th'á:lé heart
- th'elth'á:le hearts
th'á:m go down (of tide)
- th'áth'em go down (of tide)
th'á:th'tsem to jingle
th'á:tsem to jingle
- th'á:th'tsem to jingle
th'á:tst phone him/her
th'á:ykwem to squeek (of mouse)
- th'eth'á:ykwem to squeek (of mouse)
th'álátel heart-shaped island near Chehelis
th'álh to cool down (of person)
th'álx̲em transparent, see-thru
th'ám to chew
- th'eth'ám to chew
th'amawéstel soapberry beater
th'áq'em be dripping
th'át chew it
- th'eth'át chew it
th'ath'elem have labour pains
th'áth'em go down (of tide)
th'áth'emet put ing s-th between the teeth, putting it in one's mouth, biting on s-th (not into it)
th'áth'ewem have no taste
th'áth'ikwémet worried about (iy)
th'áth'iyekw be really worried
th'atsemá:lí:ya have aringing in ear
th'átst phone him/her
th'áwém have no taste
- th'áth'ewem have no taste
th'áx̲ey straw, reed-grass
- th'áx̲th'ax̲ey straw, reed-grass
th'áx̲th'ax̲ey straw, reed-grass
th'áyá:m marry bro/sis of deceased spouse
th'ékwetselsxá seventy
th'ékwetselsxó:s seventy (counting dollars)
th'ekwóls seven fruit
th'ekwsále seven (counting people)
th'ekwsáleqel seven (counting containers)
th'ekwsálh seven times
th'ekwsélhp seven trees
th'ékwselsxále seventy (counting people)
th'ekwsíws seven birds
th'ékwth'íkwekw Blue Elderberries
th'eláltel Juniper
th'eleth'qw'á:y trouts (many)
th'elétsxel heel
- th'eth'eth'elétsxel heel
th'elth'á:le hearts
th'elth'ómtsestel slahal bone
th'émtel soapberry spoon
th'emth'ómetsel bracelet
th'emxweláx̲el elbow
th'ép'oyeqw great-great-great grandparent
- sth'eth'ép'oyeqw great-great-great grandparent
th'épiyeqw part of plant where berry hangs
- th'epth'epíyeqw part of plant where berry hangs
th'eplexw to close one's eyes
- th'epth'etplex to close one's eyes
th'epth'epíyeqw part of plant where berry hangs
th'epth'etplex to close one's eyes
th'éq'em to drip (one drip)
- th'áq'em be dripping
- th'íth'aq'em dripping
th'eqw'iyós to box
- th'ith'qw'iyós to box
th'éqw'ōwelh making a basket
th'éqwth'éqwxwel ankle joint
th'esélatel arrow-pouch
th'eséletst throw him/her down on their bum
th'esét bang a container
- th'esth'éset bang a container
th'éstel a nail
th'esth'éset bang a container
th'eth'á:ykwem to squeek (of mouse)
th'eth'ám to chew
th'eth'át chew it
th'eth'ekw'íwetem have worms
th'eth'emí:l thin (material)
th'eth'emí:lstexw make it thin
th'eth'eth'elétsxel heel
th'eth'éx̲ to go out completely (of fire)
th'éts stiff, hard
th'étsáls ringing, phoning
th'etsét harden, harden it
th'étst phone him/her
- th'á:tst phone him/her
- th'átst phone him/her
th'ew worn-out
th'ewí:l worn-out
th'ewt wear it out
th'éx̲ to go out completely (of fire)
- th'eth'éx̲ to go out completely (of fire)
th'ex̲ét small gravel
th'ex̲míl cigarette butt
- th'ex̲th'ex̲míl cigarette butt
th'éx̲tel rattlesnake
- th'éx̲th'éx̲tel rattlesnake
th'éx̲th'ex̲ stinging nettle
- th'éx̲th'ex̲th'ex̲ stinging nettle
th'ex̲th'ex̲míl cigarette butt
th'éx̲th'éx̲tel rattlesnake
th'éx̲th'ex̲th'ex̲ stinging nettle
th'ex̲wá:tsesem to wash one's hands
- th'éx̲wetsesem to wash one's hands
- th'óx̲wá:tsesem to wash one's hands
th'ex̲wélesem brush your teeth
th'ex̲welísem brush your teeth
- th'th'ex̲welísem brush your teeth
th'ex̲welísem brush your teeth
- th'th'ex̲welísem brush your teeth
th'ex̲welwetem to do the laundry
th'éx̲welwétem washing clothes
th'ex̲wépsem wash your neck
th'éx̲wesem to wash your face
th'éx̲wetsesem to wash one's hands
th'ex̲wíl to do the dishes
th'ex̲wíls to wash dishes
- th'óx̲wíls wash dishes
th'ex̲wíqwem wash one's hair
th'ex̲wítsem wash your back
th'ex̲wlísem to brush one's teeth
th'exwmet do a favor for him
- th'íth'exwmet do a favor for him
th'éx̲wmet to feel sorry for him/her, pity someone
- th'íth'ex̲wmet feeling sorry for someone, pitying someone
th'éx̲wó:sem to wash your face
- th'éx̲wesem to wash your face
th'ex̲wót wash it, wash (tr. v.)
th'exwótem (it is) washed
th'éx̲wqéylem wash one's mouth out
th'exwstélémét ask someone a favor
- th'íth'exwstélémét ask someone a favor
th'éxwth'exw ospray, fish hawk
th'éxwth'éxw Ospray, Fishhawk
th'ex̲wth'óx̲wíls wash lots of dishes
th'éx̲wxél:ém wash one's feet
th'í:qw'est punch him/her in the face
- th'íth'eqw'est punch him/her in the face
th'í:qw'et to punch him/her
- th'íth'eqw'et to punch him/her
th'íkw'elexw to frighten him
- th'ith'íkw'elexw to frighten him
th'ikw'ólésem to wink
- th'ith'kw'ólésem to wink
th'íkw'thet to get frightened
- th'íthíkw'thet to get frightened
th'íkwe left(side)
th'íkwekw Blue Elderberry
- th'ékwth'íkwekw Blue Elderberries
th'íkwekwelhp elderberry tree
th'íkwem prickly, scratchy
- th'íth'ekwem prickly, scratchy
th'ímelhp berry plant
- sth'emth'emellhp berry plant
th'iqw'élchep chop wood
th'íset to nail it
- th'íth'eset nailing it
th'ístel horn, antler
- theth'ístel horns, antlers
th'íth'aq'em dripping
th'íth'ekwem prickly, scratchy
th'íth'eqw'est punch him/her in the face
th'íth'eqw'et to punch him/her
th'íth'eset nailing it
th'íth'ewel annoyed
th'íth'ewélmet annoyed with (him/her)
th'íth'ewélstexw annoy (them)
th'íth'exwmet do a favor for him
th'íth'ex̲wmet feeling sorry for someone, pitying someone
th'íth'exwstélémét ask someone a favor
th'ith'íkw'elexw to frighten him
th'íth'ímálá berry-basket
th'ith'kw'ólésem to wink
th'íth'kw'oya runt
th'íth'óyeqw grind
th'ith'qw'iyós to box
th'íthíkw'thet to get frightened
th'ítsemelhp hazelnut tree
th'íwél annoyed
- th'íth'ewel annoyed
- ts'íts'ewel bored, bothered
th'íwélem to bother him/her
th'íwelmét annoyed with (him/her)
- th'íth'ewélmet annoyed with (him/her)
th'íwelstexw annoy (them)
- th'íth'ewélstexw annoy (them)
th'íx̲w please
th'iyeqw'á:ls split firewood
th'íyeqw'elchep split firewood
- th'óyeqw'elchep split firewood
th'íyeqw't split it (firewood)
- th'óyeqw't splitting it (firewood)
th'kw'íwel hemorrhoids
th'kw'íwíyelhp swamp gooseberry
th'kwólh Lillooet People
th'lhákw't pinch (him/her)
- th'ólhokw't pinch (him/her)
th'ó:kws seven
- th'ekwóls seven fruit
- th'ekwsáleqel seven (counting containers)
- th'okwōswelh seven canoes
- th'okwsíqw seven fish
th'ó:yx̲wem to get nervous, excited
th'okwōswelh seven canoes
th'ókwses seven (counting dollars)
th'okwsíqw seven fish
th'ólhem to feel cold, get cooled down, chilled, get cold (of a person)
- th'óth'elhem feeling cold, be chilled (of a person)
th'ólhokw't pinch (him/her)
th'óméls whet-stone, file
th'ómetsel bracelet
- th'emth'ómetsel bracelet
th'ómtsestel slahal bone
- th'elth'ómtsestel slahal bone
th'óqw'em rotten
- th'óth'eqw'em rotten
th'óqweleqw bald-headed
th'óqwet to suck on it
- th'óth'eqwet to suck on it
th'óth'elhem feeling cold, be chilled (of a person)
th'óth'eqw'em rotten
th'óth'eqw'emáléqep smell rotten
th'óth'eqwet to suck on it
th'ōth'ōwex̲ cedar slat baskets
th'ōth'ōwt smash it up
th'oth'óx̲wí:ls to wash dishes
th'óth'qw'émthet rotted
th'ōth'x̲iya cannibal woman, basket ogress
th'ōwex̲ cedar slat basket
- th'ōth'ōwex̲ cedar slat baskets
th'ōwt smash it up
- th'ōth'ōwt smash it up
th'ōx̲iya cannibal woman
th'óx̲wá:tsesem to wash one's hands
th'ox̲wí:ls to wash dishes
- th'oth'óx̲wí:ls to wash dishes
th'óx̲wíls wash dishes
th'óyeqw grind
- th'íth'óyeqw grind
th'óyeqw'elchep split firewood
th'óyeqw't splitting it (firewood)
th'q'elhx̲á:m to kneel
- th'q'th'q'x̲á:m to kneel
th'q'emelétsem collected rainwater
th'q'émqel tap
th'q'th'q'x̲á:m to kneel
th'qw'á:lí:ye punched on ear
th'qw'álewest punched in stomach
th'qw'élqsel punched in the nose
th'qw'íwet punched on butt
th'qw'ó:mthet rotted
- th'óth'qw'émthet rotted
th'qw'ómáléqep smell rotten
- th'óth'eqw'emáléqep smell rotten
th'qwó:lecha gloves, mittens
th'qwó:s punched in face
th'táme raft
th'tes to ring once
th'th'ex̲welísem brush your teeth
th'x̲welwétem to wash clothes, wash clothes, do laundry
- th'éx̲welwétem washing clothes