep a wave

syó:qw'em sweat

syó:qwem sun

syóyeqwem sun

syó:ys work (the thing)

syú:we witch, fortune teller

syúwél spirit power, spirit song

syúwél sq'óq'ey spirit sickness

syuyúwe witch, fortune teller

syuyuwí:l spirit powers spirit songs


shíyqetsel baked, put in the oven

shúkw'álá sugar-bowl

shúkwa telómet artificial sweetener

shúkwe sugar

shúkwet sugar it

shúshekwet sugar it

Shushxwápqel Shushwap longhouse

shw'áp'ewí:ls dish towel

shxemxwemeqéyls can or bottle opener

shxóxw rabbit (larger type)

shxw'áléx brother/siter in law of the opposite sex (brother in law, sister in law)

shxw'áp'ewí:ls dish towel

shxw'áthetel cloud, cloudy

Shxwa:y Skway

shxw'á:ye be in the centre, be in the middle

shxwá:yetses middle finger

shxwch'á:yxwels fish-drying rack

shxwe'álexáwt bedroom

shxwe'álex̲eth bed

shxwe'álex̲etháwtxw bedroom

shxwe'áx̲eth bed

shxwe'áx̲etháwtxw bedroom

shxwehóthes veil

shxwe'íqw'els eraser

shxwelalathílé cupboard, shelf

shxw'el'álex siblings-in-law

shxwelalí places/areas where things are at, where it's fromplaces [noun: a place, etc.]

shxwelám echo

shxwel'áthetel clouds

shxwelathílé cupboard, shelf

shxwelelá:m shaman, Indian doctor

shxwélem where someone goes

shxwelexwxwó:s thunderbirds

shxwelí spirit, life spirit , soul, spirit of a living person

shxwelí:lá:má:lá shoulder

shxwelíláx̲el armpit

shxwelíles cheek

shxwelimá:le stores

shxwelís kw'es ítettset place that we sleep

shxwelméxwelh skwí:x indian name

shxwelókw' wrapped up

shxwelólewú turnips

shxwelómet sofa

shxwelóqw'ewí:ls dish towel

shxw'elóthestses palm of hand

shxweló:thesxel sole of foot

shxwelp'életstel toilet paper (several)

shxwelt'álh bridge

shxwelxwelí many life forces

shxwelxwlí places/areas where something is at, or from

shxwemá be open

shxwémaltsel wolverine

shxwemamaqel be open

shxwemáqel be open

shxwémeqéyls can or bottle opener

shxwemlá:lekw aunts or uncles (or parent's cousins)

shxwémlexw do him/her a favour

shxwemlí:kw aunt or uncle (or parent's cousin)

shxwemlóxchexw you did me a favour

shxwemqó:m water-basket

shxwe'ó:thesxel sole of foot

shxwe'ó:thesxel~shxwe'óthesxe sole of foot

shxwep'életstel toilet paper

shxweqw'élqstel a nose-ring

shxwetiyéqethel sassy, answering back

shxwetoleólestel eye glasses

shxwetxwítel urinal, bed pan

shxwewáli parents

shxwewá:y parent

shxwexwá hard-working

shxwexwó:s thunder, it's thundering

shxwexwó:s mo:kw' thunderbird, thunder

shxw'éy what it's good for

shxw'éyelh to be healthy

shxw'éyelth be in good health

shxweyó:yes tool

shxwi'atl'qels paint

shxwí:kw'els garbage

shxw'í:lá:má:lá shoulder

shxw'iláx̲el armpit

shxw'íláx̲el Armpit

shxw'íles cheek

shxwimála store

shxwimá:le a store

shxw'ímex where one walks

shxwíq'els a file (tool)

shxwíqw'estel face cloth

shxwítel urinal, bed pan

shxwíxweqwels an iron

shxwixwóxwth' a little crazy

shxwiyáxkel elk

shxwiyélhtel ashes, cinders

shxw'íyem health, strength

shxwiyémtel belt

shxwíyós early-bird

shxwíyxwiy be easy to wake up

shxwkokwí:l a hiding place

sh(xw)kw'ekw'í rafters

shxwlakelí lock (n.)

shxwlalamá:lá bottle

shxwlá:m shaman, Indian doctor

shxwlám where one is going

shxwlámá:lá bottle

shxwlathílé cupboard

shxwlemóthetále pit made by indian doctor

shxwlhíhets'els a saw

shxwlí where it's at, where it's from, a place

shxwlístexw to care about it

shxwmáth'elqel a liar

shxwmó:l to beg

shxwmó:mel to beg

shxwmót'estel direction marker

shxwokwe'ekw'els, or something numb

shxwókwel Loon

shxw'ólewú turnip

shxw'ó:met sofa

shxw'opestel towel

shxwō:qel Whistling White Swan

shxwoqw'ewí:ls dish towel

shxw'oqw'íls dish rag

shx̲wṓqw'tel canoe pole

shxw'óthestses palm of hand

shxwótkwewel to be hollow

shxwótqwelwetem washboard

shxwoweth'ílep shovel

shxw'ōwhámél Ohamil

Shxw'ōwhámél Ohamil

shxwóxw Rabbit (larg type).

shxwóxwel lifted up

shxwóxwth' crazy

Shx̲woyemelh New Westminster

shxwp'áp'eth' sewing machine

shxwpípewels a freezer

shxwqáqelets' wool-spinning machine

shxwqó:m water-basket

shxwqwáylhecháls long-handled stirring spoon

shxwqw'élqstel Nose-ring

shxwqweqwá:ls burer, auger

shxwqwó:ls pot (for boiling)

shxwqwó:lthels a wood carving

shxwsiyám boss

shxwtále'álá purse, wallet

Shxwtále'álá Purse/Wallet

shxwt'álh bridge

shxwt'ás what’s it like, what’s it doing?

shxwt'át'ekwel ferry

shxwt'at'ekwels boat

shxwt'át'ekwels stimót ferry boat

shxwtatí:m telephone

shxwt'elémels glue

shxwtélhtses a hammer

shxwtelí where you come from

shxwtélqel answer

shxwteltóle'ólestel eye-glasses

shxwtetatí:m telephones

shxwtéxelqeyls wool carder

shxwtéxelqéyls a wool carder

shxwth'á:lhtel cedar strips for baskets

shxwth'ámqels scissors

shxwth'ámqels~sth'ámqels scissors

shxwtháyelets rudder

shxwtháyelets~tháyeletstel rudder

shxwth'éx̲welwetem washing machine

shxwth'ox̲wewí:ls dish pan, dish water

shxwth'oxwi:les dishwasher

shxwtí'álá teapot

shxwtiti'álá teapot

shxwtitós safe place to cross river

shxwtíyeqel answer

shxwtl'ép deep

shxwtl'épstexw make it deep

shxwtl'etl'ep very deep, deeper

shxwtl'etl'ép deep

shxwtló:s loud

shxwtóle'ólestel eye-glasses

shxwt'ólestel window - shade

shxwt'ót'epels tool for wood

shxwts'ákwx̲els frying-pan

shxwts'á:yxwélwetem drier

shxwúwe cougar

shxwúxwe ambitious

shxwxóxekw'em bathtub

shxwyáx̲q'els pouch

shxwyóys employee


ta' your

ta'áltha I, me (emphatic)

t'ákw'el to cross

t'á:l go out of sight

tá:l mother

t'álaqa salal

tále money

tale'áwtxw bank

t'á:lew arm

taléwe you (sg.) (referential)

tá:lh spear

talhlewélep you folks

talhlímelh we, us (referential)

tálht spread it out (blanket, net)

talhwélep you (pl.) (referential)

t'álkw't warm it up

t'álqw'em warm, lukewarm

tá:lstem stumble, get staggered

tá:lxel follow tracks

t'ám to guess

tá:m to call, to holler

t'à:m sing along to spirit song

t'ámet guess at it

tá:met to call him/her

t'ámex to braid something (hair)

taméxw to hope

t'ámiya wren

T'amiyahó:y Mt. McGuire

t'á:mxw Gooseberry

t'ámxw gooseberry (coastal black)

t'á:mxwelhp gooseberry bush

t'apet chip at it (like at wood)

t'áqa salal

t'áqe salal berry

tá:qt to close (it)

t'ás quiet

t'ásxel walk silently

t'ásxelem walk quietly

t'á:t to taste it

t'át to try something, taste something, attempt something

t'át'ekw'el to cross

tátel mum, mummy

t'át'elh cross-beam in roof of house

tátelxel following tracks

t'át'em guessing

t'át'emels guesser (in slahal game)

t'át'emet guess at it

tátemet to call (him/her)

t'át'emiya little wren ???

t'át'epet chip at it (like at wood)

t'át'eqe salal berry

táteqlexw sore, aching

t'at'esem qwiqwoyels lemon

t'át'esxelem walk quietly

tátetewelt lift at one end

t'át'ets'em sour

t'at'ets'em qwiqwóyels sqe'óleqw lemonade

tátewel to light up, illuminate

tátewet shine light on it

tátey racing (a canoe)

t'át'eyeq' being, getting mad, being, getting angry, being real angry

tatiqí:wsem take a sweatbath

t'át'iyeq' mad

t'á:ts' fish-spreader

t'ats'ex̲elí:m split roots wrong (uneven)

táwel to light up, illuminate, flash

táwelómet brightly colored

táwélt shine light on it

táwet light something up, shine a light on

táwsel one thousand

tá:y to race a canoe

t'áyeq' be mad, get mad, be angry get angry

táyōwelh racing canoe

t'áyx̲ be envious

t'áyx̲met jealous

te the

te' your (female)

te alex brother

te'í this

te í:le this

te'íle this , this one, this thing here (speaker holding it)

t'ékw get stuck (in mud)

t'ekwá:lí:ya plug one's ear

t'ekwá:lí:yám not really listening

t'ékweles choking on food, getting choked on food

t'ekw'élmél homesick

t'ekwelwex to cross it

t'ekwíwet stick it up his/her bum

t'ekwót plug it

Tekwóthel mountain near Yale Mountain

t'ekwōwelh patch a canoe

t'ékwōwelh patch a canoe

t'ekw'stexw take him/her home

tel my

tel'áletse where is …. From

telchókw from far away

telchó:leqwtel from way upriver

tel:écha where from? (e.g. where is he from?)

t'elém to stick

t'elémelhp wild cherry tree

t'élemt stick it on

t'elémtses stick to the hand

teléqsel duck, mallard

t'elex̲ót carve stone

tél:exw find something out, to know something

télexwítel getting to know each other

télh got straight, got straightened

telhát spread it out (blanket, net)

telhelhó:s South wind [from down river]

t'élheqw't to scratch (him/her/it) [

t'elhóqw't to scratch (him/her/it) [

t'elhóqw'tem (he/she/it) was scratched

t'élhqesel net-shuttle

telí from

t'elkw'á:ls heating up food

t'élkw't warm it up

tellhelhó:s South Wind

tellhó:s from downriver

télmel wisdom, mind

teló this

tel:ó:mét to understand it

t'élq spot

télstem stumble, get staggered

teltá:l mothers

teltále'áwtxw banks

t'elt'á:lew arms

t'elt'élemtses stick to the hand

telteléqsel ducks, mallards

téltelexw finding it out

teltélmel wisdom, mind

telteló this

t'élt'elq spot

teltí:ltel to ring (ring a bell)

t'elt'íqa salal

teltíyt from upriver

telt'ólelhem flea

t'elt'ó:mel wall

t'élx̲é:yls carving stone

telxwíts moon in November

tem'álhtel meal-time

temchálhtel time to dry fish

t'émel wood-chip

Temelék'es April

témélh red paint( ????? )

temélhépsem pileated woodpeaker

tem'elíle salmonberry time

t'eméls chop with eaze

t'émeqw' to splash

témés velvet

témex to desire him/her, wish for, desire (v.)

tém:éxw earth, land

témexyexw wish for, desire (tr.v.)

temhilálxw autumn, fall

temí:lt to cool it down

temí:lthet to cool off (food)

temkw'á:y hungry time

témkwes blunt end of a canoe pole

temkw'éyles Spring

temkwíkwexel baby-sockeye time

Temkw'okw'es summer

tem kw'okw'es qwelhixel sandals

temkw'ókw'I hungry time

temkwōxweth coho time (Aug-Sept)

t'émleqw top of the head

temmeqó:s snow time

t'emó:sa rhubarb

tempó:kw' October Moon

t'émq'ethel jade stone

Temqó: June

temqoqó: high-water time

temqwá:l mosquito-time

Temqweloythi:lem Birds singing/making music-March

temsósex̲wel haying time

temsóx̲wel haying time

temswíwe oolachen time

temtám when

t'emt'ámiya wren

t'emt'ámxw gooseberry (coastal black)

temt'á:mxw gooseberry time

temt'elémtses time things stick to hand

temtémelh red paint( ????? )

témtemex to desire him/her

t'émt'emext to braid (it--of hair)

temtemí:lthet to cool off (food)

t'emt'emó:sa rhubarb

t'émt'emq'ethel jade stone

t'emt'émqw'xel really rainy

t'emt'emxáliya braids

temthéqi sockeye time (July to Aug)

temth'oló:lh big Spring Salmon time

temtl'í:q'es time ice forms, things stick

t'emt'ó:mél walls

temtómiyeqw great-great-great-greatgrandparent

tem t'oqw'temelh last weekend

temwelék'es March

temwíwe oolachen moon (May-June)

t'emxáliya a braid

t'émxel chop your foot (with axe)

Temxeytl' Winter

tépelhállh board for stretching hides

tépsem back of head, back of neck, neck (at back)

t'epsóye midget

téptepsem back of head, back of neck

teqáp beaver's dam

teqá:tsa eight

teqátsale eight (counting people)

teqatsíqw eight fish

teqétselsxá eighty

téqetselsxále eighty (counting people)

téqetselsxó:s eighty (counting dollars)

teqí:wsem take a sweatbath

teqíwtsel a sweathouse

téqlexw sore, hurt (intr.)

teqtá:l door

téqteqtá:l doors

t'éqt'eqwém thimbleberry

t'eqt'eqwst join together (sticks, poles)

t'eqw' it broke (string, etc.)

t'éqw' break (string)

t'eqw'élhelh to pass out

t'eqw'lhálém run out of breath

t'eqw'ót cut it (wood, lawn)

t'eqw'qéyl get top cut off

tés to approach, get to

tesát to send someone (tr.)

teséleqw get bumped on the head

teséleqwt bump him on the head

téses to suffer, have a hard time

teséslómet pitiful

tesestélemet feel sory for yourself

tesét put beside

teséthet to approach, get near

tesétstexw put beside

te shxwemlí:kw uncle

t'esí:l go down(of swelling)

tés kwe skw'í:ls What time is it?

tesláts touch bottom (canoe)

téslexw torch,bump it

tesós to suffer, have a hard time, poor, unfortunate

Te sqewós te smá:lt Sunny side of mountain that catches first rays

testélemet feel sory for yourself

testéstexw bump them together

t'et'ás quiet

t'et'ásthet sneak around, move quietly

t'et'ásxel walk silently

t'et'ásxelem walk quietly

t'et'á:t to taste it

tétath vein

t'et'élem to stick

t'et'élemt stick it on

t'et'éméls chop with eaze

t'et'éqw' break (string)

t'éteqw' it broke (string, etc.)

tetés approaching, getting to

tetex̲eláx̲elem hold arms out

te thá that

tethá that one, that there, that thing

tetí:lt clear it (land, table)

t'et'óthet try to do it

tewá:le tilted

tewále lifted over to one side

Tewáléhilep sloping ground

tewále'ílep sloping ground

tewá:let lift at one end

tewát who

tewátes anybody, somebody

tewélá:m a slope

tewít good hunter, good fisherman

tewláts drift backwards to fish sturgeon

t'ewōkw'sem powder your face

tex̲eláx̲elem hold arms out

téxelqéylt carding wool, combing something (hair, wool)

téxéqéyls cording wool

téxqeléyls cording wool

T'ex̲qé:yl Sumas Mountain

texqéylem comb one's hair

téxqéylt to card something, brush something (hair, wool)

téx̲w later, after a while

téx̲wets a bow (weapon)

téx̲wetselhp Yew tree

téxwmámele step child

téxwméle step child

texwswáyel midday, noon

téxwswáyél noon, mid-day

texwtéxwthelh tongue

téxwthelh tongue

texyaqéylem comb one's hair

texyeqéylem comb one's hair

té:yqxálém take a step

thákw't pulling something

th'álátel heart-shaped island near Chehelis

th'á:lé heart

th'álh to cool down (of person)

thá:lhp big tree

th'álx̲em transparent, see-thru

th'á:m go down (of tide)

th'ám to chew

th'amawéstel soapberry beater

th'áq'em be dripping

tháq't spearing it

th'át chew it

thát dark

thatháyelhtset to prepare for (it), make for (it)

th'ath'elem have labour pains

tháthelmet admire

th'áth'em go down (of tide)

th'áth'emet put ing s-th between the teeth, putting it in one's mouth, biting on s-th (not into it)

th'áth'ewem have no taste

thátheyel blood

th'áth'ikwémet worried about (iy)

th'áth'iyekw be really worried

th'á:th'tsem to jingle

thatíl get dark

thátkwem feel a tingle

th'á:tsem to jingle

th'atsemá:lí:ya have aringing in ear

th'á:tst phone him/her

th'átst phone him/her

tháuem to bake (bread)

tháwelhem to spawn

th'áwém have no taste

th'áx̲ey straw, reed-grass

tháx̲t push it

th'áx̲th'ax̲ey straw, reed-grass

th'áyá:m marry bro/sis of deceased spouse

tháyelets stear a canoe

tháyeletst steer it

tháyeltsep fit a fire

tháyeltxwem to build a house

thá:yest to fix (it) up,

th'á:ykwem to squeek (of mouse)

thá:yt preparing, fixing, making something

the alex sister

thehít be careful with it

thehíthet take care of yourself

thehíws bird, large bird

thehó:lesem open both eyes wide

thehó:ythel have a big mouth

the'ít true

thekw' straight, pulled, influenced

thékw'aqel drawer

thekw'ét pull something

th'ékwetselsxá seventy

th'ékwetselsxó:s seventy (counting dollars)

th'ekwóls seven fruit

th'ekwsále seven (counting people)

th'ekwsáleqel seven (counting containers)

th'ekwsálh seven times

th'ekwsélhp seven trees

th'ékwselsxále seventy (counting people)

th'ekwsíws seven birds

th'ékwth'íkwekw Blue Elderberries

th'eláltel Juniper

th'eleth'qw'á:y trouts (many)

th'elétsxel heel

thelíthqet small tree

thélmet admire

th'elth'á:le hearts

thelthátheyel blood

thelthélxatel rugs, floor coverings

thelthélxatí:m weaving

th'elth'ómtsestel slahal bone

thelthóthel mouths

thélxatí:m to weave

thélxetel a rug

themá twice

th'émtel soapberry spoon

themthó:mél eyebrows

th'emth'ómetsel bracelet

th'emxweláx̲el elbow

th'épiyeqw part of plant where berry hangs

th'eplexw to close one's eyes

th'ép'oyeqw great-great-great grandparent

th'epth'epíyeqw part of plant where berry hangs

th'epth'etplex to close one's eyes

theqá:t tree

th'éq'em to drip (one drip)

théqeytel sockeye net

theqthéqet forest

theqthéqeytel sockeye net

th'eqw'iyós to box

th'éqw'ōwelh making a basket

th'éqwth'éqwxwel ankle joint

th'esélatel arrow-pouch

th'eséletst throw him/her down on their bum

th'esét bang a container

the shxwemlí:kw aunt

th'éstel a nail

th'esth'éset bang a container

thét to say it, say (tr.)

thétest to tell someone something

th'eth'ám to chew

th'eth'át chew it

th'eth'á:ykwem to squeek (of mouse)

thethehít be careful with it

th'eth'ekw'íwetem have worms

th'eth'emí:l thin (material)

th'eth'emí:lstexw make it thin

thetheqét tree

théthet to say it

th'eth'eth'elétsxel heel

thethétstexw tell him/her/it

th'eth'éx̲ to go out completely (of fire)

thethéx̲ dissappear

thethéx̲w dissappear

théthexw to dissappear

theth'ístel horns, antlers

thethít true

thethíx̲w girl's first period

thetíwél to think to yourself

th'éts stiff, hard

th'étsáls ringing, phoning

th'etsét harden, harden it

th'étst phone him/her

thétstexw tell him/her/it

th'ew worn-out

Th'ewá:lí Soowahlie

thewélhem to spawn

th'ewí:l worn-out

th'ewt wear it out

th'éx̲ to go out completely (of fire)

Th'ex̲elís rock near yale

th'ex̲ét small gravel

thex̲ét push it

thex̲láxw find it

th'ex̲míl cigarette butt

thex̲ósem pull out from shore

thex̲ó:th dolly varden trout

th'éx̲tel rattlesnake

th'éx̲th'ex̲ stinging nettle

th'ex̲th'ex̲míl cigarette butt

th'éx̲th'éx̲tel rattlesnake

th'éx̲th'ex̲th'ex̲ stinging nettle

théxw to dissappear

théx̲w dissappear

th'ex̲wá:tsesem to wash one's hands

th'ex̲wélesem brush your teeth

th'ex̲welísem brush your teeth

th'ex̲welwetem to do the laundry

th'éx̲welwétem washing clothes

th'ex̲wépsem wash your neck

th'éx̲wesem to wash your face

th'éx̲wetsesem to wash one's hands

th'ex̲wíl to do the dishes

th'ex̲wíls to wash dishes

th'ex̲wíqwem wash one's hair

th'ex̲wítsem wash your back

thex̲wíwsem wash one's body

th'ex̲wlísem to brush one's teeth

th'exwmet do a favor for him

th'éx̲wmet to feel sorry for him/her, pity someone

th'éx̲wó:sem to wash your face

th'ex̲wót wash it, wash (tr. v.)

th'exwótem (it is) washed

thexwó:thet dissappear on purpose

th'éx̲wqéylem wash one's mouth out

th'exwstélémét ask someone a favor

th'éxwth'exw ospray, fish hawk

th'éxwth'éxw Ospray, Fishhawk

th'ex̲wth'óx̲wíls wash lots of dishes

th'éx̲wxél:ém wash one's feet

th'íkwe left(side)

th'íkwekw Blue Elderberry

th'íkwekwelhp elderberry tree

th'íkw'elexw to frighten him

th'íkwem prickly, scratchy

th'ikw'ólésem to wink

th'íkw'thet to get frightened

th'ímelhp berry plant

thímiya full-grown coho

th'iqw'élchep chop wood

th'í:qw'est punch him/her in the face

th'í:qw'et to punch him/her

th'íset to nail it

th'ístel horn, antler

th'íth'aq'em dripping

thí:thaxel have a big foot

thíthe big

thitheháleq big waves

thithehó:les have big eyes

th'íth'ekwem prickly, scratchy

th'íth'eqw'est punch him/her in the face

th'íth'eqw'et to punch him/her

th'íth'eset nailing it

thíthet fix yourself up

thíthetses have big hand(s)

th'íth'ewel annoyed

th'íth'ewélmet annoyed with (him/her)

th'íth'ewélstexw annoy (them)

thíthexel have big feet

th'íth'exwmet do a favor for him

th'íth'ex̲wmet feeling sorry for someone, pitying someone

th'íth'exwstélémét ask someone a favor

th'ith'íkw'elexw to frighten him

th'íthíkw'thet to get frightened

th'íth'ímálá berry-basket

th'ith'kw'ólésem to wink

th'íth'kw'oya runt

th'íth'óyeqw grind

thíthqet small tree

th'ith'qw'iyós to box

thit kw'as ku:k food preparation

th'ítsemelhp hazelnut tree

thíts'et split it with fingernail

th'íwél annoyed

th'íwélem to bother him/her

th'íwelmét annoyed with (him/her)

th'íwelstexw annoy (them)

thíx̲ water-source (spring)

th'íx̲w please

thiyá:lhem make a bed

thiyálhem to make the bed

thíyelhtset to prepare for (it), make for (it)

thíyéltsep fit a fire

thiyéltxwem to build a house

thíyém to bake (bread)

th'iyeqw'á:ls split firewood

thiyeqwáls digging

th'íyeqw'elchep split firewood

th'íyeqw't split it (firewood)

thíyeqwt to dig (it) up

thíyest to fix (it) up,

thíyest te lálem to clean the house

thiyost te letám to set the table

thíyt to prepare, to fix, to make it, prepare

thíythet fix yourself up

thiytíl design, pattern

thkw'ét straighten it

thkw'éthet straighten yourself out

th'kw'íwel hemorrhoids

th'kw'íwíyelhp swamp gooseberry

th'kwólh Lillooet People

th'lhákw't pinch (him/her)

th'okwōswelh seven canoes

th'ó:kws seven

th'ókwses seven (counting dollars)

th'okwsíqw seven fish

thó:lchep fire is growing strong

th'ólhem to feel cold, get cooled down, chilled, get cold (of a person)

th'ólhokw't pinch (him/her)

tho:mel eyebrow

thó:mel eyebrow(s)

thó:mél eyebrows

th'óméls whet-stone, file

th'ómetsel bracelet

th'ómtsestel slahal bone

thó:qw have a big head

th'óqweleqw bald-headed

th'óqw'em rotten

th'óqwet to suck on it

thóthel mouth

th'óth'elhem feeling cold, be chilled (of a person)

Th'óth'emels Village near Vedder Crossing

th'óth'eqw'em rotten

th'óth'eqw'emáléqep smell rotten

th'óth'eqwet to suck on it

thóthexwemélqsel have a nose-bleed

th'ōth'ōwex̲ cedar slat baskets

th'ōth'ōwt smash it up

th'oth'óx̲wí:ls to wash dishes

th'óth'qw'émthet rotted

th'ōth'x̲iya cannibal woman, basket ogress

th'ōwex̲ cedar slat basket

th'ōwt smash it up

th'ōx̲iya cannibal woman

Th'ōx̲iya cannibal woman, basket ogress

Th'ṓx̲iya Cannibal Woman

th'óx̲wá:tsesem to wash one's hands

thóxwemélqsel have a nose-bleed

th'ox̲wí:ls to wash dishes

th'óx̲wíls wash dishes

th'óyeqw grind

th'óyeqw'elchep split firewood

th'óyeqw't splitting it (firewood)

thóyeqwt to dig (it) up

th'ó:yx̲wem to get nervous, excited

thqá:lem to dip-net

thq'á:ls to spear fish

th'q'elhx̲á:m to kneel

th'q'emelétsem collected rainwater

th'q'émqel tap

thq'ét spear it

th'q'th'q'x̲á:m to kneel

th'qw'álewest punched in stomach

th'qw'á:lí:ye punched on ear

th'qw'élqsel punched in the nose

th'qw'íwet punched on butt

th'qwó:lecha gloves, mittens

th'qw'ómáléqep smell rotten

th'qw'ó:mthet rotted

th'qwó:s punched in face

th'táme raft

th'tes to ring once

th'th'ex̲welísem brush your teeth

thútl'ó: she, her

thutl'ólem they, referring to females

th'x̲welwétem to wash clothes, wash clothes, do laundry

thxwómélqsel have a nose bleed


tíkw'et to bang (tr.)

tíkw'etem got

t'ílá:ls to scramble-give

t'ílem to sing

t'ílemelhtset sing it for him/her

t'ílemet sing about it

t'ílemstexw sing to him/her

t'iléqel salmon with eggs loose

t'ílmet be lonsome for him/her

t'ílt sing it

tí:lt clear it (land, table)

tílt to clear it (of land, road)

tí:ltel to ring (ring a bell), alarm

t'ílthet be lonesome

tímet do it harder

tíméthet trying, doing something hard

t'íqel to get bruised

t'íqeláx̲el get bruised on feet

t'íqqwlha be filthy

tiqxálém take a step

Titáwlechem slough on Seabird Island

t'it'á:yeq' cranky

t'ít'elem singing

t'ít'elemelhtset sing it for him/her

t'ít'elemet sing about it

t'ít'elemstexw sing to him/her

t'ít'elmet be lonsome for him/her

títemet do it harder

títemí:lt to cool it down

titemí:lthet to cool off (food)

t'ít'epsó:ye tiny midget

t'ít'eqel to get bruised

t'ít'eqeláx̲el get bruised on feet

títeqw'ō:lchep ashes floating up from fire

t'ít'etsem swimming

títexem pond slime, algae

t'it'ílt singing it

t'it'ílthet be lonesome

t'ít'íyelt to entertain him

titiyólest to lean against it

t'ítsem swim (of a person), swim (with crawl strokes, etc.

t'íw take too big a step

tíyeles lean it (against something)

tiyélést to lean against it

t'íyelt to entertain him

tiyó:les to lean to one side

tiyólesem to lean on it

t'íyx̲ envious

t'kwíles choke (on food)

t'kwílest choke him/her

t'kwíléstexw bring it across the river

t'kwílstexw choke someone

tl'álelhem salt

tl'a'leqtxel Daddy long-legs

tl'áleqtxel daddy long-legs

tl'áléx̲em crackle, pop

tl'álhem salt

tl'alqtélets ring-necked pheasant

tl'álx put it on (design), attach it, fasten it

tl'á:lx̲em crackle, pop

tl'ámkw'em popping (little round things)

tl'ap'élatsem wag its tail

tl'ápex̲em fall down and scatter

tl'ápx̲t sow it (seeds), scatter it

tl'áqt tall, long

tl'a'tl'ékw'elsáwtxw fire station

Tl'átl'ekw'em Hope Indian Reserve

tl'átl'el attached

tl'átl'elhemt to salt (it)

tl'átl'elx put it on (design)

tl'atl'íls loving (him/her/it)

tl'atl'ítel to love one another

tl'atl'itel swayel Valentines Day

tl'áwels barking

tl'áxetem have diarrhea

tl'axtem diarreha

tl'chá:s island

tl'e'áxet invite him/her to a feast

tl'e'éylh pot-latch

tl'e'ímél muscle

tl'ékw'el to go out (of a fire, flame)

tl'ékwela deaf

tl'ékw'elt to extinguish it (fire, flame)

tl'ekwselchí:ms why?

tl'ékw'tl'ekw'elt putting it out (of a fire, flame)

tl'eláxw to stop, stay

tl'eláxwelets to stay live in one place

tl'elá:y shovel-nosed canoe

tl'eléqw to explode

tl'éleqw' a pop, a shot

tl'élexw stopping, staying

tl'eléxwstexw stop (him/her/it)

tl'élexwstexw stop (him/her/it)

tl'elímél muscle

tl'elqtéle deer

tl'éltl'el to have a habit, to be addicted

tl'éltl'eleqw continuous shooting or popping sounds

tl'eltl'élx̲ spotted

tl'eltl'élx̲os have freckles

tl'eltl'élx̲xel spring salmon ~ Chinook salmon

tl'élx̲ speckled

tl'elxalollh jack spring

tl'élx̲xel spring salmon ~ Chinook salmon

tl'eméqw snap your fingers

tl'eméqwtses snap your finger

tl'emtl'eméqw snap your fingers

tl'emtl'émxel grasshopper

tl'emx̲wxwéylem to hail

tl'ép low, deep

tl'épel to go down, descend

tl'épelem to go down off of it

tl'épelt lower it down

tl'épelx lower it down

tl'epí:l to go down, descend

tl'epí:lx lower it down

tl'épló:thel bowl

tl'épstexw make something low, leave it low, lower something

tl'épstexw ta' sqwélewel be patient

tl'épx̲t sow it (seeds), scatter it

tl'eqtámeth' tall

tl'éqtepsem have long neck

tl'eqtíwél tall (of tree)

tl'etl'áxel give a potlatch/feast

tl'etl'ekwelt extinguishing it (of a fire)

tl'étl'elmet get used to it

tl'étl'eló:m them (little)

tl'etl'ewels to bark (dog)

tl'etl'ót quiet it (baby)

tl'ewéls to bark (dog)

tl'ewlómét manage to get away

tl'éwt bark at him/her

tl'ewtl'ewt bark at him/her

tl'éx crack open

tl'exátem have diarrhea

tl'exáx̲et split it open

tl'éx̲tl'ex̲wet to beat s-one at game

tl'éx̲w hard

tl'éx̲wet to beat s-one at game

tl'exwéthet to get hard

tl'exwewítstel blanket, robe

tl'exwló:st take him/her for granted

tlhéthet straighten yourself out

t'lhóqw'est scratch him/her on face

tl'í hard, difficult

tl'íkw'el kinnikinnick

tl'íkw'ilhp indian tobacco plant

tl'í:la eulachon oil

tl'íls to love, to like him/her/it

tl'i:m weak, be weak (of a person)

tl'íq' get hit by tree, car

tl'iq'áwtxw deadfall trap

tl'íq'el sticky

tl'í:q'etses get hand stuck

tl'íq't spread it on

tl'í:thet hard for you, difficult

tl'itl'alqtele fawn

tl'ítl'alqtéle fawn

tl'ítl'áxel giving a potlatch/feast

tl'itl'e'áxel inviting to a feast

tl'itleptel skirt

tl'ítl'eq'el sticky

tl'ítl'eqel soggy

tl'ítl'eq'et spread it on

tl'ítl'esels sneaking around

tl'í:tl'ets'et sneak up on him/her

tl'itl'ew to run away

tl'ítl'ōwstexw kidnap him/her

tl'ítl'q'ey a shortcut

tl'itl'q'oyám take a shortcut

tl'ítl'xex̲et split it open

tl'í:ts'et sneak up on him/her

tl'íw to run away

tl'lhámt to salt (it)

tl'ó it is, he is, she is

tl'ólkwels oyster

tloqá:ys now

tl'óstexw choose it, pick it

tl'ó:t quiet it (baby)

tl'óth'et tighten it up, wind it up

tl'ótl'em little thing

tl'otl'ostexw choose it, pick it

tlowáyel today

tl'ōwstexw kidnap him/her

tl'pát cedar sapling basket

tl'pílém to go down off of it

tl'pí:lt lower it down

tl'qw'á:y milt, salmon milt

tl'qw'ót cut it (string or rope)

tl'xát split it, rip it

tl'xáx̲el burst open, split open

tl'xáx̲et split it open (fish, animal)

tl'xwá:ylhem to sit on eggs

tl'xwéleq to win

tl'xwíqwtel handkerchief

tl'x̲wíth'a strong (of material)

tl'x̲wíws tough skin

tl'xwiylhem sitting on eggs

tl'xwtl'xwéleq to win

t'ó to sprain

tókelem put on your socks

t'ó:kw' to go home

t'ólex̲wet kick him out

t'o:lhem sq'oq'ey a cold

tó:lt to learn (it)

t'óltel eclipse (sun or moon)

tó:lthet to think, to understand

tó:lxel tracks going down to river

t'ómel wall

t'ó:mél wall

t'omelewítsel partition

t'ómethet be suspicious of

tomitos tomatoes

tómiyeqw great-great-great-greatgrandparent

t'ó:mqw'em to splash

t'ópet to carve it

t'ópiythet getting dry (of tree)

t'óqwel to dry up ( a pond)

tóqw'em to cough

t'oqw'ót break it (string, rope)

t'óqw't cut it (string or rope)

t'oqw'tem got broken (string, rope)

t'óqw'tem Saturday, Weekend

tósem to crush berries

tóset to grind it, squish it

t'ó:t' poor thing! you poor thing! poor little one!

t'ot'á to sprain

t'ót'ekw' going home

t'ót'ekwels plugging holes

t'ót'ekwet plug it

totekwlem knitting

t'ót'ekw'stexw take him/her home

t'ót'elex̲wet kick him out

t'ót'elhem flea

toteló:met to understand it

t'ót'emethet be suspicious of

t'ót'epet to carve it

to't'ep'íqselem red-headed woodpecker

t'ot'epíythet getting dry (of tree)

t'ót'eqwel to dry up ( a pond)

tóteqw'em to cough

toteqw'ó:mestem tuberculosis

tótesem to crush berries

tóteset to grind it, squish it

t'ótexw go to the river

t'óthet try to do it

totí:lt learning it, learning something

totí:lthet to think, to understand

tówel town

t'óxw go to the river

tóx̲wesem towing a canoe upriver

tóx̲wethem fish for sturgeon

t'pí wood tick

tpólhtel prop used for a deadfall trap

tqát to close something

tqátsáleqel eight (counting containers)

tqatsálh eight times

tqátsa'ōwelh eight canoes

tqatsíws eight birds

t'qellexw give him/her a bruise

tqótsóls eight fruit

tqó:tsó:s eight (counting dollars)

t'qwém thimbleberry

t'qwíqst join together (sticks, poles)

tqwō:lchep ashes floating up from fire

t'qw'ót break it (string, rope)

ts'ahéyelh be praying, having a church service

ts'ákwx̲els to be frying stuff

ts'ákwx̲t be frying something

ts'áléqel really have to pee

ts'á:lext branch

ts'á:lq'em teirling (while hanging)

tsálqlexw to drop accidently

tsálqt to drop it (on purpose)

ts'asem toasted

ts'át to chew it

ts'a'tem crawling

ts'atem stimmot train

ts'átl'em jumping, hopping

ts'áts'el very

ts'átselem labour (being in labour)

ts'áts'esem good tasting

ts'átx̲em tinkling, clinking

ts'áwi shell (shiny part)

ts'áwi'álá a glass cup

ts'áwi lepót glass

ts'áx to put on (tr.)

ts'á:ya in-laws after your spouse dies

ts'áywx be drying

ts'áyxwelwétem to dry clothes

ts'áyxwt drying something

tscháxw get a wife

ts'ech'ó:lwelh on top shelf

ts'e'iqel go up a hill

ts'ekw'xále twenty (counting people)

ts'ekwx̲á:ls to fry stuff

ts'ékwx̲t fry (it), fry (tr.)

ts'eláltxw steal his/her spouse

ts'élexw go into inlet

ts'elh'á:y person running around with (insulting)

ts'elhímexóstel walking with each other

tselhsq'áleq'o family

ts'elhx̲á:m cry with somebody

ts'elhxwélmexw family (also neighbour)

tselíl maybe

tsélq to fall

ts'elqéylt turn it around

tsélqlexw to drop accidently

tselqó:me blackcap

tselqó:mé blackcap

tsélqt to drop it (on purpose)

tseltselexw to drop accidently

ts'elts'elqeylt turn it around

tséltselqlexw to drop accidently

tseltselqó:me blackcap

tsel ts'íthome I thank you.

tsel ts'íthomé I Thank You

Tsel we' eyo. I am fine.

ts'élxet look for lice on him

Tsel x̲lhém I am tired

Ts'elxwéyeqw Chilliwack/Chilliwack River place name (as far as one can travel upriver via canoe)

Ts'elxwíqw chilliwack

ts'elxwí:wsem relieved (in body)

Tsel yekw'es I am busy

ts'emts'emxó:ythel jaw-chin

ts'emxó:ythel jaw, chin

ts'epí:wel have a dirty bum

ts'epx̲el to rust

ts'épx̲el have dirty feet

ts'epx̲élqsel have a dirty nose

ts'épx̲es have a dirty face

ts'éq' be surprised

tseq'ex̲ó:les black eyes

ts'eq'met be surprised by him/her

ts'eqw' hit with arrow, bullet

ts'éqw' get hit by arrow, gun

ts'eqw'eláxw hit with arrow accidentelly

ts'eqw'elístel a broach, a pin

ts'eqw'ōwelh make a cedar-root basket

ts'eqw'ṓwelh Making a cedar-root basket

ts'eqw'ts'éqw' thistle, thorn

ts'eqw'ts'eqw'elístel a brooch, a pin

tsesá:t send him/her for something

ts'esémelép weed

ts'esláts saskatoon berry

ts'ésqel golden Eagle

ts'ets'aqw'ōwelh make a cedar-root basket

ts'ets'át to chew it

Tsetsel ey I am very good

ts'éts'em seplíl toast

ts'e'ts'éqw' thistle, thorn

ts'éts'eqw' get hit by arrow, gun

ts'ets'íts'etl'thet get shorter

ts'ets'ó:kw'e skunk cabbages (many)

Ts'ewá:lí Soowahlie

ts'exweqel to have a dry throat

ts'ex̲wítsem wash your back

ts'exwts'exweqel having a dry throat

ts'ílem get onto

ts'ímel get close to, approach, nearly

ts'í:met to lick it

ts'ísem to grow

ts'ít to thank him/her

ts'i:tem swayel Thanksgiving Day

tsith'exels toaster

ts'ítl'ewelh short (of a canoe)

ts'ítl'ōwes short (of paddle)

ts'its'á:ya in-laws after your spouse dies

ts'its'eláltxw steal his/her spouse

ts'íts'elem get onto

ts'íts'emel getting close to, approaching

ts'íts'emet to lick it

ts'íts'emostel licking each other's faces

ts'its'eqweló:l Indian badminton

ts'íts'esem to grow

ts'íts'esemt grow it

ts'í:ts'etl' short

ts'íts'etl' short

ts'íts'etl'thet get shorter

ts'íts'etxel have short legs

ts'íts'ewel bored, bothered

ts'íts'ewelmet bored of it, annoyed with it, fed up with it (of many)

ts'í:ts'eweló:l indian badminton; grass shiny

ts'its'lhá:met hearing it

ts'íts'lhá:met to hear (it)

ts'í:ts'tl'emeth' short (of a person)

ts'íwelmet bored of it

ts'í:yelh to pray

ts'íyex̲ést scorch, make it rare (tr.)

ts'íyxweqel to be dry in throat

ts'íyxwt to dry it, dry (tr.v.)

ts'íyxwthet to dry oneself (v.)

tskwáyé'leqw blonde hair

ts'kw'éx twenty

ts'kw'exáleqel twenty (counting containers)

ts'kw'éx qas te isá:le twenty-two

ts'kw'éx qas te léts'e twenty-one

tskwíkwemel pink

tskwí:m red

tskwímel turn red

tskwí:meqw have red hair

tskwimó:les (have) red eyes

tskwimomex brown

tskwí:m shúkwa brown sugar

ts'kw'xó:s twenty (counting dollars)

ts'lhám to hear (it)

ts'lhá:met to hear it

tslhilá:m step parent

tslhililá:m step parent

ts'lhimexósem going for a walk together

tslhítselxel top of foot

ts'lhx̲á:m deceased child

tsmákw'a undertaker

tsméla give birth, have a baby

tsméle to give birth

tsmélméle to give birth

tsméth' blue

ts'meth'meth'ó:les (several) blue eyes, really blue eyes

ts'meth'ó:les blue eyes

ts'ó:kw'e skunk cabbage

ts'ólesem turn one's face away

ts'ólesemet turn one's face away from

ts'ó:lex̲eth' roll over in bed

ts'óqw't poke it, pin it

ts'óxwelhcha adding water, adding some mor (liquid)

ts'óxwt add it

tsp'íp'eq'el getting a little white

ts'q'álex̲ (many) black things

ts'qáyex̲iya Mink

tsq'ex̲é'leqw black hair

ts'q'éyx̲ black

ts'q'éyx̲em vanilla extract

ts'qó:ls bare, bald, rock

Ts'qó:ls Hope

tsqwá:y green, yellow

tsqwayó:les green eyes

tsqwáyóméx to look yellow / green

tsqwa:y pepe green pepper

ts'qw'élá ear-ring

ts'qw'élhp Sitka Spruce Tree

ts'qw'et poke it, pin it

ts'qw'ít prop up with y-shaped stick

tsqw'íx̲w brown

ts'qw'ōstel big copper pot

tssálém send someone on an errand

ts'sa:yelhp Douglas Fir tree

ts'símt grow it

Ts'símteló:t sister of Lhílheqey

ts'tá:m to crawl

tsth'óqwi to fish

ts'tl'ám to jump, to hop (once)

ts'tl'étl'xel take short steps

tsxwíkw' grey

ts'xwólhcha add water, add some more liquid

ts'xwót add it, add some

tu a little, a bit like, slightly

tus'éy to be careful

tutewít good hunter, good fisherman

tútl'ó: he, him

tutl'ó:lem them, they (male)

tú:xw nine

tuxwále nine (counting people)

tuxwáleqel nine (counting containers)

tú:xwá:lh nine times

tú:xwelsxá ninety

tú:xwelsxále ninety (counting people)

tú:xwelsxó:s ninety (counting dollars)

tú:xwes nine (counting dollars)

tuxwíqw nine fish

tuxwíws nine birds

tuxwóls 'nine fruit in a group or cluster (as they grow on a plant)

tuxwōwelh nine canoes

t'wá must maybe, I guess, I'm uncertain, must be

t'x̲ém six

t'x̲emálh six times

t'x̲émele six people

t'x̲emelhp six trees

t'x̲émelsxá sixty

t'x̲émelsxále sixty (counting people)

t'x̲émelsxó:s sixty (counting dollars)

t'x̲émeqel six (counting containers)

t'x̲émés six dollars

t'x̲emíqw six fish

t'x̲emóls six fruit

t'xemōs six birds

t'xemōwelh six canoes

tx̲ét streach its arms, wings

txwéltsep keep fire at steady temperature

tx̲wém right away

txwemelám adopt a child

txwó:ye be only one left


t'ákw'el to cross

t'á:l go out of sight

t'álaqa salal

t'á:lew arm

t'álkw't warm it up

t'álqw'em warm, lukewarm

t'ám to guess

t'à:m sing along to spirit song

t'ámet guess at it

t'ámex to braid something (hair)

t'ámiya wren

T'amiyahó:y Mt. McGuire

t'á:mxw Gooseberry

t'ámxw gooseberry (coastal black)

t'á:mxwelhp gooseberry bush

t'apet chip at it (like at wood)

t'áqa salal

t'áqe salal berry

t'ás quiet

t'ásxel walk silently

t'ásxelem walk quietly

t'á:t to taste it

t'át to try something, taste something, attempt something

t'át'ekw'el to cross

t'át'elh cross-beam in roof of house

t'át'em guessing

t'át'emels guesser (in slahal game)

t'át'emet guess at it

t'át'emiya little wren ???

t'át'epet chip at it (like at wood)

t'át'eqe salal berry

t'at'esem qwiqwoyels lemon

t'át'esxelem walk quietly

t'át'ets'em sour

t'at'ets'em qwiqwóyels sqe'óleqw lemonade

t'át'eyeq' being, getting mad, being, getting angry, being real angry

t'át'iyeq' mad

t'á:ts' fish-spreader

t'ats'ex̲elí:m split roots wrong (uneven)

t'áyeq' be mad, get mad, be angry get angry

t'áyx̲ be envious

t'áyx̲met jealous

t'ékw get stuck (in mud)

t'ekwá:lí:ya plug one's ear

t'ekwá:lí:yám not really listening

t'ékweles choking on food, getting choked on food

t'ekw'élmél homesick

t'ekwelwex to cross it

t'ekwíwet stick it up his/her bum

t'ekwót plug it

t'ekwōwelh patch a canoe

t'ékwōwelh patch a canoe

t'ekw'stexw take him/her home

t'elém to stick

t'elémelhp wild cherry tree

t'élemt stick it on

t'elémtses stick to the hand

t'elex̲ót carve stone

t'élheqw't to scratch (him/her/it) [

t'elhóqw't to scratch (him/her/it) [

t'elhóqw'tem (he/she/it) was scratched

t'élhqesel net-shuttle

t'elkw'á:ls heating up food

t'élkw't warm it up

t'élq spot

t'elt'á:lew arms

t'elt'élemtses stick to the hand

t'élt'elq spot

t'elt'íqa salal

t'elt'ó:mel wall

t'élx̲é:yls carving stone

t'émel wood-chip

t'eméls chop with eaze

t'émeqw' to splash

t'émleqw top of the head

t'emó:sa rhubarb

t'émq'ethel jade stone

t'emt'ámiya wren

t'emt'ámxw gooseberry (coastal black)

t'émt'emext to braid (it--of hair)

t'emt'emó:sa rhubarb

t'émt'emq'ethel jade stone

t'emt'émqw'xel really rainy

t'emt'emxáliya braids

t'emt'ó:mél walls

t'emxáliya a braid

t'émxel chop your foot (with axe)

t'epsóye midget

t'éqt'eqwém thimbleberry

t'eqt'eqwst join together (sticks, poles)

t'eqw' it broke (string, etc.)

t'éqw' break (string)

t'eqw'élhelh to pass out

t'eqw'lhálém run out of breath

t'eqw'ót cut it (wood, lawn)

t'eqw'qéyl get top cut off

t'esí:l go down(of swelling)

t'et'ás quiet

t'et'ásthet sneak around, move quietly

t'et'ásxel walk silently

t'et'ásxelem walk quietly

t'et'á:t to taste it

t'et'élem to stick

t'et'élemt stick it on

t'et'éméls chop with eaze

t'et'éqw' break (string)

t'éteqw' it broke (string, etc.)

t'et'óthet try to do it

t'ewōkw'sem powder your face

T'ex̲qé:yl Sumas Mountain

t'ílá:ls to scramble-give

t'ílem to sing

t'ílemelhtset sing it for him/her

t'ílemet sing about it

t'ílemstexw sing to him/her

t'iléqel salmon with eggs loose

t'ílmet be lonsome for him/her

t'ílt sing it

t'ílthet be lonesome

t'íqel to get bruised

t'íqeláx̲el get bruised on feet

t'íqqwlha be filthy

t'it'á:yeq' cranky

t'ít'elem singing

t'ít'elemelhtset sing it for him/her

t'ít'elemet sing about it

t'ít'elemstexw sing to him/her

t'ít'elmet be lonsome for him/her

t'ít'epsó:ye tiny midget

t'ít'eqel to get bruised

t'ít'eqeláx̲el get bruised on feet

t'ít'etsem swimming

t'it'ílt singing it

t'it'ílthet be lonesome

t'ít'íyelt to entertain him

t'ítsem swim (of a person), swim (with crawl strokes, etc.

t'íw take too big a step

t'íyelt to entertain him

t'íyx̲ envious

t'kwíles choke (on food)

t'kwílest choke him/her

t'kwíléstexw bring it across the river

t'kwílstexw choke someone

t'lhóqw'est scratch him/her on face

t'ó to sprain

t'ó:kw' to go home

t'ólex̲wet kick him out

t'o:lhem sq'oq'ey a cold

t'óltel eclipse (sun or moon)

t'ómel wall

t'ó:mél wall

t'omelewítsel partition

t'ómethet be suspicious of

t'ó:mqw'em to splash

t'ópet to carve it

t'ópiythet getting dry (of tree)

t'óqwel to dry up ( a pond)

t'oqw'ót break it (string, rope)

t'óqw't cut it (string or rope)

t'oqw'tem got broken (string, rope)

t'óqw'tem Saturday, Weekend

t'ó:t' poor thing! you poor thing! poor little one!

t'ot'á to sprain

t'ót'ekw' going home

t'ót'ekwels plugging holes

t'ót'ekwet plug it

t'ót'ekw'stexw take him/her home

t'ót'elex̲wet kick him out

t'ót'elhem flea

t'ót'emethet be suspicious of

t'ót'epet to carve it

t'ot'epíythet getting dry (of tree)

t'ót'eqwel to dry up ( a pond)

t'ótexw go to the river

t'óthet try to do it

t'óxw go to the river

t'pí wood tick

t'qellexw give him/her a bruise

t'qwém thimbleberry

t'qwíqst join together (sticks, poles)

t'qw'ót break it (string, rope)

t'wá must maybe, I guess, I'm uncertain, must be

t'x̲ém six

t'x̲emálh six times

t'x̲émele six people

t'x̲emelhp six trees

t'x̲émelsxá sixty

t'x̲émelsxále sixty (counting people)

t'x̲émelsxó:s sixty (counting dollars)

t'x̲émeqel six (counting containers)

t'x̲émés six dollars

t'x̲emíqw six fish

t'x̲emóls six fruit

t'xemōs six birds

t'xemōwelh six canoes


thákw't pulling something

th'álátel heart-shaped island near Chehelis

th'á:lé heart

th'álh to cool down (of person)

thá:lhp big tree

th'álx̲em transparent, see-thru

th'á:m go down (of tide)

th'ám to chew

th'amawéstel soapberry beater

th'áq'em be dripping

tháq't spearing it

th'át chew it

thát dark

thatháyelhtset to prepare for (it), make for (it)

th'ath'elem have labour pains

tháthelmet admire

th'áth'em go down (of tide)

th'áth'emet put ing s-th between the teeth, putting it in one's mouth, biting on s-th (not into it)

th'áth'ewem have no taste

thátheyel blood

th'áth'ikwémet worried about (iy)

th'áth'iyekw be really worried

th'á:th'tsem to jingle

thatíl get dark

thátkwem feel a tingle

th'á:tsem to jingle

th'atsemá:lí:ya have aringing in ear

th'á:tst phone him/her

th'átst phone him/her

tháuem to bake (bread)

tháwelhem to spawn

th'áwém have no taste

th'áx̲ey straw, reed-grass

tháx̲t push it

th'áx̲th'ax̲ey straw, reed-grass

th'áyá:m marry bro/sis of deceased spouse

tháyelets stear a canoe

tháyeletst steer it

tháyeltsep fit a fire

tháyeltxwem to build a house

thá:yest to fix (it) up,

th'á:ykwem to squeek (of mouse)

thá:yt preparing, fixing, making something

the alex sister

thehít be careful with it

thehíthet take care of yourself

thehíws bird, large bird

thehó:lesem open both eyes wide

thehó:ythel have a big mouth

the'ít true

thekw' straight, pulled, influenced

thékw'aqel drawer

thekw'ét pull something

th'ékwetselsxá seventy

th'ékwetselsxó:s seventy (counting dollars)

th'ekwóls seven fruit

th'ekwsále seven (counting people)

th'ekwsáleqel seven (counting containers)

th'ekwsálh seven times

th'ekwsélhp seven trees

th'ékwselsxále seventy (counting people)

th'ekwsíws seven birds

th'ékwth'íkwekw Blue Elderberries

th'eláltel Juniper

th'eleth'qw'á:y trouts (many)

th'elétsxel heel

thelíthqet small tree

thélmet admire

th'elth'á:le hearts

thelthátheyel blood

thelthélxatel rugs, floor coverings

thelthélxatí:m weaving

th'elth'ómtsestel slahal bone

thelthóthel mouths

thélxatí:m to weave

thélxetel a rug

themá twice

th'émtel soapberry spoon

themthó:mél eyebrows

th'emth'ómetsel bracelet

th'emxweláx̲el elbow

th'épiyeqw part of plant where berry hangs

th'eplexw to close one's eyes

th'ép'oyeqw great-great-great grandparent

th'epth'epíyeqw part of plant where berry hangs

th'epth'etplex to close one's eyes

theqá:t tree

th'éq'em to drip (one drip)

théqeytel sockeye net

theqthéqet forest

theqthéqeytel sockeye net

th'eqw'iyós to box

th'éqw'ōwelh making a basket

th'éqwth'éqwxwel ankle joint

th'esélatel arrow-pouch

th'eséletst throw him/her down on their bum

th'esét bang a container

the shxwemlí:kw aunt

th'éstel a nail

th'esth'éset bang a container

thét to say it, say (tr.)

thétest to tell someone something

th'eth'ám to chew

th'eth'át chew it

th'eth'á:ykwem to squeek (of mouse)

thethehít be careful with it

th'eth'ekw'íwetem have worms

th'eth'emí:l thin (material)

th'eth'emí:lstexw make it thin

thetheqét tree

théthet to say it

th'eth'eth'elétsxel heel

thethétstexw tell him/her/it

th'eth'éx̲ to go out completely (of fire)

thethéx̲ dissappear

thethéx̲w dissappear

théthexw to dissappear

theth'ístel horns, antlers

thethít true

thethíx̲w girl's first period

thetíwél to think to yourself

th'éts stiff, hard

th'étsáls ringing, phoning

th'etsét harden, harden it

th'étst phone him/her

thétstexw tell him/her/it

th'ew worn-out

Th'ewá:lí Soowahlie

thewélhem to spawn

th'ewí:l worn-out

th'ewt wear it out

th'éx̲ to go out completely (of fire)

Th'ex̲elís rock near yale

th'ex̲ét small gravel

thex̲ét push it

thex̲láxw find it

th'ex̲míl cigarette butt

thex̲ósem pull out from shore

thex̲ó:th dolly varden trout

th'éx̲tel rattlesnake

th'éx̲th'ex̲ stinging nettle

th'ex̲th'ex̲míl cigarette butt

th'éx̲th'éx̲tel rattlesnake

th'éx̲th'ex̲th'ex̲ stinging nettle

théxw to dissappear

théx̲w dissappear

th'ex̲wá:tsesem to wash one's hands

th'ex̲wélesem brush your teeth

th'ex̲welísem brush your teeth

th'ex̲welwetem to do the laundry

th'éx̲welwétem washing clothes

th'ex̲wépsem wash your neck

th'éx̲wesem to wash your face

th'éx̲wetsesem to wash one's hands

th'ex̲wíl to do the dishes

th'ex̲wíls to wash dishes

th'ex̲wíqwem wash one's hair

th'ex̲wítsem wash your back

thex̲wíwsem wash one's body

th'ex̲wlísem to brush one's teeth

th'exwmet do a favor for him

th'éx̲wmet to feel sorry for him/her, pity someone

th'éx̲wó:sem to wash your face

th'ex̲wót wash it, wash (tr. v.)

th'exwótem (it is) washed

thexwó:thet dissappear on purpose

th'éx̲wqéylem wash one's mouth out

th'exwstélémét ask someone a favor

th'éxwth'exw ospray, fish hawk

th'éxwth'éxw Ospray, Fishhawk

th'ex̲wth'óx̲wíls wash lots of dishes

th'éx̲wxél:ém wash one's feet

th'íkwe left(side)

th'íkwekw Blue Elderberry

th'íkwekwelhp elderberry tree

th'íkw'elexw to frighten him

th'íkwem prickly, scratchy

th'ikw'ólésem to wink

th'íkw'thet to get frightened

th'ímelhp berry plant

thímiya full-grown coho

th'iqw'élchep chop wood

th'í:qw'est punch him/her in the face

th'í:qw'et to punch him/her

th'íset to nail it

th'ístel horn, antler

th'íth'aq'em dripping

thí:thaxel have a big foot

thíthe big

thitheháleq big waves

thithehó:les have big eyes

th'íth'ekwem prickly, scratchy

th'íth'eqw'est punch him/her in the face

th'íth'eqw'et to punch him/her

th'íth'eset nailing it

thíthet fix yourself up

thíthetses have big hand(s)

th'íth'ewel annoyed

th'íth'ewélmet annoyed with (him/her)

th'íth'ewélstexw annoy (them)

thíthexel have big feet

th'íth'exwmet do a favor for him

th'íth'ex̲wmet feeling sorry for someone, pitying someone

th'íth'exwstélémét ask someone a favor

th'ith'íkw'elexw to frighten him

th'íthíkw'thet to get frightened

th'íth'ímálá berry-basket

th'ith'kw'ólésem to wink

th'íth'kw'oya runt

th'íth'óyeqw grind

thíthqet small tree

th'ith'qw'iyós to box

thit kw'as ku:k food preparation

th'ítsemelhp hazelnut tree

thíts'et split it with fingernail

th'íwél annoyed

th'íwélem to bother him/her

th'íwelmét annoyed with (him/her)

th'íwelstexw annoy (them)

thíx̲ water-source (spring)

th'íx̲w please

thiyá:lhem make a bed

thiyálhem to make the bed

thíyelhtset to prepare for (it), make for (it)

thíyéltsep fit a fire

thiyéltxwem to build a house

thíyém to bake (bread)

th'iyeqw'á:ls split firewood

thiyeqwáls digging

th'íyeqw'elchep split firewood

th'íyeqw't split it (firewood)

thíyeqwt to dig (it) up

thíyest to fix (it) up,

thíyest te lálem to clean the house

thiyost te letám to set the table

thíyt to prepare, to fix, to make it, prepare

thíythet fix yourself up

thiytíl design, pattern

thkw'ét straighten it

thkw'éthet straighten yourself out

th'kw'íwel hemorrhoids

th'kw'íwíyelhp swamp gooseberry

th'kwólh Lillooet People

th'lhákw't pinch (him/her)

th'okwōswelh seven canoes

th'ó:kws seven

th'ókwses seven (counting dollars)

th'okwsíqw seven fish

thó:lchep fire is growing strong

th'ólhem to feel cold, get cooled down, chilled, get cold (of a person)

th'ólhokw't pinch (him/her)

tho:mel eyebrow

thó:mel eyebrow(s)

thó:mél eyebrows

th'óméls whet-stone, file

th'ómetsel bracelet

th'ómtsestel slahal bone

thó:qw have a big head

th'óqweleqw bald-headed

th'óqw'em rotten

th'óqwet to suck on it

thóthel mouth

th'óth'elhem feeling cold, be chilled (of a person)

Th'óth'emels Village near Vedder Crossing

th'óth'eqw'em rotten

th'óth'eqw'emáléqep smell rotten

th'óth'eqwet to suck on it

thóthexwemélqsel have a nose-bleed

th'ōth'ōwex̲ cedar slat baskets

th'ōth'ōwt smash it up

th'oth'óx̲wí:ls to wash dishes

th'óth'qw'émthet rotted

th'ōth'x̲iya cannibal woman, basket ogress

th'ōwex̲ cedar slat basket

th'ōwt smash it up

th'ōx̲iya cannibal woman

Th'ōx̲iya cannibal woman, basket ogress

Th'ṓx̲iya Cannibal Woman

th'óx̲wá:tsesem to wash one's hands

thóxwemélqsel have a nose-bleed

th'ox̲wí:ls to wash dishes

th'óx̲wíls wash dishes

th'óyeqw grind

th'óyeqw'elchep split firewood

th'óyeqw't splitting it (firewood)

thóyeqwt to dig (it) up

th'ó:yx̲wem to get nervous, excited

thqá:lem to dip-net

thq'á:ls to spear fish

th'q'elhx̲á:m to kneel

th'q'emelétsem collected rainwater

th'q'émqel tap

thq'ét spear it

th'q'th'q'x̲á:m to kneel

th'qw'álewest punched in stomach

th'qw'á:lí:ye punched on ear

th'qw'élqsel punched in the nose

th'qw'íwet punched on butt

th'qwó:lecha gloves, mittens

th'qw'ómáléqep smell rotten

th'qw'ó:mthet rotted

th'qwó:s punched in face

th'táme raft

th'tes to ring once

th'th'ex̲welísem brush your teeth

thútl'ó: she, her

thutl'ólem they, referring to females

th'x̲welwétem to wash clothes, wash clothes, do laundry

thxwómélqsel have a nose bleed


th'álátel heart-shaped island near Chehelis

th'á:lé heart

th'álh to cool down (of person)

th'álx̲em transparent, see-thru

th'á:m go down (of tide)

th'ám to chew

th'amawéstel soapberry beater

th'áq'em be dripping

th'át chew it

th'ath'elem have labour pains

th'áth'em go down (of tide)

th'áth'emet put ing s-th between the teeth, putting it in one's mouth, biting on s-th (not into it)

th'áth'ewem have no taste

th'áth'ikwémet worried about (iy)

th'áth'iyekw be really worried

th'á:th'tsem to jingle

th'á:tsem to jingle

th'atsemá:lí:ya have aringing in ear

th'á:tst phone him/her

th'átst phone him/her

th'áwém have no taste

th'áx̲ey straw, reed-grass

th'áx̲th'ax̲ey straw, reed-grass

th'áyá:m marry bro/sis of deceased spouse

th'á:ykwem to squeek (of mouse)

th'ékwetselsxá seventy

th'ékwetselsxó:s seventy (counting dollars)

th'ekwóls seven fruit

th'ekwsále seven (counting people)

th'ekwsáleqel seven (counting containers)

th'ekwsálh seven times

th'ekwsélhp seven trees

th'ékwselsxále seventy (counting people)

th'ekwsíws seven birds

th'ékwth'íkwekw Blue Elderberries

th'eláltel Juniper

th'eleth'qw'á:y trouts (many)

th'elétsxel heel

th'elth'á:le hearts

th'elth'ómtsestel slahal bone

th'émtel soapberry spoon

th'emth'ómetsel bracelet

th'emxweláx̲el elbow

th'épiyeqw part of plant where berry hangs

th'eplexw to close one's eyes

th'ép'oyeqw great-great-great grandparent

th'epth'epíyeqw part of plant where berry hangs

th'epth'etplex to close one's eyes

th'éq'em to drip (one drip)

th'eqw'iyós to box

th'éqw'ōwelh making a basket

th'éqwth'éqwxwel ankle joint

th'esélatel arrow-pouch

th'eséletst throw him/her down on their bum

th'esét bang a container

th'éstel a nail

th'esth'éset bang a container

th'eth'ám to chew

th'eth'át chew it

th'eth'á:ykwem to squeek (of mouse)

th'eth'ekw'íwetem have worms

th'eth'emí:l thin (material)

th'eth'emí:lstexw make it thin

th'eth'eth'elétsxel heel

th'eth'éx̲ to go out completely (of fire)

th'éts stiff, hard

th'étsáls ringing, phoning

th'etsét harden, harden it

th'étst phone him/her

th'ew worn-out

Th'ewá:lí Soowahlie

th'ewí:l worn-out

th'ewt wear it out

th'éx̲ to go out completely (of fire)

Th'ex̲elís rock near yale

th'ex̲ét small gravel

th'ex̲míl cigarette butt

th'éx̲tel rattlesnake

th'éx̲th'ex̲ stinging nettle

th'ex̲th'ex̲míl cigarette butt

th'éx̲th'éx̲tel rattlesnake

th'éx̲th'ex̲th'ex̲ stinging nettle

th'ex̲wá:tsesem to wash one's hands

th'ex̲wélesem brush your teeth

th'ex̲welísem brush your teeth

th'ex̲welwetem to do the laundry

th'éx̲welwétem washing clothes

th'ex̲wépsem wash your neck

th'éx̲wesem to wash your face

th'éx̲wetsesem to wash one's hands

th'ex̲wíl to do the dishes

th'ex̲wíls to wash dishes

th'ex̲wíqwem wash one's hair

th'ex̲wítsem wash your back

th'ex̲wlísem to brush one's teeth

th'exwmet do a favor for him

th'éx̲wmet to feel sorry for him/her, pity someone

th'éx̲wó:sem to wash your face

th'ex̲wót wash it, wash (tr. v.)

th'exwótem (it is) washed

th'éx̲wqéylem wash one's mouth out

th'exwstélémét ask someone a favor

th'éxwth'exw ospray, fish hawk

th'éxwth'éxw Ospray, Fishhawk

th'ex̲wth'óx̲wíls wash lots of dishes

th'éx̲wxél:ém wash one's feet

th'íkwe left(side)

th'íkwekw Blue Elderberry

th'íkwekwelhp elderberry tree

th'íkw'elexw to frighten him

th'íkwem prickly, scratchy

th'ikw'ólésem to wink

th'íkw'thet to get frightened

th'ímelhp berry plant

th'iqw'élchep chop wood

th'í:qw'est punch him/her in the face

th'í:qw'et to punch him/her

th'íset to nail it

th'ístel horn, antler

th'íth'aq'em dripping

th'íth'ekwem prickly, scratchy

th'íth'eqw'est punch him/her in the face

th'íth'eqw'et to punch him/her

th'íth'eset nailing it

th'íth'ewel annoyed

th'íth'ewélmet annoyed with (him/her)

th'íth'ewélstexw annoy (them)

th'íth'exwmet do a favor for him

th'íth'ex̲wmet feeling sorry for someone, pitying someone

th'íth'exwstélémét ask someone a favor

th'ith'íkw'elexw to frighten him

th'íthíkw'thet to get frightened

th'íth'ímálá berry-basket

th'ith'kw'ólésem to wink

th'íth'kw'oya runt

th'íth'óyeqw grind

th'ith'qw'iyós to box

th'ítsemelhp hazelnut tree

th'íwél annoyed

th'íwélem to bother him/her

th'íwelmét annoyed with (him/her)

th'íwelstexw annoy (them)

th'íx̲w please

th'iyeqw'á:ls split firewood

th'íyeqw'elchep split firewood

th'íyeqw't split it (firewood)

th'kw'íwel hemorrhoids

th'kw'íwíyelhp swamp gooseberry

th'kwólh Lillooet People

th'lhákw't pinch (him/her)

th'okwōswelh seven canoes

th'ó:kws seven

th'ókwses seven (counting dollars)

th'okwsíqw seven fish

th'ólhem to feel cold, get cooled down, chilled, get cold (of a person)

th'ólhokw't pinch (him/her)

th'óméls whet-stone, file

th'ómetsel bracelet

th'ómtsestel slahal bone

th'óqweleqw bald-headed

th'óqw'em rotten

th'óqwet to suck on it

th'óth'elhem feeling cold, be chilled (of a person)

Th'óth'emels Village near Vedder Crossing

th'óth'eqw'em rotten

th'óth'eqw'emáléqep smell rotten

th'óth'eqwet to suck on it

th'ōth'ōwex̲ cedar slat baskets

th'ōth'ōwt smash it up

th'oth'óx̲wí:ls to wash dishes

th'óth'qw'émthet rotted

th'ōth'x̲iya cannibal woman, basket ogress

th'ōwex̲ cedar slat basket

th'ōwt smash it up

th'ōx̲iya cannibal woman

Th'ōx̲iya cannibal woman, basket ogress

Th'ṓx̲iya Cannibal Woman

th'óx̲wá:tsesem to wash one's hands

th'ox̲wí:ls to wash dishes

th'óx̲wíls wash dishes

th'óyeqw grind

th'óyeqw'elchep split firewood

th'óyeqw't splitting it (firewood)

th'ó:yx̲wem to get nervous, excited

th'q'elhx̲á:m to kneel

th'q'emelétsem collected rainwater

th'q'émqel tap

th'q'th'q'x̲á:m to kneel

th'qw'álewest punched in stomach

th'qw'á:lí:ye punched on ear

th'qw'élqsel punched in the nose

th'qw'íwet punched on butt

th'qwó:lecha gloves, mittens

th'qw'ómáléqep smell rotten

th'qw'ó:mthet rotted

th'qwó:s punched in face

th'táme raft

th'tes to ring once

th'th'ex̲welísem brush your teeth

th'x̲welwétem to wash clothes, wash clothes, do laundry


tl'álelhem salt

tl'a'leqtxel Daddy long-legs

tl'áleqtxel daddy long-legs

tl'áléx̲em crackle, pop

tl'álhem salt

tl'alqtélets ring-necked pheasant

tl'álx put it on (design), attach it, fasten it

tl'á:lx̲em crackle, pop

tl'ámkw'em popping (little round things)

tl'ap'élatsem wag its tail

tl'ápex̲em fall down and scatter

tl'ápx̲t sow it (seeds), scatter it

tl'áqt tall, long

tl'a'tl'ékw'elsáwtxw fire station

Tl'átl'ekw'em Hope Indian Reserve

tl'átl'el attached

tl'átl'elhemt to salt (it)

tl'átl'elx put it on (design)

tl'atl'íls loving (him/her/it)

tl'atl'ítel to love one another

tl'atl'itel swayel Valentines Day

tl'áwels barking

tl'áxetem have diarrhea

tl'axtem diarreha

tl'chá:s island

tl'e'áxet invite him/her to a feast

tl'e'éylh pot-latch

tl'e'ímél muscle

tl'ékw'el to go out (of a fire, flame)

tl'ékwela deaf

tl'ékw'elt to extinguish it (fire, flame)

tl'ekwselchí:ms why?

tl'ékw'tl'ekw'elt putting it out (of a fire, flame)

tl'eláxw to stop, stay

tl'eláxwelets to stay live in one place

tl'elá:y shovel-nosed canoe

tl'eléqw to explode

tl'éleqw' a pop, a shot

tl'élexw stopping, staying

tl'eléxwstexw stop (him/her/it)

tl'élexwstexw stop (him/her/it)

tl'elímél muscle

tl'elqtéle deer

tl'éltl'el to have a habit, to be addicted

tl'éltl'eleqw continuous shooting or popping sounds

tl'eltl'élx̲ spotted

tl'eltl'élx̲os have freckles

tl'eltl'élx̲xel spring salmon ~ Chinook salmon

tl'élx̲ speckled

tl'elxalollh jack spring

tl'élx̲xel spring salmon ~ Chinook salmon

tl'eméqw snap your fingers

tl'eméqwtses snap your finger

tl'emtl'eméqw snap your fingers

tl'emtl'émxel grasshopper

tl'emx̲wxwéylem to hail

tl'ép low, deep

tl'épel to go down, descend

tl'épelem to go down off of it

tl'épelt lower it down

tl'épelx lower it down

tl'epí:l to go down, descend

tl'epí:lx lower it down

tl'épló:thel bowl

tl'épstexw make something low, leave it low, lower something

tl'épstexw ta' sqwélewel be patient

tl'épx̲t sow it (seeds), scatter it

tl'eqtámeth' tall

tl'éqtepsem have long neck

tl'eqtíwél tall (of tree)

tl'etl'áxel give a potlatch/feast

tl'etl'ekwelt extinguishing it (of a fire)

tl'étl'elmet get used to it

tl'étl'eló:m them (little)

tl'etl'ewels to bark (dog)

tl'etl'ót quiet it (baby)

tl'ewéls to bark (dog)

tl'ewlómét manage to get away

tl'éwt bark at him/her

tl'ewtl'ewt bark at him/her

tl'éx crack open

tl'exátem have diarrhea

tl'exáx̲et split it open

tl'éx̲tl'ex̲wet to beat s-one at game

tl'éx̲w hard

tl'éx̲wet to beat s-one at game

tl'exwéthet to get hard

tl'exwewítstel blanket, robe

tl'exwló:st take him/her for granted

tl'í hard, difficult

tl'íkw'el kinnikinnick

tl'íkw'ilhp indian tobacco plant

tl'í:la eulachon oil

tl'íls to love, to like him/her/it

tl'i:m weak, be weak (of a person)

tl'íq' get hit by tree, car

tl'iq'áwtxw deadfall trap

tl'íq'el sticky

tl'í:q'etses get hand stuck

tl'íq't spread it on

tl'í:thet hard for you, difficult

tl'itl'alqtele fawn

tl'ítl'alqtéle fawn

tl'ítl'áxel giving a potlatch/feast

tl'itl'e'áxel inviting to a feast

tl'itleptel skirt

tl'ítl'eq'el sticky

tl'ítl'eqel soggy

tl'ítl'eq'et spread it on

tl'ítl'esels sneaking around

tl'í:tl'ets'et sneak up on him/her

tl'itl'ew to run away

tl'ítl'ōwstexw kidnap him/her

tl'ítl'q'ey a shortcut

tl'itl'q'oyám take a shortcut

tl'ítl'xex̲et split it open

tl'í:ts'et sneak up on him/her

tl'íw to run away

tl'lhámt to salt (it)

tl'ó it is, he is, she is

tl'ólkwels oyster

tl'óstexw choose it, pick it

tl'ó:t quiet it (baby)

tl'óth'et tighten it up, wind it up

tl'ótl'em little thing

tl'otl'ostexw choose it, pick it

tl'ōwstexw kidnap him/her

tl'pát cedar sapling basket

tl'pílém to go down off of it

tl'pí:lt lower it down

tl'qw'á:y milt, salmon milt

tl'qw'ót cut it (string or rope)

tl'xát split it, rip it

tl'xáx̲el burst open, split open

tl'xáx̲et split it open (fish, animal)

tl'xwá:ylhem to sit on eggs

tl'xwéleq to win

tl'xwíqwtel handkerchief

tl'x̲wíth'a strong (of material)

tl'x̲wíws tough skin

tl'xwiylhem sitting on eggs

tl'xwtl'xwéleq to win


ts'ahéyelh be praying, having a church service

ts'ákwx̲els to be frying stuff

ts'ákwx̲t be frying something

ts'áléqel really have to pee

ts'á:lext branch

ts'á:lq'em teirling (while hanging)

tsálqlexw to drop accidently

tsálqt to drop it (on purpose)

ts'asem toasted

ts'át to chew it

ts'a'tem crawling

ts'atem stimmot train

ts'átl'em jumping, hopping

ts'áts'el very

ts'átselem labour (being in labour)

ts'áts'esem good tasting

ts'átx̲em tinkling, clinking

ts'áwi shell (shiny part)

ts'áwi'álá a glass cup

ts'áwi lepót glass

ts'áx to put on (tr.)

ts'á:ya in-laws after your spouse dies

ts'áywx be drying

ts'áyxwelwétem to dry clothes

ts'áyxwt drying something

tscháxw get a wife

ts'ech'ó:lwelh on top shelf

ts'e'iqel go up a hill

ts'ekw'xále twenty (counting people)

ts'ekwx̲á:ls to fry stuff

ts'ékwx̲t fry (it), fry (tr.)

ts'eláltxw steal his/her spouse

ts'élexw go into inlet

ts'elh'á:y person running around with (insulting)

ts'elhímexóstel walking with each other

tselhsq'áleq'o family

ts'elhx̲á:m cry with somebody

ts'elhxwélmexw family (also neighbour)

tselíl maybe

tsélq to fall

ts'elqéylt turn it around

tsélqlexw to drop accidently

tselqó:me blackcap

tselqó:mé blackcap

tsélqt to drop it (on purpose)

tseltselexw to drop accidently

ts'elts'elqeylt turn it around

tséltselqlexw to drop accidently

tseltselqó:me blackcap

tsel ts'íthome I thank you.

tsel ts'íthomé I Thank You

Tsel we' eyo. I am fine.

ts'élxet look for lice on him

Tsel x̲lhém I am tired

Ts'elxwéyeqw Chilliwack/Chilliwack River place name (as far as one can travel upriver via canoe)

Ts'elxwíqw chilliwack

ts'elxwí:wsem relieved (in body)

Tsel yekw'es I am busy

ts'emts'emxó:ythel jaw-chin

ts'emxó:ythel jaw, chin

ts'epí:wel have a dirty bum

ts'epx̲el to rust

ts'épx̲el have dirty feet

ts'epx̲élqsel have a dirty nose

ts'épx̲es have a dirty face

ts'éq' be surprised

tseq'ex̲ó:les black eyes

ts'eq'met be surprised by him/her

ts'eqw' hit with arrow, bullet

ts'éqw' get hit by arrow, gun

ts'eqw'eláxw hit with arrow accidentelly

ts'eqw'elístel a broach, a pin

ts'eqw'ōwelh make a cedar-root basket

ts'eqw'ṓwelh Making a cedar-root basket

ts'eqw'ts'éqw' thistle, thorn

ts'eqw'ts'eqw'elístel a brooch, a pin

tsesá:t send him/her for something

ts'esémelép weed

ts'esláts saskatoon berry

ts'ésqel golden Eagle

ts'ets'aqw'ōwelh make a cedar-root basket

ts'ets'át to chew it

Tsetsel ey I am very good

ts'éts'em seplíl toast

ts'e'ts'éqw' thistle, thorn

ts'éts'eqw' get hit by arrow, gun

ts'ets'íts'etl'thet get shorter

ts'ets'ó:kw'e skunk cabbages (many)

Ts'ewá:lí Soowahlie

ts'exweqel to have a dry throat

ts'ex̲wítsem wash your back

ts'exwts'exweqel having a dry throat

ts'ílem get onto

ts'ímel get close to, approach, nearly

ts'í:met to lick it

ts'ísem to grow

ts'ít to thank him/her

ts'i:tem swayel Thanksgiving Day

tsith'exels toaster

ts'ítl'ewelh short (of a canoe)

ts'ítl'ōwes short (of paddle)

ts'its'á:ya in-laws after your spouse dies

ts'its'eláltxw steal his/her spouse

ts'íts'elem get onto

ts'íts'emel getting close to, approaching

ts'íts'emet to lick it

ts'íts'emostel licking each other's faces

ts'its'eqweló:l Indian badminton

ts'íts'esem to grow

ts'íts'esemt grow it

ts'í:ts'etl' short

ts'íts'etl' short

ts'íts'etl'thet get shorter

ts'íts'etxel have short legs

ts'íts'ewel bored, bothered

ts'íts'ewelmet bored of it, annoyed with it, fed up with it (of many)

ts'í:ts'eweló:l indian badminton; grass shiny

ts'its'lhá:met hearing it

ts'íts'lhá:met to hear (it)

ts'í:ts'tl'emeth' short (of a person)

ts'íwelmet bored of it

ts'í:yelh to pray

ts'íyex̲ést scorch, make it rare (tr.)

ts'íyxweqel to be dry in throat

ts'íyxwt to dry it, dry (tr.v.)

ts'íyxwthet to dry oneself (v.)

tskwáyé'leqw blonde hair

ts'kw'éx twenty

ts'kw'exáleqel twenty (counting containers)

ts'kw'éx qas te isá:le twenty-two

ts'kw'éx qas te léts'e twenty-one

tskwíkwemel pink

tskwí:m red

tskwímel turn red

tskwí:meqw have red hair

tskwimó:les (have) red eyes

tskwimomex brown

tskwí:m shúkwa brown sugar

ts'kw'xó:s twenty (counting dollars)

ts'lhám to hear (it)

ts'lhá:met to hear it

tslhilá:m step parent

tslhililá:m step parent

ts'lhimexósem going for a walk together

tslhítselxel top of foot

ts'lhx̲á:m deceased child

tsmákw'a undertaker

tsméla give birth, have a baby

tsméle to give birth

tsmélméle to give birth

tsméth' blue

ts'meth'meth'ó:les (several) blue eyes, really blue eyes

ts'meth'ó:les blue eyes

ts'ó:kw'e skunk cabbage

ts'ólesem turn one's face away

ts'ólesemet turn one's face away from

ts'ó:lex̲eth' roll over in bed

ts'óqw't poke it, pin it

ts'óxwelhcha adding water, adding some mor (liquid)

ts'óxwt add it

tsp'íp'eq'el getting a little white

ts'q'álex̲ (many) black things

ts'qáyex̲iya Mink

tsq'ex̲é'leqw black hair

ts'q'éyx̲ black

ts'q'éyx̲em vanilla extract

ts'qó:ls bare, bald, rock

Ts'qó:ls Hope

tsqwá:y green, yellow

tsqwayó:les green eyes

tsqwáyóméx to look yellow / green

tsqwa:y pepe green pepper

ts'qw'élá ear-ring

ts'qw'élhp Sitka Spruce Tree

ts'qw'et poke it, pin it

ts'qw'ít prop up with y-shaped stick

tsqw'íx̲w brown

ts'qw'ōstel big copper pot

tssálém send someone on an errand

ts'sa:yelhp Douglas Fir tree

ts'símt grow it

Ts'símteló:t sister of Lhílheqey

ts'tá:m to crawl

tsth'óqwi to fish

ts'tl'ám to jump, to hop (once)

ts'tl'étl'xel take short steps

tsxwíkw' grey

ts'xwólhcha add water, add some more liquid

ts'xwót add it, add some


ts'ahéyelh be praying, having a church service

ts'ákwx̲els to be frying stuff

ts'ákwx̲t be frying something

ts'áléqel really have to pee

ts'á:lext branch

ts'á:lq'em teirling (while hanging)

ts'asem toasted

ts'át to chew it

ts'a'tem crawling

ts'atem stimmot train

ts'átl'em jumping, hopping

ts'áts'el very

ts'átselem labour (being in labour)

ts'áts'esem good tasting

ts'átx̲em tinkling, clinking

ts'áwi shell (shiny part)

ts'áwi'álá a glass cup

ts'áwi lepót glass

ts'áx to put on (tr.)

ts'á:ya in-laws after your spouse dies

ts'áywx be drying

ts'áyxwelwétem to dry clothes

ts'áyxwt drying something

ts'ech'ó:lwelh on top shelf

ts'e'iqel go up a hill

ts'ekw'xále twenty (counting people)

ts'ekwx̲á:ls to fry stuff

ts'ékwx̲t fry (it), fry (tr.)

ts'eláltxw steal his/her spouse

ts'élexw go into inlet

ts'elh'á:y person running around with (insulting)

ts'elhímexóstel walking with each other

ts'elhx̲á:m cry with somebody

ts'elhxwélmexw family (also neighbour)

ts'elqéylt turn it around

ts'elts'elqeylt turn it around

ts'élxet look for lice on him

Ts'elxwéyeqw Chilliwack/Chilliwack River place name (as far as one can travel upriver via canoe)

Ts'elxwíqw chilliwack

ts'elxwí:wsem relieved (in body)

ts'emts'emxó:ythel jaw-chin

ts'emxó:ythel jaw, chin

ts'epí:wel have a dirty bum

ts'epx̲el to rust

ts'épx̲el have dirty feet

ts'epx̲élqsel have a dirty nose

ts'épx̲es have a dirty face

ts'éq' be surprised

ts'eq'met be surprised by him/her

ts'eqw' hit with arrow, bullet

ts'éqw' get hit by arrow, gun

ts'eqw'eláxw hit with arrow accidentelly

ts'eqw'elístel a broach, a pin

ts'eqw'ōwelh make a cedar-root basket

ts'eqw'ṓwelh Making a cedar-root basket

ts'eqw'ts'éqw' thistle, thorn

ts'eqw'ts'eqw'elístel a brooch, a pin

ts'esémelép weed

ts'esláts saskatoon berry

ts'ésqel golden Eagle

ts'ets'aqw'ōwelh make a cedar-root basket

ts'ets'át to chew it

ts'éts'em seplíl toast

ts'e'ts'éqw' thistle, thorn

ts'éts'eqw' get hit by arrow, gun

ts'ets'íts'etl'thet get shorter

ts'ets'ó:kw'e skunk cabbages (many)

Ts'ewá:lí Soowahlie

ts'exweqel to have a dry throat

ts'ex̲wítsem wash your back

ts'exwts'exweqel having a dry throat

ts'ílem get onto

ts'ímel get close to, approach, nearly

ts'í:met to lick it

ts'ísem to grow

ts'ít to thank him/her

ts'i:tem swayel Thanksgiving Day

ts'ítl'ewelh short (of a canoe)

ts'ítl'ōwes short (of paddle)

ts'its'á:ya in-laws after your spouse dies

ts'its'eláltxw steal his/her spouse

ts'íts'elem get onto

ts'íts'emel getting close to, approaching

ts'íts'emet to lick it

ts'íts'emostel licking each other's faces

ts'its'eqweló:l Indian badminton

ts'íts'esem to grow

ts'íts'esemt grow it

ts'í:ts'etl' short

ts'íts'etl' short

ts'íts'etl'thet get shorter

ts'íts'etxel have short legs

ts'íts'ewel bored, bothered

ts'íts'ewelmet bored of it, annoyed with it, fed up with it (of many)

ts'í:ts'eweló:l indian badminton; grass shiny

ts'its'lhá:met hearing it

ts'íts'lhá:met to hear (it)

ts'í:ts'tl'emeth' short (of a person)

ts'íwelmet bored of it

ts'í:yelh to pray

ts'íyex̲ést scorch, make it rare (tr.)

ts'íyxweqel to be dry in throat

ts'íyxwt to dry it, dry (tr.v.)

ts'íyxwthet to dry oneself (v.)

ts'kw'éx twenty

ts'kw'exáleqel twenty (counting containers)

ts'kw'éx qas te isá:le twenty-two

ts'kw'éx qas te léts'e twenty-one

ts'kw'xó:s twenty (counting dollars)

ts'lhám to hear (it)

ts'lhá:met to hear it

ts'lhimexósem going for a walk together

ts'lhx̲á:m deceased child

ts'meth'meth'ó:les (several) blue eyes, really blue eyes

ts'meth'ó:les blue eyes

ts'ó:kw'e skunk cabbage

ts'ólesem turn one's face away

ts'ólesemet turn one's face away from

ts'ó:lex̲eth' roll over in bed

ts'óqw't poke it, pin it

ts'óxwelhcha adding water, adding some mor (liquid)

ts'óxwt add it

ts'q'álex̲ (many) black things

ts'qáyex̲iya Mink

ts'q'éyx̲ black

ts'q'éyx̲em vanilla extract

ts'qó:ls bare, bald, rock

Ts'qó:ls Hope

ts'qw'élá ear-ring

ts'qw'élhp Sitka Spruce Tree

ts'qw'et poke it, pin it

ts'qw'ít prop up with y-shaped stick

ts'qw'ōstel big copper pot

ts'sa:yelhp Douglas Fir tree

ts'símt grow it

Ts'símteló:t sister of Lhílheqey

ts'tá:m to crawl

ts'tl'ám to jump, to hop (once)

ts'tl'étl'xel take short steps

ts'xwólhcha add water, add some more liquid

ts'xwót add it, add some


ulh already

Uqw'íles Restmore Caves


wá:cháwtxw poop house

wálhet to chase him/her away

wá:ls to scramble-give

wálx to throw it

wá:th'elh bullrush mat

wáth'et pry it up

wáweth'et pry it up

wáyel become day

wáyeles tomorrow

wá:yt warn somebody

we'éyó doing well, alright

wel still, really

Weleke'es Little frog season-March

welékwsa water hemlock

weléx̲es frog

welhchí:ws real tired

welhéleq' make a splat sound

weltá:lt snare it

welwáyeles tomorrow

wep overloaded

wep'eth' come out/up (of sun)

wéqw' to drift

wet'életh' to squirt

wételeth' to squirt

wet'émeqw' to splash (once)

wetl'éleqw a shot, explosion

wets'á get to top of mountain

wets'á:lómet get youself to top of mountain

wets'étl fall down

wex̲és frog

wíp overloaded

wíqes to yawn

wí:qet spread it, widen it

wistéleqwet jealous of him/her

wiweqes yawning

wíweqes to yawn

wíweqet spread it, widen it

wíyka sonny-boy

wiyóth always

wíyt warn somebody

wō:l bullrush

Wō:leqw Whonnock Village

Wolích Wahleech Island

Wólich Wolích is a place name

woqw' drown, drift in water, float, (drift downriver)

wōqw' to drown, to drift downriver (also flood)

wōqw'et drop it into water

wōqw'ethet drown oneself, float oneself

wōqw'éylem to drift downstream

wōqw'wōqw' a flood

wó:thel share a meal

wówelhet chasing him/her away

wówels to scramble-give

wówelx to throw it

Wowistéleq jealous

wówistéleq jealous

wowisteleqemét jealous of him/her

Wowistéleqmet Jealous OF

wówiyel become day

wóyel wine


xá'at hold it in your arms

x̲akw'íwel Constipated

xálelh roads, trails

xálet lead weights

x̲álew serving spoon

xálh road, trail, door

x̲álhlexw to hurt him/her (accidentally)

x̲álht beat him/her up

x̲alhwílhlexw to disappoint him/her

x̲álqem roll around in circles

x̲á:ls transformer

x̲alts'elísem grind your teeth

x̲álts't twisting it, turning it

x̲alwéla horn rings for dip-nets

xám shallow

x̲á:m to cry

Xáméles an island near Wahleach Island

x̲amelexwthet tiger lily

x̲a:mélmel want to cry, feel like crying

x̲ámet to cry for it

xá:mthet getting shallow

x̲amx̲amelexwthet tiger lily

xápkw'els crackers

x̲áp'kw'els chewing (hard thing)

x̲apkw't gnaw on something

x̲áp'kw't gnawing on something

x̲áp'kw'tem rheumatism, aching

xápxepkw'els crackers

xáq'em open your mouth

xáqlhelem to sigh (of spirit dancer)

x̲á:qw'tem rheumatism, aching

x̲asáxw have a harelip

x̲asélmet determined to do it

x̲ásx̲elem set a trap

xat put it on your lap

xá:t lead weight

x̲á:th't to mark it, measure it, weigh it

x̲áth'tel a marker

x̲át'kw'a:ls to whittle, carve wood

xat'kw'els carving

x̲átl' rough (of water,wind)

x̲átqem rough (little bumps)

xáweq carrot

xaweqá:l yarrow (plant)

x̲áws new

x̲awsó:lkwlh new spirit dancer

x̲á:ws silolem New Years

x̲awx̲awsó:lkwlh new spirit dancer

xaxaselmet determined to do it

xax'át to carry in one's arms

x̲ax̲e sacred, holy, taboo

x̲áx̲e holy

x̲ax̲elts'elísem grind your teeth

x̲áx̲elts'íwélém get twisted (inside)

xáxem shallow

x̲áx̲eselem to set a trap

x̲áx̲esxelem set a trap

xáxlh trail, little path

xaxq'ám open your mouth

xaxt'ó:les have a sty in the eye

xá:y gills

xá:ysem ant

xáyts't to tickle him/her

xchápth uncle's wife, aunt's husband

xe'át to carry in one's arms

x̲e'ath'stexw mark it

x̲ehó:methet feel sory for yourself

x̲ekw' tight squeeze

x̲ekw'óles salmon backbone

x̲elá:ls doing writing

xéle'ó:les sty in eye

x̲éleq't to open your eyes, open one's eyes

x̲éleq't te shxexwó:s lightening, it's lighting

xéletst roll it over

xélétst roll it over

x̲élh to get hurt

xelha:leqel headache

x̲elhá:léqel have a headache

x̲élhálés to have toothache

x̲elhá:lwes have a stomache-ache

x̲elhálwes have pain in stomach

x̲élhchem to swim, (tread water), (wading in deep water), mostly of animals, dogs, deer (doggie paddle)

xelhlaláqel have a sore throat

x̲elhláxw to hurt him/her (accidentally)

x̲elhwílhlexw to disappoint him/her

x̲elhx̲elhá:léqel have a headache

x̲elhx̲elhá:lwes have a stomache-ache

xelkw'ámeth' round pole

x̲elkw'óles salmon backbone

xelkw'ó:ls round ball

xelókw' round

xelókw'els really round ball

x̲elpá:yelhp western red cedars, many cedars

x̲elpá:ytses many boughs of red cedar

x̲élqes to wave your hand

x̲élqesá:ls wave one's arms

x̲élqest to wave at him/her

x̲éltel pencil, pen

x̲élts'es twist by the head

x̲élts'esem turn one's head

x̲élts'est twist him/her by the head

x̲elts'íwélém get twisted (inside)

x̲élts't to twist it, to turn it

x̲élts'tem twisted in head

x̲élts'thet to turn yourself around

x̲elx̲álqem roll around in circles

xelxáweq carrots

x̲élx̲eleq't to open your eyes

x̲elx̲éltel pencile, pens

x̲élx̲eyth'elhp alder

x̲elx̲ólem having grey hair, many with grey hair

xelxó:lís die on seeing monster

x̲elx̲óx̲cha little lakes

x̲eméthel eat fast

x̲emx̲emx̲íméls chicken hawk

x̲emx̲éymels large hawk, chicken hawk

x̲emx̲íméls chicken hawk

xe'ó:thel Four

x̲e'ó:thel four

x̲e'otheōlwelh four canoes

xepá:ltel wood carving knife

x̲épchest snatch it from him/her

x̲ep'ékw' make a crunch (with foot)

x̲ep'ílep to rake

x̲ep'í:tsel chipmunk

x̲epíwelem spread your (own) legs

x̲épkw'em brittle, crisp

x̲ép'kw't gnaw, chew on something

x̲épkw't to gnaw on something

xepólst peel it (round thing)

x̲epósem Easter

xep'ōwíts have stripe on back

x̲ep'x̲á:p'kw'tem rheumatism, aching

x̲epx̲épxel fish tail

x̲epyúwelh cedar trough (for food)

x̲eq' narrow (rocky place)

x̲eqét straddle it

xéq'ethet to hang it up

xeqlhálém to sigh (of spirit dancer)

xeq'ó:thet to hang it up

x̲ésel to set a trap

x̲ést'el nits (louse eggs)

x̲esxel a trap

x̲ésxel To set a trap

x̲ésx̲ést'el nits (louse eggs)

xét' loose (of a pack)

x̲étastexw to do it

x̲'ét'e to say

x̲et'e be saying, say

xétem swimming (of fish)

x̲'ét'est to say something

x̲'ét'estem they say, it is said

X̲ét'estem ‘…is said (to be)‘.

X̲ét'estem means '…is said (to be)'. ‘…is said (to be)‘.

x̲ethelálh four times

x̲ethelsxá fourty

x̲èthelsxá forty

x̲ethelsxále fourty (counting people)

x̲éthelsxó:s forty (counting dollars)

x̲ethíle four (counting people)

x̲ethílemets' four ropes, poles, sticks

x̲ethíleqel four (counting containers)

x̲ethíléqw four fish

x̲ethíles four (counting dollars)

x̲ethílestem cost four dollars

x̲ethílestexw charge four dollars for

x̲ethílews four birds

x̲ethí:lhp four trees

x̲ethóls four fruit

x̲éth'x̲eth' cranky

x̲et'kw'á:ls to carve wood

x̲ét'kw'els to whittle, carve wood

xets'á:ls to saw wood

xets'í:lem go through the woods

xets'ílem go into the forest

xets'ōwes put away one's paddle

xets'ōwesem put away your paddles

xets'ōwestel put away each other's paddles

x̲et'x̲atkw'á:ls to carve wood

x̲et'x̲et'e be saying

xétxetem many fish swimming

x̲et'x̲et'ét put a spell on him/her

x̲ex̲ákw' tight squeeze

x̲ex̲á:ls transformer

x̲ex̲á:m crying a lot, wailing

x̲ex̲ámet to cry for it

xexát hold it in your arms

xexá:y gills

x̲ex̲ekw'íwel get constipated, bound up

xexelá:ysem ants

x̲ex̲élh getting hurt, feeling hurt

xexé:lt make a hole in it

x̲éx̲eyet beat s-o up, spank s-o, fight s-o back

x̲ex̲é:yls writing

x̲ex̲éylt writing it, writing something

x̲éx̲eymet to grab (it)

x̲ex̲éyx̲e embarresed

x̲ex̲p'í:tsel chipmunk

xext'ó:les trillium (western trillium)

x̲eyeslótel wild ginger

x̲éyet beat s-o up, spank s-o, fight s-o back

x̲eyímelets roots of tree floating in river

x̲éykw'et chew (it)

x̲éylés steep riverbank

x̲éyléx̲ to go to war

x̲é:ylt to write it

x̲éymeleqwt Grab him by his hair

x̲éymels large hawk, chicken hawk

x̲éymem grab some

x̲é:ymet to grab (it)

x̲éymleqwt grab him by his hair

x̲éyp' get scratched

x̲éyp'eqsel get scraped on nose

x̲éyp'es get scraped on face

x̲éyp'et scrape it

x̲éyqelá shadow

x̲éyq'et scratch it (itch)

x̲éyqeya old salmon (spotted)

x̲éysel get spooked

x̲eyslótel Wild ginger

x̲éyt change it (by x_a:ls)

x̲éytem to growl

x̲éyth' raw

x̲éyth'elh alder

x̲éyth'elhp alder

x̲éyth'em to itch

x̲eyth' seplil flour

x̲éytl' cold

x̲eytl'áls grizzly bear

xeytl' shxw'lethile refrigerator

x̲éytl'thet cooling down, getting colder (of things, weather)

x̲éywes to scowl

x̲eywésem scowl, frown

x̲eywét to bawl him/her out

x̲éywét To ball him/her out

x̲éyx̲á:m to sob

x̲eyx̲á:th't to mark it, measure it

x̲éyx̲e embarrassed, ashamed

x̲éyx̲ekw'els chewing it

xéyxeleqw search through, rummage

xéyxeleqwt search through it

x̲éyx̲elex̲ going to war

x̲éyx̲elexw to insult him/her

x̲éyx̲elómét get embarassed

x̲eyx̲emels burdock

x̲éyx̲emethet ashamed of oneself

x̲éyx̲ep' get scratched

x̲éyx̲ep'eqsel get scraped on nose

x̲eyx̲ep'es get scraped on face

x̲éyx̲ep'et scrape it

x̲éyx̲ep'ílep a rake, harrow

x̲eyx̲ep'ōwíts have stripe on back

x̲éyx̲eq'els scratching

x̲eyx̲eq'et scratching

x̲éyx̲eq'et scratch it (itch)

x̲éyx̲esel get spooked

x̲éyx̲estexw make s-one ashamed

x̲éyx̲estólemét embarress yourself

x̲éyx̲etem to growl

x̲éyx̲eth'em to itch

x̲éyx̲ethet shame yourself

x̲eyx̲ewes scowling

x̲éyxewes to scowl

x̲eyx̲ewét to bawl him/her out

x̲eyx̲éyet beat s-o up, spank s-o, fight s-o back

x̲éyx̲eykw'et chew (it)

x̲eyx̲eyqelá shadow

x̲eyx̲éyt change it (by x_a:ls)

x̲éyx̲eyx̲lexw to insult him/her

x̲eyx̲lám looking at (tr.)

xíleqw search through, rummage

xíleqwt search through it

xímel drift netting

xí:pet peel it (bark, etc.)

xíqt take it out (of box)

xítem wish for someone's food

x̲ítet snap at s-o (verbally or in arguing), growl at s-o (with words)'

xits'eláx̲el carry over sholder or under arm

xíts'em stinky

xíts'et stow it away

xíwe to urinate (usually woman)

x̲ix̲á:m crying a little

xíxemal drift netting

xixemó:ltel holding a grudge against each other

xíxepelst peel it (round thing)

xíxepet peel it (bark, etc.)

xíxetem wish for someone's food

x̲íx̲etet snapping at s-o (verbally or in arguing)

xíxets'eláx̲el carry over sholder or under arm

xíxets'els to saw wood

xíxets'em stinky

xíxets'et stow it away

xixets'í:lem go through the woods

xíxets'ilem go into the forest

xixkw'ó:m swimming (bathing, playing in the water)

x̲íx̲lhám watching

xixpó:m to whistle

xixq'á:m have mouth open

x̲iyéyt change it (by x_a:ls)

xíyts't to tickle him/her

x̲lhám to watch

x̲lhélets tired on the bum

x̲lhém tired

x̲lhém:et tired of it

x̲lhét beat him/her up

x̲och'alh dried-up lake

xó:kw'em to take a bath, bathe oneself

xókw'emá:lá bath-tub

xo:kw'emawtxw bathrooom

xó:kw'et give him/her a bath

x̲ólem have grey hair

x̲ó:lemthet really turned grey

x̲ólemthet turn grey.(eg,hair)

x̲ó:letsa lakes

x̲ólhchem swimming (of dog, deer, animal), (dog-paddling)

xólhemílh to be babysitting, a babysitter

xólhmet to look after (him/her)

xolhmílh take care of someone else’s kids, babysit

xó:lí:s die on seeing monster

x̲ólqes to wave your hand

x̲ólqesá:ls waving one's arms

x̲ó:lqest to wave at him/her

xó:lt make a hole in it

x̲ólts'thet turning yourself around

xó:lxwem have a menthol taste

xó:pem to whistle

xópethet to squat

x̲óqel marten

x̲óth'oyíqw Dried fish head

x̲otl'thet windy

x̲ó:tsa lake

x̲ots'oyíqw dried fish head

x̲óx̲cha Little lake

xóxekw'em bathing oneself, taking a bath

xóxekw'emá:lá bath-tub

xóxekw'et give him/her a bath

xóxelhmet looking after someone (him/her)

xóxelhmílh babysitters

xóxepethet to squat

x̲óx̲tsa little lake

x̲óx̲wtel canoe pole

x̲pá:y cedar wood

x̲pá:yelhp western red cedar tree

x̲pá:ytses bough of red cedar

x̲pó:ys wide cedar slats

x̲tá to do, do this

x̲t'áls cast a spell

xtá:stexw to do (it)

x̲t'á:stexw do it this way (tr.)

x̲tá:stexw to do it

x̲t'ét put a spell on him/her

x̲thét shove it

xwa to become

xwá to starve

x̲wálá:lhp willow tree

xwálexw to starve him/her

xwálp't to fan him

xwá:lx to hoist it up, lift it up

x̲wástel solid greese

xwát lessen it (of someone's load), halve it, make s-th lighter (in weight)

x̲wátet to tear it

xwáth' to rock

xwathetálém getting cloudy

x̲wá:y to die (of group)

xwayólem really useful gift

xwáyt waking someone up

x̲wá:yt kill them

xwchélstexw where did __ put it?

xwchémeslexw to meet someone, run into someone

xwchém:est meet someone

xwchí:yóm Cheam

Xwchí:yó:m Cheam

xwchókwel where to? (e.g. where is he going?)

x̲we'á to do copying, imitating

x̲we'át to copy him/her, imitate him/her

xweáth'et unlock (it)

xwe'éyem clear, smooth (water)

xwehí:wel to go upstream

xwehíwel go upriver

xwe'í arrive, come here

xwe'ílomet to get here

xwe'ílómét manage to get here

xwe'í:lstexw to bring it

xwe'í:lxw got it here, bring it here

xwe'í:t whatis happening ...? what is ...doing? (continuative)

xwe'ít what is happening? What is someone doing?

xwe'ít'et to cock a gun

xwe'í:t kwa why?

xwe'ít kwa why?

xwe'íwelmet pay attention to someone

xwe'í:yá:qepem to joke

xwekw'est to drag it

xwekw'óst to drag it

xwekw'ótsest look at his/her face

xwekw'thet drag yourself along

xwékw'thet to drag yourself

xwel still

xwelá for, towards, toward

xwélalám listening

xwelált become evening, get dark, evening

xweláltelh yesterday evening, last night

xwelá:met listening to him/her

xwélekw' to wrap

xwélekw't roll something, wrap something up

x̲welhx̲wélhepxel to slip, lose balance

x̲welhx̲wlhép lose your balance

xwel'í arriving here, coming here (of several)

xwelí get there

xwelí:ls to get there

xwelítem white person

xwelitemelh sokw' celery

xwelíwelmet pay attention to him/her

xwelkw'ím eddy(?) in water

xwélmexw First Nations person

xwélmexwáwtxw Longhouse

xwelókw'stexw keep it rolled up

x̲weló:ystem to stagger

xwélp't to brush him off

xwélp'tel a fan

xwelxwáp't to brush him off

xwelxwelá:lt evening

xwelxwélekw't wrap it again

xwelxwelítem white person

x̲wélx̲weylem ropes, twines, strings, threads

xwelxwiyó:leqwt turn it upside down

xw'elyó:les have good eyesight

x̲wém fast, hurry

xwemá open

xwemá:qet to open (it)

xwemáx to open (it)

xwemékwáthet to kiss him/her, kiss (tr.)

xwemékwáthetel kiss one another

xwemélxwáwtxw longhouse

xwémeqet to open (it)

x̲weméthel to eat fast

xwémex to open (it)

xwemkwáthel to kiss

xwémkwáthet kissing him/her

x̲wémthet rush, go fast

x̲wemxálem to run

xwémxel pouring rain

x̲wémx̲wémstexw cause to move fast

xweqw'á:ls dragging (drag the river)

xweqw'él:a scouring rush

xwesá:lews leaves falling

x̲wét get torn

xwetáqt take it down

x̲wetát to tear it

xwetayéqel to answer, reply

xwéteqt take it down

xwét:es heavy

xweth'éqw'tses sprained wrist

xweth'éqw'xel ankle joint

xwéth'xel stop raining

xwetiyéqel to answer, reply, answer

xwétkw'em denim

xwétkw'emélmet denim clothes

xwétkw'eméyews Jeans

xwétkw'eméyws jeans

x̲wetl'x̲wetl'qelálá pillow-cases

xwéwes sure, exactly

xwewí:l peek

xwewí:lt peek at

xwexwá to starve

xwexwálexw to starve him/her

xwexwát lessening it (of someone's load), halving it, making s-th lighter (in weight)

x̲wex̲we'á to do copying, imitating

x̲wex̲we'áls a copier, copymachine

xwexwélmexw First Nations people

x̲wex̲weló:ystem staggering around

x̲wex̲wét get torn

x̲wex̲wéye fly

xwexwíléx get up fast

xwexwíthet wake yourself up

xwexwóthet to fast

x̲wéylem rope, twine, string, thread

x̲wéylemt to weigh it, measure it

x̲wé:yleqw hopping bird (see them at the beach)

xw'éywelh good-hearted

x̲wéyx̲welemt weighing it, measuring it

xweyxwelímels measurement, unit

x̲wéyx̲weqw'em to snore

xwí awake

xwíkw'el get faded

xw'ílámálá shoulder

xw'ilámet carry it on shoulders

xw'ilamōwelh carry canoe on shoulders

xwílex stand up, rise from a seat

xwiléxmet stand up for him/her

xwílexwel bush, underbrush

xw'í:lmet reach him/her here

x̲wíqw'el sleet

x̲wí:qw'em to snore

x̲wíqw'est put rope around his neck

xwíqwet press down on and rub it

xwís to fall off

xwíset shake it

xwíthet wake yourself up

xwixwe'áqel echo (Echo Point on Echo Island, Echo Bay on w w Echo Island)

x̲wix̲we'át to copy him/her, imitate him/her

xwíxwekw'el getting faded

xwíxwel bush, underbrush

x̲wíx̲weqw'est putting a rope around someone's neck

xwíxweqwet press down on and rub it

xwíxwes to fall off

xwíxweset shake it

xwíxweth'álem rocking

xwixweth'áletstel rocking-chair

x̲wíx̲wiyá:m telling a legend

x̲wix̲wíyem nervous walking on something narrow

xwixwiyóls early-bird (plural)

xwíxwiyómethet denying an accusation

xwíxwyó:leqw get upside down

xwíy wake up, awaken

x̲wíyá:m tell a legend

xwíyeqwela black soot

xwiyó:leqw get upside down

xwiyó:leqwt turn it upside down

xwiyómethet deny an accusation

xwiyós alert

xwiyóth sharp

xwiyótheqel have a high voice

xwíyt to wake someone up

x̲wíythesem get one's picture taken

xwíywxiyós wide awake

xwkw'ókw'etsest staring at him/her

xwlalá really listening hard

xwlalá:m to listen

xwlalá:met to listen to him/her

xwlalámstexw call him/her to witness

xwlemí Lummi

x̲wlhép lose your balance

x̲wlhépelets sit down with a plop

x̲wlhépxel to slip, lose balance

xwlíyémés to smile

xwlóyémes to smile

xwmámath'elqéylemt tell a lie for him/her

xwmath'elqéylemt tell a lie for him/her

xwmékwáthel to kiss on lips

xwmékwethet to kiss him

xwmélkw'es get hit in the face

Xwméthkwiyem Musqueam

xwmómelkw'es getting hit in the face

xwókw'eletsem high-bowed canoe

xwokwels dragging (drag the river)

xwókw'eltem numb

xwókw'elxwel foot is asleep

xwókwesem to smell like urine

xwó:kw'thet to drag yourself

xwókw'thet drag yourself along

x̲wómxelém running around, a runner

x̲wó:qw' sawbill duck

x̲wōqw slough

x̲wóqw'et to pole it

xwōqw'éylem to go downstream

xwōqw'ō:ls indian potato

x̲wōqwwōqw slough

xwóthet to fast

xwót'kw'em rustle, make rustling sound

xwót'kw'emxel shuffel your feet

xwot'q'esílem trilling raven call

xwótqwem make splashing sound

x̲wóweqwels to pole a canoe

xwowiyómet to sell it

x̲wox̲wá:yt kill them

x̲wóx̲welá:lhp small willow tree

xwoxwel:lhp willow tree

xwóxwelx to hoist it up, lift it up

x̲wox̲weqw'et to pole it

xwóxweth'xel stop raining

xwoxwth'í:lem prostitute

xwóxwth'tem sexy

xwóyém get sold

xwóyeqw'em to wheeze

xwóyeqwem to wash one's hair and head

xwóyeqw'emíles wheezing in the chest

xwoyí:wel happy

xwoyíwelmet happy to see/him/her

xwoyíwelstexw make him/her happy

xwóykwem shaking bushes (unseen animal)

xwó:ymét to sell it

xwóymétem te'í sold this to him/her

xwóyomet to sell (tr.)

xwóyqem be shaky

xwpelákw peek under a womans skirt

xwpét pick it up off floor

xwpopó:s (have a) hairy face

xwpóysekelem riding a bicycle

xwth'exwth'ox̲wí:ls dish pan/ dish water (several)

xwth'í:t thank him/her

xwth'ox̲wí:ls dish pan/ dish water

xwtítewel considerate

xwtl'óqtes have long face

xwtóx̲esem shade eyes with your hand


xwa to become

xwá to starve

xwálexw to starve him/her

xwálp't to fan him

xwá:lx to hoist it up, lift it up

xwát lessen it (of someone's load), halve it, make s-th lighter (in weight)

xwáth' to rock

xwathetálém getting cloudy

xwayólem really useful gift

xwáyt waking someone up

xwchélstexw where did __ put it?

xwchémeslexw to meet someone, run into someone

xwchém:est meet someone

xwchí:yóm Cheam

Xwchí:yó:m Cheam

xwchókwel where to? (e.g. where is he going?)

xweáth'et unlock (it)

xwe'éyem clear, smooth (water)

xwehí:wel to go upstream

xwehíwel go upriver

xwe'í arrive, come here

xwe'ílomet to get here

xwe'ílómét manage to get here

xwe'í:lstexw to bring it

xwe'í:lxw got it here, bring it here

xwe'í:t whatis happening ...? what is ...doing? (continuative)

xwe'ít what is happening? What is someone doing?

xwe'ít'et to cock a gun

xwe'í:t kwa why?

xwe'ít kwa why?

xwe'íwelmet pay attention to someone

xwe'í:yá:qepem to joke

xwekw'est to drag it

xwekw'óst to drag it

xwekw'ótsest look at his/her face

xwekw'thet drag yourself along

xwékw'thet to drag yourself

xwel still

xwelá for, towards, toward

xwélalám listening

xwelált become evening, get dark, evening

xweláltelh yesterday evening, last night

xwelá:met listening to him/her

xwélekw' to wrap

xwélekw't roll something, wrap something up

xwel'í arriving here, coming here (of several)

xwelí get there

xwelí:ls to get there

xwelítem white person

xwelitemelh sokw' celery

xwelíwelmet pay attention to him/her

xwelkw'ím eddy(?) in water

xwélmexw First Nations person

xwélmexwáwtxw Longhouse

xwelókw'stexw keep it rolled up

xwélp't to brush him off

xwélp'tel a fan

xwelxwáp't to brush him off

xwelxwelá:lt evening

xwelxwélekw't wrap it again

xwelxwelítem white person

xwelxwiyó:leqwt turn it upside down

xw'elyó:les have good eyesight

xwemá open

xwemá:qet to open (it)

xwemáx to open (it)

xwemékwáthet to kiss him/her, kiss (tr.)

xwemékwáthetel kiss one another

xwemélxwáwtxw longhouse

xwémeqet to open (it)

xwémex to open (it)

xwemkwáthel to kiss

xwémkwáthet kissing him/her

xwémxel pouring rain

xweqw'á:ls dragging (drag the river)

xweqw'él:a scouring rush

xwesá:lews leaves falling

xwetáqt take it down

xwetayéqel to answer, reply

xwéteqt take it down

xwét:es heavy

xweth'éqw'tses sprained wrist

xweth'éqw'xel ankle joint

xwéth'xel stop raining

xwetiyéqel to answer, reply, answer

xwétkw'em denim

xwétkw'emélmet denim clothes

xwétkw'eméyews Jeans

xwétkw'eméyws jeans

xwéwes sure, exactly

xwewí:l peek

xwewí:lt peek at

xwexwá to starve

xwexwálexw to starve him/her

xwexwát lessening it (of someone's load), halving it, making s-th lighter (in weight)

xwexwélmexw First Nations people

xwexwíléx get up fast

xwexwíthet wake yourself up

xwexwóthet to fast

xw'éywelh good-hearted

xweyxwelímels measurement, unit

xwí awake

xwíkw'el get faded

xw'ílámálá shoulder

xw'ilámet carry it on shoulders

xw'ilamōwelh carry canoe on shoulders

xwílex stand up, rise from a seat

xwiléxmet stand up for him/her

xwílexwel bush, underbrush

xw'í:lmet reach him/her here

xwíqwet press down on and rub it

xwís to fall off

xwíset shake it

xwíthet wake yourself up

xwixwe'áqel echo (Echo Point on Echo Island, Echo Bay on w w Echo Island)

xwíxwekw'el getting faded

xwíxwel bush, underbrush

xwíxweqwet press down on and rub it

xwíxwes to fall off

xwíxweset shake it

xwíxweth'álem rocking

xwixweth'áletstel rocking-chair

xwixwiyóls early-bird (plural)

xwíxwiyómethet denying an accusation

xwíxwyó:leqw get upside down

xwíy wake up, awaken

xwíyeqwela black soot

xwiyó:leqw get upside down

xwiyó:leqwt turn it upside down

xwiyómethet deny an accusation

xwiyós alert

xwiyóth sharp

xwiyótheqel have a high voice

xwíyt to wake someone up

xwíywxiyós wide awake

xwkw'ókw'etsest staring at him/her

xwlalá really listening hard

xwlalá:m to listen

xwlalá:met to listen to him/her

xwlalámstexw call him/her to witness

xwlemí Lummi

xwlíyémés to smile

xwlóyémes to smile

xwmámath'elqéylemt tell a lie for him/her

xwmath'elqéylemt tell a lie for him/her

xwmékwáthel to kiss on lips

xwmékwethet to kiss him

xwmélkw'es get hit in the face

Xwméthkwiyem Musqueam

xwmómelkw'es getting hit in the face

xwókw'eletsem high-bowed canoe

xwokwels dragging (drag the river)

xwókw'eltem numb

xwókw'elxwel foot is asleep

xwókwesem to smell like urine

xwó:kw'thet to drag yourself

xwókw'thet drag yourself along

xwōqw'éylem to go downstream

xwōqw'ō:ls indian potato

xwóthet to fast

xwót'kw'em rustle, make rustling sound

xwót'kw'emxel shuffel your feet

xwot'q'esílem trilling raven call

xwótqwem make splashing sound

xwowiyómet to sell it

xwoxwel:lhp willow tree

xwóxwelx to hoist it up, lift it up

xwóxweth'xel stop raining

xwoxwth'í:lem prostitute

xwóxwth'tem sexy

xwóyém get sold

xwóyeqw'em to wheeze

xwóyeqwem to wash one's hair and head

xwóyeqw'emíles wheezing in the chest

xwoyí:wel happy

xwoyíwelmet happy to see/him/her

xwoyíwelstexw make him/her happy

xwóykwem shaking bushes (unseen animal)

xwó:ymét to sell it

xwóymétem te'í sold this to him/her

xwóyomet to sell (tr.)

xwóyqem be shaky

xwpelákw peek under a womans skirt

xwpét pick it up off floor

xwpopó:s (have a) hairy face

xwpóysekelem riding a bicycle

xwth'exwth'ox̲wí:ls dish pan/ dish water (several)

xwth'í:t thank him/her

xwth'ox̲wí:ls dish pan/ dish water

xwtítewel considerate

xwtl'óqtes have long face

xwtóx̲esem shade eyes with your hand

x̲akw'íwel Constipated

x̲álew serving spoon

x̲álhlexw to hurt him/her (accidentally)

x̲álht beat him/her up

x̲alhwílhlexw to disappoint him/her

x̲álqem roll around in circles

x̲á:ls transformer

x̲alts'elísem grind your teeth

x̲álts't twisting it, turning it

x̲alwéla horn rings for dip-nets

x̲á:m to cry

x̲amelexwthet tiger lily

x̲a:mélmel want to cry, feel like crying

x̲ámet to cry for it

x̲amx̲amelexwthet tiger lily

x̲áp'kw'els chewing (hard thing)

x̲apkw't gnaw on something

x̲áp'kw't gnawing on something

x̲áp'kw'tem rheumatism, aching

x̲á:qw'tem rheumatism, aching

x̲asáxw have a harelip

x̲asélmet determined to do it

x̲ásx̲elem set a trap

x̲á:th't to mark it, measure it, weigh it

x̲áth'tel a marker

x̲át'kw'a:ls to whittle, carve wood

x̲átl' rough (of water,wind)

x̲átqem rough (little bumps)

x̲áws new

x̲awsó:lkwlh new spirit dancer

x̲á:ws silolem New Years

x̲awx̲awsó:lkwlh new spirit dancer

x̲ax̲e sacred, holy, taboo

x̲áx̲e holy

x̲ax̲elts'elísem grind your teeth

x̲áx̲elts'íwélém get twisted (inside)

x̲áx̲eselem to set a trap

x̲áx̲esxelem set a trap

x̲e'ath'stexw mark it

x̲ehó:methet feel sory for yourself

x̲ekw' tight squeeze

x̲ekw'óles salmon backbone

x̲elá:ls doing writing

x̲éleq't to open your eyes, open one's eyes

x̲éleq't te shxexwó:s lightening, it's lighting

x̲élh to get hurt

x̲elhá:léqel have a headache

x̲élhálés to have toothache

x̲elhá:lwes have a stomache-ache

x̲elhálwes have pain in stomach

x̲élhchem to swim, (tread water), (wading in deep water), mostly of animals, dogs, deer (doggie paddle)

x̲elhláxw to hurt him/her (accidentally)

x̲elhwílhlexw to disappoint him/her

x̲elhx̲elhá:léqel have a headache

x̲elhx̲elhá:lwes have a stomache-ache

x̲elkw'óles salmon backbone

x̲elpá:yelhp western red cedars, many cedars

x̲elpá:ytses many boughs of red cedar

x̲élqes to wave your hand

x̲élqesá:ls wave one's arms

x̲élqest to wave at him/her

x̲éltel pencil, pen

x̲élts'es twist by the head

x̲élts'esem turn one's head

x̲élts'est twist him/her by the head

x̲elts'íwélém get twisted (inside)

x̲élts't to twist it, to turn it

x̲élts'tem twisted in head

x̲élts'thet to turn yourself around

x̲elx̲álqem roll around in circles

x̲élx̲eleq't to open your eyes

x̲elx̲éltel pencile, pens

x̲élx̲eyth'elhp alder

x̲elx̲ólem having grey hair, many with grey hair

x̲elx̲óx̲cha little lakes

x̲eméthel eat fast

x̲emx̲emx̲íméls chicken hawk

x̲emx̲éymels large hawk, chicken hawk

x̲emx̲íméls chicken hawk

x̲e'ó:thel four

x̲e'otheōlwelh four canoes

x̲épchest snatch it from him/her

x̲ep'ékw' make a crunch (with foot)

x̲ep'ílep to rake

x̲ep'í:tsel chipmunk

x̲epíwelem spread your (own) legs

x̲épkw'em brittle, crisp

x̲ép'kw't gnaw, chew on something

x̲épkw't to gnaw on something

x̲epósem Easter

x̲ep'x̲á:p'kw'tem rheumatism, aching

x̲epx̲épxel fish tail

x̲epyúwelh cedar trough (for food)

x̲eq' narrow (rocky place)

x̲eqét straddle it

x̲ésel to set a trap

x̲ést'el nits (louse eggs)

x̲esxel a trap

x̲ésxel To set a trap

x̲ésx̲ést'el nits (louse eggs)

x̲étastexw to do it

x̲'ét'e to say

x̲et'e be saying, say

x̲'ét'est to say something

x̲'ét'estem they say, it is said

X̲ét'estem ‘…is said (to be)‘.

X̲ét'estem means '…is said (to be)'. ‘…is said (to be)‘.

x̲ethelálh four times

x̲ethelsxá fourty

x̲èthelsxá forty

x̲ethelsxále fourty (counting people)

x̲éthelsxó:s forty (counting dollars)

x̲ethíle four (counting people)

x̲ethílemets' four ropes, poles, sticks

x̲ethíleqel four (counting containers)

x̲ethíléqw four fish

x̲ethíles four (counting dollars)

x̲ethílestem cost four dollars

x̲ethílestexw charge four dollars for

x̲ethílews four birds

x̲ethí:lhp four trees

x̲ethóls four fruit

x̲éth'x̲eth' cranky

x̲et'kw'á:ls to carve wood

x̲ét'kw'els to whittle, carve wood

x̲et'x̲atkw'á:ls to carve wood

x̲et'x̲et'e be saying

x̲et'x̲et'ét put a spell on him/her

x̲ex̲ákw' tight squeeze

x̲ex̲á:ls transformer

x̲ex̲á:m crying a lot, wailing

x̲ex̲ámet to cry for it

x̲ex̲ekw'íwel get constipated, bound up

x̲ex̲élh getting hurt, feeling hurt

x̲éx̲eyet beat s-o up, spank s-o, fight s-o back

x̲ex̲é:yls writing

x̲ex̲éylt writing it, writing something

x̲éx̲eymet to grab (it)

x̲ex̲éyx̲e embarresed

x̲ex̲p'í:tsel chipmunk

x̲eyeslótel wild ginger

x̲éyet beat s-o up, spank s-o, fight s-o back

x̲eyímelets roots of tree floating in river

x̲éykw'et chew (it)

x̲éylés steep riverbank

x̲éyléx̲ to go to war

x̲é:ylt to write it

x̲éymeleqwt Grab him by his hair

x̲éymels large hawk, chicken hawk

x̲éymem grab some

x̲é:ymet to grab (it)

x̲éymleqwt grab him by his hair

x̲éyp' get scratched

x̲éyp'eqsel get scraped on nose

x̲éyp'es get scraped on face

x̲éyp'et scrape it

x̲éyqelá shadow

x̲éyq'et scratch it (itch)

x̲éyqeya old salmon (spotted)

x̲éysel get spooked

x̲eyslótel Wild ginger

x̲éyt change it (by x_a:ls)

x̲éytem to growl

x̲éyth' raw

x̲éyth'elh alder

x̲éyth'elhp alder

x̲éyth'em to itch

x̲eyth' seplil flour

x̲éytl' cold

x̲eytl'áls grizzly bear

x̲éytl'thet cooling down, getting colder (of things, weather)

x̲éywes to scowl

x̲eywésem scowl, frown

x̲eywét to bawl him/her out

x̲éywét To ball him/her out

x̲éyx̲á:m to sob

x̲eyx̲á:th't to mark it, measure it

x̲éyx̲e embarrassed, ashamed

x̲éyx̲ekw'els chewing it

x̲éyx̲elex̲ going to war

x̲éyx̲elexw to insult him/her

x̲éyx̲elómét get embarassed

x̲eyx̲emels burdock

x̲éyx̲emethet ashamed of oneself

x̲éyx̲ep' get scratched

x̲éyx̲ep'eqsel get scraped on nose

x̲eyx̲ep'es get scraped on face

x̲éyx̲ep'et scrape it

x̲éyx̲ep'ílep a rake, harrow

x̲eyx̲ep'ōwíts have stripe on back

x̲éyx̲eq'els scratching

x̲eyx̲eq'et scratching

x̲éyx̲eq'et scratch it (itch)

x̲éyx̲esel get spooked

x̲éyx̲estexw make s-one ashamed

x̲éyx̲estólemét embarress yourself

x̲éyx̲etem to growl

x̲éyx̲eth'em to itch

x̲éyx̲ethet shame yourself

x̲eyx̲ewes scowling

x̲éyxewes to scowl

x̲eyx̲ewét to bawl him/her out

x̲eyx̲éyet beat s-o up, spank s-o, fight s-o back

x̲éyx̲eykw'et chew (it)

x̲eyx̲eyqelá shadow

x̲eyx̲éyt change it (by x_a:ls)

x̲éyx̲eyx̲lexw to insult him/her

x̲eyx̲lám looking at (tr.)

x̲ítet snap at s-o (verbally or in arguing), growl at s-o (with words)'

x̲ix̲á:m crying a little

x̲íx̲etet snapping at s-o (verbally or in arguing)

x̲íx̲lhám watching

x̲iyéyt change it (by x_a:ls)

x̲lhám to watch

x̲lhélets tired on the bum

x̲lhém tired

x̲lhém:et tired of it

x̲lhét beat him/her up

x̲och'alh dried-up lake

x̲ólem have grey hair

x̲ó:lemthet really turned grey

x̲ólemthet turn grey.(eg,hair)

x̲ó:letsa lakes

x̲ólhchem swimming (of dog, deer, animal), (dog-paddling)

x̲ólqes to wave your hand

x̲ólqesá:ls waving one's arms

x̲ó:lqest to wave at him/her

x̲ólts'thet turning yourself around

x̲óqel marten

x̲óth'oyíqw Dried fish head

x̲otl'thet windy

x̲ó:tsa lake

x̲ots'oyíqw dried fish head

x̲óx̲cha Little lake

x̲óx̲tsa little lake

x̲óx̲wtel canoe pole

x̲pá:y cedar wood

x̲pá:yelhp western red cedar tree

x̲pá:ytses bough of red cedar

x̲pó:ys wide cedar slats

x̲tá to do, do this

x̲t'áls cast a spell

x̲t'á:stexw do it this way (tr.)

x̲tá:stexw to do it

x̲t'ét put a spell on him/her

x̲thét shove it

x̲wálá:lhp willow tree

x̲wástel solid greese

x̲wátet to tear it

x̲wá:y to die (of group)

x̲wá:yt kill them

x̲we'á to do copying, imitating

x̲we'át to copy him/her, imitate him/her

x̲welhx̲wélhepxel to slip, lose balance

x̲welhx̲wlhép lose your balance

x̲weló:ystem to stagger

x̲wélx̲weylem ropes, twines, strings, threads

x̲wém fast, hurry

x̲weméthel to eat fast

x̲wémthet rush, go fast

x̲wemxálem to run

x̲wémx̲wémstexw cause to move fast

x̲wét get torn

x̲wetát to tear it

x̲wetl'x̲wetl'qelálá pillow-cases

x̲wex̲we'á to do copying, imitating

x̲wex̲we'áls a copier, copymachine

x̲wex̲weló:ystem staggering around

x̲wex̲wét get torn

x̲wex̲wéye fly

x̲wéylem rope, twine, string, thread

x̲wéylemt to weigh it, measure it

x̲wé:yleqw hopping bird (see them at the beach)

x̲wéyx̲welemt weighing it, measuring it

x̲wéyx̲weqw'em to snore

x̲wíqw'el sleet

x̲wí:qw'em to snore

x̲wíqw'est put rope around his neck

x̲wix̲we'át to copy him/her, imitate him/her

x̲wíx̲weqw'est putting a rope around someone's neck

x̲wíx̲wiyá:m telling a legend

x̲wix̲wíyem nervous walking on something narrow

x̲wíyá:m tell a legend

x̲wíythesem get one's picture taken

x̲wlhép lose your balance

x̲wlhépelets sit down with a plop

x̲wlhépxel to slip, lose balance

x̲wómxelém running around, a runner

x̲wó:qw' sawbill duck

x̲wōqw slough

x̲wóqw'et to pole it

x̲wōqwwōqw slough

x̲wóweqwels to pole a canoe

x̲wox̲wá:yt kill them

x̲wóx̲welá:lhp small willow tree

x̲wox̲weqw'et to pole it


x̲wálá:lhp willow tree

x̲wástel solid greese

x̲wátet to tear it

x̲wá:y to die (of group)

x̲wá:yt kill them

x̲we'á to do copying, imitating

x̲we'át to copy him/her, imitate him/her

x̲welhx̲wélhepxel to slip, lose balance

x̲welhx̲wlhép lose your balance

x̲weló:ystem to stagger

x̲wélx̲weylem ropes, twines, strings, threads

x̲wém fast, hurry

x̲weméthel to eat fast

x̲wémthet rush, go fast

x̲wemxálem to run

x̲wémx̲wémstexw cause to move fast

x̲wét get torn

x̲wetát to tear it

x̲wetl'x̲wetl'qelálá pillow-cases

x̲wex̲we'á to do copying, imitating

x̲wex̲we'áls a copier, copymachine

x̲wex̲weló:ystem staggering around

x̲wex̲wét get torn

x̲wex̲wéye fly

x̲wéylem rope, twine, string, thread

x̲wéylemt to weigh it, measure it

x̲wé:yleqw hopping bird (see them at the beach)

x̲wéyx̲welemt weighing it, measuring it

x̲wéyx̲weqw'em to snore

x̲wíqw'el sleet

x̲wí:qw'em to snore

x̲wíqw'est put rope around his neck

x̲wix̲we'át to copy him/her, imitate him/her

x̲wíx̲weqw'est putting a rope around someone's neck

x̲wíx̲wiyá:m telling a legend

x̲wix̲wíyem nervous walking on something narrow

x̲wíyá:m tell a legend

x̲wíythesem get one's picture taken

x̲wlhép lose your balance

x̲wlhépelets sit down with a plop

x̲wlhépxel to slip, lose balance

x̲wómxelém running around, a runner

x̲wó:qw' sawbill duck

x̲wōqw slough

x̲wóqw'et to pole it

x̲wōqwwōqw slough

x̲wóweqwels to pole a canoe

x̲wox̲wá:yt kill them

x̲wóx̲welá:lhp small willow tree

x̲wox̲weqw'et to pole it


yalh as usual, this time, now, the first time

yálh yew kw'a's hó:y I thank you (deeply), thank you

yalkw'ólhem close up a meeting

yálx̲ search

yálx̲t search for it

yaq' darn!

yáq' to fall a tree

yáq'et to chop down a tree

yá:t to vomit

yatílém to become a widow

yatl'q'els painting

yátl'q't to paint it

yáyekw'elexw breaking it

yáyekw'met hiring him/her

yáyeq' to fall a tree

yáyeq'els a logger

yáyeq'et to chop down a tree

yáylem to glide in the wind

yáysele two people

ye going along while doing something

ye'íle these

yékw' it broke

yékw'elexw to break it

yékw'emet hire him/her

yékw'es busy

yékw'et rub it together

yekw'ólhem last spring dance of season

yekw'yékw'es busy

yeláw pass on by, after, be over, passed

yelá:wt pass him/her by, to pass by someone (tr.)

yelá:wx to pass by it, to pass by someone, something

yeláwxém to let someone pass

yél:és tooth

yélesem have a toothache

yelkw'ólhem close up a meeting

yelólém have/get a year ??????

yeló:lh travel along

yelqw't mess it up

yéltht poison (him/her)

yélx̲t search for it

yélx̲w smooth

yélyelesem have a toothache

yelyélqw't mess it up

yelyóle wild rhubarb (several)

yelyólháwtxw wood shed

yelyó:lqw' makeing a mess

yemáwéstel wide cedar roots strips

yémq't rub oil/water on it

yémxtel shoelace

yeqelsxá:y the first snow

yéq'lexw manage to chop it down

yéqw burn, burned, scorch, to burn (intr. v.)

yeqwá:ls having a burning

yéqwelchep to build a fire

yéqweqst turn it on

yeqwest crumbling of the bark or softening of the bark

yéqw'est sharpen (it)

yeqwí:l a light

yeqwí:lem make a light, turn on a light

yeqwí:les have heartburn

yéqwlexw to burn (it) [accidentally]

yéqwt to burn it (tr.)

yeqwyeqwáls having several burnings, ceremonial fires

yeqwyeqwí:les have heartburn

yeqwyeqwí:ws Yakweakwiwse

yests'ets'á riding (traveling on top of something)

yethéleqw have a pointy head

yéthest to tell (him/her)

yéthestexw tell it to him/her/it

yétl'q'esem paint your face

yétl'qest to smear it

yetl'q'íwsem paint your body

yétl'q't to paint something, to rub something

yetl'yetl'qest smearing it

yetl'yetl'q'íwsem painting your body

yets'ets'á to travel on horseback

yewá:l first

yewálstexw start with (lit. = cause to be first)

yewí:leqw Medicine song

yewí:lmet use spirit power on him/her

yewí:lt put a spell on him/her

yex̲chat give him/her a gift

yéx̲chem ask for a present

yéx̲chemet ask for it

yéx̲chet give a gift to (tr.)

yéxw I wonder

yéx̲w it broke down, came apart

yex̲wéletst unwrap it

yéx̲wet to dismantle, loosen, untie, unravel, unwind, unwrap, unlace

yex̲wyex̲wet untieing s-th, unravelling s-th, unwinding it, unwrapping it, loosen sth, unlacing it

yéyaq' darn!

yeyáyelem gliding in the wind

yéyex̲w it broke down, came apart

yeyíx̲w to fall apart

yéysele two (counting people)

yí:kw'et rub it together

Yilawelhát Monday

yilá:welhát Monday

yiláwel kw'a's hó:y thank you very much

yilówxém to let something pass

yi'ówthet hurrying along

yíq to snow

yiqwí:l lamp

yitá:lstem staggering around

yít'em to melt away

Yít'em Melt away

yít'et to melt (it)

yítl'q'esem paint your face

yiwí:leqw medicine song

yíx̲w to fall apart

yíx̲wet to take it apart

yíx̲yex̲wet to take it apart

yíyeq be snowing

yíytem to melt away

yíyt'et to melt (it)

yókw'em to break [in pieces], it broke

yókw'et to break it, break something

yóla wild rhubarb

yóleseqw hat

yolháwtxw wood shed

yó:lqw' make a mess

yó:qw rotton fish

yóqw'em to sweat

yoseqw hat

yóseqw hat

yóseqwem put on your hat

yóswe maybe, might, perhaps

yó:t beware of it

yóthet walk backwards

yóx̲w to thaw

yóx̲wet to thaw it

yóx̲wt to thaw something

yóyekw'em it got broken

yóyeqw'em sweating

yóyes working, be working

yóyeseqwem putting on your hat

yóyetal relative, cousin

yóyex̲w thawing

yóyokw'et beaking something (on purpose)

yó:ys to work

yó:yseqw little hat

yóyx̲wet thawing it

yóyx̲wt to thaw it

yutl'ó:lem them, they

yú:w said when praising something beautiful

yúwest put a spell on someone, curse someone

yú:wqwlha how beautiful!

yuyúwest putting a spell on someone


á'a yes

á'á'áwelh you are welcome

á'áltha it's me, that's me, I do, I am (the I is emphatic)

ákwelex shooting (a gun, an arrow)

ál'álel magpies

álel magpie

álex sibling

álex̲e canada geese

álhqey snake

álhtel to eat, eat

álmelh take care of your kids, to baby-sit one's own children

álqel at the head, up the point

á:lq't scraping hair/hide off it

álq't scrape hair/hide off it

áltha I, I do, me, it's me

á:lthel they

á:lwem staying home

álwem to stay home

á:m to give

ámestem get taken

á:mstexw to take something, bring something

á:pel maggot

á:pet wipe it, wipe something, someone

á:q'elh (always) choking (on a bone or something solid)

áq'elh to choke on a bone or something solid

áshxw seal

áthelets bottom of water , bottom of waterfall, basket, anything. Atchelitz Village

á:tl'qel going outside, getting outside

átl'qel to go outside, get outside

átl'qeláwtxw out house, bathroom, toilet

átl'qélt get something outside, reveal something, get something out

á:tl'qilt bringing something outside, getting something out, kick someone out

átl'qilt te se'íkw'el to take out the garbage

átse next, again

átsele good grief !

átslexw to hear about (tr.), to hear it

á:we seagull

á:wkw' clothes, clothing, belongings

á:wkw'mal tool-case

áx̲e canada goose

áx̲elqel buckskin, rawhide, tanned buckskin

á:x̲eth be lying down

áx̲eth to lie down

áxw give me s-th (to eat)

á:xwem giving something, giving food

á:xwet giving (it)

áxwet to give (it), share food with s-o, give s-o food, bring s-o food, pass food to s-o, give (tr.)

á:y keep on going, keep going, continue

á:yél go away, leave

áyeles to leave somebody all alone; abandon someone

á:yelstexw leaving it with someone

áyélstexw leave it with someone

áylexw be alive, be living, be in good health, be healthy, be well

á:ystexw chase s-o, chase s-th, chasing s-o/s-th, continue something

á:yt ling cod

á:yx̲ crab


éhet wrapping it up

ékwiyeqw great-great-great grandparent

élíyá to dream

ésqthet to grunt

éw too heavy to lift

éwe no

éwe is iyó:lem it's not alright

éwe is qéx̲ there's not many; it's not many

éwe is tl'í (it) is not hard

éwelh never

éweltí:l to race (of any kind, by foot, canoe, horseback, etc)

éwestexw making him/her say 'no'

éxel to paddle

éx̲qst strike s-th pointed (esp. a match)'], to light a match

éx̲wtel broom

éy good

éyaleqep to smell good

éyameth' good figure, have a good figure

éyaqelhtset to change it for him/her

éyaqt to change it

éyéle long hair

éyeqt change it

é:yeqthet change yourself

éyes to have fun

éyetses clean hands

éy'éyel get better

éyo' well, doing well

éyó well, doing well

éyqwlha How beautiful! (really)

éystelómet pretending to be good, wanting to be accepted

éystexw to like (it)

éystólmet feeling good about yourself

éy t'wa it would be better if

éywelh good-natured, kind-hearted

éyxel to paddle

éyx̲emet borrow it from him/her

éy yilaw téxwswáyel good afternoon


íchxwó stay here!

í'é:ymet getting to like somebody

íhóyt cheating s/o

í'iy cute (little thing)

í:ks eggs

íks eggs

í:kw' becoming lost

íkw' become lost, get lost

íkw'elexw to lose it

íkw'elo here

í:kw'et throwing something away, throwing it away

íkw'et to throw something away, to throw it away

ílám carry on your shoulder

í:lá:mt to carry on your shoulders

ílá:mt to carry on your shoulders

í:lchel engine

íleqelhtsthóx Buy for me

íleqels to go shopping, buying

í:leqet buying (it)

íleqet to buy (it), buy (tr.)

í:lhtel eating (a meal)

í:lwelh side of the body

ímet step on it

í:meth grandchild

í:mex walking

ímex to walk

í:mexstexw walking someone, something

ímexstexw to walk (it)

ímexyósem to go for a walk

íqw'em rub off, smear

í:qw'esem wiping your face

íqw'esem wipe one's face

í:qw'et rubbing something, wiping something

íqw'et rub it, wipe it

íqw'ethet wipe yourself off

ístexw leave (it) here

ístexwchxwó you leave it here!

í:tet sleeping, be sleeping

ítet to sleep

ítetáwtwx bedroom

ítetem sleepy

í:th'em getting dressed

íth'em get dressed

í:ts'el lazy, being lazy

íts'el lazy

íwá:ltses cat's cradle

íweltá:lt spring snare trap

í:wes to teach

íwes to teach

í:wesá:ls a guide, showing people

í:west to be teaching, showing, guiding

íwest to teach, guide someone

íwestéleq teacher

íwesteltéleq teacher

í:wtheláq someone who teases

íwth'óthet to play around, fool around

íx̲ get scratched, get scraped

íxel to paddle

í:x̲em borrow, get credit

íx̲em borrow, get credit, go on credit

íx̲emstexw to lend him/her money

íx̲est shave him

í:x̲et scraping something, erasing something

íx̲et scrape it, erase it

íx̲iythílem to shave yourself

íxwels scratch around(like animals)

í:x̲wet sweeping (it)

íx̲wet to sweep (it)

íyálewet do it yourself

íyámeth straight (of something standing)

íyá:q change sometyhing

í:yeqthet get out of the way

íyeqthet get out of the way

íyes female friend.

íyeseq male friend.

íyéseq sir

íy'eyóm be slower

íy'eyómthet playing slow

íyiyómex good-looking

íyó:lemstexw obey him / her

íyósthet a whole bunch of folks having lots of fun

íywí:lem to go for a canoe ride


ó'ayiwsem poo your pants

ókw'elexw to lose it

ókw'est hang (it), hook (it) up

ó:kw'et to hang it on a hook

ókw'et to hang it on a hook

ól too, too much

ó:leqw' a lot got rubbed off

ó:lex̲em looking for food, fish

ólex̲em to go and get something, picking something out

óléx̲em look for food, fish

ó:lh get on board

ólhet respect someone

ó:lhstexw puttig it on board

ólhstexw put it on board

ólmelh taking care of your children, baby sitter

ólmetsel to wait around, to wait

ó:lmetst waiting for him/her

ólmetst wait for him/her

ó:lthet to groan

ólu too much, overly, too

ó:m order, restaurant store (v.)

ómeléxw step on (it)

ó:m'et order it

ó:met to sit down

ó:metáwtxw living room

ó:metáwtxw/lats'ewtxwem Living room

ópel ten

ópel lá:ts'ewets one thousand

ópel qas te isá:le twelve

ópel qas te léts'e eleven

óqwelets back, backside

ó:qw'et hang it up

óqw'et hang it up

ó:sqthet to grunt

ó:t to be calling (him/her/it)

ó:t' slingshot (stretched kind)

ót to call (him/her/it)

ó:t'et stretch it

ót'et stretch it

ót'etem it got stretched ; they stretched it

ót'ethet to stretch (oneself) out

ótethet streach yourself

ó:theqw roast in sand

ótheqw to bake, to roast (in the stove, in sand)

ó:theqwt roasting, baking it

ótheqwt roast/bake it

ó:thesmet waving him/her over

óthesmet wave him/her over

ótsesémét make a sign to come; signal to come

óweltí:l be racing, a race

ó:wqw'elmexw tribe, several tribes

ówthet to hurry, hurry up, move fast

óxwest to give something to someone

óyém slow

óyémstexw slow down (tr.)


úkw' to run out, get finished

úkw'elets to run out of (it)

úkw'elexw to run out of food, be out of food


ōkw' run out, finished

ōwestexw to deny it

ōwéte xwlí:s it dosen't matter