
qw'á:ychep sparks, red-hot ashes

qw'á:yt scorch it

qw'át'ts'em sound of water slushing

qw'e'áts little suckerfish with a big mouth

qw'el to get a rash

qw'él over-ripe, over-cooked

qw'elá:m change of voice (boy)

qw'élém to barbecue

qw'eléqel cliff

qw'elíteq sea-gull

qw'élqw'el to get a rash

qw'élqw'él over-ripe, over-cooked

qw'elqw'elíteq sea-gulls

qw'elqw'ō:l ears

qw'éltel barbecue-stick

qw'elx̲wéltses fingernails(also: claws)

qw'elx̲wélxel toenail

qw'elyilexáwyxw dance hall

qw'ém come out (of hair)

qw'emét pull out (hair)

qw'émet pull out (hair)

qw'eméwst pluck it (bird)

qw'emílep to weed

qw'emó:thel to fish with line

qw'émqw'ém come out (of hair)

qw'emqw'émet pull out (hair)

qw'emqw'eméwst pluck it (bird)

qw'emx̲west roll it up in a ball

qw'eq'wa:ychep lots of sparks, many red-hot ashes

qw'eqw'él to get a rash

qw'éqw'élém to barbecue

qw'eqw'í:lt uncover it

qw'eyélex dancing

qw'eyí:ylex to dance

qw'eyílex to dance

qw'eyilexáwtxw dance hall

qw'eyíylex to dance

qw'í:lt uncover it

qw'í:m get out of canoe/ car

qw'íles sprouting up

qw'íméls unloading a canoe

qw'ímét unload it (canoe,etc)

qw'iqw'elá:m change of voice (boy)

qw'íqw'em get out of canoe/ car

qw'íqw'emet unloading it (canoe,etc)

qw'iqw'emóthel to fish with line

qw'íwelh rough (of river)

qw'íx̲w brown

qw'íx̲wes black person

qw'ō:l ear

qw'ó:leqwet whip it many times

qw'o:ls sq'eyle canning

qw'ólhlexw notice it / him

qw'ómx̲west roll it up in a ball

qw'ópx̲wem hitting on something

qw'óqw'el tame

qw'óqw'elhlexw notice it / him

qw'óqwet whip it

qw'ox̲wemáléqep (have an) underarm smell

qw'x̲weltses Finger nail or Claw

qw'x̲wéltses fingernail (also: claw)

qw'x̲wélxel toenail