pá:pa wooly, fluffy
pá:píth'a soft, fluffy material
pá:yts'em throwing off sparks
pákw'et heat it up, smoke it
- pápekw'et heat it up, smoke it
pálétst skim it off
pápekw'et heat it up, smoke it
pápeth'em to stink, have animal smell (of bear, skunk, dog, etc.), (have) body odor'
- papeth'émthet to stink
- sth'épeq skunk (striped)
papeth'émthet to stink
pápethet spread it
pás pear
pástel American
- pepástel Americans
páthet spread it
- pápethet spread it
pathúyel bear-trap
payex̲ém témexw earthquake
pehá:ls to blow (of the wind), it's windy
- pepehá:ls to blow (of the wind)
pehó:mō:lh Bullfrog
pékcha picture
pekchá:m take a picture
- pepékchá:m take a picture
pekw'em to burst (of seed)
pél get buried, planted
spí:l (the thing) buried, planted
- spapí:l (be) buried, planted
pél:ékw to appear, become visible
- pelpélekw appearing becoming visible (possibly of several)
pelá:ls to make love, have sex
- pípelá:ls making love, having sex
pelále banana
pélh get crowded
pelípe papers
pelipehó:m frogs
pelipehó:mó:llh baby frogs
pelkwí:ws small-pox, chicken-pox, measles
peló:qel torch
peló:qes torch season
pelópqw'em puffball
pelpélekw appearing becoming visible (possibly of several)
pelpeleqw sq'oq'ey chicken pox
pélpelqw't powdering (him/her/it)
pelpí:lt burying it, planting it
pelpólx̲wem lots of clouds
pélqw't to powder (him/her/it)
- pélpelqw't powdering (him/her/it)
peltá:kwem bracken fern
pelú:pt boat
pelúps cats, kittens
pepástel Americans
pépe pepper
pepehá:ls to blow (of the wind)
pepékchá:m take a picture
pepítxel lizard
pepíx̲eya have a nightmare
pepó:t blowing it
pepó:tem flute, instrument you blow into
pepx̲wíqsel gnat, black-fly
péqw it broke off (piece)
péqwchú:lthel American Bar (placename)
peqwó:t break it in half (fruit, bread, etc)
peqwót break it in half (fruit, bread, etc)
- peqwó:t break it in half (fruit, bread, etc)
- póqwt break it in half (fruit, bread, etc)
peqwpéqw broken off into pieces
peqwpéqwet break into lots of pieces
pésk'a hummingbird
- pespésk'a hummingbirds
pespésk'a hummingbirds
pespéskwt to insult him/her
pésqwt insult him/her (body-part names)
- pósqwt insult him/her (body-part names)
petá:mes to ask for someone
petá:met to ask him/her/it
- pétemet asking someone
petám to ask
petá:met to ask him/her/it
- pétemet asking someone
- petámeles ask about him/her
petámeles ask about him/her
petámet to ask (him/her)
péte butter
pétemet asking someone
pethíwet take the loose eggs out of it
pétlexw to recognize him/her
- pípetlexw to recognize him/her
pewá:ls to freeze (intr.)
- pupuá:ls to freeze
péx̲px̲wíq no-see-um (biting midge)
pexwelhá:lém to breathe
pexwlhálém to breathe
- pexwelhá:lém to breathe
péykel powte baking powder
pí:kwel barbecue stick
pí:lt to bury it
- pelpí:lt burying it, planting it
pípe paper
- pelípe papers
pípé paper
pipe'áwtxw post office
pípehó:m frog
- pelipehó:m frogs
pipehó:mó:llh baby frog
- pelipehó:mó:llh baby frogs
pípelá:ls making love, having sex
pípeqwels purple
sp'íqw'el turn purple
- sp'íp'eqw'el turning purple
pípetlexw to recognize him/her
pípewet freeze (it)
pípexw fall off (petals, seeds.)
pípexwem fall off (petals, seeds.)
pípiyet brace oneself in it
pípíyewsem crossing oneself
pís peas
pítet introduce (tr.)
pítethet introduce oneself, introducing oneself
pítxel lizard (salamander)
- pepítxel lizard
píwet freeze (it), to freeze (tr.)
- pípewet freeze (it)
píx̲eya have a nightmare
- pepíx̲eya have a nightmare
píxw fall off (petals, seeds.)
- pípexw fall off (petals, seeds.)
píxwem fall off (petals, seeds.)
- pípexwem fall off (petals, seeds.)
píyet brace oneself in it
- pípiyet brace oneself in it
píyewesem cross oneself
píyewsem cross oneself
- pípíyewsem crossing oneself
plhá:t to be thick
- plhplhá:t to be thick
plhátstexw make it thick
plhó:ythel have thick lips
plhplhá:t to be thick
plíst to bless him/her/it
pó:lx̲wem be steaming
- spólx̲wem steam (noun)
pó:lxwt to steam it
pó:lx̲wt steaming something
pó:t to blow it
- pepó:t blowing it
pó:tem flute, instrument you blow into
- pepó:tem flute, instrument you blow into
pó:xweleqw Yellow Cedar
pó:yethel (have a) twisted mouth
pó:yt to bend it
- popíyt to bend it
pókw' to smoke fish
- pópekw' to smoke fish
pókw'em blows around (plant fuzz)
pól ball
pol sewolem baseball
poleqw'íth'et to 'ghost' (him/her)
poleqw'íth'etem get "ghosted"
pólex̲wem to start to steam, get steamed
pó:lx̲wem be steaming
- spólx̲wem steam (noun)
póléx̲wet to steam something
- pó:lxwt to steam it
- pó:lx̲wt steaming something
pópekw' to smoke fish
pópeqwtem mould
pópeqwthet get mouldy
pópex̲wels blow spray
pópex̲wet blow on him (Indian medicine)
popíyt to bend it
pópqw'em puffball
- pelópqw'em puffball
póqw'elh storage on a pole
póqwt break it in half (fruit, bread, etc)
póqwthet get mouldy
- pópeqwthet get mouldy
poskwet to insult him/her
- pespéskwt to insult him/her
pósqwt insult him/her (body-part names)
póste pasta, noodles
pótel a sail
- pótelem several sails
pótelem several sails
póx̲wels blow spray
- pópex̲wels blow spray
póx̲wet blow on him (Indian medicine)
- pópex̲wet blow on him (Indian medicine)
pqwá:y rotten wood
pqwíles out of breath
ptá:kwem bracken fern
- peltá:kwem bracken fern
pú:ches hoar frost on branch
pú:t boat
- pelú:pt boat
pú' to fart
- spú' a fart
pú'elets a show-off
pumí:l drumstick
pumkel pumpkin
púps kitten
- pelúps cats, kittens
- púpsollh kitten, kitty
púpsollh kitten, kitty
pupuá:ls to freeze
pús cat
púps kitten
- pelúps cats, kittens
- púpsollh kitten, kitty
px̲íwét spread his/her legs
px̲wíqs no-see-um (biting midge)
- péx̲px̲wíq no-see-um (biting midge)
px̲wíqsel gnat, black-fly
- pepx̲wíqsel gnat, black-fly