
wá:cháwtxw poop house

wá:ls to scramble-give

wá:th'elh bullrush mat

wá:yt warn somebody

wálhet to chase him/her away

wálx to throw it

wáth'et pry it up

wáweth'et pry it up

wáyel become day

wáyeles tomorrow

we'éyó doing well, alright

wel still, really

welékwsa water hemlock

weléx̲es frog

welhchí:ws real tired

welhéleq' make a splat sound

weltá:lt snare it

welwáyeles tomorrow

wep overloaded

wep'eth' come out/up (of sun)

wéqw' to drift

wet'életh' to squirt

wet'émeqw' to splash (once)

wételeth' to squirt

wetl'éleqw a shot, explosion

wets'á get to top of mountain

wets'á:lómet get youself to top of mountain

wets'étl fall down

wex̲és frog

wí:qet spread it, widen it

wíp overloaded

wíqes to yawn

wistéleqwet jealous of him/her

wiweqes yawning

wíweqes to yawn

wíweqet spread it, widen it

wíyka sonny-boy

wiyóth always

wíyt warn somebody

wō:l bullrush

wó:thel share a meal

woqw' drown, drift in water, float, (drift downriver)

wōqw' to drown, to drift downriver (also flood)

wōqw'et drop it into water

wōqw'ethet drown oneself, float oneself

wōqw'éylem to drift downstream

wōqw'wōqw' a flood

wówelhet chasing him/her away

wówels to scramble-give

wówelx to throw it

wówistéleq jealous

wowisteleqemét jealous of him/her

wówiyel become day

wóyel wine