x̲'ét'e to say
x̲'ét'est to say something
x̲'ét'estem they say, it is said
x̲a:mélmel want to cry, feel like crying
x̲akw'íwel Constipated
- x̲ex̲ekw'íwel get constipated, bound up
x̲alhwílhlexw to disappoint him/her
x̲alts'elísem grind your teeth
- x̲ax̲elts'elísem grind your teeth
x̲alwéla horn rings for dip-nets
x̲amelexwthet tiger lily
- x̲amx̲amelexwthet tiger lily
x̲amx̲amelexwthet tiger lily
x̲apkw't gnaw on something
x̲asáxw have a harelip
x̲asélmet determined to do it
- xaxaselmet determined to do it
x̲awsó:lkwlh new spirit dancer
- x̲awx̲awsó:lkwlh new spirit dancer
x̲awx̲awsó:lkwlh new spirit dancer
x̲ax̲e sacred, holy, taboo
- sx̲áx̲elhát Sunday
x̲ax̲elts'elísem grind your teeth
x̲e'ath'stexw mark it
x̲e'otheōlwelh four canoes
x̲e'ó:thel four
- x̲e'otheōlwelh four canoes
x̲ethelsxá fourty
- x̲ethelsxále fourty (counting people)
- x̲éthelsxó:s forty (counting dollars)
- x̲ethí:lhp four trees
- x̲ethíleqel four (counting containers)
x̲ehó:methet feel sory for yourself
x̲ekw' tight squeeze
- x̲ex̲ákw' tight squeeze
x̲ekw'óles salmon backbone
- x̲elkw'óles salmon backbone
x̲elhláxw to hurt him/her (accidentally)
- x̲álhlexw to hurt him/her (accidentally)
x̲elhwílhlexw to disappoint him/her
- x̲alhwílhlexw to disappoint him/her
x̲elhx̲elhá:lwes have a stomache-ache
x̲elhx̲elhá:léqel have a headache
x̲elhá:lwes have a stomache-ache
- x̲elhx̲elhá:lwes have a stomache-ache
x̲elhá:léqel have a headache
- x̲elhx̲elhá:léqel have a headache
x̲elhálwes have pain in stomach
x̲elkw'óles salmon backbone
x̲elpá:yelhp western red cedars, many cedars
x̲elpá:ytses many boughs of red cedar
x̲elts'íwélém get twisted (inside)
- x̲áx̲elts'íwélém get twisted (inside)
x̲elx̲álqem roll around in circles
x̲elx̲éltel pencile, pens
x̲elx̲ólem having grey hair, many with grey hair
x̲elx̲óx̲cha little lakes
x̲elá:ls doing writing
x̲emx̲emx̲íméls chicken hawk
x̲emx̲éymels large hawk, chicken hawk
x̲emx̲íméls chicken hawk
- x̲emx̲emx̲íméls chicken hawk
x̲eméthel eat fast
x̲ep'x̲á:p'kw'tem rheumatism, aching
x̲ep'ékw' make a crunch (with foot)
x̲ep'í:tsel chipmunk
- x̲ex̲p'í:tsel chipmunk
x̲ep'ílep to rake
x̲epx̲épxel fish tail
x̲epyúwelh cedar trough (for food)
x̲epíwelem spread your (own) legs
x̲epósem Easter
x̲eq' narrow (rocky place)
x̲eqét straddle it
x̲esxel a trap
x̲et'e be saying, say
- x̲et'x̲et'e be saying
x̲et'kw'á:ls to carve wood
- x̲et'x̲atkw'á:ls to carve wood
x̲et'x̲atkw'á:ls to carve wood
x̲et'x̲et'e be saying
x̲et'x̲et'ét put a spell on him/her
x̲ethelsxá fourty
- x̲ethelsxále fourty (counting people)
- x̲éthelsxó:s forty (counting dollars)
x̲ethelsxále fourty (counting people)
x̲ethelálh four times
x̲ethí:lhp four trees
x̲ethíle four (counting people)
x̲ethílemets' four ropes, poles, sticks
x̲ethíleqel four (counting containers)
x̲ethíles four (counting dollars)
x̲ethílestem cost four dollars
x̲ethílestexw charge four dollars for
x̲ethílews four birds
x̲ethíléqw four fish
x̲ethóls four fruit
x̲ex̲ekw'íwel get constipated, bound up
x̲ex̲p'í:tsel chipmunk
x̲ex̲á:ls transformer
x̲ex̲á:m crying a lot, wailing
x̲ex̲ákw' tight squeeze
x̲ex̲ámet to cry for it
x̲ex̲é:yls writing
x̲ex̲élh getting hurt, feeling hurt
x̲ex̲éylt writing it, writing something
x̲ex̲éyx̲e embarresed
x̲eyeslótel wild ginger
x̲eyslótel Wild ginger
x̲eyth' seplil flour
x̲eytl'áls grizzly bear
x̲eywésem scowl, frown
x̲eywét to bawl him/her out
- x̲eyx̲ewét to bawl him/her out
x̲eyx̲emels burdock
x̲eyx̲ep'es get scraped on face
x̲eyx̲ep'ōwíts have stripe on back
x̲eyx̲eq'et scratching
x̲eyx̲ewes scowling
x̲eyx̲ewét to bawl him/her out
x̲eyx̲eyqelá shadow
x̲eyx̲lám looking at (tr.)
x̲eyx̲á:th't to mark it, measure it
x̲eyx̲éyet beat s-o up, spank s-o, fight s-o back
x̲eyx̲éyt change it (by x_a:ls)
x̲eyímelets roots of tree floating in river
x̲ix̲á:m crying a little
x̲iyéyt change it (by x_a:ls)
x̲lhám to watch
- x̲íx̲lhám watching
x̲lhélets tired on the bum
x̲lhém tired
x̲lhém:et tired of it
x̲lhét beat him/her up
- x̲álht beat him/her up
x̲och'alh dried-up lake
x̲otl'thet windy
x̲ots'oyíqw dried fish head
x̲pá:y cedar wood
x̲pá:yelhp western red cedar tree
- x̲elpá:yelhp western red cedars, many cedars
x̲pá:yelhp western red cedar tree
- x̲elpá:yelhp western red cedars, many cedars
x̲pá:ytses bough of red cedar
- x̲elpá:ytses many boughs of red cedar
x̲pó:ys wide cedar slats
x̲t'á:stexw do it this way (tr.)
x̲t'áls cast a spell
x̲t'ét put a spell on him/her
- x̲et'x̲et'ét put a spell on him/her
x̲thét shove it
x̲tá to do, do this
x̲tá:stexw to do it
- x̲étastexw to do it
x̲á:ls transformer
- x̲ex̲á:ls transformer
x̲á:m to cry
- x̲a:mélmel want to cry, feel like crying
- x̲ex̲á:m crying a lot, wailing
- x̲ix̲á:m crying a little
x̲á:qw'tem rheumatism, aching
x̲á:th't to mark it, measure it, weigh it
sx̲e'áth' a mark, a measure
- sx̲eláth' marks, measures
- x̲eyx̲á:th't to mark it, measure it
x̲á:ws silolem New Years
x̲álew serving spoon
x̲álhlexw to hurt him/her (accidentally)
x̲álht beat him/her up
x̲álqem roll around in circles
- x̲elx̲álqem roll around in circles
x̲álts't twisting it, turning it
x̲ámet to cry for it
- x̲ex̲ámet to cry for it
x̲áp'kw'els chewing (hard thing)
x̲áp'kw't gnawing on something
x̲áp'kw'tem rheumatism, aching
- x̲ep'x̲á:p'kw'tem rheumatism, aching
x̲ásx̲elem set a trap
- x̲áx̲esxelem set a trap
x̲át'kw'a:ls to whittle, carve wood
x̲áth'tel a marker
x̲átl' rough (of water,wind)
x̲átqem rough (little bumps)
x̲áws new
x̲áx̲e holy
x̲áx̲elts'íwélém get twisted (inside)
x̲áx̲eselem to set a trap
x̲áx̲esxelem set a trap
x̲èthelsxá forty
x̲é:ylt to write it
sx̲éyltel footprint, tracks (writing)
- sx̲elx̲éyltel many footprints, tracks
- sx̲éytel track, footprint
- x̲ex̲éylt writing it, writing something
x̲éltel pencil, pen
- x̲elx̲éltel pencile, pens
x̲é:ymet to grab (it)
- x̲éx̲eymet to grab (it)
x̲éleq't to open your eyes, open one's eyes
- x̲élx̲eleq't to open your eyes
x̲éleq't te shxexwó:s lightening, it's lighting
x̲élh to get hurt
- x̲ex̲élh getting hurt, feeling hurt
x̲élhchem to swim, (tread water), (wading in deep water), mostly of animals, dogs, deer (doggie paddle)
- x̲ólhchem swimming (of dog, deer, animal), (dog-paddling)
x̲élhálés to have toothache
x̲élqes to wave your hand
- x̲ólqes to wave your hand
x̲élqest to wave at him/her
- x̲ó:lqest to wave at him/her
x̲élqesá:ls wave one's arms
- x̲ólqesá:ls waving one's arms
x̲éltel pencil, pen
- x̲elx̲éltel pencile, pens
x̲élts'es twist by the head
x̲élts'esem turn one's head
x̲élts'est twist him/her by the head
x̲élts't to twist it, to turn it
- x̲álts't twisting it, turning it
x̲élts'thet to turn yourself around
- x̲ólts'thet turning yourself around
x̲élts'tem twisted in head
x̲élts'thet to turn yourself around
- x̲ólts'thet turning yourself around
x̲élx̲eleq't to open your eyes
x̲élx̲eyth'elhp alder
x̲ép'kw't gnaw, chew on something
- x̲áp'kw't gnawing on something
x̲épchest snatch it from him/her
x̲épkw'em brittle, crisp
x̲épkw't to gnaw on something
- x̲apkw't gnaw on something
x̲ésel to set a trap
- x̲áx̲eselem to set a trap
x̲ést'el nits (louse eggs)
- x̲ésx̲ést'el nits (louse eggs)
x̲ésxel To set a trap
x̲ésx̲ést'el nits (louse eggs)
x̲ét'kw'els to whittle, carve wood
- x̲át'kw'a:ls to whittle, carve wood
x̲étastexw to do it
x̲éth'x̲eth' cranky
x̲éthelsxó:s forty (counting dollars)
x̲éx̲eyet beat s-o up, spank s-o, fight s-o back
x̲éx̲eymet to grab (it)
x̲éyet beat s-o up, spank s-o, fight s-o back
- x̲eyx̲éyet beat s-o up, spank s-o, fight s-o back
- x̲éx̲eyet beat s-o up, spank s-o, fight s-o back
x̲éykw'et chew (it)
- x̲éyx̲eykw'et chew (it)
x̲éylés steep riverbank
x̲éyléx̲ to go to war
- x̲éyx̲elex̲ going to war
x̲éymeleqwt Grab him by his hair
x̲éymels large hawk, chicken hawk
- x̲emx̲éymels large hawk, chicken hawk
x̲éymem grab some
x̲éymleqwt grab him by his hair
x̲éyp' get scratched
- x̲éyx̲ep' get scratched
x̲éyp'eqsel get scraped on nose
- x̲éyx̲ep'eqsel get scraped on nose
x̲éyp'es get scraped on face
- x̲eyx̲ep'es get scraped on face
x̲éyp'et scrape it
- x̲éyx̲ep'et scrape it
x̲éyq'et scratch it (itch)
- x̲éyx̲eq'et scratch it (itch)
x̲éyqelá shadow
- x̲eyx̲eyqelá shadow
x̲éyqeya old salmon (spotted)
x̲éysel get spooked
- x̲éyx̲esel get spooked
x̲éyt change it (by x_a:ls)
- x̲eyx̲éyt change it (by x_a:ls)
- x̲iyéyt change it (by x_a:ls)
x̲éytem to growl
- x̲éyx̲etem to growl
x̲éyth' raw
- x̲eyth' seplil flour
x̲éyth'elh alder
x̲éyth'elhp alder
- x̲élx̲eyth'elhp alder
x̲éyth'em to itch
- x̲éyx̲eth'em to itch
x̲éytl' cold
x̲éytl'thet cooling down, getting colder (of things, weather)
x̲éywes to scowl
- x̲éyxewes to scowl
x̲éywét To ball him/her out
x̲éyxewes to scowl
x̲éyx̲e embarrassed, ashamed
- x̲ex̲éyx̲e embarresed
- x̲éyx̲elómét get embarassed
x̲éyx̲ekw'els chewing it
x̲éyx̲elexw to insult him/her
- x̲éyx̲eyx̲lexw to insult him/her
x̲éyx̲elex̲ going to war
x̲éyx̲elómét get embarassed
x̲éyx̲emethet ashamed of oneself
x̲éyx̲ep' get scratched
x̲éyx̲ep'eqsel get scraped on nose
x̲éyx̲ep'et scrape it
x̲éyx̲ep'ílep a rake, harrow
x̲éyx̲eq'els scratching
- x̲eyx̲eq'et scratching
x̲éyx̲eq'et scratch it (itch)
x̲éyx̲esel get spooked
x̲éyx̲estexw make s-one ashamed
x̲éyx̲estólemét embarress yourself
x̲éyx̲etem to growl
x̲éyx̲eth'em to itch
x̲éyx̲ethet shame yourself
x̲éyx̲eykw'et chew (it)
x̲éyx̲eyx̲lexw to insult him/her
x̲éyx̲á:m to sob
x̲ítet snap at s-o (verbally or in arguing), growl at s-o (with words)'
- x̲íx̲etet snapping at s-o (verbally or in arguing)
x̲íx̲etet snapping at s-o (verbally or in arguing)
x̲íx̲lhám watching
x̲ó:lemthet really turned grey
x̲ó:letsa lakes
x̲ó:lqest to wave at him/her
x̲ó:tsa lake
- x̲ó:letsa lakes
x̲óx̲tsa little lake
- x̲elx̲óx̲cha little lakes
x̲ólem have grey hair
- x̲elx̲ólem having grey hair, many with grey hair
x̲ólemthet turn grey.(eg,hair)
- x̲ó:lemthet really turned grey
x̲ólemthet turn grey.(eg,hair)
- x̲ó:lemthet really turned grey
x̲ólhchem swimming (of dog, deer, animal), (dog-paddling)
x̲ólqes to wave your hand
x̲ólqesá:ls waving one's arms
x̲ólts'thet turning yourself around
x̲óqel marten
x̲óth'oyíqw Dried fish head
x̲óx̲cha Little lake
x̲óx̲tsa little lake
- x̲elx̲óx̲cha little lakes
x̲óx̲wtel canoe pole