chá:lhtel smoking salmon (hanging fish up to smoke)
- chachí:yelhtel hanging lots of fish to dry
chá:lmel chinese person
- chelchálmel chinese people
chá:lmelhs álhtel chinese food
chá:lmels s'álhtel chinese food
chá:xw wife (slang, not respectful, 'the old lady')
- chálexw wife (slang)
chácha be tender (emotions)
cháchelh having arthritis pain, aching of arthritis
chachí:q'el mink
chachí:yelhtel hanging lots of fish to dry
cháchket little jacket
cháchu beach, shore
- chewélhem a fish going to spawn
- chucháchu beaches, shores
cháket jacket
- cháchket little jacket
- cháleket jackets
cháleket jackets
chaléwt turn s-th/s-o over, flip it over, turn it inside out
- chálewt turning something inside out, flipping it over, turning it inside out
chálewt turning something inside out, flipping it over, turning it inside out
cháléx hand
- chelcháléx hands
chálexw wife (slang)
chálh have arthritis pain
- cháchelh having arthritis pain, aching of arthritis
chalís cherries
chám jam
chámet carrying s-th/s-o on one's back, packing it on one's back'
cháxtwem getting swelled up
chechelhqí:l roof of your mouth
chechemo:st meeting someone
chékel chicken
- chékelélets chicken-dung
chékelélets chicken-dung
chél:exw to catch up with someone
chelá:l what a lot ! It's sure a lot
chelá:lqwlha it's sure a lot
cheláqelh yesterday
- cheláqelhelh yesterday
cheláqelhelh yesterday
chelcháléx hands
chelchálmel chinese people
chelchélq falling
chélhmel top of house
- chíchelhmel very top of house
chélhqel have a high voice
- chíchelhqel haveing a high voice
chelhqí:l roof of your mouth
- chechelhqí:l roof of your mouth
chélhta to borrow
- chélhtat lend it to s-o, let s-o borrow it
chókwelhta borrowing
- chókwelhtat borrowing something
chélhtat lend it to s-o, let s-o borrow it
chelóqtel walk single file
- chichelóqtel walking single file
chelúkwqel chinook jargon
chemchémlexw running away with someone, eloping with someone
chémet pack it on your back
- chmá:t carrying s-th/s-o on one's back, packing it on one's back
chémlexw to run away with someone , to elope with someone
- chemchémlexw running away with someone, eloping with someone
chemóstel meet each other
chémq stop blowing (of wind)
chémq~tsémq stop blowing (of wind)
chewchewōlhp black cottonwood trees
chewélhem a fish going to spawn
chewōlhp black cottonwood tree
- chewchewōlhp black cottonwood trees
chewóthel sit on riverbank
- chichewóthel sit on riverbank
chexw you
chí:letmexw great horned owls, several owls
chí' something scary, monster
chíchelh high
chelhqí:l roof of your mouth
- chechelhqí:l roof of your mouth
- Chíchelh Siyá:m God
chíchelh téméxw heaven
chíchelhmel very top of house
chíchelhqel haveing a high voice
chichelóqtel walking single file
chichewóthel sit on riverbank
chíchex̲em bitter, rancid
chx̲í:mthet get bitter, rancid
- chichex̲émthet getting bitter, getting rancid
chichex̲émthet getting bitter, getting rancid
chíkmel iron, silver
chílheqw bushy hair
chílukwqel chinook jargon
chítmexw great horned owl
- chí:letmexw great horned owls, several owls
chiyólh to gather firewood
- chiyóyelh to gather firewood
chiyóyelh to gather firewood
chmá:m packing something
chmá:t carrying s-th/s-o on one's back, packing it on one's back
chmaméleqw have a pack strap on head
chmítl' be dirty
chó:chem going away from water
chó:kw far
- chochkwó:les goatsbeard plant
- chokwélelqem traking an animal
- chokwí:lt to follow behind someone, trail someone, track someone
chokwú:lt following him/her, trailing someone
- chokwú:ltem tracking an animal
chó:leqw in the forest
chó:lqem follow
chó:lt follow him/her
- chél:exw to catch up with someone
chó:m to go away from water
- chó:chem going away from water
chó:mtel elope, run away with each other
chō:wqwela Canada lynx
chó:ythet stop (of wind)
chóchexw going down to the river
chochkwó:les goatsbeard plant
chokwélelqem traking an animal
chókwelhta borrowing
- chókwelhtat borrowing something
chókwelhtat borrowing something
chokwelstexw where did __ put it?
chokwí:lt to follow behind someone, trail someone, track someone
chokwú:lt following him/her, trailing someone
- chokwú:ltem tracking an animal
chokwú:ltem tracking an animal
chóleqwmel side of house away from river
chólex̲wem to bleed
- chólx̲wem bleeding
chólx̲wem bleeding
chowéthel Katz Reserve
chóxw go down to water
- chóchexw going down to the river
chucháchu beaches, shores
chuchuwáx̲el front side of a house
chuchuwó:ythel out in the middle of river
chxélcha to catch it (fish, animal)
- sxólcha a catch (fish, animal)
chx̲í:mthet get bitter, rancid
- chichex̲émthet getting bitter, getting rancid
chxwélmel want a wife
chxwétem be swollen up, swelled up
- cháxtwem getting swelled up