ts'á:lext branch
ts'á:lq'em teirling (while hanging)
ts'á:ya in-laws after your spouse dies
- ts'its'á:ya in-laws after your spouse dies
ts'a'tem crawling
ts'ahéyelh be praying, having a church service
ts'ákwx̲els to be frying stuff
- shxwts'ákwx̲els frying-pan
ts'ákwx̲t be frying something
ts'áléqel really have to pee
ts'asem toasted
ts'át to chew it
- ts'ets'át to chew it
ts'atem stimmot train
ts'átl'em jumping, hopping
ts'áts'el very
ts'áts'esem good tasting
ts'átselem labour (being in labour)
ts'átx̲em tinkling, clinking
ts'áwi shell (shiny part)
ts'áwi lepót glass
ts'áwi'álá a glass cup
ts'áx to put on (tr.)
ts'áywx be drying
ts'áyxwelwétem to dry clothes
ts'áyxwt drying something
ch'ich'íxwt to dry a bunch of things
- ch'ach'íxwt drying a bunch of things
ts'e'iqel go up a hill
ts'e'ts'éqw' thistle, thorn
- ts'eqw'ts'éqw' thistle, thorn
ts'ech'ó:lwelh on top shelf
ts'ekw'xále twenty (counting people)
ts'ekwx̲á:ls to fry stuff
ts'ákwx̲els to be frying stuff
- shxwts'ákwx̲els frying-pan
ts'ékwx̲t fry (it), fry (tr.)
- ts'ákwx̲t be frying something
ts'eláltxw steal his/her spouse
- ts'its'eláltxw steal his/her spouse
ts'élexw go into inlet
ts'elh'á:y person running around with (insulting)
ts'elhímexóstel walking with each other
ts'elhx̲á:m cry with somebody
ts'elhxwélmexw family (also neighbour)
ts'elqéylt turn it around
- ts'elts'elqeylt turn it around
ts'elts'elqeylt turn it around
ts'élxet look for lice on him
ts'elxwí:wsem relieved (in body)
ts'emts'emxó:ythel jaw-chin
ts'emxó:ythel jaw, chin
- ts'emts'emxó:ythel jaw-chin
ts'epí:wel have a dirty bum
ts'epx̲el to rust
ts'épx̲el have dirty feet
ts'epx̲élqsel have a dirty nose
ts'épx̲es have a dirty face
ts'éq' be surprised
ts'eq'met be surprised by him/her
ts'eqw' hit with arrow, bullet
ts'éqw' get hit by arrow, gun
- ts'éts'eqw' get hit by arrow, gun
ts'eqw'eláxw hit with arrow accidentelly
ts'eqw'elístel a broach, a pin
- ts'eqw'ts'eqw'elístel a brooch, a pin
ts'eqw'ōwelh make a cedar-root basket
- ts'ets'aqw'ōwelh make a cedar-root basket
ts'eqw'ṓwelh Making a cedar-root basket
ts'eqw'ts'éqw' thistle, thorn
ts'eqw'ts'eqw'elístel a brooch, a pin
ts'esémelép weed
ts'esláts saskatoon berry
ts'ésqel golden Eagle
ts'ets'aqw'ōwelh make a cedar-root basket
ts'ets'át to chew it
ts'éts'em seplíl toast
ts'éts'eqw' get hit by arrow, gun
ts'ets'íts'etl'thet get shorter
ts'ets'ó:kw'e skunk cabbages (many)
ts'exweqel to have a dry throat
- ts'exwts'exweqel having a dry throat
ts'ex̲wítsem wash your back
ts'exwts'exweqel having a dry throat
ts'í:met to lick it
- ts'íts'emet to lick it
ts'i:tem swayel Thanksgiving Day
ts'í:ts'etl' short
ts'í:ts'eweló:l indian badminton; grass shiny
ts'í:ts'tl'emeth' short (of a person)
ts'í:yelh to pray
- ts'ahéyelh be praying, having a church service
ts'ílem get onto
- ts'íts'elem get onto
ts'ímel get close to, approach, nearly
- ts'íts'emel getting close to, approaching
ts'ísem to grow
- ts'íts'esem to grow
ts'ít to thank him/her
- ch'ich'ít thanking him/her
- ch'íthómetsel I thank you
- tsel ts'íthome I thank you.
ts'ítl'ewelh short (of a canoe)
ts'ítl'ōwes short (of paddle)
ts'its'á:ya in-laws after your spouse dies
ts'its'eláltxw steal his/her spouse
ts'íts'elem get onto
ts'íts'emel getting close to, approaching
ts'íts'emet to lick it
ts'íts'emostel licking each other's faces
ts'its'eqweló:l Indian badminton
ts'íts'esem to grow
ts'íts'esemt grow it
ts'íts'etl' short
ts'íts'etl'thet get shorter
- ts'ets'íts'etl'thet get shorter
ts'íts'etxel have short legs
ts'íts'ewel bored, bothered
ts'íts'ewelmet bored of it, annoyed with it, fed up with it (of many)
ts'its'lhá:met hearing it
ts'íts'lhá:met to hear (it)
ts'íwelmet bored of it
- ts'íts'ewelmet bored of it, annoyed with it, fed up with it (of many)
ts'íyex̲ést scorch, make it rare (tr.)
ts'íyxweqel to be dry in throat
ts'íyxwt to dry it, dry (tr.v.)
ts'áyxwt drying something
- ch'ich'íxwt to dry a bunch of things
- ts'íyxwthet to dry oneself (v.)
ts'íyxwthet to dry oneself (v.)
ts'kw'éx twenty
ts'kw'éx qas te isá:le twenty-two
ts'kw'éx qas te léts'e twenty-one
ts'kw'exáleqel twenty (counting containers)
ts'kw'xó:s twenty (counting dollars)
ts'lhá:met to hear it
- ts'its'lhá:met hearing it
ts'lhám to hear (it)
- ts'íts'lhá:met to hear (it)
ts'lhimexósem going for a walk together
ts'lhx̲á:m deceased child
ts'meth'meth'ó:les (several) blue eyes, really blue eyes
ts'meth'ó:les blue eyes
- ts'meth'meth'ó:les (several) blue eyes, really blue eyes
ts'ó:kw'e skunk cabbage
- ts'ets'ó:kw'e skunk cabbages (many)
ts'ó:lex̲eth' roll over in bed
ts'ólesem turn one's face away
ts'ólesemet turn one's face away from
ts'óqw't poke it, pin it
ts'óxwelhcha adding water, adding some mor (liquid)
ts'óxwt add it
ts'q'álex̲ (many) black things
ts'q'éyx̲ black
- ts'q'álex̲ (many) black things
ts'q'éyx̲em vanilla extract
ts'qáyex̲iya Mink
ts'qó:ls bare, bald, rock
ts'qw'élá ear-ring
ts'qw'élhp Sitka Spruce Tree
ts'qw'et poke it, pin it
- ts'óqw't poke it, pin it
ts'qw'ít prop up with y-shaped stick
ts'qw'ōstel big copper pot
ts'sa:yelhp Douglas Fir tree
ts'símt grow it
- ts'íts'esemt grow it
ts'tá:m to crawl
ts'tl'ám to jump, to hop (once)
- ts'átl'em jumping, hopping
ts'tl'étl'xel take short steps
ts'xwólhcha add water, add some more liquid
- ts'óxwelhcha adding water, adding some mor (liquid)
ts'xwót add it, add some
- ts'óxwt add it