
xw'elyó:les have good eyesight

xw'éywelh good-hearted

xw'í:lmet reach him/her here

xw'ílámálá shoulder

xw'ilámet carry it on shoulders

xw'ilamōwelh carry canoe on shoulders

xwa to become

xwá to starve

xwá:lx to hoist it up, lift it up

xwálexw to starve him/her

xwálp't to fan him

xwát lessen it (of someone's load), halve it, make s-th lighter (in weight)

xwáth' to rock

xwathetálém getting cloudy

xwayólem really useful gift

xwáyt waking someone up

xwchélstexw where did __ put it?

xwchém:est meet someone

xwchémeslexw to meet someone, run into someone

xwchí:yóm Cheam

xwchókwel where to? (e.g. where is he going?)

xwe'éyem clear, smooth (water)

xwe'í arrive, come here

xwe'í:lstexw to bring it

xwe'í:lxw got it here, bring it here

xwe'í:t whatis happening ...? what is ...doing? (continuative)

xwe'í:t kwa why?

xwe'í:yá:qepem to joke

xwe'ílomet to get here

xwe'ílómét manage to get here

xwe'ít what is happening? What is someone doing?

xwe'ít kwa why?

xwe'ít'et to cock a gun

xwe'íwelmet pay attention to someone

xweáth'et unlock (it)

xwehí:wel to go upstream

xwehíwel go upriver

xwekw'est to drag it

xwekw'óst to drag it

xwekw'ótsest look at his/her face

xwekw'thet drag yourself along

xwékw'thet to drag yourself

xwel still

xwel'í arriving here, coming here (of several)

xwelá for, towards, toward

xwelá:met listening to him/her

xwélalám listening

xwelált become evening, get dark, evening

xweláltelh yesterday evening, last night

xwélekw' to wrap

xwélekw't roll something, wrap something up

xwelí get there

xwelí:ls to get there

xwelítem white person

xwelitemelh sokw' celery

xwelíwelmet pay attention to him/her

xwelkw'ím eddy(?) in water

xwélmexw First Nations person

xwélmexwáwtxw Longhouse

xwelókw'stexw keep it rolled up

xwélp't to brush him off

xwélp'tel a fan

xwelxwáp't to brush him off

xwelxwelá:lt evening

xwelxwélekw't wrap it again

xwelxwelítem white person

xwelxwiyó:leqwt turn it upside down

xwemá open

xwemá:qet to open (it)

xwemáx to open (it)

xwemékwáthet to kiss him/her, kiss (tr.)

xwemékwáthetel kiss one another

xwemélxwáwtxw longhouse

xwémeqet to open (it)

xwémex to open (it)

xwemkwáthel to kiss

xwémkwáthet kissing him/her

xwémxel pouring rain

xweqw'á:ls dragging (drag the river)

xweqw'él:a scouring rush

xwesá:lews leaves falling

xwét:es heavy

xwetáqt take it down

xwetayéqel to answer, reply

xwéteqt take it down

xweth'éqw'tses sprained wrist

xweth'éqw'xel ankle joint

xwéth'xel stop raining

xwetiyéqel to answer, reply, answer

xwétkw'em denim

xwétkw'emélmet denim clothes

xwétkw'eméyews Jeans

xwétkw'eméyws jeans

xwéwes sure, exactly

xwewí:l peek

xwewí:lt peek at

xwexwá to starve

xwexwálexw to starve him/her

xwexwát lessening it (of someone's load), halving it, making s-th lighter (in weight)

xwexwélmexw First Nations people

xwexwíléx get up fast

xwexwíthet wake yourself up

xwexwóthet to fast

xweyxwelímels measurement, unit

xwí awake

xwíkw'el get faded

xwílex stand up, rise from a seat

xwiléxmet stand up for him/her

xwílexwel bush, underbrush

xwíqwet press down on and rub it

xwís to fall off

xwíset shake it

xwíthet wake yourself up

xwixwe'áqel echo (Echo Point on Echo Island, Echo Bay on w w Echo Island)

xwíxwekw'el getting faded

xwíxwel bush, underbrush

xwíxweqwet press down on and rub it

xwíxwes to fall off

xwíxweset shake it

xwíxweth'álem rocking

xwixweth'áletstel rocking-chair

xwixwiyóls early-bird (plural)

xwíxwiyómethet denying an accusation

xwíxwyó:leqw get upside down

xwíy wake up, awaken

xwíyeqwela black soot

xwiyó:leqw get upside down

xwiyó:leqwt turn it upside down

xwiyómethet deny an accusation

xwiyós alert

xwiyóth sharp

xwiyótheqel have a high voice

xwíyt to wake someone up

xwíywxiyós wide awake

xwkw'ókw'etsest staring at him/her

xwlalá really listening hard

xwlalá:m to listen

xwlalá:met to listen to him/her

xwlalámstexw call him/her to witness

xwlemí Lummi

xwlíyémés to smile

xwlóyémes to smile

xwmámath'elqéylemt tell a lie for him/her

xwmath'elqéylemt tell a lie for him/her

xwmékwáthel to kiss on lips

xwmékwethet to kiss someone

xwmélkw'es get hit in the face

xwmómelkw'es getting hit in the face

xwó:kw'thet to drag yourself

xwó:ymét to sell it

xwókw'eletsem high-bowed canoe

xwókw'eltem numb

xwókw'elxwel foot is asleep

xwókw'thet drag yourself along

xwokwels dragging (drag the river)

xwókwesem to smell like urine

xwōqw'éylem to go downstream

xwōqw'ō:ls indian potato

xwót'kw'em rustle, make rustling sound

xwót'kw'emxel shuffel your feet

xwot'q'esílem trilling raven call

xwóthet to fast

xwótqwem make splashing sound

xwowiyómet to sell it

xwoxwel:lhp willow tree

xwóxwelx to hoist it up, lift it up

xwóxweth'xel stop raining

xwoxwth'í:lem prostitute

xwóxwth'tem sexy

xwóyém get sold

xwóyeqw'em to wheeze

xwóyeqw'emíles wheezing in the chest

xwóyeqwem to wash one's hair and head

xwoyí:wel happy

xwoyíwelmet happy to see/him/her

xwoyíwelstexw make him/her happy

xwóykwem shaking bushes (unseen animal)

xwóymétem te'í sold this to him/her

xwóyomet to sell (tr.)

xwóyqem be shaky

xwpelákw peek under a womans skirt

xwpét pick it up off floor

xwpopó:s (have a) hairy face

xwpóysekelem riding a bicycle

xwth'exwth'ox̲wí:ls dish pan/ dish water (several)

xwth'í:t thank him/her

xwth'ox̲wí:ls dish pan/ dish water

xwtítewel considerate

xwtl'óqtes have long face

xwtóx̲esem shade eyes with your hand