s-hásem a sneeze
s-hí:lekw ready
s-hómkw hummid
s-hóqwem a smell
s'álem a pole
s'aléts trunk of tree
s'álhtel food
s'álhtelóthel snack (n.)
s'álqsel tip of one's nose
s'átl'q outside
s'átl'qmel outside part of a house
s'áwkw'emálá suitcase
s'ehó wrapped up
s'ehólets pocket, in a pocket
s'eleliya dream [the thing]
s'elhtel Food
s'elí:les chests
s'élíyá dream [the thing]
- s'eleliya dream [the thing]
s'ewiwtses right hand
s'ewolem toy
s'ewólemílep park, playground
s'eyí:ws to the right, right side
s'eyí:ws í:lwelh right side of body
s'eyíwtses right hand
- s'ewiwtses right hand
s'há:y canoe-making
s'í:l cloth
s'í:les chest
- s'elí:les chests
s'í:ltexw thick planks for side of house
s'i:ltexwím Plank Building
s'í:sí scared
s'í:silómet to scare yourself
s'í:wes a lesson
s'i'hó wrapped up
s'íkw' get lost, be lost
s'íkw'els garbage
- shxwí:kw'els garbage
s'iltexwím plank building
s'ímex how someone walks, gait
s'íth'em clothes, a dress
s'ith'emáwtxw clothing store
s'íwes teaching
s'iwesá:ylhem teachings for children
s'ō:leqw' suffering pain
s'ó:lhqw' ragged
s'ó:lmexw mermaid
s'ó:m an order, order (n.)
s'ó:pels ten o'clock
s'ó:qw afterbirth
s'ó:ytheqw raspberry
- seló:ytheqw raspberry
s'ó:ytheqwelhp raspberry plant
s'ókw'ches take an arm, hand
s'ókw'stexw to carry on one's arm, in purse
s'ólethes face
s'ólex̲we clam
s'ólh our (emphasizing), respect, respected
s'ópels ten o'clock
s'ópels qas te isá:les twelve o'clock
s'ópels qas te sléts'es eleven o'clock
s'óqw' something you hook onto
s'oth'ó:mes shawl (big)
s'oth'ó:mōsem put on a shall
s'oth'ó:mṓsem Put on a shall
s'ótheqw baked
s'othes face
s'óthes face
- s'ólethes face
s'óx̲we clam, fresh-water mussel
- s'ólex̲we clam
s'ú:met lazy
sá:ltel baskets
sa:lth'tem be dizzy
sá:lts'tem be dizzy
- selsálth'tem be dizzy
sá:q bracken fern root
sá:tl'atl older-brothers, older sisters, older siblings (or cousins)
sá:y wool, animal hair
- selsá:y wool, animal hair
sá:yt'els tickling
sá:yt't tickle him/her
sá:yt'tem get tickled
sá:yx̲wem tickled
sá:yx̲wet tickle him/her
sá'íw have a hard time
sakweláx arrow, gun
- sálekweláx arrow, gun
sálekweláx arrow, gun
saleqíws pants (several pairs)
sáq't split it (wood)
sásetet to pass (it) [as at a meal]
sásewel boxed lunch
sasex̲em bitter
sásq'ets Sasquatch
- sesásq'ets Sasquatches
sátelhtset To pass it to (him/her/it)
sátelhtst to pass to [a person]
sátet to pass (it) [as at a meal], to hand [as in passing food at the table]
- sásetet to pass (it) [as at a meal]
sáts'-ets' to stutter
sáwel boxed lunch
- sásewel boxed lunch
sawel'álá lunch pail
sawéts'em rustling sound
sáx̲em bitter
- sasex̲em bitter
sáyém to ache, sore
sch'á:yxwels dried meat
sch'a'áls shelf
- schech'a'áls shelf
sch'ách'exw be silent
sch'ákwx̲ seplíl fry bread
sch'áletstel chair
sch'ats'el get silent, become quiet
sch'eqw'ōwelh basket weaving
sch'ó:lha leaf
- scho'olelha leaf
schachexw married (for man)
- chxwélmel want a wife
scháchexwmet propose to (her)
schech'a'áls shelf
schechewó:t smart ( of several), very smart
schechí:ya strawberries
schechí:yá:lhp strawberry bush
schechim backpack
schelá:w be inside out
scheláka a carp(fish)
- schelcheláka many carps (fish)
schelcháletstel chairs
schelcheláka many carps (fish)
schelhá:liya top of ear
schelhó:ythel upper lip
schewchewtá:lh son-in-law or daughter-in-law
schewíts (have) back towards him/her
schewót smart
- schechewó:t smart ( of several), very smart
schéxwem South wind, warm wind, West wind
schéxwemet propose to (her)
- scháchexwmet propose to (her)
schéxwmet Propose to (her)
schí:lh first born child
schí:m Backpack
schí:wetálh sons-in-law, daughters-in-law
schí:ya strawberry
- schechí:ya strawberries
schí:yá:lhp strawberry bush
- schechí:yá:lhp strawberry bush
schim backpack
- schechim backpack
schiwtá:lh son-in-law or daughter-in-law
- schewchewtá:lh son-in-law or daughter-in-law
- schí:wetálh sons-in-law, daughters-in-law
scho'olelha leaf
schókwelhta skwí:x nickname
schókwelhta ts'éts spipe visa
sékw'emíy birch tree
- sékw'sekw'emíy village at junction of Semiault Creek and Chilliwack River'
sékw'sekw'emíy village at junction of Semiault Creek and Chilliwack River'
selá hidden away
selá:wa humble
selchí:meleqel what does it sound like?
selchí:mleqel What does it sound like?
selchím how, be how
- selchímomex what does it look like? What colour is it?
selchímomex what does it look like? What colour is it?
selélets two diferent things
seleplíl breads (plural)
séles get drunk
- sóles get drunk
selí:kw broken
selístel little basket
selíx laying on it's side
seló:lh to move (to new house)
seló:ytheqw raspberry
selsá:y wool, animal hair
selsálth'tem be dizzy
sélsel spinning stick
sélseltel spindle, hand spinner
selsí:l cloth
selsí:le grandparents
selsílawtxw tent
séltl'o eldest child, oldest sibling
- sesiltl'e eldest child
sélts' make a circle around, circle a fire
semalelá:lh high-class person
semáxel be barefoot
- semsemáxel being barefoot
sémele already had a baby
semíkw' all of them (people)
semlóthel riverbank
semóye bee, honeybee
- sísemóye bee, honeybee, hornet, wasp
semsemáxel being barefoot
semyó cheap
- Semyó:me Semiahmoo (White Rock, BC)
seplí:l bread
- seleplíl breads (plural)
- spólqw seplil flour
sepsáp stubborn
seq' it split open
- seq'seq' it split open (of several)
seq'á:lí:ya ear-splitting
seq'ét split it (wood)
- sáq't split it (wood)
seq'seq' it split open (of several)
seqíws pants
- saleqíws pants (several pairs)
seqíwsem put on one's pants
- híqewsem putting on one's pants
seqíwsem put on one's pants
- híqewsem putting on one's pants
seqsíqetsel roof
séqw'emí:ws cedar bark skirt
seqw'seqw'emí:l cedar bark skirt
séqwemí:l cedar bark skirt
- seqw'seqw'emí:l cedar bark skirt
sesásq'ets Sasquatches
sesex̲we'áléx̲eth' to wet the bed
sesí:si always scared
sesí:silexw accidentally scare him/her
sesí:silómet to scare yourself
sesiltl'e eldest child
sesíq' a crack
sét'xt tickle his/her foot
séti city
sétl'atel older-brother, older sister, older sibling
- sá:tl'atl older-brothers, older sisters, older siblings (or cousins)
sewíp have a heavy load
- sewsewíp have a heavy load
sewolem sports, games, plays
sewsewíp have a heavy load
sex̲éylem move over
- sisx̲éylem move over
séx̲séx̲wátel bladder
sex̲séx̲we to pee (usually man)
séx̲w split roots from wrong end
séx̲wátel bladder
- séx̲séx̲wátel bladder
séx̲we to pee (usually man)
- sex̲séx̲we to pee (usually man)
sex̲we'áléx̲eth' to wet the bed
- sesex̲we'áléx̲eth' to wet the bed
sexwe'ay̱íwsem wet your pants
sex̲we'ayíwsem wet your pants
sey'álwes courage
seyíyex̲ newt
sí:l cloth
- selsí:l cloth
sí:lchept start it with a stick (fire)
sí:lcheptel stick to start fires
sí:le grandparent
- selsí:le grandparents
- sísele granny, grandpa
sí:ltem twined, twisted up
sí:si be scared, be afraid, be nervous
- sí:simet to be scared of (him/her/it)
sí:sistexw to scare him/her/it
- sistaxw scaring him/her/it
sí:silexw accidentally scare him/her
- sesí:silexw accidentally scare him/her
sí:silómet to scare yourself
- sesí:silómet to scare yourself
sí:simet to be scared of (him/her/it)
sí:sistexw to scare him/her/it
- sistaxw scaring him/her/it
sí:stel little basket
- selístel little basket
sí:tel basket
- sá:ltel baskets
sí:wí:qe men, male (creatures or plants)
sí:yá:m chiefs, respected leaders
sí:yá:ye friends
síkw' get skinned
síkw'em skin pulls off
- sísekw'em skin pulls off
síkw'et skin it
- sísekw'et skin it
siláw more than…
sílawtxw tent
- selsílawtxw tent
silís (have) sharp teeth or fangs
- Selísi Mount Slesse; village at mouth of Slesse Creek onto Chilliwack River
silíxw slow, slow down
silíxwstexw make it slow
siló:lém year
silyó:lh pieces of wood, pieces of firewood
silyó:llh young girl
simáléqep a bad smell
síq under
síq' hard earth, hard clay
siqetsel roof
síqetsel roof
- seqsíqetsel roof
síqw'em peel cedar bark
sísekw'em skin pulls off
sísekw'et skin it
sísele granny, grandpa
síseltl'e older
siselts'iyósem spining, whirling
sísem feel something creepy
- sísesem feel something creepy
sisemóye bee
sísemóye bee, honeybee, hornet, wasp
siseqíws little pants (underpants)
sísesem feel something creepy
sísex̲et move it over
sísex̲wem to wade
sisiyá:m chiefs, respected leaders
sisq'elísem to whistle through teeth
sistaxw scaring him/her/it
sisx̲éylem move over
síthikwi Jesus
sixálh Sechelt
- sxixálh Sechelt
síx̲et move it over
- sísex̲et move it over
sixwáp Shushwap
síx̲wem to wade
- sísex̲wem to wade
siyá:m chief, respected leader, leader, respected/wealthy person
- sí:yá:m chiefs, respected leaders
- sisiyá:m chiefs, respected leaders
siyá:ye Friend
siyachís right arm
siyaléqep to smell good
siyáye friend
- sí:yá:ye friends
siyelyólexwa elder
siyelyólexwe many elders
siyét'e Tseatch
siyéx̲cha coupon
siyó:yseqw be wearing a hat
siyolexwálh deceased elders
siyólexwe elder
- siyelyólexwa elder
siyólh wood, firewood
- silyó:lh pieces of wood, pieces of firewood
siyómelh belongs to chief, in style of chief
síyt'eqem have to pee
síyt't tickle him/her
- sá:yt't tickle him/her
síyt'tem get tickled
- sá:yt'tem get tickled
síyx̲wet tickle him/her
- sá:yx̲wet tickle him/her
sk'ámeth' Camas (plant)
- sk'emk'ámeth' Camas plants
sk'ek'áxwe dried saskatoon berries
sk'ek'iyáp coyote
- slilk'yáp (little) coyote
sk'emk'ámeth' Camas plants
sk'í:l pika (rock rabbit)
skáslekem illegitimate child
skekwós ceiling
sklú a screw
skoti real crazy
skw'á:lx̲ immature bald eagle
- skw'elqwálx̲ immature bald eagle
skw'á:y can't, can't be, impossible
skw'alelhew spouse's parent
skw'álhew spouse's parent
- skw'alelhew spouse's parent
skw'áts eyesight
skw'áywelh cranky, ill-natured
skw'echó:steló:les eye-glasses
skw'echósem mirror
skw'echostel window
skw'echóstel window
- skw'echó:steló:les eye-glasses
- skw'elchóstel mirrors, windows
skw'ekw'ílwes parent of child's husband/wife
skw'ékw'ith helpless person
skw'ekw'íytel ladder
skw'ékw'qáq Robin
skw'ekw'xwós the hail
skw'elchóstel mirrors, windows
skw'elqwálx̲ immature bald eagle
skw'élwés parent of child's husband/wife
- skw'ekw'ílwes parent of child's husband/wife
skw'elxám numbers
skw'elyáx̲el bat
- kw'elkw'elyáx̲el bats
skw'exá:m number
- skw'elxám numbers
skw'exó:s month/moon
skw'exó:s sq'óq'ey menstrual period
skw'íkw'iy stingy
skw'íkwiylets lame
skw'íles what day is it?
skw'ílhew father-in-law, mother-in-law, spouse's parent, parent-in-law
- skwá:lhew parents in law, in-laws
skw'ítlets lame
skw'íts'ólés cross-eyed
skw'iyéth slave
- skw'kw'iyéth slave
skw'íykw'iy real stingy
skw'íylets to have a limp
- skw'íkwiylets lame
skw'iytel stairs
skw'íytel ladder
- skw'ekw'íytel ladder
skw'kw'iyéth slave
skw'ókw'es the heat
skw'ólewes buckets, pails, kettles
skw'ōlmexw blackberry
- skw'ōlmexwelhp blackberry bush
skw'ṓlmexw Blackberry
skw'ōlmexwelhp blackberry bush
skw'ótsesem a mirror for seeing your face
skw'ówes a bucket, pail, kettle
- skw'ólewes buckets, pails, kettles
skwá:lhew parents in law, in-laws
skwá:m storage basket
- skwalám storage basket
skwalám storage basket
skwálepel something hidden away
skwálōws got murdered
skwátsem a scream
skwekwó:tel separated (in marrige)
skwél waterfall
skwelálhchiyelh what he/she owes
skwélemel handle of a spoon
skwetáxw inside (house, enclosure)
skwetaxwó:lwelh inner side, inner lining
skwetáxwstexw keep it inside
skwéth'kweth little grouse, wollow grouse
skwéth'kweth' Little Grouse, Wallow Grouse
skwethkwthá several piles
skwetóxwes mask [any kind, eg. Halloween]
skwetxwós ceiling
skwetxwós or skwós ceiling
- skekwós ceiling
skwíkwel small waterfall
skwíkwexel baby sockeye salmon
skwímeth little roundmouth sucker fish
skwíx name
skwixō:mex name of place
skwixu:mexw Name of (a) place
skwíyx̲t to do to someone
skwíyx̲thet something that you do
- skwó:yex̲thet something that you’re doing
skwó:wech sturgeon
skwó:yex̲thet something that you’re doing
skwó:yx̲thet a doing, what someone did
skwókwep hill
skwokwetóythel (have the) mouth round and open with rounded lips
skwokwílála hiding places
skwokwílálá a hiding place
skwól swáyel birthday
skwówéls raven
skwthá a pile, piled up
- skwethkwthá several piles
skwúkw cooking, meal (n.)
skwúkwel going to school
skwúkwelstéleq teacher
skwukwtisláts stink-bag (skunk)
skwúláwtxw a school
slá:m spirit power of an indian doctor
slá:y bark from Douglas fir
- slelá:y bark from Douglas fir
slálem alhqéy tortoise
slálem álhqey turtle
slálex̲et torch, flashlight
slát night
- slelát night
sláx̲et torch, flashlight
- slálex̲et torch, flashlight
sle'ó:thel on other side (of river etc.)
sle'óles facing away
sle'ólwelh on the other side of, other side
slehá:l slahal game
slekólte'áwtxw casino
slelá:y bark from Douglas fir
slelát night
slelexwíws body
slelós fat, lard
slépets something that gets sent, something sent
sleq'ó:lwelh side of body
sleqleqwe'ala pocket
sléqwe'ala pocket
- sleqleqwe'ala pocket
sleslésxel bone-marrow
slésxel bone-marrow
- sleslésxel bone-marrow
slets'éleq brother in law's wife
sléts'elhp one tree
sléts'es one o'clock
slets'lets'ōweyelh half-brother or half-sister
slets'ōweyelh half-brother or half-sister
- slets'lets'ōweyelh half-brother or half-sister
slets'ṓweyelh half brother or half sister
slewí:ws skirt to the ankle
slewíy inner bark of red cedar
- slewlewíy many pieces of inner bark of red cedar
slewlewíy many pieces of inner bark of red cedar
slexiws pants
sléx̲léx̲tses fingers
slexléxwelh many canoes
slexlexwíws body
sléx̲léx̲xel toes
sléx̲tses finger
- sléx̲léx̲tses fingers
sléxwelh canoe
- slexléxwelh many canoes
slexwelhi:m canoeing
sléxwelhmet raid in a canoe
slexwíws body
- slelexwíws body
- slexlexwíws body
slexwlháwtxw canoe shed
sléx̲xel toe
- sléx̲léx̲xel toes
slhá:lí woman
- slhellhá:lí women (several)
slhá:wels te pípehó:m frog-leaf
slhákw'em a breath
- lhalhakw'em a breath
slhálheq lying on the ground
slhálheq' be lying down
slhálhli little woman
- slhelhlá:li little women
slhálqi soaked
slhálts' mean
slháwel mat, matress
- lhelháwel mat, matress
slháwél sword fern
- lhewlháwél sword fern
slhél:ets bum
- slhelél:ets bum
slhelél:ets bum
slhélets rump
slhelháx̲ be stiff (arm, foot)
slhelhlá:li little women
slheliyó:lh young girl
- silyó:llh young girl
slhellhá:lí women (several)
slhellhíleqw flesh
slhelq'á:tses Fridays
slhém:exw rain
slhémexw the rain, rain (n.)
slhémoqel havving tooth/teeth missing
slheq'á:tses five o'clock
slhéq'lhéq'ōwelh lower back
slhéq'ōwelh lower back
- slhéq'lhéq'ōwelh lower back
slhí:xws Wednesday
slhílets'es wind-dried salmon
slhílhélets little bum
- (see notes) little bum
slhíqw flesh
- slhellhíleqw flesh
slhíqwetsel fish strips for drying
slhíts'es wind-dried salmon
- slhílets'es wind-dried salmon
slholhekw'íwel speechless
slholhex̲wéleqsel have snot hanging from nose
slholhex̲wélqsel wild turkey
slhóp' soup
slhq'á:tses Friday, 5 o'clock
- slhelq'á:tses Fridays
slhq'él:exw knowledge, knowing (it)
slhqw'á:y cedar-bark mat
slí:leqw loose slack
slí:m sandhill crane
slílexwelh calm
slilk'yáp (little) coyote
slílōwya seagull
slíluye seagull
slímiyeqwxel pigeon-toed
slíts' full, filled up
slíw in [used for inside box, object, etc.], inside (a hollow object)
sló:ltes to look sad
slókwech white trout
slós fat, lard, oil, grease
- slelós fat, lard
smá:yeleq waves
smált rock, also mountain
- smámelet mountain
- smelmált lots of rocks
smált poyp chimney
smámalyí to be married, married
smámelet mountain
smámth'el a little bit proud
smámth'eqel smart-alec
smátexwtel husband's brother, wife's sister
smath'el proud, stuck up, arrogant
smékw'em a second-hand thing
smelá:lh high-class person
- semalelá:lh high-class person
smelám adopted child
- smelmelám adopted child
smélátel womb, uterus
smelmált lots of rocks
smelmelám adopted child
smelmeltáléqel kidney
smelmómeleqw mixed up (of many things)
smeltáléqel kidney
- smelmeltáléqel kidney
smeméyeth meat
sméq'ólh leftovers [food taken home]
sméq'ólhálá doggy bag
smeq'óth leftovers
- smómeq'oth leftovers
sméq'óth leftovers(to take home)
smeq'othálá doggy-bag
sméqsel have a big nose
smestíyexw soul
- melístiyexw soul
sméteqsel snot
- smetméteqsel snot
smeth'méth'qel brains
smeth'qel brains
- smeth'méth'qel brains
smetméteqsel snot
sméts' rouge
smex̲álh caterpiller
- smímex̲alh caterpiller
sméya a bay
sméyeth meat
- smeméyeth meat
sméyethálá tray for meat
smílha winter spirit dance
- smímelha winter spirit dance
smílha'áwtxw smoke house
smímelha winter spirit dance
smímeq sunk
smímex̲alh caterpiller
smímex̲álh caterpiller
smímeyáth butterfly
smómeleqw mixed
- smelmómeleqw mixed up (of many things)
smómeq'oth leftovers
smōqw'e great blue heron
- smōqw'mōqw'e great blue herons
smōqw'mōqw'e great blue herons
smóst'iyethel (have) pursed lips
smótheqw fish oil
smótx̲w tattle-tale
só:les drunk
só:x̲wel grass
- sólex̲wel grass
sókw'em outer cedar-bark
- sólekw'em outer cedar-bark
sólekw'em outer cedar-bark
sóles get drunk
sólex̲wel grass
sōqw't search for it
- suwq't searching for something
sóyéx̲el a sunset
sp'á:q'em flower
- sp'áleq'em flowers
sp'a:th' skunk currant
sp'á:th' wild currants
sp'á:th'elhp wild currant bush
sp'áleq'em flowers
sp'áp'eth' sewn
sp'ap'ílh be sober
sp'élp'elxwem lungs
sp'élxwem lungs
- sp'élp'elxwem lungs
sp'eq'p'íq' white spots on skin
sp'eqéy patched up
sp'ewéy Patched up
sp'íp'ehá:th' speckled trout
sp'íp'elh flat
sp'íp'elheqw have a flat head
sp'íp'eqw'el turning purple
sp'íq' white spots on skin
- sp'eq'p'íq' white spots on skin
sp'íqw'el turn purple
- sp'íp'eqw'el turning purple
sp'lhíq' beside
sp'óleq'es bald eagles
sp'óp'eqw'em soap
sp'óp'etl'em cigarette, smoke
sp'óq'es bald eagle
- sp'óleq'es bald eagles
sp'ótl'em cigarette, smoke (n.)
- sp'óp'etl'em cigarette, smoke
sp'ótl'emálá pipe
spá:lxw blue camas ( a root)
spá:th bear
- spepáth bears
spapí:l (be) buried, planted
spáplhx̲el meadow
spapx̲íwel have your legs spread
spatálép thigh
spáthélets bear dung
spathó:llh baby bear (black)
spehá:ls wind
spekw'ém a spore, a blossom
spél:exw chicken-pox
- spelpél:exw chicken-pox
speláwél mole
spélhx̲el prarie
- spáplhx̲el meadow
spelmála root cellar
- spelpélemálá root cellar
speló:l crows (large)
spelpél:exw chicken-pox
spelpélemálá root cellar
spelpoleqwíth'a ghost, corpse
spelpóleqwíth'a ghost, corpse
spelpúl spoons
spelwálh last year
spepáth bears
spepí:ls planted, buried
spepípewels freezer
speplól crow (small)
speqá:s white Fraser River spring salmon
spetá:lép upper leg
spex̲elís tight (of clothes)
spéxw tripe, animal stomach
spexwpéxwqel many seeds
spéxwqel (fine airborne) seed
- spexwpéxwqel many seeds
spí:l (the thing) buried, planted
- spapí:l (be) buried, planted
spí:ls planted, buried
- spepí:ls planted, buried
spí:w ice
spil s'alhtel vegetables
spípew frozen
spípew sq'emó freeze
spípew-kw'óxwe freezer
- spípewels-kw'óxwe freezer
spípewels freezer
- spepípewels freezer
spípewels-kw'óxwe freezer
spipiyólwelh put a hand on hip
spíxw te seplí:l bread-crumb
spíyólwelh put a hand on hip
- spipiyólwelh put a hand on hip
sploeqwíth'a ghost, corpse
- spelpoleqwíth'a ghost, corpse
spó:l crow (large)
- speló:l crows (large)
spó:ltsep cut-throat trout
spoleqwíth'a ghost, corpse
- spelpóleqwíth'a ghost, corpse
spoléx̲wem steamed
spólqw seplil flour
spólx̲wem steam (noun)
spopeleqwíth'a pygmy owl
spópeqw mould
- pópeqwtem mould
spópex̲welsá:ls spray gun
spópiy bent, crooked
spotelálá mast
spótl'em Cigarette
spú' a fart
spú'amal stink-bag (skunk)
spúl spoon
- spelpúl spoons
sq'á:lq' really tangled
sq'á:tl' otter
sq'elá:w coiled
- sq'elq'elá:w coiled
sq'élhq'elh muskrat
sq'elí:m camp, be camped
sq'elóts'eqw be under an umbrella
sq'élp cramp
- sq'elq'elptem cramp
sq'elq'elá:w coiled
sq'elq'élp'eqw curly hair
sq'elq'elp'es curly hair
sq'elq'elp'óy:lthetel knee
sq'elq'elptem cramp
sq'elq'éq' tangled up
sq'elq'éyle dried fish or meat (lots of it)
sq'elx̲áp stump
sq'émél paddle
- sq'émq'émél paddles
- sq'emq'emwl canoe paddle
sq'émq'émél paddles
sq'emq'emwl canoe paddle
sq'ép a meeting, gathering
sq'ep'óy:lthetel knee
- sq'elq'elp'óy:lthetel knee
sq'eq'éyp a gathering
sq'eq'íp be gathered, be gathering, a group, a team, a gathering
sq'eq'ó being together with, along with, included
sq'eq'ómet together with, along with
sq'eq'ómetel going with each other
sq'eq'ósthóxes accompanied
sq'eth'ewits have your hands behind your back
sq'ewílem go round a bend in the river
- q'íq'ewílem go round a bend in the river
sq'éykw' a bite
- sq'eyq'ekw' a little bite
sq'éyle dried fish or meat
- sq'elq'éyle dried fish or meat (lots of it)
sq'éylo smoked salmon, smoked meat
sq'éylóm scraps
sq'eyq'ekw' a little bite
sq'eyq'eyx̲ó:les pupils (of eye)
sq'éytl' a scar
sq'eyx̲éleqw peak of a house-roof
sq'ó together with, along with, companion
- sq'eq'ó being together with, along with, included
sq'óleq a best friend
sq'ómet together with, along with, to go with someone
- sq'eq'ómet together with, along with
sq'oq'óxel partners
sq'oxel partner, co-worker
sq'óxel partner
- sq'oq'óxel partners
sq'óyes fine feathers
sq'x̲áp stump
- sq'elx̲áp stump
sqá:l stolen
sqá:lex̲ digging stick
sqá:q younger brother or sister, yonger sibling
- sqalaq younger brothers or sisters, younger siblings
sqá:wth potato
- sqelqá:wth potatos
sqalaq younger brothers or sisters, younger siblings
sqám quieter water
sqáqele baby
- sqeláqele baby
sqáqeltel house - post
sqáqex̲iya mink
sqaw:th potatoe
sqáwth potato
sqáyéx̲ mink
- sqoyéx̲iya Mink (name in stories)
sqe'éleqw juice
sqe'íyeqel don't know how to do it
sqél:ep dust
- sqelqél:ep dust
sqél:epálá garbage can
- sqélqel:epálá garbage can
sqel:éxw glutton, someone who eats all the time
- sqelqélexw glutton, someone who eats all the time
sqelá:w beaver
sqelálh diaper
- sqelqelálh diaper
sqeláqele baby
sqeló:líth'a west (south-west) wind
sqelqá:wth potatos
sqélqel a thief
sqelqél:ep dust
sqélqel:epálá garbage can
sqelqelálh diaper
sqelqélexw glutton, someone who eats all the time
sqelqelwílh to hate
sqelqelxwá:lá throat
sqéls part not used
sqelwílh to hate, hold a grudge
- sqelqelwílh to hate
sqelwílhmet to hate him/her
sqélxel moccasin
sqelxwá:lá throat
- sqelqelxwá:lá throat
sqelyíqem snow-drift
sqém:el the tide
sqemálá bra
- sqemqem'álá baby bottles, breasts
sqémél pit-house
- sqemqémél pit-house
sqemí:l be inside a pit-house
sqemó: milk
- sqemqemó: milk
sqemó'álá Baby bottle
sqemós te músmes cow milk
sqemqem'álá baby bottles, breasts
sqemqémél pit-house
sqemqemó: milk
sqépó:thél flying squirrel
sqeqewáth rabbit (large)
sqeqiq' imprisoned
sqetás steam-cooked food
sqetqítes cedar headband
sqewá:meth' sunny side of tree
sqewáth rabbit (large)
- sqeqewáth rabbit (large)
sqéweqs raven
- sqewqéweqs raven
sqewqéweqs raven
sqéylemá:ls a funeral
sqíqemel little pit-house
sqíqewáth rabbit (small)
sqiqewótheló:ythel harelip
sqó:qe drink (n.)
sqó:s tear (crying)
sqóqem bent round
sqotemí:lep a steep hill
sqoyéx̲iya Mink (name in stories)
sqw'echém a boil
- sqw'elchém a boil
sqw'él:ém barbecued salmon
- sqw'él:qw'él:ém barbecued salmon
sqw'él:qw'él:ém barbecued salmon
sqw'elchém a boil
sqw'élém barbecued
sqw'éls something cooked
sqw'elyílex dances
sqw'éméls forehead
- sqw'émqw'eméls forehead
sqw'émqw'eméls forehead
sqw'eqw'óteleqw crown of head
sqw'eyílex a dance
- sqw'elyílex dances
sqw'íqw'é'leqw brown hair
sqw'íqw'el uncovered
sqw'íqw'ex̲welo:les brown eyes
sqw'omx sxíxep tool for making canoe
sqw'omxes doorknob
sqw'omxwes Doorknob
sqw'ómx̲wes rolled up in a ball
sqw'óteleqw crown of head
- sqw'eqw'óteleqw crown of head
sqwá small creek goes into river
sqwá:l speech, word
- sqwoqwel speeches, words
sqwa'i:wel to be hollow
sqwahíwel a hole in roof
sqwálats a hole in a bucket
sqwehá:liya pierced ear
sqwélellhelh neck (from front)
sqweleqwá holes
sqweleqwá seplí:l donut
sqwelíwel half a cup
sqwéllhelh neck (from front)
- sqwélellhelh neck (from front)
sqwélqsel hair in the nose
- sqwelqwélqsel hair in the nose
sqwélqwel story, news
- sqwélqwelqwel story, news (plural)
sqwelqwélqsel hair in the nose
sqwélqwelqwel story, news (plural)
sqwelqwéltel language
sqwelqwíliyéthel beard (hair on face)
sqwéls cooked stuff
sqwéltel language
- sqwelqwéltel language
sqwélxel mist, fog
sqwélxem fine snow comes into house
sqwemá:y dog
- sqwemqwemá:y dog
sqwemá:yalqel dog wool
sqweméytses pussy willow
- sqwemqweméytses pussy willow
sqwemóx̲w doubled up
sqwemqwemá:y dog
sqwemqweméytses pussy willow
sqweqwá a hole
- sqweleqwá holes
sqweqwá seplí:l donut
- sqweleqwá seplí:l donut
sqweqwemeytá:ye pussy-willow
sqwéth'elh squirrel
sqweth'sqweth' pheasant
sqwetqwétxem get foggy
sqwétxem a fog
sqwíqwemáy little dog, puppy
sqwíqweyóthel jack rabbit
sqwló seal blubber
sqwó:qwetl'í:wél tapeworm
sqwó:yxw late fall sockeye
sqwóls boiled
sqwómx̲w lump
sqwoqwel speeches, words
sqwoqwetó:ythel mouth open and round
sqwóqwiyel yellow, (also: tanned, yellowish)
sqwx̲wó:mex Squamish
st'á:lq spotted (shapes)
- st'elt'elq spotted (shapes)
st'á:t'el the shade (of a tree, etc.)
st'á:yx̲w sad, worried
st'a'áleqep a taste
st'a'ó:mex to look like him/her
- st'at'ó:mex to resemble, to look like
st'ál fish cut thin for wind-drying
st'álepiy dead tree (dead and broken -of a plant)
st'áleqel bruise
st'álh cross-beam in roof of house
- t'át'elh cross-beam in roof of house
st'ált'exw a shelter
st'ápiy dead tree dead plant (dead and broken)
- st'álepiy dead tree (dead and broken -of a plant)
st'áqsel stick out, protrude
st'at'ó:mex to resemble, to look like
st'át'ó:mex look like
st'áwelóméx look purple
st'e'áwel making a guess, wondering
st'e'ó:mex looks like him/her
st'e'ómex look like
- st'át'ó:mex look like
st'ekwíwel stuck in the bum
st'elákw' a circle
- st'elt'elákw' circles
st'eláx̲el corner
st'élmexw medicine
st'élt'el person who always sings
st'elt'elákw' circles
st'elt'eliqw qw'eóp pineapple
st'elt'elq spotted (shapes)
st'elt'ólkwlh non-spirit dancers (several of them)
st'emt'ém Cautious
st'emt'émtel cautious
st'et'íkw get stuck (in mud)
st'et'it'eqó:les black eye
st'ewíqw'es have powder on face
st'ewōkw' powder
st'ewṓkw' Powder
st'éx̲ a fork in the road
st'ít'eq bruise
st'ít'eqel bruise
- st'áleqel bruise
st'it'eqó:les black eye
- st'et'it'eqó:les black eye
st'it'x̲óyaq fork in tree or roots
st'íwiyelh a prayer (hymn)
st'ole'ólestel eye-glasses
st'ólkwelh non spirit dancer
st'ólkwlh a non-spirit dancer
- st'elt'ólkwlh non-spirit dancers (several of them)
st'ówekw'e light skinned, fair complexion
st'uselóye Licorice Fern
st'uslóye Licorice fern
st'x̲éms six o'clock
stá live, stay, be in a place
- stetá live, stay, be in a place (of several people)
stá:m a yell, a holler
stá:xwelh children
stá:y a canoe race
sta'á to be like
sta'á:wel to think
- stelta'á:wel to think
sta'awelmet think about him/her/it
sta'áwelmet think about (him/her/it)
- stuta'áwelmet think about (him/her/it)
stáléqep a distant sound
stám what
stámel what's it for
stámés whatever, something, what it is, whatever it is
- stemtámés whatever
staqí:l sound like (voice)
státew lit up, be lit up, illuminated
- státewel lit up
státewel lit up
statí:wel nephews nieces
steliqíw horse
stelókel sock, stocking
stelqóya wolves
stelta'á:wel to think
steltó:les wives
steltó:lō rivers
stélwél cedar rope
stemtámés whatever
steq'áp dam
steqá:tses eight o'clock
steqó:ye wolf
- stelqóya wolves
steqtéq a log - jam
stesó:s to be poor
stetá live, stay, be in a place (of several people)
stetelámes little things
stételes little wives
steteliqiwó:llh baby horse
stetís near, close to
stetú:p stove
stewéqel deceased person
- stewtéweqel deceased person
stewtéweqel deceased person
sth'áqel cat-tail
- sth'áth'aqel cat-tail
sth'áth'ámqels scissors (pl)
sth'áth'aqel cat-tail
sth'áth'elh cool, calm [of weather]
sth'áyeqw crushed, finely chopped
sth'ekw' insect
sth'ékw' bug, worm
- sth'eth'ékw' bugs
- sth'íth'kw little bug
sth'ekw'th'íkw' many sores, a rash
sth'emí:wel pit, nut, seed
- sth'eth'emí:wel pits, nuts, seeds
sth'émlets (have a) skinny but
sth'emth'emellhp berry plant
sth'emth'ímálá berry-basket
sth'emth'ómwíts back-bone
sth'épeq skunk (striped)
sth'eth'ékw' bugs
sth'eth'eló:m small bones
sth'eth'emí:wel pits, nuts, seeds
sth'eth'ép'oyeqw great-great-great grandparent
sth'eth'íkw' a sore, sores
- sth'ekw'th'íkw' many sores, a rash
sth'ewth'íweq' red elderberries
sth'ex̲wélesem tooth brushes
sth'éx̲welwétem laundry
sth'í:m berry, berries, fruit in general
sth'íkwe the left, to the left
sth'íkwe í:lwelh left side of body
sth'íkwe' í:lwelh The left side of the body
sth'íkwetses be left handed/ left hand
sth'ímálá berry-basket
- sth'emth'ímálá berry-basket
- th'íth'ímálá berry-basket
sth'íth'ayeqw spí:w crushed ice
sth'íth'kw little bug
sth'íth'peq little skunk
sth'íweq' red elderberry
- sth'ewth'íweq' red elderberries
sth'ixwá:m dried berries
sth'ó:kws seven o'clock
sth'ó:lemeqw skull
sth'ó:m bone
- sth'ólem bone
sth'ó:meqw skull
- sth'ó:lemeqw skull
sth'ólem bone
sth'óleqwes cooked fish heads
sth'óleqwi fish (plural)
sth'olólh (spring) salmon
sth'ómwích backbone
sth'ómwíts back-bone
- sth'emth'ómwíts back-bone
sth'óqwes cooked fish head
- sth'óleqwes cooked fish heads
sth'óqwi fish
- sth'óleqwi fish (plural)
sth'óth'eqwi small salmon (any kind)
sth'óth'qwi little salmon
sth'óyqw' ground up
- sth'oyqw' sméyeth ground meat
sth'oyqw' sméyeth ground meat
sth'qwá:y trout
- th'eleth'qw'á:y trouts (many)
stháthiyel blood
- sthetháthiyel blood
stháwtxw bighouse, longhouse
stháyem prepared, home-made
sthelx̲á:lem sword fern
sthemélts Tuesday
stheqelxél:em rainbow
sthéqi sockeye salmon
- stheqthéqí sockeye salmon
stheqthéqí sockeye salmon
sthethá:kw' pulled tight ( eg. Rope.)
sthetháthiyel blood
sthethí alright
sthethímiya small coho
sthí:qel loud (of voice)
sthí:tem fixed, ready, prepared
sthí:ystexw do it well
sthímiya small coho
- sthethímiya small coho
sthithíwelh have a big voice
sthíwelh have a big voice
- sthithíwelh have a big voice
sthiyáp be wearing a loincloth
sthíyem prepared, home-made
- stháyem prepared, home-made
sthqálem place where you dip-net
sthx̲á:lem sword fern
- sthelx̲á:lem sword fern
stí:wel nephew, niece
- statí:wel nephews nieces
stilimut Steamboats
stím fast, hard [of snow, rain, etc.]
stimút Steamboat
- stilimut Steamboats
stiqíw horse
- steliqíw horse
stít-sós poor person
stíth skinny
stitiqwiwó:llh baby horse
- steteliqiwó:llh baby horse
stítsó:s Poor Person
stíxem pond slime, algae
- títexem pond slime, algae
stl'áleqem monster, supernatural creature
- stl'eltl'áleqem monsters, supernatural creatures
stl'ápx̲ scattered all over
stl'atl'itel Sweetheart
stl'atl'ítel sweetheart
stl'atl'íts'et want (it)
stl'e'áleq pot-latch
stl'e'áxel a feast
- stl'etl'áxel a feast
stl'éleqw' chocolate lily
- stl'éltl'eleqw' chocolate lilies
stl'elp'élets tails
stl'elpá:leq underskirt
stl'elq'á:l wing
stl'elqwótel awl, piercer
stl'eltl'áleqem monsters, supernatural creatures
stl'éltl'eleqw' chocolate lilies
stl'ep'élets tail
- stl'elp'élets tails
stl'epá:leq underskirt
- stl'elpá:leq underskirt
stl'épíqel bank
stl'epláts deep bottom
stl'epó:ythel lower lip
stl'epólwelh under, underneath
stl'eq'á:l wing
- stl'elq'á:l wing
stl'eqtí:m length
stl'eqtl'éq spotted (shapes)
stl'éqxel deer-skin moccasin
stl'etl'áxel a feast
stl'etl'íq' too tight (clothes, etc.)
stl'éx Ravine
stl'éxs ravine
stl'í a want, need
el stl'í I want/I need...
- el stl'etl'í I love
stl'ítl'el love, like
- stl'atl'ítel sweetheart
- stl'ítset we need/want it
tl'íls to love, to like him/her/it
- tl'atl'íls loving (him/her/it)
stl'ítl'ches little island
stl'ítl'el love, like
- stl'atl'ítel sweetheart
stl'ítl'eqelh child, (under 12), young
- stá:xwelh children
stl'ítl'eqélh young, young person
stl'ítl'esel kwe'lów dark complexion
stl'ítl'ets embroidery
stl'íts'et want (it)
- stl'atl'íts'et want (it)
stl'ítset we need/want it
stl'p'álqel long feather
stl'p'áqel Long feather
stl'pí:wel shirt
stl'qéwtel awl, piercer
- stl'elqwótel awl, piercer
stl'xwá:ytlh to sit on eggs(chicken)
stó:les wife
- steltó:les wives
stó:lō river
- steltó:lō rivers
stó:méx warrior
stó:qw'em a cough
stókel sock, stocking
- stelókel sock, stocking
stolōálá river-bed
stótelō creek, small river
stqá:qel loose one's voice
sts'á:ltexw roof planks
sts'á:s ashes (white)
sts'á:xt branch
- ts'á:lext branch
sts'ákwx̲ fried
- sch'ákwx̲ seplíl fry bread
sts'álts' scale (of fish)
- sts'elts'elts' many scales (of fish)
sts'áts'elstexw be careful with it
sts'áts'exw Be silent
sts'áykw' ground up
sts'eláxwem Have a vision (spirit dancer), an experienced spirit dancer
- sts'elts'eláxwem experienced spirit dancers
sts'elexw landing
sts'élexw slough
sts'elts'eláxwem experienced spirit dancers
sts'elts'elts' many scales (of fish)
sts'elts'elxwíwel insides
sts'elxwíwel insides, internal organs
- sts'elts'elxwíwel insides
sts'epts'epxwel wart
sts'épxwel wart
- sts'epts'epxwel wart
sts'éqw' fine cedar weaving
sts'ets'á on, on top of
- yests'ets'á riding (traveling on top of something)
sts'ets'ó:qw'els fork
sts'extá:la knothole
- sts'exts'extá:la knothole
sts'exts'extá:la knothole
sts'éxts'éxtses limbs (of trees or bushes)
sts'éxtses limb (of tree or bush)
- sts'éxts'éxtses limbs (of trees or bushes)
sts'ímálá Berry basket
sts'iyóye twins
sts'ó: a relative (any kind)
sts'ó:kw'elxel shoe on wrong foot
sts'ó:kw'xel shoe on wrong foot
- sts'ó:kw'elxel shoe on wrong foot
- sts'ókw'elxel shoe on wrong foot
sts'ó:lemeqw great grandparent, great grandchild
sts'ó:meqw great grandparent, great grandchild
- sts'ó:lemeqw great grandparent, great grandchild
sts'ó:qw'els fork
- sts'ets'ó:qw'els fork
sts'ókw'elxel shoe on wrong foot
stsél:em liver
- stséltsél:em liver
stselqwáx̲el back end of house
stséltsél:em liver
stú:p stove
- stetú:p stove
stú:xws nine o'clock
stuta'áwelmet think about (him/her/it)
sú:ps te yél:es tooth-paste
súp soap
- sú:ps te yél:es tooth-paste
suwq't searching for something
súyéx̲el on other side of the world
swa one's own
swá one's own
swá:ls a scramble-give
swálém orphan
swáleqeth husbands
swáqeth husband
- swáleqeth husbands
swástexw make it for him
swatíya porcupine
- swewatíya porcupine
swáts'et torch
swáyel day, sky, weather
- swelwá:yel days
- texwswáyel midday, noon
swe'ellem baking fish
swék' smart-alec
swelám an echo
- swélwelám an echo
swelmélma:ylh child of deceased brother or sister
swelméylh child of deceased brother or sister
- swelmélma:ylh child of deceased brother or sister
swéltel net
sweltí:l a race (a footrace)
swelwá:yel days
swélwelám an echo
swep'áth' place where sun comes out
swéta sweater
swéte sweater
swétexel rainbow
swetíya Porcupine
swets'a'á summit of mountain
swewatíya porcupine
swewiyeqe'ó:llh young boy
swí:qe man, male (creature or plant)
- sí:wí:qe men, male (creatures or plants)
swí:we eulachon ~ oolachon
swílcha Cultus lake
swíp overloaded
swíwe eulachon
swiwel sunny, it's sunny
swíweles boy, adolescent boy
- swówles boys, lots of adolescent boys
swíwíqe little man
swiyeqe'ó:llh young boy
- swewiyeqe'ó:llh young boy
swókwel loon
- swólekwel loon
swólekwel loon
swóq-weqeth married (for woman)
swōqw'elh mountain goats-wool blanket
- swoqw'wōqw'elh mountain goats-wool blanket
swṓqw'elh mountian goats-wool blanket
swoqw'wōqw'elh mountain goats-wool blanket
swóweqeth married (for woman)
- swóq-weqeth married (for woman)
swówles boys, lots of adolescent boys
sx̲'áts pípe record (N.)
sx̲'átstexw put in order, put it where you can find it
sx̲á:lts'emeth' grown twisted (of a tree)
sx̲álts' turned around, turned wrong way
sx̲álts'ewel twisted
sx̲ameléxwthhelh tiger lily
sx̲áx̲as be determined
sx̲áx̲elhát Sunday
sxáxem shallow water
sx̲e'áth' a mark, a measure
- sx̲eláth' marks, measures
sx̲e'ó:thels four o'clock
sx̲e'óthels Thursday
sx̲él:e leg, foot
- sx̲elx̲éle many legs/feet (e.g non-human)
- sx̲élx̲élye legs (more than two, for ex. non-human)
- sx̲éx̲éyle both legs, both feet
sx̲elá:ls writings
sx̲eláth' marks, measures
sx̲éles design on a basket
- sx̲elx̲éles design on a basket
sx̲élh a wound
- sx̲éx̲elh wounds, sores
sxelham pecha television
sxelham pékcha TV
sx̲elpéla side burn
sx̲élqs stripe on nose
- sx̲élx̲elqs stripe on nose
sxélts' feather
- sxélxelts' feather
sx̲elx̲éle many legs/feet (e.g non-human)
sx̲elx̲éles design on a basket
sx̲elx̲éles te syó:qwem rays of sunlight
sx̲élx̲elqs stripe on nose
sxélxelts' feather
sx̲élx̲élye legs (more than two, for ex. non-human)
sx̲elx̲éyltel many footprints, tracks
sxemá:l enemy
- sxemxemá:l enemies
sxemxemá:l enemies
sx̲épxel fish tail
- x̲epx̲épxel fish tail
sx̲éwe dried fish backbone
- sx̲éwx̲éwe dried fish backbone
sx̲éwx̲éwe dried fish backbone
sx̲ex̲ákw' canyon
sx̲ex̲é:ylesáls computer
sx̲ex̲é:yls something you write with
- sx̲ex̲é:ylesáls computer
sx̲éx̲elh wounds, sores
sx̲éx̲ewes scowling
sx̲éx̲éyle both legs, both feet
sx̲exéyltstexw written
sx̲ex̲í:ls letám desk
sxexó:ya co-wife
sx̲éy:es head
- sx̲eyx̲éyes heads
sx̲éyléx̲ a war
sx̲éyltel footprint, tracks (writing)
- sx̲elx̲éyltel many footprints, tracks
- sx̲éytel track, footprint
sx̲éylthet registration
sx̲éyp' s stripe
sx̲éytel track, footprint
sx̲éytl' winter
sx̲éyx̲ep' a stripe
sx̲eyx̲eth'ó:ythel ulgy grin
sx̲eyx̲éyes heads
sxíeles pushy, pressing ahead
sxixálh Sechelt
sxíxeles stubborn, contrary
sxíxep a planer (tool)
sxíxets' forest
sxiyí:ws small-pox
sxó:ya co-wife
- sxexó:ya co-wife
sxólcha a catch (fish, animal)
sxóxep squatting
sxóxweyem selling things
sxoxwí:ls borer, auger
sx̲óyeseqw put feathers in hair
sx̲óytl'thet mean, cranky
sxwelmexw selhtel taditional food
sx̲wéqw'lhelh scarf, neckerchief
sx̲wet'x̲wetl'qel pillows
sx̲wétl'qel pillow
- sx̲wet'x̲wetl'qel pillows
sx̲wetl'qelálá pillow-case
- x̲wetl'x̲wetl'qelálá pillow-cases
sx̲wetx̲wí:t torn up
sx̲wík' winter robin
sx̲wítl' catbird
sx̲wíx̲weqw' tangled on a net
sx̲wíythi picture, carved pole
sx̲wōleqw'tel canoe poles
sx̲wolex̲wiyám ancient people
sx̲wōqw'tel canoe pole
- sx̲wōleqw'tel canoe poles
sx̲wōsem soapberry
- sx̲wōsx̲wōsem soapberries
sx̲wṓsem Soapberry
sx̲wōsem sqe'óleqw sopaberry drink
sx̲wōsx̲wōsem soapberries
sx̲wōx̲wiyám legend, story from Transformer period, myth, fable, kids's story
sx̲wóyéleqws new spirit-dancers head dress
sx̲wóyx̲wey ceremony with masked dance
syá:t vomit (the thing)
- heyat vomit (the thing)
syá:tel widow, widower
- syeyá:tel widow, widower
syayalís icicle
- syayalísem icicle
syayalísem icicle
syáyeq' log
syemsémyó cheap
syémyem pregnant
syemyó cheap
- syemsémyó cheap
syeqwá:ls stuff for burning
syeqwlhá:ltel tinder
syéqwlhálá fireplace, firepit
syesyewálelh 'ancestors past, (all one's ancestors)
syétl'q't paint job
syewá:l ancestors
syewá:lelh ancestor (passed away)
- syesyewálelh 'ancestors past, (all one's ancestors)
syéx̲cha gift
syéx̲w unravelled, broken down
syeyá:tel widow, widower
syéyelh a slahal stick (little stick)
syí:ts'emílep sand-bar
syíq snow (noun), a snowfall
syíts'em fine sand
syiwí:l spirit power
syó:letsep a wave
syó:qw'em sweat
syó:qwem sun
- syóyeqwem sun
syó:ys work (the thing)
syóyeqwem sun
syú:we witch, fortune teller
- syuyúwe witch, fortune teller
syúwél spirit power, spirit song
- syuyuwí:l spirit powers spirit songs
yúwest put a spell on someone, curse someone
- yuyúwest putting a spell on someone
syúwél sq'óq'ey spirit sickness
syuyúwe witch, fortune teller
syuyuwí:l spirit powers spirit songs