- Swíwel Wiyótha
- Kw'ókw'íy, Kw'ókw'íy
- Qex̲ te sth'oqwi
- Ts'íthóme St'ílem
- Te qálq
- T'ílem the Tseloyóthelwet
- Stó:lō Shxweli Wíyotha
- Éy St'elmexw St'elt'ílém
- Ey te stáx̲welh
- St'ílém
- Klésemes st'elt'ílem
- Klesmés st'elt'ílem
- seswáyel st'ílem
- th'ále st'ílem
- Lhokw' sp'óq'es lhokw'
Stó:lō Shxweli Wíyotha - Spirit of the Stó:lō Forever
Stó:lō Shxwelí Wiyótha
Wey ho wey o wey hi o Áylexw te Stó:lō Shxwelí The spirit of the Stó:lō lives
The spirit of the Stó:lō lives
Wey ho wey o wey hi o Áylexw te Stó:lō Shxwelí
The spirit of the Stó:lō lives
A'A' siyá:ye Yes my friends Áylexw te Stó:lō Shxwelí
The spirit of the Stó:lō lives
Eyem te sqwálewel tset. We are brave Kw'óm kw'emtset. We are strong
We are brave. We are strong.
Stó:lō Shxwelí Wíyotha Stó:lō Shxwelí Wíyotha The Spirit of the Stó:lō Forever
The Spirit of the Stó:lō Forever
Wey ho wey o wey hi o
Wey ho wey o wey hi o
Eyólem kw'as liyém tset Let us laugh Eyólem kw'as t'ílem tset. Let us sing. Éyós tset mestíyexw. We are happy people!
Let us laugh. Let us sing. We are happy people!
Wey ho wey o wey hi o Wey ho wey hi o
Wey ho wey o wey hi o Wey ho wey hi o
Written by: T'ít'elem Spath (Eddie Gardner)
Translated by: Yomalot (Rosaleen George); Ts'ats'elexwót (Elizabeth Herrling); Tseloyóthelwet (Shirley Norris) and Xwiyolemót (Tellie Gutteriez)
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