- Swíwel Wiyótha
- Kw'ókw'íy, Kw'ókw'íy
- Qex̲ te sth'oqwi
- Ts'íthóme St'ílem
- Te qálq
- T'ílem the Tseloyóthelwet
- Stó:lō Shxweli Wíyotha
- Éy St'elmexw St'elt'ílém
- Ey te stáx̲welh
- St'ílém
- Klésemes st'elt'ílem

- Klesmés st'elt'ílem
- seswáyel st'ílem
- th'ále st'ílem
- Lhokw' sp'óq'es lhokw'
Klésemes st'elt'ílem - Christmas Songs with Tseloyóthelwet
These songs are from archival cassette tapes which were digitized by the SRRMC. The audio quality is the best we could get it to for archival recordings, and we hope you enjoy the voice of Tseloyóthelwet, Shirley Julian, as she sings some classic Christmas songs in Halq'eméylem.
Name | Description | File |