má:kwlh to get hurt
- hámekwelh to get hurt
má:la to set bait
- mámela to set bait
má:lat to set bait
má:le bait
- melmá:le bait
má:yt to help him/her
ma'ál:es pull it out (tooth)
ma'el:es pull it out (tooth)
ma'elétstem to get castrated
- mama'elétstem to get castrated
ma'ílésem have teeth pulled
mákwlh accident
mál father
- melmá:l fathers
máleqa snow (on ground)
malesí:l/memeshíl machine
maletú sheep (several)
málqeles orgot s-th, have forgotten s-th, forgot s-o/s- th in one's mind'
- mámelqeles to forget (it)
málqelexw to forget it, forget (tr.)
- mámelqelexw to forget it
malyí to get married
- mámelyí getting married
mályí marry (v.)
malyít to marry him/her
- mamalyít to marry him/her
mama'elétstem to get castrated
mamalyít to marry him/her
mamel Dad, daddy
mámel dad, daddy
mámela to set bait
mámele children
- mímele little child, baby
mamelít dimes
mámelqeles to forget (it)
mámelqelexw to forget it
mamelqelómet forgetful person
mámelqlexw forgetting something, someone
mámelyí getting married
mamestíyexw person
mámeth'álem bluffing, pretending, being arrogant
mámeth'éléxw to doubt him/her
mámeth'elqéylem lying
mámetsel testicle
mamí:yt helping (him/her)
mamílyil several set nets, stationary nets
mámt give something away
máq'em to jump (of a fish)
- hámq'em to jump (of a fish)
máqa snow (on ground)
- máleqa snow (on ground)
máqel hair
- memáqel hair
máqel lhíts'eqwemáwtxw hair salon
math'álem to bluff, to pretend you know, be arrogant, be stuck up
- mámeth'álem bluffing, pretending, being arrogant
máth'elqéylém to lie
- mámeth'elqéylem lying
máth'elqéylém to lie
- mámeth'elqéylem lying
máts'el black haw berry
mátsel testicle
- mámetsel testicle
máx to take (it) off
- hémax taking something off
máxelhtset to take it off him/her
máxlhts'et to take if off for him/her
máyt to help (him/her)
- mamí:yt helping (him/her)
míytel a helper
- mó:miytel helpers
- momíyelhtel a helper, helping one another
me á:ylexw to revive, come back to life
me p'áq'em to bloom, to flower
me qelqéyl te sqwálewel to lose heart
mé'iyat ride piggyback
mé'wiyat ride piggyback
meá:ylexw to revive, come back to life
mechó:s literally / Probably
mékw fat, big around
- mékwmekw bumble bee
- mékwmekw' really fat, big around
mekw wat te selhtel non traditional food
mekw' all, every
mékw' all
- mékw'stám everything
mékw'em use second-hand
mékw'emáwtxw second-hand store
mekw'et take it all, pick it all up
- hómkw'et/mekw'mekw'et take it all, pick it all up
mékw'et pick it up
- mekw'mékw'et pick it up
mekw'ewát everyone
mekw'mékw'et pick it up
mékw'stám everything
mekw'wat everyone
mékweth to kiss, kiss on the lips
mékwmekw bumble bee
mékwmekw' really fat, big around
mekwó:meltses Thumb
mekwó:méltses thumb
- qwelx̲wometses thumb
mekwó:mélxel big toe
- melmelkwó:mélxel big toe
meláses te sisemóye honey
méle child
mámele children
- mímele little child, baby
mélés raccoon
melets'léts' high tide
mélhx̲wel indian plum
mélhx̲welelhp indian plum (plant)
melímeqw small bird (diminutive of mó:qw)
melístiyexw soul
mélk milk
- melmélk milk
melmá:l fathers
melmá:le bait
mélmel make a mistake
melmele'ó:ylha doll
mélmélhp Hemlock tree
melmélk milk
melmélkw'es sqoyép badger
melmelkwó:mélxel big toe
melmelqelómet forgetful person
melmélqw uvula
mélmeqsel noses
melmílets' confused
mélqelexw to forget (it)
- mámelqlexw forgetting something, someone
melqiwsem to faint or pass out
melqíwsem to faint, pass out
- memelqéwsem to faint, pass out
mélqw uvula
- melmélqw uvula
mélqweqel uvula
melúmesmes little cow
melxwíwsem grease your body
mélxwt oil it, grease it
- mémelxwt oil it, grease it
memá to come off (e.g. button)
- hemá to come off (e.g. button)
memáqel hair
mémeles little round thing
mémeles kápech brussel sprouts
mémeles qwqwa'áp crab apples (several, many)
mémeló:thel little dish
memelqéwsem to faint, pass out
mémelxwt oil it, grease it
memí:lt put it in the water
memí:lthet dip oneself in the water
memílha to dance (spirit dance)
memó:qw bird, large bird
méq' be full (from eating)
- méq'méq' full (from eating)
méq'et to swallow it
- hámq'et/méq'méq'et to swallow it
meq'ethále doggie-bag
meq'lómet to fill yourself up
méq'méq' full (from eating)
meq'óthem take left-overs
meqmeqselem clean your nose
meqó:s December
méqsel nose
- mélmeqsel noses
meqsélem clean your nose
- meqmeqselem clean your nose
méqw' burst out, get smashed
méqw'et smash it
- hémqw'et smash it
meqw'méqw' bunch of things burst
meqw'móqw'em swamp, bog
mes to get back to
meshíl machine
mesíl machine
- malesí:l/memeshíl machine
mesíyeltel anchor
méstexw bring, take (it)
- emí:stexw bring, take (it)
- mí:stexw bringing sth, taking sth
mestíyexw person
- mamestíyexw person
mét' easy to bend
- met'mét easy to bend
met'mét easy to bend
meth'álem stuck up, arrogant
meth'éléxw to doubt him/her
- mámeth'éléxw to doubt him/her
méth'elh pus
- meth'eméth'elh lots of pus
méth'elhqíwél wood tick
meth'eméth'elh lots of pus
méthelh spreading dogbane
metú sheep
- maletú sheep (several)
- mímetu little lamb
metúelqel sheep wool
mex̲álh caterpillar
- smímex̲álh caterpiller
mexméxts'el louse
méxts'el louse
- mexméxts'el louse
méx̲weya belly-button
- méx̲wméx̲weya belly-buttons
mexwíwsem grease your body
méx̲wméx̲weya belly-buttons
méylhtel a helper
mi come to
mí:lt put it in the water
- hámelet put it in the water
- memí:lt put it in the water
mí:lthet dip oneself in the water
- memí:lthet dip oneself in the water
mí:meqw small bird
- melímeqw small bird (diminutive of mó:qw)
mí:stexw bringing sth, taking sth
mí:t dime
- mamelít dimes
mí:t' blue grouse
mílha to dance (spirit dance)
- memílha to dance (spirit dance)
míliyel set a net
- hamílyel set a net
mílyil a set net, stationary net
- mamílyil several set nets, stationary nets
mímele little child, baby
mimele'ó:ylha doll
- melmele'ó:ylha doll
mímeles qwe'óp crab apple
- mémeles qwqwa'áp crab apples (several, many)
mímeq'et sink it
mímesem to choose, pick out, choose
mímeset to choose (it)
mímetu little lamb
mímexwel dirty water, unclear water
míq' to sink
- hámq' sinking
míq'et sink it
- mímeq'et sink it
mísem to choose, pick out
- mímesem to choose, pick out, choose
míset to choose (it), choose (tr.)
- mímeset to choose (it)
mítl' come!
mítl'et squish it
míyethélwét buckskin coat
míytel a helper
- mó:miytel helpers
- momíyelhtel a helper, helping one another
mó:lsem bog blueberry/tall swamp blueberry
mó:miytel helpers
mó:qw bird, large bird
- memó:qw bird, large bird
mí:meqw small bird
- melímeqw small bird (diminutive of mó:qw)
mó:qwem labradour tea
mó:yt to aim it
- mómeyt to aim it
mōkw'éthet pick themselves up
móleqwet mix something up
móleqwt to mix them
- mómeleqwet to mix them
mómeleqwet to mix them
mómet'es pointing
mómet'est to point at him/her
mómeyt to aim it
momíyelhtel a helper, helping one another
mopeló:les marble-eyes
móqwem swamp, bog
- meqw'móqw'em swamp, bog
mót'es to point
- mómet'es pointing
mót'est to point at him/her
- mómet'est to point at him/her
mót'estel a pointer
mótl' stumped (don't know)
mówech deer meat
mṓx̲weya bellybutton
móylhtel help out, go help, pitch in, help one another
móytel to help each other
mulusmes cow
múmesmes little cow
- melúmesmes little cow
músmes cow
- mulusmes cow