
p'a'p'xwem Shy, quiet

p'alyí:ws bark of tree

p'ap'eth' sewing

p'ekw'thílem warm-up, leftover

p'elhát sober him/her up

p'elhéthet sober yourself up, sober up, smarten up

p'elhíws get up after fainting

p'elp'elyu:s barks of trees

p'elp'álq'em glitters , sparkles

p'eléts'tem have an upset stomach

p'ep'ewí flounder, halibut

p'ep'ákwem calm (of water)

p'ep'ékw to float, come up

p'ep'í:t bring it out (spirit song)

p'ep'ílh get sober

p'ep'óth'es baby basket

p'eptsp'étst charcoal, black coal

p'eq'í:l get white

p'eq'ó:les have a cataract

p'eq'óméx look white

p'eth'tel Needle

p'ets't charcoal, black coal

p'ewí flounder, halibut

p'ewíy do patching

p'ip'eq'eyós white butterfly

p'ip'eth'eláx̲el bat

p'ip'íltem overflowing

p'lhéqwxel sprain an ankle

p'op'eqw'em beer

p'q'elqel Mountain Goat

p'q'élqel mountain goat

p'tl'ómt smudge (against mosquitos)

p'xwélhp oak tree

p'á'p'eth'et sewing something

p'ákw'et repair it, fix it up

p'álhetset to pass it to (him/her/it)

p'álq'em glitter, sparkle

p'álth'tel needle

p'áp'ekw'et repair it, fix it up

p'áp'eq'em to bloom

p'áp'ewet to patch it

p'áp'xwem shy, quiet

p'áq'em to bloom

p'áth' to sew, do sewing

p'áth'et sew it

p'áth'tel needle

p'ékw to float, come up

p'élh get sober, sober

p'éq' white

p'í:qwt pet it, stroke it

p'í:t bring it out (spirit song)

p'ílhat sober someone up

p'ílhet flatten something, flatten it

p'íltem to overflow

p'íp'elhet flattening something, flattening it

p'íp'eq' a little white

p'íp'eth'em get squeezed

p'íp'eth'et to squeeze it

p'íp'ex̲w leaking (as a canoe)

p'íth'em get squeezed

p'íth'et to squeeze it, squeeze (tr.)

p'íx̲w to leak (as a canoe)

p'ó:th'es baby basket

p'ókw'ethet make oneself useful

p'óp'ekw'ethet make oneself useful

p'óp'eqw'em foaming

p'óp'etl'em smoking

p'óp'etl'emet to smoke it

p'óqw'em to foam

p'óth'es baby basket

p'ótl'em to smoke (intr.)

p'ótl'emet to smoke it

p'ōwíyt to patch it