
i'oyóm to walk slow

i'á:yx̲ crab

i'éyel get better

i:ey syoyes hobbies

i:mex̲ walking

i:salámeth' two ropes, poles, sticks

i:wesá:ls a guide, showing people

ileqá:ls buying (tr.)

ilhtelóthel snack on

iliyéthels edge of

ilá:q stern of a boat

iláq stern of a boat

ilólets'e alone, one person

ilólts'e alone, single

imexyósem to go for a walk

imexósem walk around, go for a walk

iqw'wí:ls drying dishes, wiping the dishes

isalámeth' two ropes, poles, sticks

isalíqw two fish

iselíws two birds

islá:wtxw two houses

islá:xw two times, twice

isláxw two times, twice

islōwelh two canoes

istéytiyel group of canoes going upriver

isá:le two

isá:le lá:ts'ewets two hundred

isá:leqel two (counting containers)

isá:les two o'clock

isá:lhp two trees

isá:wes two paddles

isálemó:t two kinds of piles

isálews two leaves

isályiws two pairs of pants

isélwet two items of clothing

isó:les two dollars

isólestem cost two dollars

isólestexw charge two dollars for

isóls two fruit in a group (as they grow on a plant)

itetlómet fall asleep

iwá:ltses cat's cradle

iwólem playing

iyalewes Brave

iyaléqep to smell good

iyaqélwetem change one's clothes

iyá:q change, transform (intr.)

iyálewes brave

iyálewet do it yourself

iyálewethet try to do it no matter what

iyáléqepthet starting to smell good

iyáqelhtset to change it for him/her

iyáqt change it

iyáqthet change yourself

iyés female friend

iyéseq sir

iyílem clear up (of weather)

iyíyólem okay, alright

iyó:lemstexw to obey him/her

iyó:lwethet try to do it

iyó:tel to fight

iyólem okay, alright

iyólewéthet do it by yourself

iyólwethet try to do it

iyómex good-looking, beautiful, pretty, handsome, looks good

iyóqest change money

iyóqthet change oneself

iyóthet to start

iyóthlexw get it sharp

iyótht sharpen it