kw'á:y get hungry
- kw'ókw'iy be hungry
kw'ákw'es get scalded
kw'álht spilling something
kw'ás get scalded
- kw'ákw'es get scalded
- kw'ókw'as get scalded
kw'áset scald it
- kw'ókw'eset scald it
kw'así:ws singe the hairs off
kw'át'el mouse
- kw'elókw'tel mice
kw'átem trickle (of water)
kw'átset to look at it
- kw'ókw'etset looking at it
kw'átset te kwáyxem pekche'áls watch TV
kw'atset te sxelhám see a movie
kw'áxem counting
kw'áxt count it
kw'e the, a, some [use for remote objects and non-specific items]
kw'e'í:qel lying on your back
kw'e'íyeqel lie on your back
- kw'e'í:qel lying on your back
kw'e'íyqel lie on your back
kw'echú:yel check a net or trap
- kw'íkw'echú:yel check a net or trap
kw'eí:qel to lie on your back
kw'ekw'élh be flowing
kw'ekw'ém to grow up
kw'ekw'éstel sturgeon anchor
kw'ekw'íxwxel rubber boot
kw'ekw'iy to climb up
kw'ekw'iyeqel climbing a hill, mountain
kw'ekw'ós to hail (weather)
kw'ekw'qwá:lth'átel rug-beater
kw'él:a belly, stomach
- kw'élkw'el:á bellies, stomach (plural)
kw'elálh how many times?
kw'élh tip over, spill (of liquid or solid), spilled, spill accidentally'
- kw'ekw'élh be flowing
kw'elhí:thelh a long time ago
kw'élkw'el:á bellies, stomach (plural)
kw'elkw'elōw skin
kw'elkw'elyáx̲el bats
kw'eló:met pull oneself through, raise oneself
kw'elókw'exwóles shaped like a box
kw'elókw'tel mice
kw'elōw skin
- kw'elkw'elōw skin
kw'elōwépsem skin of back of neck
kw'elōweqw scalp
kw'elōwíles skin of chest
kw'elqwálh hitting many times
kw'elqweláx̲el gettin hit on one's arms
kw'elwáx̲el skin of arm
kw'élwelht step over it
kw'elwíts skin of back
kw'elwó:ythel skin of mouth, jaw
kw'élxel little dust-tornado
kw'ém to grow up
- kw'ekw'ém to grow up
kw'em:et to bring up a child
kw'emét to bring up a child
- kw'em:et to bring up a child
kw'eqwelá:x̲ellexw hit him/her on the arm
kw'eqweláx̲el get hit on one's arm
- kw'elqweláx̲el gettin hit on one's arms
kw'eqwíwét to spank him/her
- kw'óqwiwet to spank him/her
kw'éqwxel get hit on the leg
kw'eqwxellexw hit him/her on the leg
kw'esá:m overheat
kw'esélets get burned on bum
kw'ésqel burned in the throat
- kw'ésqel:exw burn him in the throat
kw'ésqel:exw burn him in the throat
kw'éstel sturgeon anchor
- kw'ekw'éstel sturgeon anchor
kw'eth'í:lt turn it right way up
kw'éthx̲em tippy(of canoe)
kw'éts see
kw'éts'eles Have a part in your hair
kw'éts'tel butchering knife
- kw'etskw'etstel butchering knife
kw'etskw'etstel butchering knife
kw'étslexw to see him/her/it
- kw'etslóme see you
- kw'ókw'etslexw seeing him/her/it
- kw'ótseslómet see your face (accidentally)
kw'etslóme see you
kw'ewátes somebody, anybody
kw'exát count it
- kw'áxt count it
kw'éx̲w make a bang
kw'exwkw'óxwemel hoof
kw'í:l how many?
kw'í:les how many dollars?
kw'í:letsel grizzly bears
kw'í:tsel grizzly bear
- kw'í:letsel grizzly bears
kw'íkw'echú:yel check a net or trap
kw'íkw'etsest stare at his/her face
kw'íkw'etset butchering it, cutting it up
kw'íkw'exw pitch, sap, gum
kw'íkw'íthet train oneself (as spirit dancer)
kw'íkw'xōs hail in sleets
kw'ílá:lhp how many trees?
kw'ílás how many people?
kw'íles how much?
kw'ílwelh how many canoes?
kw'ílwes how many paddles?
kw'íqel sprout up
kw'íthet train oneself (as spirit dancer)
- kw'íkw'íthet train oneself (as spirit dancer)
kw'ítset butcher it, cut it up
- kw'íkw'etset butchering it, cutting it up
kw'íxw pitch, sap, gum
- kw'íkw'exw pitch, sap, gum
kw'íxwel rubber boot
kw'íxwelhp pitchwood
kw'íxwxel rubber boot
- kw'ekw'íxwxel rubber boot
kw'íy to climb up
- kw'ekw'iy to climb up
kw'íyeqel to climb a hill, mountain, rock climbing
- kw'ekw'iyeqel climbing a hill, mountain
- kw'íystexw raise it up
- kw'íyt to climb (it)
kw'íyá:m stingy
kw'iyálhchetem he's forbidden
kw'íyat to refuse someone something, deny someone something
kw'íyatem forbidden
kw'íyeqel to climb a hill, mountain, rock climbing
- kw'ekw'iyeqel climbing a hill, mountain
kw'íystexw raise it up
kw'íyt to climb (it)
kw'lhát to spill (it)
- kw'álht spilling something
kw'o:lexw dog fish
kw'ó:lexw dog salmon (chum)
- kwelkwólexw dog salmon (chum)
kw'ó:ykw'eyx̲wem groaning (stomach)
kw'ó:yx̲wem to groan (stomach)
- kw'ó:ykw'eyx̲wem groaning (stomach)
kw'ókw'as get scalded
kw'ókw'eleqw to be curious
kw'ókw'eqw getting hit
kw'ókw'eqwest club it
kw'ókw'eqwet hitting (him/her/it)
kw'ókw'es hot
kw'ókw'es kwémlexw s'élhtel Ginger (food)
kw'ókw'eset scald it
kw'ókw'etsest look at him in face
kw'ókw'etset looking at it
kw'ókw'etslexw seeing him/her/it
kw'ókw'iy be hungry
kw'okw'qwéletst hit him/her on their behind
kw'ókw'qwōwsá:ls a whipper
kw'ólexwe box, chest
kw'ómkw'em strong (of people and things)
kw'óqw to get hit
kw'eqweláx̲el get hit on one's arm
- kw'elqweláx̲el gettin hit on one's arms
- kw'ókw'eqw getting hit
kw'óqwest club it
- kw'ókw'eqwest club it
kw'óqwestel a club
kw'óqwet to hit (him/her/it), beat (tr.) [with stick]
- kw'ókw'eqwet hitting (him/her/it)
kw'óqwiwet to spank him/her
kw'oqwiyo:ls lacrosse
kw'óqwletstel axe
kw'óqwtel a whip
kw'ósthet it gets warm, getting warm (of weather)
kw'ótest look at him in face
- kw'ókw'etsest look at him in face
kw'ótl'kwa ocean, salt water, sea
kw'ótseslómet see your face (accidentally)
kw'ótsest stare at his/her face
- kw'íkw'etsest stare at his/her face
kw'óxwe box, chest
- kw'ólexwe box, chest
kw'óxwemel hoof
- kw'exwkw'óxwemel hoof
kw'ōxwethtel coho net
kw'oyekw fish hook (small one for trout)
kw'ōyeqw gaff hook
kw'qwá:lí:ya get hit on ear
- kw'qwáliyálexw hit him/her on ear (accidental)
kw'qwá:líyat hit him/her on ear
kw'qwáliyálexw hit him/her on ear (accidental)
kw'qwéleqw get hit on the top of the head
kw'qwéletst hit him/her on their behind
- kw'okw'qwéletst hit him/her on their behind
kw'qwém little axe, little hatchet
kw'qweméthet double yourself up
kw'qwewíts get hit on your back
kw'qwí:les get hit on the chest
kw'qwó:les get hit in the eye
kw'qwó:ythel get hit on the mouth
kw'sí:ws singe the hairs off
- kw'así:ws singe the hairs off
kw'sí:ws sq'óq'ey measles
kw'síts cutthroat trout
kw'tómés water running down face
kw'ú:la stink-eggs
kw'ú:la'álá stink-egg basket
kw'xám to count
- kw'áxem counting
kw'xát count (tr.)
kw'xwós to hail (weather), it's hailing
- kw'ekw'ós to hail (weather)