p'á'p'eth'et sewing something
p'a'p'xwem Shy, quiet
p'ákw'et repair it, fix it up
- p'áp'ekw'et repair it, fix it up
p'álhetset to pass it to (him/her/it)
p'álq'em glitter, sparkle
- p'elp'álq'em glitters , sparkles
p'álth'tel needle
p'alyí:ws bark of tree
- p'elp'elyu:s barks of trees
p'áp'ekw'et repair it, fix it up
p'áp'eq'em to bloom
p'ap'eth' sewing
p'áp'ewet to patch it
p'áp'xwem shy, quiet
p'áq'em to bloom
- p'áp'eq'em to bloom
p'áth' to sew, do sewing
- p'ap'eth' sewing
p'áth'et sew it
- p'á'p'eth'et sewing something
p'áth'et sew it
- p'á'p'eth'et sewing something
p'áth'tel needle
- p'álth'tel needle
p'ékw to float, come up
- p'ep'ékw to float, come up
p'ekw'thílem warm-up, leftover
p'eléts'tem have an upset stomach
p'élh get sober, sober
- p'elhéthet sober yourself up, sober up, smarten up
- p'ep'ílh get sober
p'elhát sober him/her up
p'elhéthet sober yourself up, sober up, smarten up
p'elhíws get up after fainting
p'elp'álq'em glitters , sparkles
p'elp'elyu:s barks of trees
p'ep'ákwem calm (of water)
p'ep'ékw to float, come up
p'ep'ewí flounder, halibut
p'ep'í:t bring it out (spirit song)
p'ep'ílh get sober
p'ep'óth'es baby basket
p'eptsp'étst charcoal, black coal
p'éq' white
p'eq'í:l get white
p'eq'ó:les have a cataract
p'eq'óméx look white
p'eth'tel Needle
p'ets't charcoal, black coal
- p'eptsp'étst charcoal, black coal
p'ewí flounder, halibut
- p'ep'ewí flounder, halibut
p'ewíy do patching
p'í:qwt pet it, stroke it
p'í:t bring it out (spirit song)
- p'ep'í:t bring it out (spirit song)
p'ílhat sober someone up
p'ílhet flatten something, flatten it
- p'íp'elhet flattening something, flattening it
p'íltem to overflow
- p'ip'íltem overflowing
p'íp'elhet flattening something, flattening it
p'íp'eq' a little white
p'ip'eq'eyós white butterfly
p'ip'eth'eláx̲el bat
p'íp'eth'em get squeezed
p'íp'eth'et to squeeze it
p'íp'ex̲w leaking (as a canoe)
p'ip'íltem overflowing
p'íth'em get squeezed
- p'íp'eth'em get squeezed
p'íth'et to squeeze it, squeeze (tr.)
- p'íp'eth'et to squeeze it
p'íx̲w to leak (as a canoe)
- p'íp'ex̲w leaking (as a canoe)
p'lhéqwxel sprain an ankle
p'ó:th'es baby basket
- p'ep'óth'es baby basket
p'ókw'ethet make oneself useful
- p'óp'ekw'ethet make oneself useful
p'óp'ekw'ethet make oneself useful
p'op'eqw'em beer
p'óp'eqw'em foaming
- sp'óp'eqw'em soap
p'óp'etl'em smoking
p'óp'etl'emet to smoke it
p'óqw'em to foam
p'óp'eqw'em foaming
- sp'óp'eqw'em soap
p'óth'es baby basket
p'ótl'em to smoke (intr.)
- p'óp'etl'em smoking
p'ótl'emet to smoke it
- p'óp'etl'emet to smoke it
p'ōwíyt to patch it
- p'áp'ewet to patch it
p'q'elqel Mountain Goat
p'q'élqel mountain goat
p'tl'ómt smudge (against mosquitos)
p'xwélhp oak tree