
qá:l to steal

qá:lh reject a person

qá:lmílh reject as husband/wife for your child

qá:lq rose (plant), rose coloured

qá:lqelhp rosebush

qá:lt to rob him/her, to steal something

qá:w to rest

qá:wstexw cause to rest

qá:wthet to rest yourself

qá:ytl'em squeek, creek

qálets' to spin wool

qálq rose (rose coloured)

qálqomex looks like a rose

qálstexw dislike (him/her)

qám quiet down, be calm (of water or wind)

qametólém get calm (of wind)

qáqel stealing

qáqelets' spinning wool

qáqem quiet down (water)

qáqep'et to close (it)

qaqí:lt robbing him/her, stealing something

qaqíw to rest

qaqíwthet to rest yourself

qas and

qáth't push it down, pack it down

qátx̲els to feel (with hands)

qátx̲t to feel (it) (with hands)

qáwlhelh rest your throat

qáwlómet rested

qáys new, just started, just, recently, just now, lately, (at one recent moment), not long ago

qe and, or, but

qe'ó:les tear drop

qe'óleq Friend, buddy

qél bad

qél:éx̲ salmon eggs

qelá:wthet camp and rest

qelát more, again

qelátstexw do it again

qelelexw spoil it

qelelhóméx ugly

qelélwes afraid to try

qélem eye

qéléméx oh my goodness

qeléqep to smell bad

qelésemet turn one's face away

qéletses have dirty hands, bad habits

qeléxw spoil it

qelí:lt spoil it

qelí:lthet to turn bad

qelímó:les rough-looking

qelmí:lthel leftovers, scraps

qeló:les tears

qeló:qtel be sister and brother to each other

qelóméx look bad, look mean

qelóth blunt, dull

qelqá:lq rose

qelqá:lqelhp rosebush

qelqálém disgusted

qelqásem smell like a rose

qelqé:li:lt To destroy (it)

qélqe:lt to destroy (it)

qelqé:ylt to destroy (it)

qélqel:ém eyes

qelqél:éx̲ salmon eggs

qelqelátstexw do it again

qelqélelhómex ugly

qelqelém Disgusted

qelqélexw spoil it

qelqelí:lt spoil it

qelqelí:lthet to turn bad

qélqelwílhmet to hate him/her

qelqelwíst to hug him

qelqéyl to get destroyed, to turn bad, to get dirty/spoiled

qelqílthet upset stomach

qélqíyl getting destroyed, turning bad, getting dirty/spoiled

qélqwlha how beautiful!

qelsílém partially blind

qélstexw dislike (him/her)

qélwelh stingy, bad-natured, cranky, bad-tempered

qelwí:st To hug him

qelwílhmet to hate him/her

qelwílst to hug him

qém:el come in (of tide)

qemó: to suckle

qemót to suckle on it

qép'esem To bend over

qép'est turn it upside down

qep'ó:ythel cover your mouth

qep'ós face down

qep'ósem to bend over

qep'óst turn it upside down

qep'yó:lha to lay on one's stomach

qépkwoya small owl

qéqelelhó:mex ulgy little ones

qeqémel rising [of water]

qéqemó: to suckle

qeqemót to suckle on it

qeqemótel Having the same parents

qeqemóthel having the same parents

qeqiq'awtxw jail

qeqó: water

qésqesí:lem sobbing (after crying)

qesqesí:lqel tired out from crying

qetás steam-cook in a pit

qétes steam-cooking in a pit

qeth'ét push it down, pack it down

qethiyálh uncle

qéttle waistband for skirt

qetx̲á:ls to feel (with hands)

qétx̲als Feeling around

qétx̲t to feel (it) (with hands)

qewét warm him up

qewéthet warm yourself up

qéx̲ much, many, a lot

qex̲óthet slide

qéylemá:ls have a funeral

qéylemt put it away, to put away, to save (tr.)

qéyleqels villain, bad guy, bad person

qéymeqw' octopus

qéyqel no good

qéyqelemt put it away

qeyqelímels have a funeral

qéyqep'yó:lha laying on one's stomach

qeyqeq'et to catch (him/her) as prisoner

qeyqex̲elátsem little sled

qéyqex̲em to slip, to slide

qeyqex̲óthet slide

qeyqeyx̲elósem ray of sun between clouds

qéytl't press it down

qéyx̲em to slip, to slide

qéyx̲es blind

qí:w to menstruate

qí:wx̲ steelhead trout

qíq' in jail, caught, imprisoned

qíq'áwtxw jail

qíq'et to catch (him/her) as prisoner

qíqe soft

qíqel mischievous

qiqep'eyósem lying on your stomach

qíqeq'els policeman

qíqeq'éls police

qíqew menstruating

qíqex̲elátsem slide on your bottom

qíqex̲em slippery

qíqeytl'em squeek, creek

qítes cedar headband

qíx̲elátsem slide on your bottom

qíytes Cedar headband

qó: water

qó:'im watermelon

qó:lem to scoop, to dip, dip water

qó:lhcha water with stuff in it

qó:lt scoop it up

qó:m to cup water in your hands

qó:mthet be still (of water)

qó:qe to drink

qó:qet to drink something (it)

qólem to scoop, to dip, to dip water

qóqelem ladeling, dipping (water, but also food)

qóqem to cup water in your hands

qoqéylt scoop it up

qoqó:lem a place name of Vedder Mountain (meaning drinking water)

qoqó:qe drinking

qoqó:qet drinking something (it)

qowletsá:ls boiler pan

qōwletst go around it

qp'á:letstel a lid

qp'á:qet to close (it)

qp'á:thet To close it

qsí:l tired out

qx̲álh lots of times

qx̲ó:s lots of money