
xat put it on your lap

xat'kw'els carving

xaweqá:l yarrow (plant)

xax'át to carry in one's arms

xaxaselmet determined to do it

xaxq'ám open your mouth

xaxt'ó:les have a sty in the eye

xchápth uncle's wife, aunt's husband

xe'át to carry in one's arms

xe'ó:thel Four

xelha:leqel headache

xelhlaláqel have a sore throat

xelkw'ámeth' round pole

xelkw'ó:ls round ball

xelxáweq carrots

xelxó:lís die on seeing monster

xelókw' round

xelókw'els really round ball

xep'ōwíts have stripe on back

xepá:ltel wood carving knife

xepólst peel it (round thing)

xeq'ó:thet to hang it up

xeqlhálém to sigh (of spirit dancer)

xets'á:ls to saw wood

xets'í:lem go through the woods

xets'ílem go into the forest

xets'ōwes put away one's paddle

xets'ōwesem put away your paddles

xets'ōwestel put away each other's paddles

xexelá:ysem ants

xext'ó:les trillium (western trillium)

xexá:y gills

xexát hold it in your arms

xexé:lt make a hole in it

xeytl' shxw'lethile refrigerator

xits'eláx̲el carry over sholder or under arm

xixemó:ltel holding a grudge against each other

xixets'í:lem go through the woods

xixkw'ó:m swimming (bathing, playing in the water)

xixpó:m to whistle

xixq'á:m have mouth open

xo:kw'emawtxw bathrooom

xolhmílh take care of someone else’s kids, babysit

xtá:stexw to do (it)

xá'at hold it in your arms

xá:mthet getting shallow

xá:t lead weight

xá:y gills

xá:ysem ant

xálelh roads, trails

xálet lead weights

xálh road, trail, door

xám shallow

xápkw'els crackers

xápxepkw'els crackers

xáq'em open your mouth

xáqlhelem to sigh (of spirit dancer)

xáweq carrot

xáxem shallow

xáxlh trail, little path

xáyts't to tickle him/her

xéle'ó:les sty in eye

xéletst roll it over

xélétst roll it over

xéq'ethet to hang it up

xét' loose (of a pack)

xétem swimming (of fish)

xétxetem many fish swimming

xéyxeleqw search through, rummage

xéyxeleqwt search through it

xí:pet peel it (bark, etc.)

xíleqw search through, rummage

xíleqwt search through it

xímel drift netting

xíqt take it out (of box)

xítem wish for someone's food

xíts'em stinky

xíts'et stow it away

xíwe to urinate (usually woman)

xíxemal drift netting

xíxepelst peel it (round thing)

xíxepet peel it (bark, etc.)

xíxetem wish for someone's food

xíxets'els to saw wood

xíxets'eláx̲el carry over sholder or under arm

xíxets'em stinky

xíxets'et stow it away

xíxets'ilem go into the forest

xíyts't to tickle him/her

xó:kw'em to take a bath, bathe oneself

xó:kw'et give him/her a bath

xó:lt make a hole in it

xó:lxwem have a menthol taste

xó:lí:s die on seeing monster

xó:pem to whistle

xókw'emá:lá bath-tub

xólhemílh to be babysitting, a babysitter

xólhmet to look after (him/her)

xópethet to squat

xóxekw'em bathing oneself, taking a bath

xóxekw'emá:lá bath-tub

xóxekw'et give him/her a bath

xóxelhmet looking after someone (him/her)

xóxelhmílh babysitters

xóxepethet to squat