
x̲we'á to do copying, imitating

x̲we'át to copy him/her, imitate him/her

x̲welhx̲wlhép lose your balance

x̲welhx̲wélhepxel to slip, lose balance

x̲weló:ystem to stagger

x̲wemxálem to run

x̲weméthel to eat fast

x̲wetl'x̲wetl'qelálá pillow-cases

x̲wetát to tear it

x̲wex̲we'á to do copying, imitating

x̲wex̲we'áls a copier, copymachine

x̲wex̲weló:ystem staggering around

x̲wex̲wét get torn

x̲wex̲wéye fly

x̲wix̲we'át to copy him/her, imitate him/her

x̲wix̲wíyem nervous walking on something narrow

x̲wlhép lose your balance

x̲wlhépelets sit down with a plop

x̲wlhépxel to slip, lose balance

x̲wox̲weqw'et to pole it

x̲wox̲wá:yt kill them

x̲wá:y to die (of group)

x̲wá:yt kill them

x̲wálá:lhp willow tree

x̲wástel solid greese

x̲wátet to tear it

x̲wé:yleqw hopping bird (see them at the beach)

x̲wélx̲weylem ropes, twines, strings, threads

x̲wém fast, hurry

x̲wémthet rush, go fast

x̲wémx̲wémstexw cause to move fast

x̲wét get torn

x̲wéylem rope, twine, string, thread

x̲wéylemt to weigh it, measure it

x̲wéyx̲welemt weighing it, measuring it

x̲wéyx̲weqw'em to snore

x̲wí:qw'em to snore

x̲wíqw'el sleet

x̲wíqw'est put rope around his neck

x̲wíx̲weqw'est putting a rope around someone's neck

x̲wíx̲wiyá:m telling a legend

x̲wíythesem get one's picture taken

x̲wíyá:m tell a legend

x̲wó:qw' sawbill duck

x̲wómxelém running around, a runner

x̲wóqw'et to pole it

x̲wóweqwels to pole a canoe

x̲wóx̲welá:lhp small willow tree

x̲wōqw slough

x̲wōqwwōqw slough