
sh(xw)kw'ekw'í rafters

shw'áp'ewí:ls dish towel

shxemxwemeqéyls can or bottle opener

shxw'el'álex siblings-in-law

shxw'elóthestses palm of hand

shxw'iláx̲el armpit

shxw'opestel towel

shxw'oqw'íls dish rag

shxw'á:ye be in the centre, be in the middle

shxw'áléx brother/siter in law of the opposite sex (brother in law, sister in law)

shxw'áp'ewí:ls dish towel

shxw'áthetel cloud, cloudy

shxw'éy what it's good for

shxw'éyelh to be healthy

shxw'éyelth be in good health

shxw'í:lá:má:lá shoulder

shxw'íles cheek

shxw'íláx̲el Armpit

shxw'ímex where one walks

shxw'íyem health, strength

shxw'ó:met sofa

shxw'ólewú turnip

shxw'óthestses palm of hand

shxw'ōwhámél Ohamil

shxwch'á:yxwels fish-drying rack

shxwe'álexáwt bedroom

shxwe'álex̲eth bed

shxwe'álex̲etháwtxw bedroom

shxwe'áx̲eth bed

shxwe'áx̲etháwtxw bedroom

shxwe'íqw'els eraser

shxwe'ó:thesxel sole of foot

shxwe'ó:thesxel~shxwe'óthesxe sole of foot

shxwehóthes veil

shxwel'áthetel clouds

shxwelalathílé cupboard, shelf

shxwelalí places/areas where things are at, where it's fromplaces [noun: a place, etc.]

shxwelathílé cupboard, shelf

shxwelelá:m shaman, Indian doctor

shxwelexwxwó:s thunderbirds

shxwelimá:le stores

shxwelméxwelh skwí:x indian name

shxwelp'életstel toilet paper (several)

shxwelt'álh bridge

shxwelxwelí many life forces

shxwelxwlí places/areas where something is at, or from

shxwelám echo

shxwelí spirit, life spirit , soul, spirit of a living person

shxwelí:lá:má:lá shoulder

shxwelíles cheek

shxwelíláx̲el armpit

shxwelís kw'es ítettset place that we sleep

shxweló:thesxel sole of foot

shxwelókw' wrapped up

shxwelólewú turnips

shxwelómet sofa

shxwelóqw'ewí:ls dish towel

shxwemamaqel be open

shxwemlá:lekw aunts or uncles (or parent's cousins)

shxwemlí:kw aunt or uncle (or parent's cousin)

shxwemlóxchexw you did me a favour

shxwemqó:m water-basket

shxwemá be open

shxwemáqel be open

shxwep'életstel toilet paper

shxweqw'élqstel a nose-ring

shxwetiyéqethel sassy, answering back

shxwetoleólestel eye glasses

shxwetxwítel urinal, bed pan

shxwewá:y parent

shxwewáli parents

shxwexwá hard-working

shxwexwó:s thunder, it's thundering

shxwexwó:s mo:kw' thunderbird, thunder

shxweyó:yes tool

shxwi'atl'qels paint

shxwimá:le a store

shxwimála store

shxwixwóxwth' a little crazy

shxwiyáxkel elk

shxwiyélhtel ashes, cinders

shxwiyémtel belt

shxwkokwí:l a hiding place

shxwlakelí lock (n.)

shxwlalamá:lá bottle

shxwlathílé cupboard

shxwlemóthetále pit made by indian doctor

shxwlhíhets'els a saw

shxwlá:m shaman, Indian doctor

shxwlám where one is going

shxwlámá:lá bottle

shxwlí where it's at, where it's from, a place

shxwlístexw to care about it

shxwmáth'elqel a liar

shxwmó:l to beg

shxwmó:mel to beg

shxwmót'estel direction marker

shxwokwe'ekw'els, or something numb

shxwoqw'ewí:ls dish towel

shxwoweth'ílep shovel

shxwp'áp'eth' sewing machine

shxwpípewels a freezer

shxwqw'élqstel Nose-ring

shxwqweqwá:ls burer, auger

shxwqwáylhecháls long-handled stirring spoon

shxwqwó:ls pot (for boiling)

shxwqwó:lthels a wood carving

shxwqáqelets' wool-spinning machine

shxwqó:m water-basket

shxwsiyám boss

shxwt'at'ekwels boat

shxwt'elémels glue

shxwt'álh bridge

shxwt'ás what’s it like, what’s it doing?

shxwt'át'ekwel ferry

shxwt'át'ekwels stimót ferry boat

shxwt'ólestel window - shade

shxwt'ót'epels tool for wood

shxwtatí:m telephone

shxwteltóle'ólestel eye-glasses

shxwtelí where you come from

shxwtetatí:m telephones

shxwth'oxwi:les dishwasher

shxwth'ox̲wewí:ls dish pan, dish water

shxwth'á:lhtel cedar strips for baskets

shxwth'ámqels scissors

shxwth'ámqels~sth'ámqels scissors

shxwth'éx̲welwetem washing machine

shxwtháyelets rudder

shxwtháyelets~tháyeletstel rudder

shxwtiti'álá teapot

shxwtitós safe place to cross river

shxwtl'etl'ep very deep, deeper

shxwtl'etl'ép deep

shxwtl'ép deep

shxwtl'épstexw make it deep

shxwtló:s loud

shxwts'á:yxwélwetem drier

shxwts'ákwx̲els frying-pan

shxwtále'álá purse, wallet

shxwtélhtses a hammer

shxwtélqel answer

shxwtéxelqeyls wool carder

shxwtéxelqéyls a wool carder

shxwtí'álá teapot

shxwtíyeqel answer

shxwtóle'ólestel eye-glasses

shxwxóxekw'em bathtub

shxwyáx̲q'els pouch

shxwyóys employee

shxwá:yetses middle finger

shxwélem where someone goes

shxwémaltsel wolverine

shxwémeqéyls can or bottle opener

shxwémlexw do him/her a favour

shxwí:kw'els garbage

shxwíq'els a file (tool)

shxwíqw'estel face cloth

shxwítel urinal, bed pan

shxwíxweqwels an iron

shxwíyxwiy be easy to wake up

shxwíyós early-bird

shxwókwel Loon

shxwótkwewel to be hollow

shxwótqwelwetem washboard

shxwóxw Rabbit (larg type).

shxwóxwel lifted up

shxwóxwth' crazy

shxwúwe cougar

shxwúxwe ambitious

shxwō:qel Whistling White Swan

shxóxw rabbit (larger type)

shx̲wṓqw'tel canoe pole

shíyqetsel baked, put in the oven

shúkw'álá sugar-bowl

shúkwa telómet artificial sweetener

shúkwe sugar

shúkwet sugar it

shúshekwet sugar it