
la tó:l go down to the river

lakwwí:l a cross, gravestone

lale'úlem to reminisce

laleklít locking it

lalálém houses, many houses

laláts'extxw different rooms

laléx̲wtel blanket

lam to go

lam te xíxlhamet ye q'alyelex go to a pow wow

lamá'íwét kick him/her in the butt

lamáwtxw liquor-store

lamáíwet kick him/her on the bum

lamélwelh Canvas-back duck

lats'ú:mexw stranger

law hello

le kw'eíyeqel to lie on your back

le ámestexw take it to

le'ámestexw take it to

le'ós facing towards

lehá:l to play slahal

lekelít lock it, lock (tr.v.)

leklí key

lekw'ót to break it

lekwe'psem break your neck

lekwlekweláx̲el break one's arm

lekwlekwátses break your hand

lekwlekwíts break your back

lekwlá:xw break it accidentally

lekwláx̲el break one's arm

lekwát break it

lekwátses break your hand

lekwépsem break your neck

lekwíts break your back

lekyó:lta cards, playing cards (noun

lelehá:l to play slahal

leleplít priest

leleplós board

lelepoltóst punish him/her

lelepót cups

leleq'álh to be in the way

lelesák bags

leletám tables

lelopál shovel

lelá:yelhp Douglas fir trees

lelálwes wooden floor, platform

lelám alcohol (plural)

lelámawtxw liquor-store

leláxel fishing spots, fishing platforms

leléts' jaundice

leló:thel plates

leló:ys rice

lelúste rooster

lema'á:ls kicking

lemlemá:t kick it around

lemlemóthet jumping up and down (of indian doctor)

lemlémet folding something

lemá:t to kick him/her

lemóthet jump up and down (of indian doctor)

lep learn a lesson, give up, get whipped

leplepút beating up s-o as a lesson till he learns or gives up, teaching s-o a lesson'/

leplít priest

leplós board (n.)

lepál shovel

lepét to whip him

lepílítost punish him/her

lepót cup

lepút beat him/her up

leq'á:lqel to travel(v.), go on a journey (v.), trip (n.), journey (n.)

leq'álh to be in the way

leq'álhstexw stay on the right way/track

leq'álqel trip, journey

leq'éltsest turn the tables on him/her

leq'ét to set (tr.)

leq'éylep flat ground

leqw'ímōws flexible

leqw'ímṓws Flexible

leqwót break it in half (stick, etc)

leqómthet getting calm (water)

lesák a bag

lets'elíthet separate oneself from a group, separate oneself

lets'emó:t one kind, pile

lets'estem cost one dollar

lets'estexw charge one dollar for

lets'lets'áxw one time

lets'letsaxw one time, once

lets'ló:ts'tel lots of different colours

lets'lō:ts'tel Lots of colours

lets'á:wes one paddle

lets'álews one leaf

lets'ámeth' one rope, pole, stick

lets'áxw one time, once

lets'áyiws one pair of pants

lets'ét to fill (it)

lets'íws one bird

lets'ó:lmexw stranger

lets'ōwelh one canoe, one boat

lets'ōweyelh half-brother, half sister

lets'ṓweyelh Half brother, half sister

letám table

lew iyó:lem It's alright

lewklwket to break something into many pieces

lewkwót to break it (stick or bone)

lewkót to break it (stick or bone)

lewálh surprised, astonished

lewálhlexw surprise him/her accidentally

lewálhmet surprised by him

lewómet dancing costume

lexsyó:yes (someone who is) always working

lexw-semoró:mel beggar

lexwmálqewelh passed out

lexwmó:mel beggar

lexwqélwelh dirty-minded, bad-minded

lexws'éy generous (always good)

lexws'ó:les willing to do one's work

lexws'ú:met always lazy

lexws-heháiwe always hunting

lexws-há:we always hunting

lexwsewólem playful

lexwslhemlhém choke (on water)

lexwslhám choke on water

lexwslhém choke (on water)

lexwst'í:lem person that always sings

lexwst'ílem person who always sings

lexwst'ít'elem a person that is always singing

lexwsthetíwel serious (of a person)

lexwsyóys (someone) always working

lexwsí:si always scared

lexwóls three fruit

lexét put (it) on it's side

lexósem put head to one side

lex̲wethet to cover oneself up

lex̲wlex̲wō:m rapids, fast water

lex̲wó:m rapids, fast water

lex̲wō:m rapids, fast water

lex̲éywa to torch-light

lilekó:ltel be playing cards, playing a card game

lilílem little houses

lolepál shovel

loplós board

lopál~shxwoweth'ílep shovel

lopōs cape

lulh already

lulh hóy he/she already finished

lulh hóy he/she already finished

to go

lá tó:l go down the river

lá:lem house

lá:t to become night, get dark

lá:ts'ewets one hundred

lá:ts'éwtxwem to visit, visit (v.)

lá:yelhp Douglas fir

lá:yem laughing

lákw'em under-cooked

lálakwwí:l several crosses, gravestones

lálekw'em under-cooked

lálets'éwtxwem be visiting (with someone)

lálwes wooden floor, platform

lám alcohol, liquor, rum

lám ye sqwiyósthet go to a party

lám átl'qel to go outside, get outside

lámstexw take it, do it

lámtselh wave him/her away

lámówélh goodbye, so long

láqleqem goldeneye duck

látelh morning

láts' strange, different

láts'ewtxw a different room

láxel a fishing platform

láx̲et give him/her light

lékw it broke (of stick, bone)

lékw' it broke

lékwlekwat all broken up

léleklí keys

lélts'ó:méx look strange, different

lémet to fold it, fold (tr.v.)

lép'ex to eat (it)

lépetest ride with him/her

lépets get a ride

lépetsel get a ride

lépetst send it, to sent (tr.), send for

léq' flat, level

léqem to dive

lésleseqw greasy-head… ??

léth'ilets tall gray mountain blueberry

léts'e one

léts'eqel one (counting containers)

léts'es one (counting dollars)

léts'et fill up (tr.)

létsols one fruit (as it grows singly on a plant), also counting round objects

léwe you sg. (predicative), it's you

léwex put in (tr. v.), put into

léx̲et widen it

léx̲wet cover him/her with a blanket

léx̲wethet cover yourself with a blanket

léx̲wtel blanket

yonder, over there, in, at, on, (other meanings also include: yes, answer to yes/no question, question word at beginning of sentence

lí:leq it's easy, be easy, easy (to get)

lílem little house, cabin

líleqwel get calm (weather)

líleqwesem nodding ones head

líleqwet let rope go slack

lílísós angels

lílíyóm devil

líqw'em soft

líqwel get calm (weather), to calm down (of weather)

líqwem calm down (weather)

líqwesem to nod your head

líqwet let rope go slack

lístem to get left behind

lístexw leaving it there, leave it there

lístexwchxwó You leave it here!

lísós angel

líyliyem to laugh (group of people)

líyém to laugh

líyóm devil

ló:m to get hit by a thrown object

ló:met to hit him/her (with a thrown object)

ló:px̲wem to make noise

ló:thel plate, platter dish

ló:ys rice

lólem getting hit by a thrown object

lólemet to hit him/her (with a thrown object)

lólepx̲wemstexw make it noisy

lóleqwet to stake it

lólesthet to get fat

lólets'e one (counting people), one person, alone

lópex̲wem to make noise

lópx̲emstexw to make noise

lópx̲wemstexw make it noisy

lóqwet to stake it

lós fat

lós ~ ló:s fat

lósthet to get fat

lówéx̲ rib

lóy only, just, be only

lúste rooster

lōwlets pay back a debt

lōwletst pay him/her back

lōwlōwéx̲ rib

lōwéx̲ rib