
í'iy cute (little thing)

í'é:ymet getting to like somebody

í:ks eggs

í:kw' becoming lost

í:kw'et throwing something away, throwing it away

í:lchel engine

í:leqet buying (it)

í:lhtel eating (a meal)

í:lwelh side of the body

í:lá:mt to carry on your shoulders

í:meth grandchild

í:mex walking

í:mexstexw walking someone, something

í:qw'esem wiping your face

í:qw'et rubbing something, wiping something

í:tet sleeping, be sleeping

í:th'em getting dressed

í:ts'el lazy, being lazy

í:wes to teach

í:west to be teaching, showing, guiding

í:wesá:ls a guide, showing people

í:wtheláq someone who teases

í:x̲em borrow, get credit

í:x̲et scraping something, erasing something

í:x̲wet sweeping (it)

í:yeqthet get out of the way

íchxwó stay here!

íhóyt cheating s/o

íks eggs

íkw' become lost, get lost

íkw'elexw to lose it

íkw'elo here

íkw'et to throw something away, to throw it away

íleqelhtsthóx Buy for me

íleqels to go shopping, buying

íleqet to buy (it), buy (tr.)

ílá:mt to carry on your shoulders

ílám carry on your shoulder

ímet step on it

ímex to walk

ímexstexw to walk (it)

ímexyósem to go for a walk

íqw'em rub off, smear

íqw'esem wipe one's face

íqw'et rub it, wipe it

íqw'ethet wipe yourself off

ístexw leave (it) here

ístexwchxwó you leave it here!

ítet to sleep

ítetem sleepy

ítetáwtwx bedroom

íth'em get dressed

íts'el lazy

íweltá:lt spring snare trap

íwes to teach

íwest to teach, guide someone

íwesteltéleq teacher

íwestéleq teacher

íwth'óthet to play around, fool around

íwá:ltses cat's cradle

íxel to paddle

íxwels scratch around(like animals)

íx̲ get scratched, get scraped

íx̲em borrow, get credit, go on credit

íx̲emstexw to lend him/her money

íx̲est shave him

íx̲et scrape it, erase it

íx̲iythílem to shave yourself

íx̲wet to sweep (it)

íy'eyóm be slower

íy'eyómthet playing slow

íyeqthet get out of the way

íyes female friend.

íyeseq male friend.

íyiyómex good-looking

íywí:lem to go for a canoe ride

íyá:q change sometyhing

íyálewet do it yourself

íyámeth straight (of something standing)

íyéseq sir

íyó:lemstexw obey him / her

íyósthet a whole bunch of folks having lots of fun