yá:t to vomit
- há:yet vomiting
yalh as usual, this time, now, the first time
yálh yew kw'a's hó:y I thank you (deeply), thank you
yalkw'ólhem close up a meeting
yálx̲ search
- yálx̲t search for it
yálx̲t search for it
yaq' darn!
- yéyaq' darn!
yáq' to fall a tree
yáyeq' to fall a tree
- yáyeq'els a logger
yáq'et to chop down a tree
- yáyeq'et to chop down a tree
yatílém to become a widow
yatl'q'els painting
yátl'q't to paint it
yáyekw'elexw breaking it
yáyekw'met hiring him/her
yáyeq' to fall a tree
- yáyeq'els a logger
yáyeq'els a logger
yáyeq'et to chop down a tree
yáylem to glide in the wind
- yeyáyelem gliding in the wind
yáysele two people
ye going along while doing something
ye'íle these
yékw' it broke
yékw'elexw to break it
- yáyekw'elexw breaking it
yékw'emet hire him/her
- yáyekw'met hiring him/her
yékw'es busy
- yekw'yékw'es busy
yékw'et rub it together
- yí:kw'et rub it together
yekw'ólhem last spring dance of season
yekw'yékw'es busy
yél:és tooth
yelá:wt pass him/her by, to pass by someone (tr.)
yelá:wx to pass by it, to pass by someone, something
- hílex to pass by it
yeláw pass on by, after, be over, passed
- hílaw pass on by, after
- yelá:wt pass him/her by, to pass by someone (tr.)
yelá:wx to pass by it, to pass by someone, something
- hílex to pass by it
yeláwxém to let someone pass
yélesem have a toothache
- yélyelesem have a toothache
yelkw'ólhem close up a meeting
- yalkw'ólhem close up a meeting
yeló:lh travel along
yelólém have/get a year ??????
yelqw't mess it up
- yelyélqw't mess it up
yéltht poison (him/her)
yélx̲t search for it
yélx̲w smooth
yélyelesem have a toothache
yelyélqw't mess it up
yelyó:lqw' makeing a mess
yelyóle wild rhubarb (several)
yelyólháwtxw wood shed
yemáwéstel wide cedar roots strips
yémq't rub oil/water on it
yémxtel shoelace
yéq'lexw manage to chop it down
yeqelsxá:y the first snow
yéqw burn, burned, scorch, to burn (intr. v.)
- háyeqw burning, getting burned
héyeqw a fire
- heqwhéyeqw fires, several fires
- héyeqwt burning something
yeqwá:ls having a burning
- hiyqwels having a burning
- yeqwyeqwáls having several burnings, ceremonial fires
yéqw'est sharpen (it)
- héyqw'est sharpen (it)
yeqwá:ls having a burning
- hiyqwels having a burning
- yeqwyeqwáls having several burnings, ceremonial fires
yéqwelchep to build a fire
- heyéqwelchep building a fire
yéqweqst turn it on
yeqwest crumbling of the bark or softening of the bark
- héyqwest crumbling of the bark or softening of the bark
yeqwí:l a light
yeqwí:lem make a light, turn on a light
yeqwí:les have heartburn
- yeqwyeqwí:les have heartburn
yéqwlexw to burn (it) [accidentally]
yéqwt to burn it (tr.)
yeqwyeqwáls having several burnings, ceremonial fires
yeqwyeqwí:les have heartburn
yeqwyeqwí:ws Yakweakwiwse
yests'ets'á riding (traveling on top of something)
yethéleqw have a pointy head
yéthest to tell (him/her)
- héythest telling (him/her)
yéthestexw tell it to him/her/it
- híythestexw tell it to him/her/it
yétl'q'esem paint your face
- yítl'q'esem paint your face
yetl'q'íwsem paint your body
- yetl'yetl'q'íwsem painting your body
yétl'q't to paint something, to rub something
- yátl'q't to paint it
yetl'q'íwsem paint your body
- yetl'yetl'q'íwsem painting your body
yétl'qest to smear it
- yetl'yetl'qest smearing it
yetl'yetl'q'íwsem painting your body
yetl'yetl'qest smearing it
yets'ets'á to travel on horseback
yewá:l first
yewálstexw start with (lit. = cause to be first)
yewí:leqw Medicine song
yewí:lmet use spirit power on him/her
yewí:lt put a spell on him/her
yex̲chat give him/her a gift
- híyx̲chat give him/her a gift
yéx̲chem ask for a present
- híx̲chem ask for a present
yéx̲chemet ask for it
- híx̲chemet ask for it
yéx̲chet give a gift to (tr.)
yéxw I wonder
yéx̲w it broke down, came apart
- yéyex̲w it broke down, came apart
yex̲wéletst unwrap it
yéx̲wet to dismantle, loosen, untie, unravel, unwind, unwrap, unlace
- híyex̲wet dismantle it
- yex̲wyex̲wet untieing s-th, unravelling s-th, unwinding it, unwrapping it, loosen sth, unlacing it
yex̲wyex̲wet untieing s-th, unravelling s-th, unwinding it, unwrapping it, loosen sth, unlacing it
yéyaq' darn!
yeyáyelem gliding in the wind
yéyex̲w it broke down, came apart
yeyíx̲w to fall apart
yéysele two (counting people)
yí:kw'et rub it together
yi'ówthet hurrying along
yilá:welhát Monday
yiláwel kw'a's hó:y thank you very much
yilówxém to let something pass
yíq to snow
- syíq snow (noun), a snowfall
- yíyeq be snowing
yiqwí:l lamp
yít'em to melt away
- yíytem to melt away
yít'et to melt (it)
- yíyt'et to melt (it)
yitá:lstem staggering around
yítl'q'esem paint your face
yiwí:leqw medicine song
yíx̲w to fall apart
- yeyíx̲w to fall apart
yíx̲wet to take it apart
- yíx̲yex̲wet to take it apart
yíx̲yex̲wet to take it apart
yíyeq be snowing
yíyt'et to melt (it)
yíytem to melt away
yó:lqw' make a mess
- yelyó:lqw' makeing a mess
yó:qw rotton fish
yó:t beware of it
- híyot beware of it
yó:ys to work
- shxwyóys employee
- yóyes working, be working
yó:yseqw little hat
yókw'em to break [in pieces], it broke
yókw'et to break it, break something
- yóyokw'et beaking something (on purpose)
- yóyekw'em it got broken
yókw'et to break it, break something
- yóyokw'et beaking something (on purpose)
yóla wild rhubarb
- yelyóle wild rhubarb (several)
yóleseqw hat
yolháwtxw wood shed
- yelyólháwtxw wood shed
yóqw'em to sweat
- yóyeqw'em sweating
yoseqw hat
- yó:yseqw little hat
yóseqw hat
- yóleseqw hat
yóseqwem put on your hat
- yóyeseqwem putting on your hat
yóswe maybe, might, perhaps
yóthet walk backwards
- heyóthet walk backwards
yóx̲w to thaw
yóx̲wt to thaw something
- yóyx̲wt to thaw it
- yóyex̲w thawing
yóx̲wet to thaw it
- yóyx̲wet thawing it
yóx̲wt to thaw something
- yóyx̲wt to thaw it
yóyekw'em it got broken
yóyeqw'em sweating
yóyes working, be working
yóyeseqwem putting on your hat
yóyetal relative, cousin
yóyex̲w thawing
yóyokw'et beaking something (on purpose)
yóyx̲wet thawing it
yóyx̲wt to thaw it
yú:w said when praising something beautiful
- yú:wqwlha how beautiful!
yú:wqwlha how beautiful!
yutl'ó:lem them, they
yúwest put a spell on someone, curse someone
- yuyúwest putting a spell on someone
yuyúwest putting a spell on someone