
t'apet chip at it (like at wood)

t'at'esem qwiqwoyels lemon

t'at'ets'em qwiqwóyels sqe'óleqw lemonade

t'ats'ex̲elí:m split roots wrong (uneven)

t'ekw'stexw take him/her home

t'ekw'élmél homesick

t'ekwelwex to cross it

t'ekwá:lí:ya plug one's ear

t'ekwá:lí:yám not really listening

t'ekwíwet stick it up his/her bum

t'ekwót plug it

t'ekwōwelh patch a canoe

t'elex̲ót carve stone

t'elhóqw't to scratch (him/her/it) [

t'elhóqw'tem (he/she/it) was scratched

t'elkw'á:ls heating up food

t'elt'á:lew arms

t'elt'élemtses stick to the hand

t'elt'íqa salal

t'elt'ó:mel wall

t'elém to stick

t'elémelhp wild cherry tree

t'elémtses stick to the hand

t'emt'emxáliya braids

t'emt'emó:sa rhubarb

t'emt'ámiya wren

t'emt'ámxw gooseberry (coastal black)

t'emt'émqw'xel really rainy

t'emt'ó:mél walls

t'emxáliya a braid

t'eméls chop with eaze

t'emó:sa rhubarb

t'epsóye midget

t'eqt'eqwst join together (sticks, poles)

t'eqw' it broke (string, etc.)

t'eqw'lhálém run out of breath

t'eqw'qéyl get top cut off

t'eqw'élhelh to pass out

t'eqw'ót cut it (wood, lawn)

t'esí:l go down(of swelling)

t'et'á:t to taste it

t'et'ás quiet

t'et'ásthet sneak around, move quietly

t'et'ásxel walk silently

t'et'ásxelem walk quietly

t'et'élem to stick

t'et'élemt stick it on

t'et'éméls chop with eaze

t'et'éqw' break (string)

t'et'óthet try to do it

t'ewōkw'sem powder your face

t'iléqel salmon with eggs loose

t'it'á:yeq' cranky

t'it'ílt singing it

t'it'ílthet be lonesome

t'kwíles choke (on food)

t'kwílest choke him/her

t'kwílstexw choke someone

t'kwíléstexw bring it across the river

t'lhóqw'est scratch him/her on face

t'o:lhem sq'oq'ey a cold

t'omelewítsel partition

t'oqw'tem got broken (string, rope)

t'oqw'ót break it (string, rope)

t'ot'epíythet getting dry (of tree)

t'ot'á to sprain

t'pí wood tick

t'qellexw give him/her a bruise

t'qw'ót break it (string, rope)

t'qwém thimbleberry

t'qwíqst join together (sticks, poles)

t'wá must maybe, I guess, I'm uncertain, must be

t'xemōs six birds

t'xemōwelh six canoes

t'x̲emelhp six trees

t'x̲emálh six times

t'x̲emíqw six fish

t'x̲emóls six fruit

t'x̲ém six

t'x̲émele six people

t'x̲émelsxá sixty

t'x̲émelsxále sixty (counting people)

t'x̲émelsxó:s sixty (counting dollars)

t'x̲émeqel six (counting containers)

t'x̲émés six dollars

t'à:m sing along to spirit song

t'á:l go out of sight

t'á:lew arm

t'á:mxw Gooseberry

t'á:mxwelhp gooseberry bush

t'á:t to taste it

t'á:ts' fish-spreader

t'ákw'el to cross

t'álaqa salal

t'álkw't warm it up

t'álqw'em warm, lukewarm

t'ám to guess

t'ámet guess at it

t'ámex to braid something (hair)

t'ámiya wren

t'ámxw gooseberry (coastal black)

t'áqa salal

t'áqe salal berry

t'ás quiet

t'ásxel walk silently

t'ásxelem walk quietly

t'át to try something, taste something, attempt something

t'át'ekw'el to cross

t'át'elh cross-beam in roof of house

t'át'em guessing

t'át'emels guesser (in slahal game)

t'át'emet guess at it

t'át'emiya little wren ???

t'át'epet chip at it (like at wood)

t'át'eqe salal berry

t'át'esxelem walk quietly

t'át'ets'em sour

t'át'eyeq' being, getting mad, being, getting angry, being real angry

t'át'iyeq' mad

t'áyeq' be mad, get mad, be angry get angry

t'áyx̲ be envious

t'áyx̲met jealous

t'ékw get stuck (in mud)

t'ékweles choking on food, getting choked on food

t'ékwōwelh patch a canoe

t'élemt stick it on

t'élheqw't to scratch (him/her/it) [

t'élhqesel net-shuttle

t'élkw't warm it up

t'élq spot

t'élt'elq spot

t'élx̲é:yls carving stone

t'émel wood-chip

t'émeqw' to splash

t'émleqw top of the head

t'émq'ethel jade stone

t'émt'emext to braid (it--of hair)

t'émt'emq'ethel jade stone

t'émxel chop your foot (with axe)

t'éqt'eqwém thimbleberry

t'éqw' break (string)

t'éteqw' it broke (string, etc.)

t'ílem to sing

t'ílemelhtset sing it for him/her

t'ílemet sing about it

t'ílemstexw sing to him/her

t'ílmet be lonsome for him/her

t'ílt sing it

t'ílthet be lonesome

t'ílá:ls to scramble-give

t'íqel to get bruised

t'íqeláx̲el get bruised on feet

t'íqqwlha be filthy

t'ít'elem singing

t'ít'elemelhtset sing it for him/her

t'ít'elemet sing about it

t'ít'elemstexw sing to him/her

t'ít'elmet be lonsome for him/her

t'ít'epsó:ye tiny midget

t'ít'eqel to get bruised

t'ít'eqeláx̲el get bruised on feet

t'ít'etsem swimming

t'ít'íyelt to entertain him

t'ítsem swim (of a person), swim (with crawl strokes, etc.

t'íw take too big a step

t'íyelt to entertain him

t'íyx̲ envious

t'ó to sprain

t'ó:kw' to go home

t'ó:mqw'em to splash

t'ó:mél wall

t'ó:t' poor thing! you poor thing! poor little one!

t'ólex̲wet kick him out

t'óltel eclipse (sun or moon)

t'ómel wall

t'ómethet be suspicious of

t'ópet to carve it

t'ópiythet getting dry (of tree)

t'óqw't cut it (string or rope)

t'óqw'tem Saturday, Weekend

t'óqwel to dry up ( a pond)

t'ót'ekw' going home

t'ót'ekw'stexw take him/her home

t'ót'ekwels plugging holes

t'ót'ekwet plug it

t'ót'elex̲wet kick him out

t'ót'elhem flea

t'ót'emethet be suspicious of

t'ót'epet to carve it

t'ót'eqwel to dry up ( a pond)

t'ótexw go to the river

t'óthet try to do it

t'óxw go to the river