x̲wá:y to die (of group)
x̲wá:yt kill them
- x̲wox̲wá:yt kill them
x̲wálá:lhp willow tree
x̲wástel solid greese
x̲wátet to tear it
x̲wé:yleqw hopping bird (see them at the beach)
x̲we'á to do copying, imitating
- x̲wex̲we'á to do copying, imitating
- x̲wex̲we'áls a copier, copymachine
x̲we'át to copy him/her, imitate him/her
- x̲wix̲we'át to copy him/her, imitate him/her
x̲welhx̲wélhepxel to slip, lose balance
x̲welhx̲wlhép lose your balance
x̲weló:ystem to stagger
- x̲wex̲weló:ystem staggering around
x̲wélx̲weylem ropes, twines, strings, threads
x̲wém fast, hurry
x̲wemxálem to run
- x̲wómxelém running around, a runner
x̲weméthel to eat fast
x̲wémthet rush, go fast
x̲wemxálem to run
- x̲wómxelém running around, a runner
x̲wémx̲wémstexw cause to move fast
x̲wét get torn
- x̲wex̲wét get torn
x̲wetát to tear it
- x̲wátet to tear it
x̲wetl'x̲wetl'qelálá pillow-cases
x̲wex̲we'á to do copying, imitating
x̲wex̲we'áls a copier, copymachine
x̲wex̲weló:ystem staggering around
x̲wex̲wét get torn
x̲wex̲wéye fly
x̲wéylem rope, twine, string, thread
- x̲wélx̲weylem ropes, twines, strings, threads
x̲wéylemt to weigh it, measure it
- x̲wéyx̲welemt weighing it, measuring it
- xweyxwelímels measurement, unit
x̲wéyx̲welemt weighing it, measuring it
x̲wéyx̲weqw'em to snore
x̲wí:qw'em to snore
- x̲wéyx̲weqw'em to snore
x̲wíqw'el sleet
x̲wíqw'est put rope around his neck
- x̲wíx̲weqw'est putting a rope around someone's neck
x̲wix̲we'át to copy him/her, imitate him/her
x̲wíx̲weqw'est putting a rope around someone's neck
x̲wíx̲wiyá:m telling a legend
x̲wix̲wíyem nervous walking on something narrow
x̲wíyá:m tell a legend
- sx̲wōx̲wiyám legend, story from Transformer period, myth, fable, kids's story
- x̲wíx̲wiyá:m telling a legend
x̲wíythesem get one's picture taken
x̲wlhép lose your balance
- x̲welhx̲wlhép lose your balance
x̲wlhépelets sit down with a plop
x̲wlhépxel to slip, lose balance
- x̲welhx̲wélhepxel to slip, lose balance
x̲wó:qw' sawbill duck
x̲wómxelém running around, a runner
x̲wōqw slough
- x̲wōqwwōqw slough
x̲wóqw'et to pole it
- x̲wox̲weqw'et to pole it
x̲wōqwwōqw slough
x̲wóweqwels to pole a canoe
x̲wox̲wá:yt kill them
x̲wóx̲welá:lhp small willow tree
x̲wox̲weqw'et to pole it