Spáth qes te Slílk'yap
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Receiving a xwélmexw name
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How the Robin got his red breast
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Tháyem te Léx̲wtel
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How the chipmunk got its stripes
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Yeláwel éy
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Xwe'ít te swáyel Létse
Weather 1
Xwe'ít te swáyel Isá:le
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Xwe'ít te swáyel Lhí:xw
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Xwe'ít te swáyel X̲eó'thel
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Xwe'it te swayel Lhq'á:tses
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Ye Spipáth
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Tháyem te seplíl
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Xwe'ít te swáyel  Letse
Listen to the elder Ts'áts'elex̱wot

Xwe'ít te swáyel Letse

Íti x̱eyx̱lhámetes te swíyeqe te shxwte'ás te swáyel.
(Be) there standing the man the doing.something the sky/day
The man is standing there looking at what the weather is like.
Ulh me te ye pélekw ye q'íq'ix̱el te shxwe'áthetel.
Already come to appear the getting black the clouds
He's starting to see black clouds coming in
Cha híthes qe lheméxw x̱ete tutl'o.
Will be not.long and (it is) raining, said he.
It wouldn't be long, it'll be raining' he said'.
Ewe lis ye híthes qe ulh me tímethet....tímethet slhémexw.
Not be going along long and already come (to) try hard the rain
It wasn't long, and it started to rain hard."
Osu lhémexw, lhemexw.
So (it) rained, (it) rained
It rained and rained.
Su le me tu hóy kw'es lheméxws.
So (it) came really (to) stop that it rained
And then it stopped raining.
Esu me pélekw te syóqwem.
And so it came (to) appear the sun.
And it wasn't long, the sun came out.
Su me xwe kw'ókw'es.
So came (to) become hot
And it was hot.

Audio Halq'eméylem English
lhémexw raining, ([having a] rainshower with light wind
kw'ókw'es hot
híth for a long time
lhex̲é:ylex be standing
pél:ékw to appear, become visible
shxw'áthetel cloud, cloudy
tímet do it harder
syó:qwem sun
tíméthet trying, doing something hard
q'íq'ex̲el to turn black
shxwel'áthetel clouds

Audio Halq'eméylem English
cha híthes qe...(insert verb) It won't be long before...
ulh me tímethet slhémexw It started to rain hard
pélekw te syóqwem the sun came out

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