- S'íwes 1 : Kwéleches
- S'íwes 2: Skw'elxám
- S'íwes 3: Álthel 1
- S'íwes 4: Ste'ómex 1
- S'íwes 5: Schákwel 1
- S'íwes 6: Ts'elhxwélmexw 1
- S'íwes: Ts'elhxélmexw
- S'íwes 8: Schákwel
- S'íwes 9: Shxwlí 1
- S'íwes 10: Ómex
- S'iwes 11: S'álhtel 2
- S'iwes 12: Kwix̲mel 1
- S'íwes 13: Shxwlí
- S'íwes 14: Skwúláwt/ Syó:ysáwtxw
- S'íwes 15: Sqoqó
- S'íwes 16: Selxwíws
- S'íwes 17: Shxwéyelh qas te sq'óleq'ey
- S'íwes 18: Shxweláli líte séti
- S'íwes 19: Smestiyexw Stetómex 2
- S'íwes 20: Seswayel
- S'íwes 21: Á'lhtel (líte letám)
- S'íwes 22: Sméyeth 1
- S'íwes 23: Sméyeth 2
- S'íwes 24: Swáyel
- S'íwes 25
- S'íwes 26: Alétse?
- S'íwes 27: X̲ta 3
- S'íwes 28: Ts'elhxwélmexw 3
- S'íwes 29: Á:wkw' 1
- S'íwes 30: Á:wkw' 2
- S'íwes 31: Selchí:m 2?
- S'íwes 32: Lí te Shxwimá:le
- S'íwes 33: Á:lhtel 3
- S'íwes 34: X̲tá 4
- S'íwes 35: Selchí:m? 3
- S'íwes 36: Sméyeth 3
- S'íwes 37: Mestíyexw
- S'íwes 38: Sts'ísem
- S'íwes 39: Selchí:m?
- S'íwes 40: Syóys
- S'íwes 41: Shxwli 3
- S'íwes 42: X̲tá 5
- S'íwes 43: Lá:lem 1
- S'íwes 44: Lá:lem 2
- S'íwes 45: Syóys lite lálem
S'íwes 28: Ts'elhxwélmexw 3 - 28: Family 3
Audio | Halq'eméylem | English |
swáqeth | husband | |
stó:les | wife | |
méle | child | |
schiwtá:lh | son-in-law or daughter-in-law | |
shxw'áléx | brother/siter in law of the opposite sex (brother in law, sister in law) | |
skw'ílhew | father-in-law, mother-in-law, spouse's parent, parent-in-law | |
í:meth | grandchild | |
selchím | how, be how | |
lexwsyóys | (someone) always working | |
móylhtel | help out, go help, pitch in, help one another | |
qíqel | mischievous | |
mámele | children | |
shxw'el'álex | siblings-in-law | |
em'ímeth | grandchildren | |
qwíqwelats | to gossip, gossipy | |
lexws'éy | generous (always good) |
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