Yewál sqwá:l
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Kwéleches 2
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Ta' sqwálewel
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Xwe'it te swayel
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View Lesson →
Tel sewólwem lálem
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Ye th'ó:kws se'wíwes
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Kw'ókw'exwels Tewátes
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ewó:lom léts'e
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S'íwes 1: Kwéleches
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S'íwes 2: Skw'elxám
S'íwes 3: Álthel 1
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View Lesson →
S'íwes 4: Ste'ómex 1
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S'íwes 5: Schákwel 1
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S'íwes 6: Ts'elhxwélmexw 1
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S'íwes 7: Ts'elhxélmexw 2
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S'íwes 8: Schákwel
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S'íwes 9: Shxwlí 1
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S'íwes 10: Ómex
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S'iwes 11: S'álhtel 2
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S'iwes 12: Kwix̲mel 1
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S'íwes 13: Shxwlí
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S'íwes 14: Skwúláwt/ Syó:ysáwtxw
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S'íwes 15: Sqoqó
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S'íwes 16: Selxwíws
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S'íwes 17: Shxwéyelh qas te sq'óleq'ey
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S'íwes 18: Shxweláli líte séti
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S'íwes 19: Smestiyexw Stetómex 2
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S'íwes 20: Seswayel
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S'íwes 21: Á'lhtel (líte letám)
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S'íwes 22: Sméyeth 1
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S'íwes 23: Sméyeth 2
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S'íwes 24: Swáyel
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S'íwes 25
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S'íwes 26: Alétse?
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S'íwes 27: X̲ta 3
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S'íwes 28: Ts'elhxwélmexw 3
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S'íwes 29: Á:wkw' 1
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S'íwes 30: Á:wkw' 2
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S'íwes 31: Selchí:m 2?
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S'íwes 32: Lí te Shxwimá:le
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S'íwes 33: Á:lhtel 3
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S'íwes 34: X̲tá 4
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S'íwes 35: Selchí:m? 3
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S'íwes 36: Sméyeth 3
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S'íwes 37: Mestíyexw
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S'íwes 38: Sts'ísem
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S'íwes 39: Selchí:m?
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S'íwes 40: Syóys
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S'íwes 41: Shxwli 3
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S'íwes 42: X̲tá 5
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S'íwes 43: Lá:lem 1
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S'íwes 44: Lá:lem 2
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S'íwes 45: Syóys lite lálem
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Audio for Lesson 2
Listen to the elder Sulisulwut

Audio for Lesson 2

Audio Halq'eméylem English
teqá:tsa eight
ópel qas te léts'e eleven
ópel qas te isá:le twelve
ts'kw'éx twenty
lhéxwelsxá thirty
t'x̲émelsxá sixty
th'ékwetselsxá seventy
teqétselsxá eighty
tú:xwelsxá ninety
lá:ts'ewets one hundred
léts'e one
isá:le two
lhí:xw three
x̲e'ó:thel four
lheq'á:tses five
t'x̲ém six
th'ó:kws seven
tú:xw nine
ópel ten
x̲ethelsxá fourty

Audio Halq'eméylem English
Chexw kw'í:l má:qa? How old are you?
Tsel 15 má:qa. I am 15 years old
Kw'í:l má:qa thútl'o? How old is she?
Kw'í:l má:qa tútl'o How old is he?
Ópel má:qa thútl'o. She is 10.

These are the general numbers. When counting objects, people, or other things (paddles, trees), special endings are used for Halq'eméylem numbers. You can find out how to count these things under the resources, in this unit here

Name Description File
Numbers handout (counting and counting people) Handout for easy printing to practise Preview Download
Printable Vocabulary Flash Cards Printable flash cards for the vocabulary in this unit Preview Download
Vocabulary Anki deck Vocabulary anki deck Download
Printable Phrases Flash Cards Printable flash cards for the phrases in this unit Preview Download

What is the meaning of?