- Spáth qes te Slílk'yap
- Háwe
- Receiving a xwélmexw name
- Skw'ékw'qáq
- How the Robin got his red breast
- Tháyem te Léx̲wtel
- X̲ex̲pítsel
- How the chipmunk got its stripes
- X̲pá:yelhp
- Lets'lóts'tel
- Yeláwel éy
- Hálx̲eywa
- Xwe'ít te swáyel Létse
- Xwe'ít te swáyel Isá:le
- Xwe'ít te swáyel Lhí:xw
- Xwe'ít te swáyel X̲eó'thel

- Xwe'it te swayel Lhq'á:tses
- Ye Spipáth
- Sásq'ets
- Tháyem te seplíl
Xwe'ít te swáyel X̲eó'thel - Weather 4
xwe'ít te swáyel X̲e'ó'thel
Látelh o cha su mes pélekw te syóqwem, x̲ét'e te swíyeqe
(it is) morning and towards.the.river (it) will come (to) rise the sun, said the man.
In the morning the sun is going to be out, that's what the man said.
Osu le hóy téxwswáyel qesulh me pélekw te shxwe'áthetel
So past finish later day (past noon) and so came (to) appear the clouds.
Later in the afternoon the clouds are going to come out.
O cha ulh lhémexw x̱et'e tutl'o
Oh (future) already (be) raining, said he
It's gonna rain again, he said.
Audio | Halq'eméylem | English |
swí:qe | man, male (creature or plant) | |
pél:ékw | to appear, become visible | |
shxw'áthetel | cloud, cloudy | |
lá:t | to become night, get dark | |
lhéméxw | to rain, it's rainy | |
syó:qwem | sun | |
x̲et'e | be saying, say | |
ulh | already | |
texwswáyel | midday, noon | |
látelh | morning |
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