
qwá get a hole

qwa:l to speak

qwá:l mosquito

qwá:ls to drill

qwá:yx̲t shake it

qwá:yx̲thet shade yourself

qwahéylém crawl through

qwálats hole in a bucket

qwálhecháls to stir

qwálxtem stormy with snow

qwáqel sprout up

qwaqwá:ls drill

qwáqwats'et belching, burping

qwát make a hole in it

qwáts'et to belch, to burp

qwáyel be yellow, got yellow (be greenish)

qwáylx̲letsetst stirring

qwáyúwél dandelion

qwayx̲élechem do a hula dance

qwe'íqwepsem (have a) scrawny neck

qwe'íqweqs (have) a thin nose

qwe'íqwqeqw scrawny

qwe'ó:pelhp apple tree, crabapple tree

qwe'óp apple, crabapple (the fruit)

qwe'op sqe'óleqw apple juice

qwehá go through

qwél:és whale

qwel'óp apples, crabapples (the fruit)

qwel'qwóyels oranges, many orange things (colour and fruit)

qweláts to gossip

qwélatses fir bough

qwelátst to squeal on him/her

qwelhíxálem put your shoes on

qwelhíxel shoe

qwelhlyúwelh big wooden dish

qwelhqwélhet push it into water

qwélhxélem put your shoes on

qwellhí:xel shoes

qwélmet yell at somone

qweló:ythetel record player, cd player, recorder, cassette player

qwelópelhp apple trees, crabapple trees

qweloythílemstexw te ketó to play the guitar

qwelqwá:l small float for nets (made from singed cedar)

qwelqwél:es whales

qwelqwelíwel thinking about it

qwélqwelmet yelling at somone

qwelqweló:ythel somebody always talking, talkative

qwelqweló:ythetel record player, cd player

qwelqwélxel fine snow

qwelqwó:pelhp devil's club (several)

qwéls to boil, boil (intr.)

qwélst to can (it), boil (it), boil (tr.)

qwélstexw to say it

qwélxel fine snow

qwélxem snowstorm

qwelxóme real fine snow

qwelx̲wometses thumb

qwémchest hug (around the neck)

qwemchíwét to hug him/her (around waist)

qwemchó:ls cranberry

qwémélép cottonwood bark

qwemqwemchíwet to hug him/her (around waist)

qwemqwemchó:ls cranberry

qwémqwémx̲w lump

qwemqwémx̲wtses wrist bone

qwémqwemx̲wxel ankle

qwémx̲w lump

qwémx̲wtses wrist bone

qwémx̲wxel ankle

qweqwá:l small float for nets (made from singed cedar

qweqwáqel sprout up

qweqwés fall in water

qweqwís narrow

qwés fall in water

qwéset push him/it in water

qwéth' yellow glow

qwétxem get foggy

qwexwomeltses thumb

qwéyqwelatst to squeal on him/her

qwíliyéthel beard (hair on face)

qwiqwayúwel dandelions

qwíqwelats to gossip, gossipy

qwíqwelátst to gossip

qwíqwelex̲echem do a hula dance

qwíqwelh mountain ash

qwíqwex̲w miss (when shooting)

qwíqwex̲wet to miss it (a shot)

qwíqwíy copper

qwiqwóyels orange (colour and the fruit)

qwítx̲ flowering dogwood flower, pacific dogwood flower

qwítx̲elhp pacific dogwood, flowering dogwood tree

qwíx̲letsest stirring

qwíx̲w miss (when shooting)

qwíx̲wet to miss it (a shot)

qwíyeltsel do a hula dance

qwiyx̲t shake it

qwíyx̲thet shake yourself

qwlhét push it into water

qwlhí:xel shoe

qwlímó:les rough, rough texture

qwó:ls boiling, making boil

qwó:pelhp devil's club

qwōhóls sticking out

qwólex̲wes black person

qwólst canning (it), boiling (it)

qwómchest hug around the neck

qwoqwát making a hole in it

qwóqwel speaking

qwoqwel qwloythel radio

qwóqwelem smelling damp, rank

qwóqwelstexw to say it

qwoqwex̲wlómét get irritated

qwóqwiyel getting yellow, turning yellow, turning green

qwox̲wlómét get irritated

qwóyel turn yellow or green

qwsá:yel to throw out a net

qwsét push him/it in water

qwsuyel set a net