e:méstexw bringing it
é:yeqthet change yourself
e'éwe no
e'qw'chestel napkin
e'qw'ilep to mop
e'wólemílep playground
eháléqep sound starts again far away
éhet wrapping it up
ehó wrapped up
- s'ehólets pocket, in a pocket
ehó:t wrap someone up, wrap something up
- éhet wrapping it up
ehó:yt cheat s-o
- hehóyt cheat him/her
- íhóyt cheating s/o
ekw'elexw to lose it
ekw'í:kw'elexw losing something
ekw'ólem to lose
ekwékwiyeqw great-great grandparent
ékwiyeqw great-great-great grandparent
- ekwékwiyeqw great-great grandparent
el stl'etl'í I love
el stl'í I want/I need...
- el stl'etl'í I love
el'élíyá dreaming, having visions
el'éliyemet dreaming about (it)
el'ólthet groaning
elelíle salmonberries
elílá:lhp salmonberry plant
- alalílelhp salmonberry plants
elílá:lhp salmonberry plant
- alalílelhp salmonberry plants
elíle salmonberry
elelíle salmonberries
- elílá:lhp salmonberry plant
élíyá to dream
- el'élíyá dreaming, having visions
éliyels onions
elíyemet to dream about something, someone
- el'éliyemet dreaming about (it)
eló:lh be aboard, be on, in a ride
elólmetsel waiting around
em'ímet stepping on it
em'ímeth grandchildren
emémeles little round thing
- mémeles little round thing
eméstexw to bring it
- e:méstexw bringing it
emét to sit down
- ó:met to sit down
emetáwtxw bathroom
emí:stexw bring, take (it)
emíkw'elo come here
emílst to get near him/her/it
emímel a little bit, small bit, a few
emó:th'iya youngest sister of Lhílheqey
epále ten (counting people)
- epále qas te lólets'e eleven (counting people)
epále qas te lólets'e eleven (counting people)
epálōws ten leaves
epó:les ten (counting dollars)
- epó:les qas te léts'es eleven (counting dollars)
epó:les qas te léts'es eleven (counting dollars)
epólestem cost ten dollars
epólestexw charge ten dollars
eq'éq'esem turkey vulture
eqéylem crawl underneath
eqéylemet crawl under it
eqw'í:ls wipe the dishes
- iqw'wí:ls drying dishes, wiping the dishes
eqwéqwelets back, backside
esáp' it's ended, ending a story
esép' te sx̲wōx̲wiyám end the story
ésqthet to grunt
- ó:sqthet to grunt
et'ó:t' slingshot (stretched kind)
eth'íwsem put on a dress
etítetáwtxw bedrooms
ew again
éw too heavy to lift
ewá:lh was he ever?
éwe no
- e'éwe no
- éwelh never
éwe is iyó:lem it's not alright
éwe is qéx̲ there's not many; it's not many
éwe is tl'í (it) is not hard
éwelh never
éweltí:l to race (of any kind, by foot, canoe, horseback, etc)
óweltí:l be racing, a race
- owóweltí:l several races
éwestexw making him/her say 'no'
- ewéwestexw making him/her say 'no'
ewesthóx Say no to me
ewéta nothing
ewéta shxwelistexw don't care about it.
ewéta shxwlixstexw don't care about it
ewetewát no-one
ewétó shxwlís it doesn't matter
ewéwestexw making him/her say 'no'
ewéwthet hurrying
ewkw'ellhelh out of breath
ewólem to play
- iwólem playing
ewólem kw'e lekyó:lta to play cards
éxel to paddle
- íxel to paddle
ex̲eymet borrow it from him/her
ex̲éymet borrow it from him/her
- éyx̲emet borrow it from him/her
ex̲ímels putting on credit
ex̲imstexw to lend him/her money
ex̲ímstexw to lend him/her money
- íx̲emstexw to lend him/her money
ex̲ó:ythílem to shave oneself
- íx̲iythílem to shave yourself
éx̲qst strike s-th pointed (esp. a match)'], to light a match
exwá:ls scratch around(like animals)
- íxwels scratch around(like animals)
éx̲wtel broom
olex̲tel brooms
- tóx̲wethem fish for sturgeon
éy good
- a'iy cute (little ones)
alíy good (eg. many things, people)
- alíyó:mex good looking (of several people)
- eyém strong
- eyeqel have a clear voice
éyes to have fun
- eyésthet to have fun
- eyéy good
- éystelómet pretending to be good, wanting to be accepted
éystexw to like (it)
- eyéystexw liking something
iyómex good-looking, beautiful, pretty, handsome, looks good
- íyiyómex good-looking
ey latelh good morning
ey slat good night
ey swayel good day
éy t'wa it would be better if
ey xwelált good evening
éy yilaw téxwswáyel good afternoon
éy'éyel get better
eyá:meth' good figure, to have a good figure
eyá:mets' good figure, have a good figure
- éyameth' good figure, have a good figure
éyaleqep to smell good
éyameth' good figure, have a good figure
éyaqelhtset to change it for him/her
eyáqt to change it
- éyaqt to change it
éyaqt to change it
eyát to chase him/her
éyéle long hair
eyém strong
eyém~iyém strong
eyémstexw make him strong
eyeqel have a clear voice
éyeqt change it
éyes to have fun
- eyésthet to have fun
eyésthet to have fun
éyetses clean hands
eyéy good
eyeyólwethet do it by yourself
eyéyqwlha How beautiful!(really)
eyéystexw liking something
eyi:lem clear up (as in the weather)
eyilem clear up (as in the weather)
- eyi:lem clear up (as in the weather)
éyó well, doing well
eyó:lemstexw to obey him/her
- iyó:lemstexw to obey him/her
eyó:sthet a whole bunch having fun, having lots of fun, having a good time
- íyósthet a whole bunch of folks having lots of fun
éyo' well, doing well
eyólés have good eyes
eyos leq'aleqel holidays
eyóth sharp
eyotháléqep a sharp sound
éyqwlha How beautiful! (really)
- eyéyqwlha How beautiful!(really)
éystelómet pretending to be good, wanting to be accepted
éystexw to like (it)
- eyéystexw liking something
éystólmet feeling good about yourself
éywelh good-natured, kind-hearted
éyxel to paddle
éyx̲emet borrow it from him/her