há:we go hunting
háwt hunt something
- haháwt hunting something
- hewháwe going hunting
há:wt rat
- haheláwt several (little) rats
- hewháwt several rats
há:y to make/adze a canoe
- háhey making a canoe
há:yet vomiting
haháwt hunting something
haheláwt several (little) rats
háhey making a canoe
hahíkwthet getting big, rising (of floodwater)
hahomó:y shrimps
hákw'eles to remember (it)
hákw'stexw pekw notebook
hálem be going, be on one's way
hálemestexw bring it to him
hálkwepsem break your neck
halkwet breaking something (stick, stick like objects)
hálm'á:ls kicking
hálmat to kick him/her
hálp'ex eating something (short of a social meal)
hálpets get a ride
halpetst ride with him/her
hálqem diving
halqílem crawl underneath
halts'elít separate (them)
halts'elíthet a group separating themselves from another group'
hálts'elíthet gotten separated from a group, be separated (from others
hálts'et to fill (it)
hálxet put (it) on it's side
hálx̲et give him/her light
hálx̲ewe to torch-light
hamámt giving something away
hámekwelh to get hurt
hámelet put it in the water
hamílyel set a net
hámláloyel where you go to check a net
hámq' sinking
hámq'em to jump (of a fish)
hámq'et/méq'méq'et to swallow it
haqílem crawling underneath
- híqelem crawl underneath
hásem to sneeze
- heshásem sneezing
háwt hunt something
- haháwt hunting something
háyeqw burning, getting burned
hehóyt cheat him/her
hékw'ekw'elh hiccuping
hékw'elh to hiccup
- hékw'ekw'elh hiccuping
héleméstem gone in the head
hélemestexw bring it to him
hélémestexw take it to
hélkw't it broke
helme'als pol soccer
helmetem pol football
helqw it broke (of stick, bone)
hélqwet break it in half (stick, etc)
helwelh surprised, astonished
hélwex putting it in, putting something into a hollow place
hélx̲wet cover him/her with a blanket
hélx̲wethet cover yourself with a blanket
hemá to come off (e.g. button)
hémax taking something off
hemhemó: pigeon
hemó Pigeon
hemó: pigeon
- hemhemó: pigeon
hemqáxel rain and snow mixed
hémqw'et smash it
heqwhéyeqw fires, several fires
heshásem sneezing
hewháwe going hunting
hewháwt several rats
hewhíwth'át to tease (him/her/it)
hewth'át to tease (him/her/it)
- hewhíwth'át to tease (him/her/it)
hewth'áthet playing around, fooling around
hewth'eláq teasing
hewts'á get to top of mountain
heyat vomit (the thing)
heyatélmel Nauseated
heyatélmél nauseated
héyeq'et file it
héyeqw a fire
- heqwhéyeqw fires, several fires
heyéqwelchep building a fire
héyeqwt burning something
heyhéylexw finish (it)
heyóthet walk backwards
héyqw'est sharpen (it)
héyqwest crumbling of the bark or softening of the bark
héythest telling (him/her)
heywí:leqw burning song
hí:lekw get ready
hí:qwt invite him/her
- hóyeqwt invite him/her
hí:tel weapon
hí:th a long time
hiháwt little rat
hihó:y finished, ready
hihó:yt to finish (it)
híhókwex wear it (small person)
híkw big
hikw shxwe'elolh kyo bus
hikwhí:kwstexw to think a lot of it
híkwstexw to think a lot of it
- hikwhí:kwstexw to think a lot of it
híkwthet get big, rise (of floodwater)
- hahíkwthet getting big, rising (of floodwater)
hílaw pass on by, after
hilékw get ready
- hí:lekw get ready
hílém fall and roll
hílew pass, go by (tr.)
hílex to pass by it
hilexw finish (it)
- heyhéylexw finish (it)
hilhiyóthlemethet take care of oneself
himqáxel rain and snow mixed
híq'et file it
- héyeq'et file it
híqelem crawl underneath
híqewsem putting on one's pants
híqwt to coax somone onto a trip
- hóqwt to coax somone onto a trip
híth for a long time
- kw'elhí:thelh a long time ago
híx̲chem ask for a present
híx̲chemet ask for it
híyeqwels person who does burnings
híyex̲wet dismantle it
híyot beware of it
hiyóthlemethet take care of oneself
- hilhiyóthlemethet take care of oneself
hiyqwels having a burning
híythestexw tell it to him/her/it
híyx̲chat give him/her a gift
hó:kwex using, wearing
hó:qwet sniffing, smelling sth, smelling it
hó:qwlexw accidentally smell it
hó:qwléxw accidentally smell it
- hó:qwlexw accidentally smell it
hó:y finished, ready
- hihó:y finished, ready
hó:yt to finish (it)
- hihó:yt to finish (it)
hó:ythel to finish eating
- hóyethel to finish eating
hó:ythél finish eating
hókwex to use, to wear
- hó:kwex using, wearing
hokwex te shxwsósetl'als to vacuum
hóleqwem warming up
hóliya humback salmon
hōliya humpback salmon, pink salmon
- húheliya little humpback salmon
- húlhú:liya humpback salmons, pink salmons (many)
hómkw'et/mekw'mekw'et take it all, pick it all up
hómó:y shrimp
- hahomó:y shrimps
hōqw' to drift
hōqw'elem to go downstream
hōqw'et drop it into water
hōqw'éylem drifting downstream
hóqwels to sniff around
hóqwem to smell bad, to stink
hóqwet to sniff (it), smell (it)
- hó:qwet sniffing, smelling sth, smelling it
hóqwt to coax somone onto a trip
hóxwethílém to sigh
hóyeqwt invite him/her
hóyethel to finish eating
hóyówélh goodbye
hóystem get fired, get finished
hóystexw to fire, to finish (tr.)
húheliya little humpback salmon
húlhú:liya humpback salmons, pink salmons (many)