á:lq't scraping hair/hide off it
á:lthel they
á:lwem staying home
á:m to give
- á:mstexw to take something, bring something
- ámestem get taken
- hamámt giving something away
- mámt give something away
á:mstexw to take something, bring something
á:pel maggot
- alepel maggots
á:pet wipe it, wipe something, someone
á:q'elh (always) choking (on a bone or something solid)
á:tl'qel going outside, getting outside
á:tl'qilt bringing something outside, getting something out, kick someone out
á:we seagull
á:wkw' clothes, clothing, belongings
- awkw'áwtxw clothing store
á:wkw'mal tool-case
á:x̲eth be lying down
á:xwem giving something, giving food
á:xwet giving (it)
á:y keep on going, keep going, continue
- á:ystexw chase s-o, chase s-th, chasing s-o/s-th, continue something
á:yél go away, leave
- áyeles to leave somebody all alone; abandon someone
áyélstexw leave it with someone
- á:yelstexw leaving it with someone
- ayí:l going away, leaving (maybe of several people)
á:yelstexw leaving it with someone
á:ystexw chase s-o, chase s-th, chasing s-o/s-th, continue something
á:yt ling cod
á:yx̲ crab
- i'á:yx̲ crab
á'a yes
- á'á'áwelh you are welcome
á'á'áwelh you are welcome
a'áchewlh until, unless
á'áltha it's me, that's me, I do, I am (the I is emphatic)
a'axwíyelhp a small tree
a'iy cute (little ones)
ahíw be upriver
- xwehíwel go upriver
ákwelex shooting (a gun, an arrow)
akwéléxt to fire (a gun)
ál'álel magpies
al'álex siblings
alalílelhp salmonberry plants
alalxwí:tsel several things being in the middle, between
aláshxw seals
álel magpie
- ál'álel magpies
alepel maggots
alétse where (is it)?
álex sibling
- al'álex siblings
álex̲e canada geese
aléx̲ey snakes
álhqey snake
- aléx̲ey snakes
- Alhqá:yem village on Strawberry Island
- slálem álhqey turtle
álhtel to eat, eat
- alhteláwtxw restaurant
- í:lhtel eating (a meal)
- s'álhtel food
alhteláwtxw restaurant
alíliyem laughter
alíy good (eg. many things, people)
- alíyó:mex good looking (of several people)
alíyó:mex good looking (of several people)
álmelh take care of your kids, to baby-sit one's own children
- ólmelh taking care of your children, baby sitter
álq't scrape hair/hide off it
- á:lq't scraping hair/hide off it
alqáls to buy, to shop (intr.)
álqel at the head, up the point
áltha I, I do, me, it's me
- á'áltha it's me, that's me, I do, I am (the I is emphatic)
alts'elít to separate things or objects
álwem to stay home
- á:lwem staying home
alxélés in front (of many)
alxwí:tsel be in the middle, between
- alalxwí:tsel several things being in the middle, between
ámestem get taken
áq'elh to choke on a bone or something solid
- á:q'elh (always) choking (on a bone or something solid)
áshxw seal
- aláshxw seals
áthelets bottom of water , bottom of waterfall, basket, anything. Atchelitz Village
átl'qel to go outside, get outside
- á:tl'qel going outside, getting outside
- átl'qeláwtxw out house, bathroom, toilet
- atl'qelómet (manage to) go outside, to get out, to escape
atl'qílt to bring s-o, s-th outside, to bring s-o, s-th outside, to kick s-o, s-th outside, to reveal s-th
- á:tl'qilt bringing something outside, getting something out, kick someone out
átl'qeláwtxw out house, bathroom, toilet
atl'qelómet (manage to) go outside, to get out, to escape
átl'qélt get something outside, reveal something, get something out
atl'qíl bringing outside, getting outside
- átl'qélt get something outside, reveal something, get something out
atl'qílt to bring s-o, s-th outside, to bring s-o, s-th outside, to kick s-o, s-th outside, to reveal s-th
- á:tl'qilt bringing something outside, getting something out, kick someone out
átl'qilt te se'íkw'el to take out the garbage
átse next, again
átsele good grief !
átslexw to hear about (tr.), to hear it
awkw'áwtxw clothing store
áx̲e canada goose
- álex̲e canada geese
axelés to be in front
- alxélés in front (of many)
- axelésmel in front of, front of a house
axelésmel in front of, front of a house
áx̲elqel buckskin, rawhide, tanned buckskin
áx̲eth to lie down
- á:x̲eth be lying down
áxw give me s-th (to eat)
áxwet to give (it), share food with s-o, give s-o food, bring s-o food, pass food to s-o, give (tr.)
- á:xwet giving (it)
áxwet to give (it), share food with s-o, give s-o food, bring s-o food, pass food to s-o, give (tr.)
- á:xwet giving (it)
axwí:l small, little, a little bit
- a'axwíyelhp a small tree
áyeles to leave somebody all alone; abandon someone
áyélstexw leave it with someone
- á:yelstexw leaving it with someone
ayí:l going away, leaving (maybe of several people)
áylexw be alive, be living, be in good health, be healthy, be well