
tscháxw get a wife

tsel ts'íthome I thank you.

tsel ts'íthomé I Thank You

tselhsq'áleq'o family

tselqó:me blackcap

tselqó:mé blackcap

tseltselexw to drop accidently

tseltselqó:me blackcap

tselíl maybe

tseq'ex̲ó:les black eyes

tsesá:t send him/her for something

tsith'exels toaster

tskwimomex brown

tskwimó:les (have) red eyes

tskwáyé'leqw blonde hair

tskwí:m red

tskwí:m shúkwa brown sugar

tskwí:meqw have red hair

tskwíkwemel pink

tskwímel turn red

tslhililá:m step parent

tslhilá:m step parent

tslhítselxel top of foot

tsmákw'a undertaker

tsméla give birth, have a baby

tsméle to give birth

tsmélméle to give birth

tsméth' blue

tsp'íp'eq'el getting a little white

tsq'ex̲é'leqw black hair

tsqw'íx̲w brown

tsqwa:y pepe green pepper

tsqwayó:les green eyes

tsqwá:y green, yellow

tsqwáyóméx to look yellow / green

tssálém send someone on an errand

tsth'óqwi to fish

tsxwíkw' grey

tsálqlexw to drop accidently

tsálqt to drop it (on purpose)

tsélq to fall

tsélqlexw to drop accidently

tsélqt to drop it (on purpose)

tséltselqlexw to drop accidently