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te sxélches

his catch, what he caught

his catch, what he caught

Te sxélches means’his catch’ (i.e. in hunting), or ‘what he caught’.

Vocabulary and Pronunciation

sxélchacatch, what you caught
-s – possessive marker, indicates that someone possesses the catch

Audio: Elizabeth Herrling

Structure notes

The structure of this phrase is as follows:


  • The -s ending in this case indicates that someone (‘he‘, ‘she‘ or ‘it‘) possesses the object.
  • He‘ or ‘him‘ is just understood from context. The phrase could also mean ‘her catch’, if we were talking about a woman.
  • You could also specify the person who possesses it.  For example, you could say te sxélches tútl’ohis catch (tútl’o means he, him, or his).

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