Spáth qes te Slílk'yap
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Tháyem te Léx̲wtel
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Crazy Painter
Yeláwel éy
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Xwe'ít te swáyel Létse
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Xwe'ít te swáyel Isá:le
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Xwe'ít te swáyel Lhí:xw
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Xwe'ít te swáyel X̲eó'thel
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Xwe'it te swayel Lhq'á:tses
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Ye Spipáth
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Tháyem te seplíl
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Listen to the elder Ts'áts'elex̱wot

Crazy Painter

X̲ét’estem shxwóxwth’ tútl’o swíyeqe
(is) said (to be) crazy the man
That man is said to be crazy
Mekw' swáyel kw'es éyaqtes te syétl'q'tes te lá:léms
every day (it is) that (he) changes the paint-job of his house’.
Every day he re-paints his house
Yilawelhát qesu le xwá ts’méth’ te yétl’q’tes te lá:léms
Monday and.so becomes blue the paint-job of the house (of him)
Monday his house becomes blue
Sthémelts qesu le xwá tsqwá:y te lá:léms
Tuesday and.so becomes green the house (of him)
Tuesday his house becomes green
Slhíxws qesu le xwá tskwí:m kw’es la yétl’q’tes te lá:léms
Wednesday and.so (it) becomes red that (he) paints the house (of him)
Wednesday he paints his house red
Sx̲e’óthels qesu la xwá tsq’éyx̲ te syétl’q’tes te lá:léms
Thursday and.so (it) becomes black the paint-job of the house (of him)
Thursday his house becomes black
Osu Lhq'átses qesu le xwá tsxwíkw' te yétl'q'tes te lá:léms
so Friday and.so (it) becomes grey the paint.job of the house (of him)
Friday his house becomes grey
T’eqw’ótem qesu le xwa tsqwá:y te syétl’q’tes te lá:léms
Saturday and.so (it) becomes green/yellow the paint-job of the house (of him)
Saturday his house becomes yellow
Osu Sx̲ax̲elhát qesu le xwá p'éq' te lá:léms, syétl'q'tes
so Sunday and.so (it) becomes white the house (of him), (its) paint.job
Sunday his house becomes white

Audio Halq'eméylem English
slhí:xws Wednesday
sthemélts Tuesday
eyáqt to change it
p'éq' white
tskwí:m red
tsxwíkw' grey
tsqw'íx̲w brown
tsqwá:y green, yellow
tsméth' blue
qwiqwóyels orange (colour and the fruit)
yilá:welhát Monday
sx̲e'óthels Thursday
slhq'á:tses Friday, 5 o'clock
t'óqw'tem Saturday, Weekend
selchímomex what does it look like? What colour is it?
te'í this
tethá that one, that there, that thing
q'íx̲el to turn black, become black
táwelómet brightly colored
pípeqwels purple
tskwíkwemel pink
tskwímel turn red
qwel'qwóyels oranges, many orange things (colour and fruit)
yátl'q't to paint it

Audio Halq'eméylem English
le xwá ts'méth it becomes blue
mekw' swáyel every day
Selchí:momex te'í? What colour is this?
Selchí:momex te thá? What colour is that?
Selchí:momex te thá líti? What colour is that over there?
Selchí:momex te lálem? What colour is the house?
Selchí:momex ta' lálem? What colour is your house?
Selchí:momex te lálems? What colour is his/her house?

My and Your in Halq'eméylem

My in Halq'eméylem is tel. Your is ta'. For example:

tel lepót my cup ta' lepót your cup

tel letám my table ta' letám your table

tel lháts'tel my knife ta' lháts'tel your knife

His and Hers in Halq'eméylem

The pattern te___________-s tútl’o corresponds to English ‘his _________'.

The pattern te __________-s thútl’o corresponds to English ‘her _________.

Instead of saying the full phrase te __________-s tútl’o, you can ‘drop’ the word tútl’o or thutl'ó and just say te ______s.

Example: te lepots tútló his cup te lepots thútl'o her cup

te lepots his/her cup

Name Description File
colours- handout printable sheets with Halq'eméylem colour terms (can be laminated) Preview Download
dialogue practise Three examples for easy dialogues to practise colour terms Preview Download
Video for colour practise 1 Say the colour before the Elders! Preview Download
Video for colour practise 2 Say the colour before the Elders! Preview Download
Video for colour practise 3 Say the colour before the Elders! Preview Download
Printable Vocabulary Flash Cards Printable flash cards for the vocabulary in this unit Preview Download
Vocabulary Anki deck Vocabulary anki deck Download
Printable Phrases Flash Cards Printable flash cards for the phrases in this unit Preview Download

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