kwalómet to get away
kwamó:ythel round mouth
kwe'át to stop bothering him/her
- kwikw'eát to stop bothering him/her
kwekweshú'ó:llh piglet
kwekwiqel hiking
kwekwtsem to scream
kwekwx̲wó:mels blueberries, mountain huckleberries (Alaskan blueberry)
kwekwát letting it go, dropping it, letting it lose
kwekwó:tel separate (in marrige)
kwekwótel be separated (in marriage), to break up (from each other)
kwekwótelstexw to separate [another couple] (tr.)
kwekwú:ls hang onto (him/her)
kwelkwelqéylem cave
kwelkwelát get, have
kwelkwáléws to murder
kwelkwáléwst to murder him/her
kwelkwímelésem to blush
kwelkwól corn
kwelkwólexw dog salmon (chum)
kwelqéylem cave
- kwelkwelqéylem cave
kwelsám hot (feeling hot oneself)
kweltssá:ls shaking hands
kweltó:l to wrestle
- kwíkweltó:l to wrestle
kwelukwawtxw kitchen
kwelálhtset to owe him
kwelát get, have, hold
- kwelkwelát get, have
kwelétses to shake hands
- kwéletses shaking hands
kwelétsest shaking his/her hand, shake hands with someone
- kwéletsest shake his/her hand, to shake hands with someone
kweléxt sting him/her
kwelósel to drive, to steer
kwelóst to catch an animal
kwelúkwatwxw kitchen
kwelúkwelhtset to cook it for (him/her/it)
kweshu'ósem smell like a pig
kweshú pig
kweshú sméyeth bacon
kwesúyex̲el valley
kwetl'éthet struggle to get free
- kwótl'thet struggle to get free
kwetxwí:lem go inside
- kwétexwílem go inside
kwetáxwstexw keep it inside
- skwetáxwstexw keep it inside
kwetáxwt to let/bring him/her in
- kwétexwt to let/bring him/her in
kwexáls naming
kwikw'eát to stop bothering him/her
kwikwiyó:s uncle or aunt (respectful term)
kwimeléstem to blush
kwiyó:s uncle or aunt (respectful term)
- kwikwiyó:s uncle or aunt (respectful term)
kwthát to pile it up
kwtxwéltsep bring in fire wood
kwtáxwt to let someone inside
- kwútexwt letting someone in
kwukwáwtxw kitchen
- kwelukwawtxw kitchen
- kwelúkwatwxw kitchen
kwxwá:ls to knock (once), rap (once)
- kwókwexwels knocking, rapping
kwx̲wó:mels blueberry (Alaskan blueberry)
- kwekwx̲wó:mels blueberries, mountain huckleberries (Alaskan blueberry)
kwx̲wómels huckleberry (shiny black mountain)
kwá anyway
kwá:l to hide yourself
- kwókwel to hide yourself
kwá:lx to hide it
- kwókwelx to hide it
kwá:t let something go, drop something, let something lose
- kwekwát letting it go, dropping it, letting it lose
kwá:y jay, blue-jay
- kekwá:y jays, blue-jays
kwá:yx̲t moving it
- kwáyx̲em pékche'á:ls Television
kwáléws to murder
- kwelkwáléws to murder
kwáléwst to murder him/her
- kwelkwáléwst to murder him/her
kwátsem to scream
- kwekwtsem to scream
kwáyx̲em pékche'á:ls Television
kwél:em get, fetch
- kwól:em get, fetch
kwélest to catch an animal
- kwelóst to catch an animal
kwéletses shaking hands
kwéletsest shake his/her hand, to shake hands with someone
kwélexw to get, to have, to catch, to find
kwéltsestel pot-holder
kwéléx shoot off a gun, shot an arrow
kwéléxt to shoot something
- akwéléxt to fire (a gun)
- ákwelex shooting (a gun, an arrow)
kwéléxt to shoot something
- akwéléxt to fire (a gun)
kwém to thud
- kwómkwem to thud
kwémkwémlexw roots
kwémlexw root
- kwémkwémlexw roots
kwétexwt to let/bring him/her in
kwétexwílem go inside
kwétstexw show it to him/her
- kwókwestexw show it to him/her
kwétxwílemet to break into (tr.)
kwíkweltó:l to wrestle
kwíkwemel turn red
kwíkweshu little pig
kwíkwetl'em Coquitlam
kwíkwex wild
kwíkwexet naming him/her
- kwexáls naming
kwímelésem to blush
- kwelkwímelésem to blush
kwíxet to read something, to name him/her
kwíkwexet naming him/her
- kwexáls naming
- skwíx name
kwíykwethesem shake your head
kwíythesem shake your head
- kwíykwethesem shake your head
kwíyx̲emel to move around
kwíyx̲t to move it
kwá:yx̲t moving it
- kwáyx̲em pékche'á:ls Television
- kwíyx̲emel to move around
kwíyx̲thet to move oneself
- kwó:yx̲thet moving (by yourself)
kwíyx̲thet to move oneself
- kwó:yx̲thet moving (by yourself)
kwó:l to be born
kwó:tel separate (in marrige)
- kwekwó:tel separate (in marrige)
kwó:yx̲thet moving (by yourself)
kwókwel to hide yourself
kwókwelx to hide it
kwókwestexw show it to him/her
kwókwexwels knocking, rapping
kwókwexwet knocking on something
kwól corn
- kwelkwól corn
kwól:em get, fetch
kwólesel stars
kwólxw drop s-th (accidentally), let s-o go
kwómexw salmon finished spawning
kwómkwem to thud
kwósel star
- kwólesel stars
kwótawi eel
- kwótawis eel
kwótawis eel
kwótel be separated (in marriage)
- kwekwótel be separated (in marriage), to break up (from each other)
kwótewi eel
kwótl'thet struggle to get free
kwótx̲wem rumbling, thunder
kwóxwet to knock on something
kwxwá:ls to knock (once), rap (once)
- kwókwexwels knocking, rapping
- kwókwexwet knocking on something
kwóxálh railroad
kwú:ls hang onto (him/her)
- kwekwú:ls hang onto (him/her)
kwú:t taking (it)
kwúkewels High Bush Cranberry
kwúkw Cook (it)
kwúkwelhtset to cook it for (him/her/it)
- kwelúkwelhtset to cook it for (him/her/it)
kwúkwemels cucumber
kwúkwt cook (it)
kwúlhehet to get for someone (tr.)
kwút take (it), to get (tr.)
- kwú:t taking (it)
kwútexwt letting someone in
kwōx̲weth coho salmon
kwṓx̲weth Coho Salmon