q'á:l to believe
q'á:lets sharp turn of canoe
q'á:lptem cramped
- q'áq'elptem cramped
q'á:mi teenage girl
q'á:w to howl
- q'áq'iw to howl
- q'eq'íw to howl
q'á:wthet To rest yourself
q'á:yx̲elhp cascara (a plant )
q'a'í:lem be ancient
q'al go around an obstacle
- q'á:lets sharp turn of canoe
q'álp to shrink up
q'alp'tem to shrink
q'álpt to shrink it
q'álq'elp'í:w inchworm
q'álq'éy guts, intestines
q'álq't tangle it
q'áp' contract a disease, catch a disease, get addi
- q'áq'ep' catching a disease
q'áp'et to tie it up
- q'áq'ep'et to tie it up
q'ápels gather, collect
q'ápt gather it
q'aq'áwetsel dorsal fin
q'áq'elmet believing him/her
q'áq'elptem cramped
q'áq'elstexw to give (it) back, return (it)
q'áq'ep' catching a disease
q'áq'ep'et to tie it up
q'áq'et'em sweet
- q'et'emá:yelhp balsam fir
q'et'mí:l fir tree
- q'et'q'et'mí:l Fir Trees (Balsam Fir)
- te q'áq'etem a sweet, something sweet
q'áq'etl' convulsions
- q'eq'q'áq'etl' convulsions
q'áq'ewet paying him/her
q'áq'iw to howl
q'átx̲em make scrape, rattle sound
q'áwet pay him/her
- q'áq'ewet paying him/her
q'áwetsel dorsal fin
- q'aq'áwetsel dorsal fin
q'axí:l be a partner with him
q'axí:lt be a partner with him
q'é:ywet to hang it on a nail or line
- q'éq'ewet to hang it on a nail or line
q'e'ílem be ancient
- q'a'í:lem be ancient
q'eláq'a blackbird
q'élem camp, stay at a place
q'élém to make camp
- q'elq'élém to make camp
q'eléts' rainshelter
q'eléts'éqwtel umbrella
- q'elq'élets'éqwtel umbrella
q'eléx̲el a fence
- q'elq'éléx̲el a fence
q'eléx̲t to fence him in
q'elhál bow of a boat
q'élmel a camp
- q'elq'élmel a camp
q'élmet to believe him/her
- q'áq'elmet believing him/her
q'elóleq friend, buddy
q'élp to shrink up
- q'álp to shrink up
q'elp'íw inchworm
- q'álq'elp'í:w inchworm
q'élp'thet to shrink
q'élpt to shrink it
- q'álpt to shrink it
q'elptem have a cramp
- q'elq'elptem have a cramp
q'elq'élém to make camp
q'elq'élets'éqwtel umbrella
q'elq'éléx̲el a fence
q'elq'élmel a camp
q'elq'élp' tangled on itself
q'elq'elptem have a cramp
q'elq'elq'et to answer (it)
q'elq'élq't tangle it
q'élq'et to answer (it)
- q'elq'elq'et to answer (it)
q'élq'lexw tangle it
q'élq't tangle it
- q'álq't tangle it
- q'elq'élq't tangle it
q'élq'xetel rags wound around ankles
q'elsiyáqem have/get a snowdrift
q'elstá:xw to fool him/her
- q'eq'elstá:xw to fool him/her
q'élstexw to give (it) back, return (it), give back (tr.)
- q'áq'elstexw to give (it) back, return (it)
q'eltóléstexw Mix them up
q'emetst crumple it up
- q'emq'emst crumple it up
q'emō:lhp broad-leaf maple tree
- q'emq'emō:lhp maple trees
q'emó:stel a dip-net
- q'eyq'emó:stel dip-net
q'emós to dip net
- q'emq'emós to dip net
q'emq'emō:lhp maple trees
q'emq'emós to dip net
q'emq'emst crumple it up
q'emts'et Crumple it up
q'ép to gather together
- q'épq'ép be gathering, many gathering
q'pét gather s-th, pick up s-th (stuff that's scattered about), collect s-th, gather it up, pick them up
- q'ápt gather it
- q'pet to gather (them)
q'péthet to crowd together
- q'ópthet crowding together
- sq'ép a meeting, gathering
- sq'eq'íp be gathered, be gathering, a group, a team, a gathering
q'ép'lexw pass on a disease
- q'epq'ép'lexw passing on a disease
q'ep'lómet catch a disease
q'épq'ép be gathering, many gathering
q'epq'ép'lexw passing on a disease
q'epq'epem collecting, gathering
q'eq'elstá:xw to fool him/her
q'éq'ewes surprised
q'éq'ewet to hang it on a nail or line
q'eq'ex̲elám to yell
q'eq'éy guts, intestines
- q'álq'éy guts, intestines
q'eq'íw to howl
q'eq'iyós barrel, tub, load (of laundry)
q'eq'ótel to meet each other
q'eq'q'áq'etl' convulsions
q'eq'x̲ótel arguing back and forth
q'eqexí:lt accompanying someone
q'esí:ltel straps for berry basket
q'ésq'esetsel Spider
q'ésq'estetsel spider
q'et'emá:yelhp balsam fir
q'et'mí:l fir tree
- q'et'q'et'mí:l Fir Trees (Balsam Fir)
q'et'q'et'mí:l Fir Trees (Balsam Fir)
q'eth'ōwítsem put hands behind back
q'etóléstexw mix (them) together
q'etx̲áls shivaree
q'éwe a cane
- q'éwq'ewe a cane
q'ewétem drumming
q'ewí:lestel suspenders
q'ewílem go around a bend
- q'uq'ewílem going around a bend
q'éwq'ewe a cane
q'ewq'ewét drums
q'exí:lt accompany (him/her)
- q'eqexí:lt accompanying someone
q'ex̲mí:l hog fennel
q'éx̲q'ex̲él can
q'ex̲q'ex̲el sqe'óleqw pop/fizzy drink
q'ex̲q'x̲el a tin can
q'ey wound around, tight, knotted
- q'éyq'ey (have) sore muscles
q'eyáweth'eláx̲el To coss your arms
q'eyáweth'xelem to cross your legs
- q'eyq'ewethtelmel to cross your legs
q'éyestel to make a net
- q'éyq'estsel to make a net
q'eyéx̲ whirlpool
q'éyex̲em whirlpool
- q'eyq'éyex̲em whirlpool
q'éykw'et to bite (him/her/it)
- q'éykw'etem (he/she/it) was bitten
- q'éyq'ekw'et to bite (him/her/it)
- q'éyq'ekw'etem (he/she/it) was being bitten
q'éykw'etem (he/she/it) was bitten
q'éylexw to kill someone( accidentally)
- q'óq'eylexw to kill (him/her/it)
q'éylóm it has been put away
q'eyós barrel, tub
- q'eq'iyós barrel, tub, load (of laundry)
- q'eyq'eyós barrel
q'éyq'ekw'et to bite (him/her/it)
q'éyq'ekw'etem (he/she/it) was being bitten
q'eyq'elts'iyósem whirlwind
q'eyq'emó:stel dip-net
q'éyq'esel to repair a net
q'éyq'eset tie it up
q'éyq'esetsel mend a net
q'éyq'estsel to make a net
q'eyq'ethá:m short of memory
q'eyq'ewethtelmel to cross your legs
q'éyq'ey (have) sore muscles
q'eyq'éyex̲em whirlpool
q'eyq'eyós barrel
q'éyq'eytl'thet to heal up (of a wound)
q'eyq'x̲ótel arguing, quarreling
q'éyset tie it up
- q'éyq'eset tie it up
q'éysetsel To make a net
q'éyt'e to swing
q'éyt'o orange hunny suckle
q'éytl'thet to heal up (of a wound)
- q'éyq'eytl'thet to heal up (of a wound)
q'eyx̲elám to yell
- q'eq'ex̲elám to yell
q'eyx̲esílém partially blind
q'eyx̲ó:les pupil (of eye)
- sq'eyq'eyx̲ó:les pupils (of eye)
q'í:wélh have a miscarriage
- q'íqiwelh have a miscarriage
q'í:wethet to lean over it
- q'íq'ewethet to lean over it
q'íq'ewethet to lean over it
q'íq'ewílem go round a bend in the river
q'íq'ex̲el to turn black
q'íq'exwet to tighten it
q'íqiwelh have a miscarriage
q'íx̲el to turn black, become black
q'eyx̲ó:les pupil (of eye)
- sq'eyq'eyx̲ó:les pupils (of eye)
- q'íq'ex̲el to turn black
q'íxwet to tighten it
- q'íq'exwet to tighten it
q'lhól bow of a boat
- q'elhál bow of a boat
q'ó:thet join in
- q'oq'óthet join in
q'ó:wel howl (as coyote)
q'ó:y to die
- q'oq'ilmel to die
q'ó:yélhtset to kill for (him/her/it)
- q'oq'éylhtset to kill for (him/her/it)
q'ó:yt to kill someone/something on purpose
- q'óq'eyt to kill (him/her/it)
q'óleq friend, buddy
- q'elóleq friend, buddy
q'ólthet return
q'ópthet crowding together
q'óq'ey sick
q'óq'eylexw to kill (him/her/it)
q'oq'éylhtset to kill for (him/her/it)
q'óq'eystexw make him/her sick
q'óq'eyt to kill (him/her/it)
q'óq'eytses (have) hurt hand
q'óq'eyxel lame
q'oq'ilmel to die
q'óq'iy sickness (also sperm)
q'óq'iyáwtxw hospital
q'oq'óthet join in
q'oqéythet kill yourself
q'ótel to meet each other
- q'eq'ótel to meet each other
q'ótelt put (them) together
q'ówem howl (dog), or crow (rooster)
q'owét to drum, a drum
- q'ewétem drumming
- q'ewq'ewét drums
q'ōwlets go around a bend in water
q'ōwletsem go round a bend
q'óx̲el suckerfish
q'óx̲esem put your head back
q'óxiylt go with (tr.)
q'oyátl'iye snail, slug
q'oyéx̲em whirlpool
q'oyí:ts elk
q'óythet kill yourself
- q'oqéythet kill yourself
q'óyxilthóme go with you
q'pá:ls gather, collect
- q'ápels gather, collect
- q'pels gathering, collecting
q'pels gathering, collecting
q'pém to collect, gather
- q'epq'epem collecting, gathering
q'pet to gather (them)
q'pét gather s-th, pick up s-th (stuff that's scattered about), collect s-th, gather it up, pick them up
- q'ápt gather it
- q'pet to gather (them)
q'péthet to crowd together
- q'ópthet crowding together
q'thá:m short of money
q'uq'ewílem going around a bend
q'x̲ótel to argue, have a quarrel
- q'eyq'x̲ótel arguing, quarreling