Yewál sqwá:l
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Kwéleches 2
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Ta' sqwálewel
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Xwe'it te swayel
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Tel sewólwem lálem
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Ye th'ó:kws se'wíwes
Kw'ókw'exwels Tewátes
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ewó:lom léts'e
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S'íwes 1: Kwéleches
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S'íwes 2: Skw'elxám
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S'íwes 3: Álthel 1
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S'íwes 4: Ste'ómex 1
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S'íwes 5: Schákwel 1
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S'íwes 6: Ts'elhxwélmexw 1
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S'íwes 7: Ts'elhxélmexw 2
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S'íwes 8: Schákwel
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S'íwes 9: Shxwlí 1
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S'íwes 10: Ómex
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S'iwes 11: S'álhtel 2
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S'iwes 12: Kwix̲mel 1
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S'íwes 13: Shxwlí
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S'íwes 14: Skwúláwt/ Syó:ysáwtxw
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S'íwes 15: Sqoqó
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S'íwes 16: Selxwíws
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S'íwes 17: Shxwéyelh qas te sq'óleq'ey
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S'íwes 18: Shxweláli líte séti
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S'íwes 19: Smestiyexw Stetómex 2
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S'íwes 20: Seswayel
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S'íwes 21: Á'lhtel (líte letám)
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S'íwes 22: Sméyeth 1
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S'íwes 23: Sméyeth 2
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S'íwes 24: Swáyel
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S'íwes 25
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S'íwes 26: Alétse?
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S'íwes 27: X̲ta 3
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S'íwes 28: Ts'elhxwélmexw 3
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S'íwes 29: Á:wkw' 1
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S'íwes 30: Á:wkw' 2
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S'íwes 31: Selchí:m 2?
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S'íwes 32: Lí te Shxwimá:le
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S'íwes 33: Á:lhtel 3
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S'íwes 34: X̲tá 4
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S'íwes 35: Selchí:m? 3
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S'íwes 36: Sméyeth 3
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S'íwes 37: Mestíyexw
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S'íwes 38: Sts'ísem
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S'íwes 39: Selchí:m?
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S'íwes 40: Syóys
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S'íwes 41: Shxwli 3
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S'íwes 42: X̲tá 5
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S'íwes 43: Lá:lem 1
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S'íwes 44: Lá:lem 2
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S'íwes 45: Syóys lite lálem
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Listen to the elder Siyamiyateliyot


stqóye= tl'íls
wolf = love
Lexwtl'íls kw'e kwíyxmel wiyótha.
Always act in love, love the creator.
Tl'ílsmet kw'e Chíchelh Síyam, tl'ílsmet te slheq'ómet, tl'ílsthet, tl'el'ílsmet ye tselhsq'áleq'o qas mekw' ye malstíyexw.
Love yourself, love your family and fellow beings.

Listen to the elder Siyamiyateliyot


sp'ó:q'es = s'ólhmet
eagle = respect
S'ólhmet s'ólhstexw kw'e mékw' i'áylexw íte slháq'emex.
Respect all life on Mother Earth.
S'ólhstexw ye selyólexwe qas ye mestíyexw láts'ómexw kw'es s'olh qe'su shxws'am.
Respect elders and people of all races. To respect is to give.

Listen to the elder Siyamiyateliyot


spá:th = sey'álwes
bear = courage
Xwelalámet te th'á:le.
Listen to your heart.
Tl'os se'yalwes kw'es ye sthethíy.
It takes courage to do what is right.

Listen to the elder Siyamiyateliyot


pípehóm = lexwsthe'ít
frog = honesty
E'éwé kw'as mets'elqéylem qew qwíqwelatstexw.
Never lie or gossip.
Lexwsthe'ít-thet qas xwelá kw'e wátes.
Be honest with yourself and others
Teli ta' th'á:le kw'es qwál.
Speak from the heart.
Lexwsthe'ítqel xwela ta' sqwál.
Be true to your word.

Listen to the elder Siyamiyateliyot


sásq'ets = selawa'im
sasquatch = humility
Thetíwel xwelá kw'e wátes yewál telí tl'lewe.
Think of others before yourself.
Selá:wathet xwela kw'e Chíchelh Síyam kw'as lexwch'ít.
Humble yourself to the Great Spirit by being thankful.

Listen to the elder Siyamiyateliyot


smímeyath = slílexwelh
butterfly = peace
Mekw'wát tse sx̲ex̲ómes.
Everyone has a special gift
Hokwex ta' sx̲ex̲ómes chasu slíleqwélstexw ta' slheq'ámel.
Use your special gift to build a peaceful world.

Listen to the elder Siyamiyateliyot


spól = lexwsthe'ít
crow = truth
Súwq't kw'e lexwsthe'ít wiyóth.
Always seek the truth.
Áylexwstexw kw'e lexwsthe'ít tl'ó áylexw
Living the truth is living.

Audio Halq'eméylem English
spó:l crow (large)
sp'óq'es bald eagle
pípehó:m frog
th'á:lé heart
máth'elqéylém to lie
the'ít true
thetíwél to think to yourself
spá:th bear
smímeyáth butterfly
steqó:ye wolf
tl'íls to love, to like him/her/it
selá:wa humble
qwíqwelats to gossip
suwq't searching for something
xwelá for, towards, toward
sthethí alright
kwíyx̲emel to move around
lháq'emex peace
sey'álwes courage
tselhsq'áleq'o family

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