Spáth qes te Slílk'yap
Bear and Coyote
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Listen to the elder Siyamiyateliyot

Spáth qes te Slilk'yap

Letsáxw kwes ye ímex te spáth lhe’á te xálh.
(it was) one.day that (he) went walking the bear by way of the road
One day bear was walking down the road.
Yemí les em tútl'o te slílk'yap.
coming towards came he, the coyote.
Coming towards him was coyote.
Slílk’yap ew ímexosem íte ew tl’o ó xálh.
Coyote just came.walking there just there on the road.
Coyote was also going for a walk down the road.
Kwa kwes xwechómes yutl'ólem su tl'eléxw.
ayways when.they meet each other just (they) stop
When they met each other, they stopped.
Tl'ó te spáth e'qwál yewál, tl'ósu thé:t, “La éltha spáth qésu tl'o el swá te xálh.”
it.was the bear who first spoke, and so (he) said: "hello, I (am) bear, and this is my own road.
Bear spoke first, he said, “Hello, I’m bear, and this is my road.”
Éwe lísi q’ál te slílk’yap, thé:t tútl’o, “Tsel Slílk’yap te éltha tl’o el swa te xálh.”
not (he) come around, says he: " I (am) coyote, (it is) I (whose) own road (it is)
Coyote did not agree. He said, “I’m coyote, and this is my road.”
Lu tu híth kwes xét’é te’í qésu eyóthet q’eyq’xótel yutl’ólem.
come really long.time that (they) said this and good.with.each.other argued they back and forth.
They started arguing about it.
Thé:t te spáth, “Éltha Spáth, qésu tl'o el swa te xálh.”
said the bear: "I (am) bear, and this is my own road"
Bear said, “I’m bear and this is my road.”
Thé:t te Slílk’yap, “Éltha Slílk’yap qésu tl’o el swa te xálh.”
said the coyote :" I am coyote and this is my own road!"
Coyote said, “I’m coyote and this is my road.”
Lí te stl’epíqel te Sts’ep’eq xwelelá:metes te Spáth qes te Slílk’yap.
there (down) the bank the skunk was listening (to) the bear and the coyote.
Skunk was down the bank listening to bear and coyote.
Tl'o su xwe ste'áwel te Sts'ép'eq kwes las kwí láte xálh kwes tél:exwes lís xwe:ít.
it.was so (he) started wondering the skunk (and) he went up to the road so he could find out what is going on there
He wondered what was going on so he went up to see.
Thé:t te Sts'ép'eq, “Chap xwe:ít ó?”
said skunk: " you (are) doing what just?" (i.e. Just what are you doing?)
Skunk said, “What are you doing?”
Thé:t te Spáth, “Éltha Spáth, tl'o el swa te xálh.”
said bear: "I (am) bear, this (is) my own road!"
Bear said, “I am bear, and this is my road.”
Thé:t te Slílk'yap, “Tl'o el swa te xálh.”
said coyote: "This (is) my own road!"
Coyote said, “I am coyote, and this is my road.”
Tl'o su tu qwelqwelíwel te Sts'ép'eq kw'e tselíl.
it.was so (he) a little talked it over inside (he thought about it a little) the skunk (for) a while.
Skunk thought for a while.
Qésu léte selóthels te xálh xwe'áyam yethá.
and so (he) went to the other side (of) the road between them.
He walked between them to the other side of the road.
Tl'eléxw tútl'o.
stopped he
He stopped.
Tl'o su xélts'thet tútl'o su kw'ístexwes te stl'ép'elets qésu le xwe'áyam qelát.
it.was so turned himself around he, (and) so (he) lifted the tail.his and (he) went between them again.
He turned around, put his tail up, and walked between them again.
Kwéts'lexwes te stl'ép'elets te Sts'ép'eq te Spáth xélts'thét, tl'ósu hélem xwemxálém lhe'á te xálh.
saw the tail of the skunk the bear (bear saw skunk's tail), (and he) turned around and so (he was) on his way running on the road.
Bear saw skunk’s tail, turned and ran down the road.
Kwéts'lexwes te stl'ép'elets te Sts'ép'eq te Slílk'yap tl'ó su hélem xwemxálém.
saw the tail of the skunk the coyote (coyote saw skunk's tail) and so (he was) on his way running.
When coyote saw skunk’s tail, he ran the other way.
El xwítsel te xálh te sts'ép'eq qésu thé:t, “ÉLTHA STS'ÉP'EQ QÉSU EL SWA TE XÁLH.”
there in the middle (of) the road (was) skunk, and he said: "I (am) SKUNK AND MY OWN THE ROAD."
Skunk stood in the middle of the road and said, “I AM SKUNK, AND THIS IS MY ROAD.”

Audio Halq'eméylem English
lets'áxw one time, once
tútl'ó: he, him
stl'ep'élets tail
thét to say it, say (tr.)
qelát more, again
xálh road, trail, door
x̲wemxálem to run
kw'étslexw to see him/her/it
tl'eláxw to stop, stay
x̲élts'thet to turn yourself around
tselíl maybe
spá:th bear
alxwí:tsel be in the middle, between
xwe'éyem clear, smooth (water)
xwchém:est meet someone
q'al go around an obstacle
semlóthel riverbank
xwlalá really listening hard
lhe'á go by way of
xwe'ít what is happening? What is someone doing?
tél:exw find something out, to know something
yewá:l first
swá one's own
imexósem walk around, go for a walk
kw'íystexw raise it up
qwelqwelíwel thinking about it
í:mex walking
q'eyq'x̲ótel arguing, quarreling
tl'élexw stopping, staying
slilk'yáp (little) coyote
ye going along while doing something
stl'épíqel bank
st'e'áwel making a guess, wondering
sth'épeq skunk (striped)

Audio Halq'eméylem English
xwélalá:metes s/he is listening to her/ him/it
kw'íystexwes he raised it up, he raises it up
tl'o el swa te x̲álh The road is mine
Éltha Spáth, qésu tl'o el swa te xálh I am bear, and the road is mine

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