thatháyelhtset to prepare for (it), make for (it)
thatíl get dark
the alex sister
the shxwemlí:kw aunt
the'ít true
- thethít true
thehít be careful with it
- thethehít be careful with it
thehíthet take care of yourself
thehíws bird, large bird
thehó:lesem open both eyes wide
thehó:ythel have a big mouth
thekw' straight, pulled, influenced
thekw'ét pull something
- thákw't pulling something
thelthátheyel blood
thelthélxatel rugs, floor coverings
thelthélxatí:m weaving
thelthóthel mouths
thelíthqet small tree
themthó:mél eyebrows
themá twice
theqthéqet forest
theqthéqeytel sockeye net
theqá:t tree
- theqthéqet forest
- thetheqét tree
theth'ístel horns, antlers
thethehít be careful with it
thetheqét tree
thethétstexw tell him/her/it
thethéx̲ dissappear
thethéx̲w dissappear
thethít true
thethíx̲w girl's first period
thetíwél to think to yourself
thewélhem to spawn
- tháwelhem to spawn
thexwó:thet dissappear on purpose
thex̲láxw find it
thex̲wíwsem wash one's body
thex̲ét push it
- tháx̲t push it
thex̲ó:th dolly varden trout
thex̲ósem pull out from shore
thit kw'as ku:k food preparation
thitheháleq big waves
thithehó:les have big eyes
thiyeqwáls digging
thiyost te letám to set the table
thiytíl design, pattern
thiyá:lhem make a bed
thiyálhem to make the bed
thiyéltxwem to build a house
- tháyeltxwem to build a house
thkw'ét straighten it
thkw'éthet straighten yourself out
tho:mel eyebrow
thq'á:ls to spear fish
thq'ét spear it
- tháq't spearing it
thqá:lem to dip-net
thutl'ólem they, referring to females
thxwómélqsel have a nose bleed
thá:lhp big tree
thá:yest to fix (it) up,
thá:yt preparing, fixing, making something
thákw't pulling something
tháq't spearing it
thát dark
tháthelmet admire
thátheyel blood
- thelthátheyel blood
thátkwem feel a tingle
tháuem to bake (bread)
tháwelhem to spawn
tháx̲t push it
tháyelets stear a canoe
tháyeletst steer it
tháyeltsep fit a fire
tháyeltxwem to build a house
thékw'aqel drawer
thélmet admire
- tháthelmet admire
thélxatí:m to weave
- thelthélxatí:m weaving
thélxetel a rug
- thelthélxatel rugs, floor coverings
théqeytel sockeye net
- theqthéqeytel sockeye net
thét to say it, say (tr.)
- thethétstexw tell him/her/it
- théthet to say it
- thétstexw tell him/her/it
thétest to tell someone something
théthet to say it
théthexw to dissappear
thétstexw tell him/her/it
théxw to dissappear
- théthexw to dissappear
théx̲w dissappear
- thethéx̲ dissappear
- thethéx̲w dissappear
thí:thaxel have a big foot
thímiya full-grown coho
thíthe big
thíthet fix yourself up
thíthetses have big hand(s)
thíthexel have big feet
thíthqet small tree
- thelíthqet small tree
thíts'et split it with fingernail
thíx̲ water-source (spring)
thíyelhtset to prepare for (it), make for (it)
- thatháyelhtset to prepare for (it), make for (it)
thíyeqwt to dig (it) up
- thóyeqwt to dig (it) up
thíyest to fix (it) up,
- thá:yest to fix (it) up,
thíyest te lálem to clean the house
thíyt to prepare, to fix, to make it, prepare
sthíyem prepared, home-made
- stháyem prepared, home-made
- thá:yt preparing, fixing, making something
thíythet fix yourself up
thíyéltsep fit a fire
- tháyeltsep fit a fire
thíyém to bake (bread)
- tháuem to bake (bread)
thó:lchep fire is growing strong
thó:mel eyebrow(s)
thó:mél eyebrows
- themthó:mél eyebrows
thó:qw have a big head
thóthel mouth
- thelthóthel mouths
thóthexwemélqsel have a nose-bleed
thóxwemélqsel have a nose-bleed
- thóthexwemélqsel have a nose-bleed
thóyeqwt to dig (it) up
thútl'ó: she, her