
lha:w get cured

lhalhakw'em a breath

lhalhí:lt landing something to shore, getting something to shore

lhawalews vanilla

lhawét'em to twitch

lhchí:ws tired

lhchí:wsmet tired of it

lhe'á go by way of

lhekw'íwel dumbfounded

lheleméxwtel lettuce

lhelex̲éyleptel floor

lhelhq'etíwel bed-bugs

lhelhts'á:m weasels

lhelháth' make fun

lhelháth't make fun of him/her

lhelháwel mat, matress

lhelhémet pick it

lhelhós down river

lhellhálqel stick it into it

lhellhélp'es many wrinkles on face

lhellhéltest splashing s-o with water, spraying s-o with water

lhellhóleqwót moths

lheltáletsem go through a channel

lhemlhém:exw be rainy (off and on

lhemlhémkiya iron pot

lhemlhí:m picking (lots of people)

lhemlhō:me clover

lhemét pick something (e.g. berries)

lheplhepteló:ythel lips

lheplhéptel eyelash, eyelid

lhepteló:ythel lips

lheq'elómet to know yourself

lheq'ewílh opposite of house (inside)

lheq'lheq'láts hip

lheq'lhéq'at wide

lheq'láts hip

lheq'tíwel bed-bug

lheq'tíwél (have a) wide bum

lheq'tó:ls (have a) wide forehead

lheq'xí:l have one shoe on

lheq'á:tses five

lheq'át wide

lheq'ótsestem cost five dollars

lheq'ótsestexw charge five dollars for

lheqeléstel a button

lheqlheqist to button it

lheqlháqelhcha napkins

lheqlíst to button it

lheqlístel a button

lheqsqwóqwel speaker, announcer at gathering

lheqsqólqwel speaker, announcer at gathering

lheqw'lheqw' dandruff

lheqw'lhéqw' dandruff

lheqw'ó:t peel it (bark, any kind)

lheqwe'álá pocket

lheqwlhéqw wet

lhets'elá:x̲el cut one's arm

lhets'lhets'elá:x̲el cut one's arm

lhets'á:m weasel

lhets'ímel comb

lhewlháwél sword fern

lhewqí:m velvet-leaf blueberry

lhewíth'a naked

lhexwelsxáleqel thirty (counting containers)

lhexwelsxó:s thirty (counting dollars)

lhexwáyiws three pants

lhex̲elwélhtel cross-pieces in a canoe

lhex̲eyléptel floor

lhex̲eyléxstexw stand (it) up

lhex̲lhex̲é:ylex several standing

lhex̲wlhex̲wélhcha to spit

lhex̲wlhéx̲w choke cherry

lhex̲wlhéx̲wlhex̲w choke cherry

lhex̲wélhcha to spit

lhex̲wó:t spit it out

lhex̲é:ylex be standing

lhex̲éyleptel floor

lhex̲éyléx to stand, be upright

lhilhiyó:qwt be behind, be last

lhilhéts'eqwt to cut his/her hair

lhilhí:m pick fruit

lhiwí:ws petticoat

lhiyó:qwt be behind, be last

lhkw'íwel excited

lhlímelh We, us (predicative)

lholekw'íwel dumbfounded, shocked

lholeqwót moth

lholhekw'íwel dumbfounded

lholhetqsélem sniffling (with cold)

lholhexwélqsel have a runny nose

lholhégest splash his/her face

lhoqw'esá:ls peel bark off a tree

lhoqw'ews to peel bark

lhosemáyiws pants sliding down

lhp'ótl'em to smoke cigerette/pipe

lhq'atses'álh five times

lhq'atses'ó:llh ive little ones, five young (animal or human), five in a litter

lhq'atsesálhp five trees

lhq'atsesíqw five fish

lhq'atsesōwelh five canoes

lhq'atsí:ws five birds

lhq'lhq'él:exw knowing (it)

lhq'á:t wide

lhq'átseqel five (counting containers)

lhq'átssámets' five ropes, poles, sticks

lhq'átsále five (counting people)

lhq'átsóls five fruit

lhq'él:exw to know (it)

lhq'ó:tes (have a) wide face

lhq'ó:tses five (counting dollars)

lhqw'ews peeling off clothes

lhqw'áy cedar bark skirt

lhqw'íwst peel it off

lhqéletel anchor-line, mooring line

lhqó:la thirsty

lhséq' half

lhts'á:ls to cut

lhts'élqsel cut off tip of nose

lhts'ó:ythel to get a cut in your mouth

lhulhuwth'á:m undressing (oneself)

lhuth'á:m to get undressed

lhuwth'am to take your clothes off

lhuwth'á:m undressing (oneself)

lhuwth'á:mestexw undress him/her

lhwélep you (pl.) (predicative)

lhxwá:lh three times

lhxwá:lhp three trees

lhxwá:wes three paddles

lhxwále three (counting people)

lhxwálews three leaves

lhxwámeth' three ropes, poles sticks

lhxwáxw three times

lhxwíws three birds

lhxwó:lh three canoes

lhx̲eylexlómet stand up by oneself

lhx̲wélqsel have a runny nose

lhx̲wót spit it out

lhx̲étem stiff (of body)

lhá:l to land a canoe

lhá:l pull ashore in a canoe, land a canoe

lhá:lets'tel knives

lhá:lets'telálá knife-handle

lhá:lhil landing a canoe

lhá:lt to land s-th (from water)

lhá:ltelechá:ls spraying

lhá:ltem get splashed, get sprinkled, small sprinkle

lhá:sel impatient

lhá:ts'tel'álá knife-handle

lhá:w to run away

lhá:wet cure him/her (Indian doctor)

lhákw'els gaff-hooking

lhál:omet get to shore

lhálatem sprinkling

lháleq'em several things being put down

lháleq'et put them down

lháleqel stick it into it

lhálhekw'sxel to stumble, to trip

lhálheq'et put on, put down

lhálheqem to whisper

lhálheqet whisper to him/her

lhálhew to run away

lhálhewels indian doctor working

lhálhewet cure him/her (Indian doctor)

lhálhex̲em to serve yourself food

lhálhil choke on water

lhálhq'etxel (have) wide feet

lhállhelomet get to shore

lhálqel stick it into it

lhálqi soaking dried food

lhálqit soaking it (dried food)

lhálqt/lhélhelgest sprinkle it with water

lhálts' cheeky, rough acting

lháléqet stick out your tongue

lhálétem start to sprinkle

lhámth't pick at food

lháq' te letám set the table

lháq'emex peace

lháq'et put on, put down

lháqelhcha napkin

lháqem to whisper

lháqet whisper to him/her

lháth't to make fun of someone

lháts'tel knife

lhátx̲tem to tremble

lháwqem mussel

lháx te letám set the table.

lháx̲em to serve yourself food

lháx̲tsestel mat to hold hot pots

lháx̲xetel rug

lhékw'lexw trip him/her

lhékw'sxel to stumble, to trip

lhékw'tel gaff-hook

lhékw'xet trip him/her

lhélest 'splash s-o in the face, squirt s-o in the face

lhélheltel canoe bailers

lhélheqw' peeling off

lhélp' (have a) wrinkle

lhélp'es wrinkled face

lhélq soaked, wet

lhélq'et sprinkle it with water

lhélqesem wet the face

lhélqi soak dried food

lhélqit to soak it (fish, beans, dried fruit, laundry)

lhélqt wet it

lhélqwelhem wet one's head

lhéltel canoe bailer

lhéltest splash s-o with water, spray s-o with water

lhémexw raining, ([having a] rainshower with light wind

lhémkiya iron pot

lhémkiya iron pot

lhémlhemexw raning off and on

lhémt a rain-shower

lhémth't pick at food

lhéméxw to rain, it's rainy

lhéplexw to blink one's eyes

lhéplheplexw to blink one's eyes

lhéptel eyelash, eyelid

lhéq'elh used to

lhéq'etselsxá fifty

lhéq'etselsxále fifty (counting people)

lhéq'etselsxó:s fifty (counting dollars)

lhéqw wet

lhéqw' peel off

lhéqw'ewsá:ks Bark peeling tool

lhéqw'ewsá:ls a bark-peeling tool

lhéqw'tsesem clap your hands

lhétqwt boiling water

lhéts'emel left-over material, trimmings.

lhéts'mel saw-dust, wood shaving

lhéts'xel to cut your foot

lhétx̲tem to tremble

lhéxwelsxá thirty

lhéxwelsxále thirty (counting people)

lhéx̲lhex̲eyléxstexw stand (it) up

lhí:lt to bail it (canoe)

lhí:lthet bailing it (canoe)

lhí:m pick fruit

lhí:xw three

lhí:xw lá:ts'ewets three hundred

lhí:xw lá:ts'ewets three hundred

lhí:xweqel three (counting containers)

lhí:xwes three dollars

lhíkw'et hook it

lhílhakwels crocheting

lhílhekw'els gaff-hooking

lhílhekw'et hook it

lhílhet'els to give (potlatch)

lhílhet'est pass it round to him

lhílhet'et pass it around

lhílhets'els sawing, sawing wood, cutting repeatedly

lhílhets'eqwemáwtxw barber-shops

lhílhets'et cutting (it)

lhílhkw'eleqs Hamersly Hopyard Hill

lhílhkw'eqsel Hook-nose Mountain, Hopyard Mountain

lhílhló:ya dragonfly

lhílháth' make fun

lhílháth't making fun of someone

lhílhéts'eqwem to get your hair cut

lhímes pull canoe, wide or slow

lhít'els to give (potlatch)

lhít'est pass it round to him

lhít'et pass it around

lhíts'eqwem to get your hair cut

lhíts'eqwemáwtxw a barber-shop

lhíts'eqwt to cut his/her hair

lhíts'et to cut (it)

lhíxweqw three fish

lhíxwestem to cost three dollars

lhíxwestexw charge three dolars for

lhíx̲esem paint one's face

lhókw' to fly

lhóleqwet wet them (many times)

lhólhekw' to fly

lhólhekw' stem:ōt airplane

lhólhekw' stítim:ōt airplanes

lhólheqw'els peel bark

lhólheqw'et slap him/her

lhólheqw't peeling it (bark, any kind)

lhólheqw'tsesem clap your hands

lhólhes to drift net

lhólqesem/lhélhelgesem wet the face

lhóp midnight, late at night

lhóq'ethet to lie down

lhóqw'et slap him/her

lhóqwe'ls peel bark

lhóqwet to wet something, make somthing wet

lhóqést splash his/her face

lhós to drift net

lhótqsélem to sniff (with cold)

lhótqwem to boil water

lhótqwt boil it

lhóx̲welhcha to spit

lhóx̲wt spit it out

lhóyel getting dark

lhō:me clover

lhṓ:me clover