- Swíwel Wiyótha
- Kw'ókw'íy, Kw'ókw'íy
- Qex̲ te sth'oqwi
- Ts'íthóme St'ílem
- Te qálq
- T'ílem the Tseloyóthelwet
- Stó:lō Shxweli Wíyotha
- Éy St'elmexw St'elt'ílém

- Ey te stáx̲welh
- St'ílém
- Klésemes st'elt'ílem
- Klesmés st'elt'ílem
- seswáyel st'ílem
- th'ále st'ílem
- Lhokw' sp'óq'es lhokw'
Éy St'elmexw St'elt'ílém - Good Medicine Songs
These songs were created through a collaboration between Stó:lō Elders and Singers, Siyamiyateliyot Elizabeth Phillips PhD, Eddie Gardner, Ethel Gardner, Jonny Williams Shaw, and singer/songwriters Holly Arntzen and Kevin Wright of the Artist Response Team (ART).
Check out the website at https://www.artistresponseteam.com/goodmedicinesongs for more information about these songs.