tá:l mother
- teltá:l mothers
tá:lh spear
tá:lstem stumble, get staggered
tá:lxel follow tracks
- tátelxel following tracks
tá:m to call, to holler
shxwtatí:m telephone
- shxwtetatí:m telephones
tá:met to call him/her
- tátemet to call (him/her)
tá:met to call him/her
- tátemet to call (him/her)
tá:qt to close (it)
tá:y to race a canoe
- tátey racing (a canoe)
- táyōwelh racing canoe
ta' your
ta'áltha I, me (emphatic)
tále money
tale'áwtxw bank
- teltále'áwtxw banks
taléwe you (sg.) (referential)
talhlewélep you folks
talhlímelh we, us (referential)
tálht spread it out (blanket, net)
talhwélep you (pl.) (referential)
taméxw to hope
tátel mum, mummy
tátelxel following tracks
tátemet to call (him/her)
táteqlexw sore, aching
tátetewelt lift at one end
tátewel lighting up, illuminating
tátewet shine light on it
tátey racing (a canoe)
tatiqí:wsem take a sweatbath
táwel to light up, illuminate, flash
- tátewel lighting up, illuminating
táwelómet brightly colored
táwélt shine light on it
- tátewet shine light on it
táwet light something up, shine a light on
táwsel one thousand
táyōwelh racing canoe
te the
te alex brother
te í:le this
te q'áq'etem a sweet, something sweet
te shxwemlí:kw uncle
te thá that
té:yqxálém take a step
te' your (female)
te'í this
te'íle this , this one, this thing here (speaker holding it)
tel my
tel:écha where from? (e.g. where is he from?)
tél:exw find something out, to know something
- téltelexw finding it out
tel:ó:mét to understand it
- toteló:met to understand it
tel'áletse where is …. From
telchó:leqwtel from way upriver
telchókw from far away
teléqsel duck, mallard
- telteléqsel ducks, mallards
télexwítel getting to know each other
télh got straight, got straightened
telhát spread it out (blanket, net)
- tálht spread it out (blanket, net)
telhelhó:s South wind [from down river]
telí from
tellhelhó:s South Wind
tellhó:s from downriver
télmel wisdom, mind
- teltélmel wisdom, mind
teló this
- telteló this
télstem stumble, get staggered
- tá:lstem stumble, get staggered
telt'ólelhem flea
teltá:l mothers
teltále'áwtxw banks
telteléqsel ducks, mallards
téltelexw finding it out
teltélmel wisdom, mind
telteló this
teltí:ltel to ring (ring a bell)
teltíyt from upriver
telxwíts moon in November
tem kw'okw'es qwelhixel sandals
tem t'oqw'temelh last weekend
tém:éxw earth, land
tem'álhtel meal-time
tem'elíle salmonberry time
temchálhtel time to dry fish
témélh red paint( ????? )
- temtémelh red paint( ????? )
temélhépsem pileated woodpeaker
témés velvet
témex to desire him/her, wish for, desire (v.)
- témtemex to desire him/her
témexyexw wish for, desire (tr.v.)
temhilálxw autumn, fall
temí:lt to cool it down
- títemí:lt to cool it down
temí:lthet to cool off (food)
- temtemí:lthet to cool off (food)
- titemí:lthet to cool off (food)
temkw'á:y hungry time
- temkw'ókw'I hungry time
temkw'éyles Spring
temkw'ókw'I hungry time
témkwes blunt end of a canoe pole
temkwíkwexel baby-sockeye time
temkwōxweth coho time (Aug-Sept)
temmeqó:s snow time
tempó:kw' October Moon
temqoqó: high-water time
temqwá:l mosquito-time
temsósex̲wel haying time
temsóx̲wel haying time
- temsósex̲wel haying time
temswíwe oolachen time
temt'á:mxw gooseberry time
temt'elémtses time things stick to hand
temtám when
temtémelh red paint( ????? )
témtemex to desire him/her
temtemí:lthet to cool off (food)
temth'oló:lh big Spring Salmon time
temthéqi sockeye time (July to Aug)
temtl'í:q'es time ice forms, things stick
temtómiyeqw great-great-great-greatgrandparent
temwelék'es March
temwíwe oolachen moon (May-June)
tépelhállh board for stretching hides
tépsem back of head, back of neck, neck (at back)
- téptepsem back of head, back of neck
téptepsem back of head, back of neck
teqá:tsa eight
- teqatsíqw eight fish
- tqátsa'ōwelh eight canoes
- tqátsáleqel eight (counting containers)
- tqótsóls eight fruit
teqáp beaver's dam
teqátsale eight (counting people)
teqatsíqw eight fish
teqétselsxá eighty
téqetselsxále eighty (counting people)
téqetselsxó:s eighty (counting dollars)
teqí:wsem take a sweatbath
- tatiqí:wsem take a sweatbath
teqíwtsel a sweathouse
téqlexw sore, hurt (intr.)
- táteqlexw sore, aching
teqtá:l door
- téqteqtá:l doors
téqteqtá:l doors
tés to approach, get to
- tetés approaching, getting to
tés kwe skw'í:ls What time is it?
tesát to send someone (tr.)
teséleqw get bumped on the head
teséleqwt bump him on the head
téses to suffer, have a hard time
teséslómet pitiful
tesestélemet feel sory for yourself
tesét put beside
- tesétstexw put beside
teséthet to approach, get near
tesétstexw put beside
tesláts touch bottom (canoe)
téslexw torch,bump it
tesós to suffer, have a hard time, poor, unfortunate
- téses to suffer, have a hard time
testélemet feel sory for yourself
- tesestélemet feel sory for yourself
testéstexw bump them together
tétath vein
tetés approaching, getting to
tetex̲eláx̲elem hold arms out
tethá that one, that there, that thing
tetí:lt clear it (land, table)
tewá:le tilted
tewá:let lift at one end
- tátetewelt lift at one end
tewále lifted over to one side
tewále'ílep sloping ground
tewát who
tewátes anybody, somebody
tewélá:m a slope
tewít good hunter, good fisherman
- tutewít good hunter, good fisherman
tewláts drift backwards to fish sturgeon
tex̲eláx̲elem hold arms out
- tetex̲eláx̲elem hold arms out
téxelqéylt carding wool, combing something (hair, wool)
- shxwtéxelqeyls wool carder
téxéqéyls cording wool
téxqeléyls cording wool
- téxéqéyls cording wool
texqéylem comb one's hair
- texyaqéylem comb one's hair
- texyeqéylem comb one's hair
téxqéylt to card something, brush something (hair, wool)
téxelqéylt carding wool, combing something (hair, wool)
- shxwtéxelqeyls wool carder
téx̲w later, after a while
téx̲wets a bow (weapon)
téx̲wetselhp Yew tree
téxwmámele step child
téxwméle step child
- téxwmámele step child
texwswáyel midday, noon
téxwswáyél noon, mid-day
texwtéxwthelh tongue
téxwthelh tongue
- texwtéxwthelh tongue
texyaqéylem comb one's hair
texyeqéylem comb one's hair
tí tea
tí:lt clear it (land, table)
- tetí:lt clear it (land, table)
tí:ltel to ring (ring a bell), alarm
- teltí:ltel to ring (ring a bell)
tíkw'et to bang (tr.)
tíkw'etem got
tílt to clear it (of land, road)
tímet do it harder
- tíméthet trying, doing something hard
- títemet do it harder
tíméthet trying, doing something hard
tiqxálém take a step
- té:yqxálém take a step
títemet do it harder
títemí:lt to cool it down
titemí:lthet to cool off (food)
títeqw'ō:lchep ashes floating up from fire
títexem pond slime, algae
titiyólest to lean against it
tíyeles lean it (against something)
tiyélést to lean against it
- titiyólest to lean against it
tiyó:les to lean to one side
tiyólesem to lean on it
tlhéthet straighten yourself out
tloqá:ys now
tlowáyel today
tó:lt to learn (it)
- totí:lt learning it, learning something
tó:lthet to think, to understand
- totí:lthet to think, to understand
tó:lxel tracks going down to river
to't'ep'íqselem red-headed woodpecker
tókelem put on your socks
tomítō tomato
tómiyeqw great-great-great-greatgrandparent
- temtómiyeqw great-great-great-greatgrandparent
tóqw'em to cough
- tóteqw'em to cough
tósem to crush berries
- tótesem to crush berries
tóset to grind it, squish it
- tóteset to grind it, squish it
totekwlem knitting
toteló:met to understand it
tóteqw'em to cough
toteqw'ó:mestem tuberculosis
tótesem to crush berries
tóteset to grind it, squish it
totí:lt learning it, learning something
totí:lthet to think, to understand
tówel town
tóx̲wesem towing a canoe upriver
tóx̲wethem fish for sturgeon
tpólhtel prop used for a deadfall trap
tqát to close something
- tá:qt to close (it)
tqátsa'ōwelh eight canoes
tqátsáleqel eight (counting containers)
tqatsálh eight times
tqatsíws eight birds
tqó:tsó:s eight (counting dollars)
tqótsóls eight fruit
tqwō:lchep ashes floating up from fire
- títeqw'ō:lchep ashes floating up from fire
tu a little, a bit like, slightly
tú:xw nine
- tuxwáleqel nine (counting containers)
- tuxwíqw nine fish
- tuxwóls 'nine fruit in a group or cluster (as they grow on a plant)
- tuxwōwelh nine canoes
tú:xwá:lh nine times
tú:xwelsxá ninety
tú:xwelsxále ninety (counting people)
tú:xwelsxó:s ninety (counting dollars)
tú:xwes nine (counting dollars)
tus'éy to be careful
tutewít good hunter, good fisherman
tútl'ó: he, him
tutl'ó:lem them, they (male)
- yutl'ó:lem them, they
tuxwále nine (counting people)
tuxwáleqel nine (counting containers)
tuxwíqw nine fish
tuxwíws nine birds
tuxwóls 'nine fruit in a group or cluster (as they grow on a plant)
tuxwōwelh nine canoes
tx̲ét streach its arms, wings
txwéltsep keep fire at steady temperature
tx̲wém right away
txwemelám adopt a child
txwó:ye be only one left