Spáth qes te Slílk'yap
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Receiving a xwélmexw name
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How the Robin got his red breast
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Tháyem te Léx̲wtel
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How the chipmunk got its stripes
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Yeláwel éy
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Xwe'ít te swáyel Létse
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Xwe'ít te swáyel Isá:le
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Xwe'ít te swáyel Lhí:xw
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Xwe'ít te swáyel X̲eó'thel
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Xwe'it te swayel Lhq'á:tses
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Ye Spipáth
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Tháyem te seplíl
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Listen to the elder Ts'áts'elex̱wot


La í:mexyosem te spáth tlowáyel.
go walking.around-he the bear today
Bear is going out for a walk today.
"O te á'althe yeláwel híkw, yeláwel híkw kw'e sméyeth kw'els á:y, qésu mékw'stám éy el syóyes."
Oh (it is) I (who is) most big most big of animals that-I keep going, and-so everything (is) good the-my work.
“Oh I'm the biggest!” he brags, “I’m the mightiest of the animals there is, and I do all of my work well!”
"Lí ew the'ít kw'as" x̲ét'e "kw'as qéx̲ kw'e mékw'stam el syóyes?" thétstem te sqwéth'elh.
Is (it) really true that-you (the squirrel) said-he, that-you (can do) a lot (of) everything that is work? he was told (by) the squirrel.
"Is it really true" Squirrel asked him "that you can do anything that you want to do?"
"Li ew the'ít kw'as" x̲et'e "kw'as lóy se teléwe híkw, híkw íyém swíyeqe?" x̲et'e te sqwéth'elh.
Is it really true that you (the squirrel) said-he, that-you only you (are) big, big strong male", said the squirrel.
"Is it really true that you alone are mighty, a mighty strong male?”, Squirrel asked
"Ew the'ít" xét'e te spáth "mékw'stám el skwóyx̲thet wiyóth kw'els (e?) tháyt te mékw'stám"
(it is) really true said-he the bear, everything my doings always that-I do-it the everything.
“It really is true”, responded Bear. “Whatever I want to do, I do.”
Osu thét te sqwéth'elh "Wa is iyólem kw'as thétstexw te syóqwem kw'es ewes mes pelékw wewáyeles?" thétstem tútl'o.
So said-he the squirrel is it alright that-you tell the sun that-it not come (to) come.up tomorrow?" be told told he.
So Squirrel said: "Would it be alright if you told the sun not to come out tomorrow?"
"Ewe tsel t'átal kw'els x̲tá tethá" x̲ét'e te spáth, "qe cha iyólem kw'els t'át wáyeles" x̲ét'e".Osu kw'átsetes te spáth te syóqwem qesu thétstexwes: "Ewe chexw méxw pelékw wewáyeles!" x̲ét'estexwes.
Not-I try.it-I that-I do.it that said-he the bear but will (be)good that-I try.it tomorrow said-he.
"I haven't tried anything like that before” said Bear, “but I'm going to try tomorrow." And Bear looked out at the sun, and he told it: "Don't you come out tomorrow!”
Osu kw'átsetes te spáth te syóqwem qesu thétstexwes "Ewe chexw méxw pelékw wewáyeles!" x̲ét'estexwes.
So looked.at.it-he, the bear (at) the sun and-so he told.it Not you come (to) rise tomorrow! told.it-he
And Bear looked out at the sun, and he told it: "Don't you come out tomorrow!”
"Lí chéxw kw'éts..." thét te spáth, "lí chéxw kw'étslexw te syóqwem ulh la sísemethóxes ulh la tl'ékw'el láy... osu la se tl'ékw'el tloqáys," thétstexwes te sqwéth'elh.
Do you see... said-he the bear, do you see-it the sun (is) already getting scared of me (it) already is getting extinguished… and-so (it is) going extinguished now told-he (to) the squirrel.
"Do you see", said Bear "do you see, the sun is scared of me, it's going to go out, it’s going to go out now!" he bragged to Squirrel.
Osu thét te sqwéth'elh "li cha me pelékw te syóqwem wewáyeles?" x̲ét'estexwes te spáth.
So said the squirrel: will (it) come (to) rise the sun tomorrow?" asked.it-he t(to) he bear.
Squirrel wanted to confirm with Bear "Is the sun gonna come out tomorrow?"
Osu thét te spáth "Kw'áy... Ewe mis pelékw te syóqwem wáyeles" x̲et'estexwes te sqwéth'elh.
So said-he, the bear: It won't be... not come (to) appear the sun tomorrow told.it-he (to) the squirrel.
And so Bear responded, "It won't be… No, the sun is NOT going to come out tomorrow", he told Squirrel.
Ó:met yutl'ólem li te thát. Thát o te swáyel. Osu, ólmets tes mes cha pelékw te syóqwem.
(Be) sitting they there (in) the dark. Dark just the sky, so waited.for.it-they (to) come rise, the sun.
They sat there in the dark. The sky was just dark. They sat there, waiting for the sun to appear.
Osu thét te sqwéth'elh "le cha pelékw wewáyeles te syóqwem", x̲ét'e.
So said-he the squirrel: come will rise tomorrow the sun said-he.
Squirrel was sure: “The sun is definitely going to come out tomorrow”, he said.
Osu thét te spáth "Éwe mis pelékw te syóqwem wewáyeles, tsél tl'xwéleq'" xét'e tútl'o, thétstexwes te sqwéth'elh.
So sai-he the bear: Not come (to) rise the sun tomorrow, I am winning said-he he, told.him-he (to) the squirrel.
So Bear responded: "The sun is NOT going to come out tomorrow, and I win", he said to Squirrel.
Osu ó:met yutl'ólem, ólmetsel, osu me xwe'í tethá te q'oyíts, o me ólmetsel.
So sitting they, waiting-they, so come arrive there the moose, just came-he (to) wait.
And they kept sitting, and waiting. Moose came along, he started waiting too.
Osu tu ó:met yutl'ólem, ólmetsel. Osu o me o pelékw te sqweláw.
So really sitting they, waiting-they. So just came just appear the beaver.
They were just all sitting there, waiting, when Beaver also showed up!
Osu tu ó:met yutl'ólem qe ulh xwe'í tethá te pípehó:m.
So really sitting they, and already come there the frog.
They're all just sitting there, and then Frog came along.
Osu i tethá kw'es totílthets yutl'ólem, mékw' kw'es ólmetsels, tl'os cha wat kw'e ye tl'xwéleq xét'estexwes tl'os te spáth qe we tl'os te sqwéth'elh.
So (it is) there that-they (are) thinking they, all that-they (are) waiting, it will be who that is winning, (they are) saying if it is the bear or if it is the squirrel.
All of them sat there thinking, waiting, wondering who is gonna win – was it going to be Bear or was it going to be Squirrel?!
Kwá'tsetes te smámelet yutl'ólem ulh me.. ulh me kwímel, kwímel te sle'ólwelh te smámelet. Chúlh me tu pelékw te syóqwem.
Looked.at.it the mountain they, (it) started to, started to (get) red, (it got) red the side (of) the mountain. (it) will already come really (to) rise the sun.
They all looked at the mountain, and it started…. it started to get red! It was getting red on the other side of the mountain. The sun was going to rise pretty soon!
Osu thét te sqwéth'elh "Ulh me pelékw te syóqwem, ulh me... mi pepelékw te syóqwem" x̲et'e tútl'o.
So said-he the squirrel: already come (= start) rise the sun, start ... come rising the sun said-he he.
So Squirrel piped up: "The sun is starting rise, it's rising!"
Osu thétstexwes te sqwéth'elh "Ewe mis pelékw" x̲ét'e “te syóqwem tlowáyel!"
So told-he the squirrel: Not come (to) rise" (he) said, the sun today!
"The sun is definitely NOT going to come out today!” Bear told Squirrel.
O qesu the'ít me pelékw te syóqwem, i tethá kw'es ó:mets yutl'ólem.
O and.so (it is) true came rising the sun (it was) there that (were) sitting they.
Oh, but it was really true that the sun started rising, while they were sitting there waiting.
Ó:met o te spáth, x̲éx̲elh te sqwálewels.
sat-he just the bear very.hurt feelings-his.
Bear was just sitting there feeling very sorry for himself.
Osu xwoyíwel mékw' ye ew smémiyeth pelékw te syóqwem. Lóy o te spáth x̲éx̲eylh te sqwálewels.
All the other animals are just so happy that the sun rose. Only Bear is feeling very sad.
Mékw' ye ew li kw'e smémiyeth. Xwoíywel yutl'ólem. Qe lóy o te spáth x̲éx̲eylh te sqwálewels.
All the other animals are there, happy, all but Bear, who's feeling just very sorry for himself.
Osu thétstexwes te spáth "Me pelékw te syóqwem, me pelékw te syóqwem" x̲ét'e te sqw'éth'elh.
Then Squirrel bragged to Bear: "The sun is rising, the sun is coming out!"
Tl'o yeláwel xwoyíwel te sqw'éth'elh. "Me pelékw" x̲ét'e "Me pelékw te syóqwem!"
Squirrel is really pleased, saying over and over: "It’s out! The sun is out!"
Osu ts'tl'emétem, ts'tl'emétem te sqw'éth'elh te spáth, osu ímetem tútl'o.
And then Bear jumped, he jumped on Squirrel, and he just stepped on him.
Osu thét te spáth "Ew me pelékw te syóqwem. O cha su hóys me pelékw tloqáys"" x̲et'estexwes te sqw'éth'elh.
Bear growled "Yes, the sun came up, but it's going to stop, it won’t be rising any more today."
Osu thét te spáth "O tsel su lép'exome" x̲ét'estexwes te sqw'éth'elh.
And Bear continued to tell squirrel "Oh, now I can eat you!"
"We is iyólem kw'as xwálx ta' chálex qeyl tsels... olsu thétsthóme kw'els e x̲élh te sqwálewel kw'els e thétsthome" thétstexwes te spáth.
Squirrel asked Bear: "Would it be alright if you lift up your paws from on top of me, so then I can tell you that I'm sorry that I told you that?"
Osu xwálxes te chálexs te spáth. Tu axwíl o kw'ses xwálxes. Osu la tl'íw te sqw'éth'elh.
So Bear lifted up his paws. He lifted them just a little bit. And promptly, Squirrel escaped.
Le xwemxálem. Osu íx̲etem, íx̲etem tútl'o. Osu le xwa me pelékw te tsq'éyx̲ qas te p'éq' li te éqwelets.
He went running! But he had gotten scratched, he got scratched by Bear. A black and white stripe had appeared on his back.
Osu chélem o tútl'o te spáth, chélemléxwes tútl'o.
But Bear caught up to him again, and he managed to catch him.
Qesu ew qelát o kwútes la te éqwelets.
And he grabbed him again on the back.
O la áyelomet tútl'o sqw'éth'elh os ew chélem o te, chélem te spáth, qe sew qelát o x̲éyp'etem i te éqwelets.
Oh, but Squirrel just got away again! He got away from the bear, but he also got scratched again on the back.
Osu la áyelomet te sqw'éthelh qesu... os ew qelát o la x̲éyp'etem... te spáth qesu la xwa, xwa lhíxw te sx̲éyx̲ep' li te éqwelets.
And Squirrel got away again, and again Bear caught up to him and scratched him. Three marks have now appreard on his back.
Osu le iyóqthet te sqw'éth'elh. Osu le xwa x̲ex̲p'ítsel tloqáys. Iyóqthet te sqw'éth'elh
And so the squirrel had changed. He has become Chipmunk now. Squirrel changed.
Osu mékw' látelh kw'es ew xwís te x̲ex̲p'ítsel qesu t'ílems: "Me pelékw te syóqwem! Me pelékw te syóqwem!" x̲ét'e.
And evere morning Chipmunk gets up early in the morning, and sings: "The sun is rising! The sun is rising!"
Osu thét te spáth "Qélstexw tsel tethá x̲ex̲p'ítsel" x̲ét'e te spáth. "mékw's wiyóth sew t'ít'elem" x̲ét'e 'me pelékw te syóqwem!'
Bear though, he says: "I don't like that chipmunk,” he says “because he's always singing "the sun’s is rising!"

Audio Halq'eméylem English
thétstexw tell him/her/it
swáyel day, sky, weather
axwí:l small, little, a little bit
eyém strong
á:yél go away, leave
léwe you sg. (predicative), it's you
ts'q'éyx̲ black
p'éq' white
cháléx hand
óqwelets back, backside
swí:qe man, male (creature or plant)
kwút take (it), to get (tr.)
lép'ex to eat (it)
iyólem okay, alright
the'ít true
thét to say it, say (tr.)
qe and, or, but
qelát more, again
qéx̲ much, many, a lot
sle'ólwelh on the other side of, other side
ta'áltha I, me (emphatic)
taléwe you (sg.) (referential)
tl'íw to run away
tl'ékw'el to go out (of a fire, flame)
qélstexw dislike (him/her)
xwá:lx to hoist it up, lift it up
wáyeles tomorrow
wiyóth always
x̲wemxálem to run
x̲éyp' get scratched
kw'étslexw to see him/her/it
ímet step on it
híkw big
syó:ys work (the thing)
ólmetsel to wait around, to wait
sméyeth meat
x̲élh to get hurt
spá:th bear
sí:simet to be scared of (him/her/it)
q'oyí:ts elk
íx̲et scrape it, erase it
smámelet mountain
skw'á:y can't, can't be, impossible
á:y keep on going, keep going, continue
tskwímel turn red
Q'oyí:ts moose
sqwéth'elh squirrel
syó:qwem sun
x̲et'e be saying, say
tlowáyél today
x̲tá to do, do this
xwa to become
xwoyí:wel happy
imexósem walk around, go for a walk
ó:met to sit down
tl'áxweleq to win
x̲ex̲p'í:tsel chipmunk
thá:yt preparing, fixing, making something
xwíy wake up, awaken
ew again
látelh morning
chél:exw to catch up with someone
iyóqthet change oneself
lóy only, just, be only
mékw'stám everything
t'át to try something, taste something, attempt something
thát dark
tu a little, a bit like, slightly

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