
á'a yes

á'á'áwelh you are welcome

á'áltha it's me, that's me, I do, I am (the I is emphatic)

á:lq't scraping hair/hide off it

á:lthel they

á:lwem staying home

á:m to give

á:mstexw to take something, bring something

á:pel maggot

á:pet wipe it, wipe something, someone

á:q'elh (always) choking (on a bone or something solid)

á:tl'qel going outside, getting outside

á:tl'qilt bringing something outside, getting something out, kick someone out

á:we seagull

á:wkw' clothes, clothing, belongings

á:wkw'mal tool-case

á:xwem giving something, giving food

á:xwet giving (it)

á:x̲eth be lying down

á:y keep on going, keep going, continue

á:yelstexw leaving it with someone

á:ystexw chase s-o, chase s-th, chasing s-o/s-th, continue something

á:yt ling cod

á:yx̲ crab

á:yél go away, leave

ákwelex shooting (a gun, an arrow)

ál'álel magpies

álel magpie

álex sibling

álex̲e canada geese

álhqey snake

álhtel to eat, eat

álmelh take care of your kids, to baby-sit one's own children

álq't scrape hair/hide off it

álqel at the head, up the point

áltha I, I do, me, it's me

álwem to stay home

ámestem get taken

áq'elh to choke on a bone or something solid

áshxw seal

áthelets bottom of water , bottom of waterfall, basket, anything. Atchelitz Village

átl'qel to go outside, get outside

átl'qeláwtxw out house, bathroom, toilet

átl'qilt te se'íkw'el to take out the garbage

átl'qélt get something outside, reveal something, get something out

átse next, again

átsele good grief !

átslexw to hear about (tr.), to hear it

áxw give me s-th (to eat)

áxwet to give (it), share food with s-o, give s-o food, bring s-o food, pass food to s-o, give (tr.)

áx̲e canada goose

áx̲elqel buckskin, rawhide, tanned buckskin

áx̲eth to lie down

áyeles to leave somebody all alone; abandon someone

áylexw be alive, be living, be in good health, be healthy, be well

áyélstexw leave it with someone