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Yeláwel éy
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A Torch Lighting Story
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Listen to the elder Ts'áts'elex̱wot


Yewál kw'as la kw' íyqel lam te smámelet. Kw'as la súq'em te kw' íxw - kw'Íxw siyólh.
first that-you AUX climb up DET mountain that-you AUX look.for DET pitch - pitch wood.
First you go up the mountain to look for pitchwood.
Os lheq su me chémetes álhtel mi te stl'ép. Le hó:kwexes kw'ses la lex̲éywe.
so used.to so AUX pack.it they P(direction) DET down AUX using.it that-they AUX torch.light
Then they would pack it back down. They used it for torchlighting.
Olhstexwes álhtel lam te sléxwelhs. Tl'o hókwexes kw'es héyeqws kw'es kw'étslexwes te sth'óqwi li te tl'ép te qó.
get.on.board-they they P (direction) DET canoe-their. (it’s) that (what) use-they that fire-their that see-it-they DET fish P(direction) DET bottom (of) DET water
They put it in their canoe to use it to see the fish down in the bottom of the water.
Lachexw xwehíwel, xwehí:wel lám kw'e ahíw. Qásu élmetst kw'es mes las tu thatíl qeyálhes me thiyt ta' héyeqw.
DET upriver and so wait.for it AUX-it very getting.dark before AUX prepare your fire
You go upriver. Waaaaay upriver. And then you wait till it gets dark before you make your fire.
Osu me ó wōqw'ethet teli kw'etha ahíw, osu ólmetst kw'as e kw'étslexw te sth'óqwi.
and so AUX just drift-self from there upriver and so waiting that.you AUX see DET fish
Then you drift down from upriver, and you wait until you see fish.
Tl'áqt ta' lex̲éywe-siyólh, tl'átl'el te th'ístels te smúsmes li te álqsels. Tl'ó kw'e hókwexw kw'as la lex̲wéywe te sth'óqwi.
long your torch.lighting-wood attaching DET horn-its DET cow P(place) DET end -its It’s what use-you that.you AUX torch.lighting DET fish
Your spear is long and it has a split cow-horn on the end. That's what you use when you're torchlighting for fish.
Lámexw kw'étslexw te sth'óqwi li te tl'ép, os lheq sus tl'ó kw'e le ew í:tet ó kw'á:y kw'ses kwiyx̲thets.
AUX-you see DET fish P (direction) DET deep so always so-it it’s that AUX EMPH sleeping just can't that.they move-self-they
If you see a fish down in the water, then they look like they're sleeping. They can't move.
Os lheq su la theq'étes álhtel mes kweléxwes te sth'óqwi.
so always CONN AUX spear-they they AUX-them get-them-they DET fish
That's when you can spear them, to catch the fish.
Lhí kw'es lheq ew lhíxw ó te sxelches láts' kw'es ew léts'e só te sxélches.
sometimes that sometimes EMPH three just DET catch-his other that EMPH one just DET catch-his
Sometimes my father would get three, sometimes he would just catch one fish.
Os lheq su lám ó mámt tútl'ó is me t'ókw'. Is t'wa éystexwes kw'es les lex̲éywe tl'ó su lóy kw'es ew hamámt só te sth'óqwi.
so always so go just give.away he AUX-it AUX go.home . AUX-it must.be like.it-he that go-he torchlighting it’s so only that EMPH giving.away just DET fish
He just used to give it away when he got home. He must have just liked going torchlighting, cause he never kept his fish. He just gave it to the old people.

Audio Halq'eméylem English
tl'áqt tall, long
tl'ép low, deep
láts' strange, different
tútl'ó: he, him
kw'íxw pitch, sap, gum
léts'e one
lhí:xw three
ólmetst wait for him/her
kwélexw to get, to have, to catch, to find
ítet to sleep
ó:lh get on board
kw'íyeqel to climb a hill, mountain, rock climbing
lex̲éywa to torch-light
kw'étslexw to see him/her/it
ólmetsel to wait around, to wait
siyólh wood, firewood
tl'álx put it on (design), attach it, fasten it
ólhstexw put it on board
thq'ét spear it
sth'óqwi fish
ahíw be upriver
t'ó:kw' to go home
yewá:l first
sxólcha a catch (fish, animal)
eló:lh be aboard, be on, in a ride
suwq't searching for something
hōqw' to drift
á:lthel they
xwehíwel go upriver
wōqw'ethet drown oneself, float oneself
mámt give something away
t'wá must maybe, I guess, I'm uncertain, must be

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